Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series) Page 10

by Collins, Lea

  “That’s an excellent idea, Molly. Andrew will get things organized so I can start on Marcella’s first dress,” agreed Lily.

  “I would like to treat us to dinner tonight. Not a date, Molly, just friends and co-workers. You pick the place, Andre, and we will leave in about two hours. What do you think?” asked Andrew.

  Andre and Lily agreed but Molly looked uncertain. “Please go with us, Molly. We’ll be like a family celebrating solving the dress problem,” urged Lily. “We will go to a place where there’s dancing.”

  “Okay…like a family,” agreed Molly.

  After Molly left, Andrew looked very puzzled. Lily explained, “Molly just doesn’t go out very often. Her husband died several years ago and she withdrew from everything. We have become good friends and she went out with us once but mostly we get together and sew and talk. Andre checks on her but I don’t think she has any other friends except for her old dancing partner, Tony. She’s so sweet. I love her sense of humor. I’m so glad she agreed to go. Let’s go get dressed. We’ll be by in a couple of hours.”

  When they walked into their apartment, Andre immediately took Lily in his arms and started kissing her. I’ve got to make love to you or I’ll just wilt up and die.” He picked her up and took her into their bedroom and began undressing her. Soon she was naked and she lay down on the bed and spread her legs wide. She ran her finger around herself and then licked it. He was pulling his clothes off as fast as he could and knelt in front of her legs and groaned as he started sucking and licking her.

  “You drive me crazy with wanting you. I think about this all the time.” He continued licking and sucking paying special attention to her clit when she buckled and climaxed. He moved up her body and sucked on her nipple on one breast, then the other. “Harder,” she begged and he obliged. “I want you inside me, hard, fast and deep,” she said. He parted her and thrust his penis already dripping with cum into her vagina. He rode her fast and hard. She scratched his back with her fingernails as she felt the climax coming and cried out when it enveloped her. He drove into her a couple more times, and then pushed deep and hard, shuddering as he reached his own climax.

  Breathing hard, they lay on the bed, sated and exhausted. “Who would have thought you’d be so hot in bed,” Andre murmured. “I get hard every time I see you, think about you, and get near you. All I want to do is make love to you.” “You are pretty hot yourself,” Lily replied.

  “Hey, lover boy, I am sorry to remind you we’ve got to get up, shower and get ready for a big night out,” Lily reminded him.

  Andre stood next to the bed and said, “Lily, let’s get married.”

  She looked startled and replied, “Okay. When?”

  “Tomorrow. We can get out marriage license and have a Justice of the Peace marry us. Later you can have a church wedding with your parents present, if you want. You know how much I love you and I would feel you’re safer if I can legally take care of you,” he said.

  “I will be happy to marry you tomorrow. I love you so much. All I want is you.”

  Chapter 9

  Andre and Lily knocked on Andrew’s door to find him looking handsome and eager to go out. “You two look great and very happy, “he said to them. Andre replied, “We are very happy.”

  Molly was also ready and looked very lovely in another of her chiffon dresses and curly hair like a halo around her heart shaped face and almond shaped brown eyes. Andrew was obviously impressed with Molly and told her how beautiful she looked.

  Andre took them to a large and very popular dinner club complete with orchestra and dance floor. Once seated, they look around with interest. A soloist was singing a slow ballad and a few couples were dancing. The waiter for drink orders came around and Andre suggested they order a bottle of champagne. Andrew asked, “Are we celebrating something?”

  Andre told them, “Lily and I are getting married tomorrow and we’d like you both to attend.”

  Both Molly and Andrew were surprised and speechless for a moment. They both offered excited best wishes and Andrew asked when they made this sudden decision. Andre explained, “I’ve been worried about Lily’s safety and once we’re married, I can chain her to the bed.” Everybody laughed and Andre said, “I want her to be my wife and I don’t see any point in waiting. Neither of us wants a big wedding so we’re going to get the license and be married by a Justice of the Peace tomorrow morning.”

  The champagne arrived and everyone toasted the happy couple. “Hmmm,” said Lily. “I do love champagne.”

  Andre reminded her, “Remember you can have only one glass. I don’t want you dancing on the tables.”

  Both Molly and Andrew looked puzzled and Andre explained, “Lily can’t handle wine or champagne. Two glasses put her in lala land. She gets a real strong desire to dance on the tables. She is strictly a one glass girl.”

  Another slow song had come on and Andre asked Lily to dance to celebrate their last single night. They looked into each other’s eyes and he kissed her gently on the lips. “Andre and Lily are so lucky they found each other and are so much in love. If Lily had married that wimp Jack, she would be very unhappy. I admire her for just leaving him and looking for her dream,” mused Molly.

  “Have you ever been married?” asked Andrew.

  “Yes, I was married for three years but my husband was killed in an automobile accident. I was devastated and didn’t want to live myself for quite a while. It slowly gets easier as the years go by. My friendship with Lily has helped a lot because I didn’t have any friends except Andre who always stopped by to check on me when he got home from work. I actually went out with them once and enjoyed it a lot. I happened to run into my old dancing partner when I danced professionally and went to dinner with him a few nights ago.

  It has been nice to get out a little and tonight is special because of my friendship with Lily and Andre. I feel these are steps toward normalcy. Big steps for me after so many years.” She looked up at Andrew and said, “I don’t usually tell people about that. I hope I haven’t embarrassed you, Andrew.”

  “On the contrary, Molly. I am glad that you trusted me with something so personal. I would like to tell you my story but there isn’t time right now. I don’t have any friends here. Will you go to dinner with me again, just as friends? We can do things together as friends?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face. “Yes, I’d like that,” answered Molly as they were joined by Andre and Lily.

  Their dinner was served and Andrew asked Andre how his salon was going with him being out so much lately. “I have a good assistant manager and she has been managing well. Once we’re married and Lily is busy with you around organizing, I will be able to focus on the salon more.”

  They had finished dinner and a fast number was attracting many dancers to the floor. Andrew asked Molly if she would dance with him. Andrew admitted that he hadn’t danced since he was in college but wanted to give it a try.

  Andrew proved to be a rusty but good dancer and Molly followed his lead with ease. Molly added some moves of her own and Andrew began to relax and enjoy the dance. Once the dance ended, Molly complimented Andrew saying, “You’re doing very well. You just need practice.” “Perhaps you could help me out with that,” he suggested.

  They returned to the table and Andrew commented on what a good dancer Molly was. Lily told him that Molly was a professional dancer years ago.

  A slow song began and Andre suggested, “Let’s all dance this last one of the night.”

  Lily and Andre danced with her arms around his neck and his around her waist. She rested her head on his shoulder and whispered, “Tomorrow we’ll be married.” She could feel his erection as they slowly moved to the music. “Hmmm” was his reaction.

  Andrew and Molly were dancing slowly looking into each other’s eyes, Molly smiled and Andrew asked her what she was smiling about. “I was thinking how beautiful your eyes are and that Andre’s are exactly the same. It’s the first thing I noticed about him. His eyes are so kin
d and caring and he has always been both to me.”

  He responded, “Don’t you want to know what I’m thinking?”

  Molly hesitated, and then said, “Okay, I’ll bite. What were you thinking?”

  “That I’d like very much to kiss you.”

  Molly smiled said, “you really don’t waste time or words.” She reached up and kissed him gently on the lips. “Will that do? I kissed you instead.”

  Andrew said, “That’s not exactly what I had in mind but it will do for now. Will you let me kiss you some time in the future?”

  Molly was surprised at how humble Andrew seemed to be. He looked like a confident, hot, sexy man but she might have been wrong in that assessment. She realized that she automatically distrusted handsome men. “You aren’t divorced yet, Andrew, so you are a married man. Once you’re divorced, ask me again.”

  He smiled and replied, “It’s something I’ll look forward to. Rest assured I’ll ask again.”

  The dance ended and everybody agreed they would like to leave now. In the car on the ride home, they agreed to meet in the morning for Lily and Andre’s marriage. “Let’s ask Jacqueline since she introduced us,” suggested Lily. Andre thought it was a good idea.

  The next morning after showering, Lily tried to decide on which dress to wear. When Andre finished shaving, they both discussed what to wear to their marriage. She decided to wear a cream chiffon cocktail length dress and he wore a black suit. He pulled her hair up into curls on top with a diamond necklace twined between curls. “You look so beautiful. I am a very lucky man,” he told her. Andre called Jacqueline and asked if she could be free a couple of hours in the morning. When she asked why, he told her it was a surprise. She agreed to meet them at the mall entrance at ten a.m.

  They stopped for Andrew, Molly and the happy group went out to the waiting car. At the mall, Jacqueline got in the car and said, “Okay, guys, what’s going on?” When they told her they were going to get married, she clapped her hands and claimed responsibility since she introduced them.

  Andre secured their marriage license and they stood before the Justice of the Peace repeating their marriage vows. It was a short time before the “I pronounce you man and wife” was said and Andre and Lily kissed for the first time as a married couple.

  Jacqueline insisted on taking everyone to lunch so they went to a lounge in the mall. They toasted the marriage with champagne and Andrew hugged Lily, kissed her on the cheek and said, “I’m so happy to have a loving and beautiful daughter-in-law.” Lily kissed him and said, “I’m so happy to have such a wonderful man for my father-in-law.”

  “Due to the expansion of the sewing process, I’m going to need my own apartment. Does anyone have any ideas? I’d like to be downtown, I think,” asked Andrew.

  Andre replied, “I have a tenant moving out the end of this month, Father, if you would like to live in the same building. If you would like more time to get your business affairs settled, we could work out a six-month lease, which I don’t usually do.”

  “That sounds like a sensible option. Then when six months are over, I’ll know more about what the future holds. That will work out fine, Andre, thanks for the offer. Also, I will need to spend some time in Chicago soon. I left matters that need to be settled.”

  Jacqueline said she needed to get back to her shop and the party broke up with Molly asking to be taken home. Andrew offered to take her.

  In the back of the car they smiled at each other and Molly commented, “It’s so wonderful to see two people who love each other so much. It makes me feel warm inside. They seem made for each other.”

  “Yes, I am very happy for Andre that he found someone to love who loves him.”

  He reached for her hand and told her, “I would like to take you out to dinner and get to know you better. Would you consider that? Just as friends. Nothing but friendship, I promise. Would you do that?”

  “Andrew, you haven’t met any other single women yet as far as I know. We don’t know each other well enough, and I’ve already told you I don’t date married men and you are still married. Tell me these things when you are divorced,” responded Molly.

  “Don’t you want love in your life again?” asked Andrew.

  “I honestly have never thought about it, nor have I thought about another man in my life. I don’t want to care for anyone. I like my life as it is, calm and predictable. I don’t mean to hurt you, Andrew, but I am just not interested in a relationship. Look for someone else.”

  “I don’t give up that easily, Molly. When I’m divorced, I intent to ask you again, “replied Andrew. “I didn’t get to choose the first time. This time will be different.”

  “You need to know more women. A man as handsome as you are will have no trouble attracting women. You need to look around more. I hope you aren’t hurt but I feel it is best to be honest up front,” explained Molly.

  “I will accept what you have said for now. Just friends and that’s all,” agreed Andrew.

  Lily called her parents to tell them the happy news. She had been telling them about Andre so they weren’t too surprised. They told her that Jenny and Jack were on a road trip and had not called in a couple of weeks. After Andre talked with them and accepted their welcome into the family, he and Lily walked slowly along the mall.

  They stopped at his salon to tell everyone of their marriage. When he made the announcement, there was a lot of excitement and congratulations as Lily was very well liked by the staff.

  They walked down to Marco’s and told him of their marriage. He congratulated them and offered free drinks. They accepted iced tea and sat at a secluded table in the rear. Marco came over to their table and Lily asked him if he knew anyone who could sew well. Of course, he said he had a relative who was a very good seamstress, his wife’s aunt’s daughter made clothes for everybody including festival dresses and wedding dresses. Lily said she needed an employee and if his relative would be interested, she should bring a sample of her sewing to the apartment tomorrow morning at 11:00. He assured Lily she would be there. “Great!” exclaimed Lily. “If this works out, then I would have some badly needed help.”

  Andre did not look pleased. “I want my wife to concentrate on me, not sewing.” Lily took his hand and gazed into his eyes, “Nothing means more to me than you. If you asked me to give up sewing, I would do it because I love you so much. But Andre, you will be at work all day and I need something to do. I love sewing and once things are organized, I won’t be stressed about getting dresses to Jacqueline. I have already decided her request for ten dresses a week is unrealistic so she will have to be satisfied with what I can get done for her. It is essential for me to have your approval and support with whatever I do.”

  “I’ve been selfish. Of course you need something to occupy you during the day. But I want you to be ready and eager when I get home.”

  “You will always be first. But don’t you see a helper would give me more time and less stress so I could concentrate on you even more?”

  When they were leaving, Marco presented them with a bottle of champagne adorned with a bow for a wedding gift. Lily hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, leaving Marco laughing and blushing.

  “Let’s go tell Molly and Andrew about a possible seamstress,” suggested Lily.

  When they arrived at the apartment, there were two police cars and an ambulance in front. They rushed up to the entrance not knowing what to expect. Andre identified himself as owner of the building and was told that Louis had been hit on the head and knocked out. Someone had pressed the button to open the door and entered the building. The police were presently searching the building for an intruder but so far have not found anyone.

  Lily immediately called Molly and told her what had happened and to keep her door locked. Louis had not regained consciousness and had been taken to the hospital ER. The police thought he had been taken by surprise and hit with a heavy object.

  Andre made arrangements for one of the drivers to replace Louis
for a few days. He called the room Andrew was occupying and there was no answer. He then called his cell phone and Andrew answered. Andre asked his father to return to the apartment building as his help was needed. The police officer reported that the searchers were on the 15th floor and had not yet found anyone wandering around. Andrew arrived and was brought up to date on the recent events. Andre asked his father to take charge at the apartment building while he and Lily went to the Hospital to check on Louis.

  They arrived at the ER and asked for Louis Lopez. When asked if they were relatives, both agreed they were. Shown to his cubicle, Louis was protesting loudly that he did not need to be in the hospital and wanted to be released immediately. Andre took Louis by his hand saying, “Louis, my friend, you had a hard blow to the head and were unconscious. It is important to find out what your injuries are and have them treated. You may have a concussion. What would Rosalee say? Has anyone called her?”

  Louis looked embarrassed and admitted that he had not asked anyone to call her. Andre immediately called her and told her Louis was in the hospital and she said she would be there as soon as possible. The doctor came in and reported that the main injury was the blow to his head and he had already received pain medication for his headache. He didn’t think Louis had a concussion but wanted to observe him for a few hours.

  Andre asked Louis if he felt like telling what had happened. He agreed but said there wasn’t much to tell. A man approached him and asked if a Ray Underwood lived there. He was beginning to respond and the next thing he knew was waking up in the ER. “What did he look like?”Andre asked. Louis closed his eyes trying to remember. “I remember he was not tall, brown hair, dark eyes. He walked up the driveway which I thought was strange. That’s all I can remember.”

  “That’s fine, Louis. I have Eduardo working in your place until you get back. You are to take a few days off with pay. Don’t worry about a thing.” “That Eduardo will mess everything up. He can’t do anything but wash cars and drive. I need to get back soon,” responded Louis. His wife, Rosalee, arrived to hear this last remark and informed him he would stay as long as he needed to stay and she didn’t want to hear any more about it. Louis frowned and Andre felt Louis was in good hands. Lily kissed him on the cheek and hugged Rosalee, telling her to call if she needed anything.


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