Score: A Stepbrother Sports Romance

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Score: A Stepbrother Sports Romance Page 17

by Aubrey Irons

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  Before I know it, I’m ducking out of the party and heading back to my own room, alone - bourbon in my hand and a scowl on my face.



  I take a sip of the whiskey in my hand, sinking back in my hotel bed and staring up at the ceiling as I let the liquid fire slip down my throat.


  All of a sudden, the phone buzzes in my hand, and I can feel my pulse jump as I glance down at it.

  I scowl.

  It’s not Hailey, it’s fucking Meredith.

  I’m up late if you want to finish that interview.

  It’s followed by her room number.

  I take another swig and shake my head. Fucking hell, this woman is forward. Actually, a little too forward even for me. I frown into the whiskey. Sure, I could go over there and make that happen. She’s right down the damn hall, and I know I could do whatever I wanted to her - take her any way I please.

  Or hell, even with that being the utterly terrible idea it is, I could head back to the party downstairs and find something young and strange for the night so I could fuck Hailey right out of my head.


  I’m done fucking around with this and glancing at my phone waiting for a damn text message from some girl.

  I’m taking matters into my own hands.

  I take my phone out and hammer out a quick text to her.

  Better not be having too much fun.

  I scroll back up to the picture of her in that dress and scowl. Yeah, a girl that looks like that at a damn meat-market of whatever college party she’s at is going to have no fucking problem at all finding some “fun” if she wants to.

  The rage burns like a fuse inside my gut, my eyes narrowing as I grit my teeth and glare into the bottle in my hands. I think of Hailey out at a bar or dancing in some frat house party, and I want to fucking destroy any piece of shit that touches her. I imagine some fucking scumbag fratboy sucking tequila off her bare stomach, chatting her up, dancing with her with his fucking hands on her.

  Kissing her.

  Fucking her.

  I see red mist then as the rage almost comes roaring out of me. I’m going fucking insane with the thought of her like that. I can feel the blood pounding hot like lead through my veins, I can feel the sound of my teeth grinding together, and I swear I could crush the damn bourbon bottle right here in my bare hand.

  And that’s when there’s a knock on the door.

  “You look a little tense there, big guy,” Meredith is wearing a trench coat and black stilettos, and she grins coyly when I yank the door open.

  “I’m fine,” I say evenly, slowly letting the air out and trying to get the rage to subside inside.

  She puts on this fake pouty duck-face. “I was worried that you weren’t getting any cell reception in your room, since you never replied.” She arches her brow, stepping into my room and running her hand over my shirt. “You never knocked either,” she husks into my ear as she leans in.

  I frown and shake my head before I reach down, grab her hand, and move it back to her side. “That isn’t happening, Meredith.”

  She grins and bats her eyes in this way that should be getting me hard as a rock. Except now I’ve got Hailey tangled up and twisted inside my head, and it only pisses me off.

  “What’s not happening?” she giggles again before she suddenly pulls at the tie of her trench coat and lets it fall open.

  Apparently, she didn’t find anything at all to wear to go with those heels.

  My jaw tightens.

  She grins as she puts her hand back on my chest and slides it down to my belt as she tries to lean into my neck.

  “Keep your fucking hands off me,” I hiss, shaking her off and leveling my eyes at her.

  Meredith arches a brow as she makes a face at me. “You’re not a closet case or something, are you?” She shrugs, “I mean, that would make one hell of a story, you know.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “No, Meredith, I just don’t mix my personal and public life.”

  “Fine,” she says coolly, pulling her coat shut and tightening the belt. She turns abruptly on her heel and starts walking away. “Your loss.”

  I roll my eyes as I shut the door.

  My phone buzzes a second later from the bed.

  Woudddnt u like to know.. ;)

  I start to grin as I re-read the sloppy, drunk-looking text from Hailey. But then another thought hits me, and then I’m growling as I start to wonder who she’s drunk with.

  I’m still scowling at the phone, trying to think of something to write back - or if I should even write back - when another one comes through.

  Awww…guess u really don’t.

  I smirk as my thumb dances over the keyboard.

  Color me curious.

  I yank my shirt off and lay back on the bed as the phone buzzes back instantly.

  OUt. Rlly good crazy party.

  I’m grinning as I stare at the phone, trying to imagine her with a boozy glow on her face and a flush to her cheeks as she sends me one-eye-closed texts.

  Having fun with your skanks?

  I snort.

  Oh, loads.

  I text her back as I take another sip of booze. The phone buzzes instantly.

  I’m hanging out in my room with a cute boy.

  I can feel the dull heat thud through my veins as my eyes narrow at her text. I can feel the rage churning inside.

  Hang on, he wants to say hi.

  I scowl, and I’m about ready to hurl the phone against the wall and head down to Meredith’s room to make some horrible decisions when the picture comes through, and I immediately start to laugh.

  The picture is a very drunk looking Hailey, her face flushed and shiny from the camera-phone flash, her eyes sparkling, and her perfect, pouty lips pulled back in a grin. She’s in her dorm room, and she looks fucking amazing in that sinfully hot outfit.

  But what makes me laugh is that the “cute boy” she’s with is about fifteen pounds of scowling brown fur.

  It’s her dad’s damn cat.

  Cute date - didn’t know you were into hairy guys.

  I shoot the text back, snorting a laugh.

  Yeah he’s a real bruiser. He’s into biting.

  I chuckle as I sit on the edge of the bed and scroll back to the picture of her, zooming to cut Beasley out and growling as my eyes drift over her.

  She’s flushed and sweating slightly from whatever college dance party she’s just come from, and fuck does she look good in that skirt. Her tits look glorious, her cleavage just pressing up enough out of her top to get my dick stirring between my legs as I drink it in. I zoom a little closer, growling as I focus on the hard little points of her nipples poking through the shirt, and the thought of Hailey’s perfect, bare breasts under that skimpy top has my cock rapidly thickening.

  I think you should wear more clothes like that.

  I grin as I fire off the text, even if I am rolling my eyes at myself for sitting here like a douche waiting for a girl to fucking text me back.

  Lol, I bet you do.

  A second one follows.

  So wat r YOU wearing, pretty boy?

  I laugh - pretty boy? But hey, fuck it. I quickly stand, drop my jeans, and kick them off. I hold the phone in front of me and snap a quick shot of my shirtless torso before shooting it her way.

  You’re making Beasley jealous. Also I think imm overdressed now.

  I grin as my cock throbs hard between my legs. Jesus, she’s straight-out flirting with me.

  And fuck if I’m not gonna run with it.

  I totally agree. Why don’t you ditch the fur-ball and join me.

  I reach down and slip my cock out of my boxers, groaning as I wrap my hand around it and give it a slow tug.

  Lol, bored? One sec.

  A minute goes by, followed by another and then a third. I roll my eyes as I stand and toss the phone onto the bed - this is ridiculous. Hailey is
drunk, and messing with me, and I’m sitting here stroking my cock to fucking text messages.

  I’m reaching for my pants when the phone rings.

  “Incredibly bored,” I say dramatically when I answer the call.

  Hailey giggles. “Awww, poor baby. Are all those skanks just not up to the task of humoring you?” Her voice is quick, like she’s still catching her breath.

  “Boring as shit,” I sigh, making her giggle again. “Do you have Beasley at your dorm?”

  “Heather went with Dad to the game, and they were worried about him since they’re spending the night.”

  “He’s a cat.”

  “Well cats get lonely, now don’t they, Beasley-boy?” Hailey finishes in a sing-song voice. She sighs that drunk sort of sighing breath that comes from two drinks too many. “Anyway, I went to Roxie’s dance party next door, and now I’m back, hanging with my new boyfriend.”

  I grin. “What, no guys catching your eye at Roxie’s party?”

  Hailey snorts. “Not exactly that type of crowd, apparently.”

  “The fun type?”

  “The type with guys.”

  I laugh. “And how was ladies night?”

  “I could never hear another Sleater-Kinney song and die happy.”

  I laugh again as I lean back on the bed, feeling better than I have all fucking night.

  “Anyways, where are you? Aren’t you supposed to be doing tequila shots off of boobs and getting some girl pregnant or something?”

  “Demanding thing, aren’t you,” I say with a grin.

  “Oh you have no idea.”

  There’s a moment of silence, and I debate saying what I’m about to say for about half a second before I just shrug and toss it out there.

  Hey, worst case scenario, she hangs up.

  “So what was this about you being over-dressed?”

  I can hear her snort over the phone, and I can practically feel that glowing pink heat in her cheeks, can almost see her hand as I’m sure it goes to twirl in and toy with the tendrils of her hair.

  “Well why do you think I just left the party and came back here?”

  My brow shoots up as my cock throbs. Well this just got interesting.

  “You’re a little too good at this, you know,” I growl.

  “At what?”

  “Playing the tease,” I say, calling her bullshit.

  “Who says I’m teasing?” She says, her voice husky and smoky and full of something raw that gets my blood pounding.

  “Me. I’m callin’ it right now.”

  “Care to wager on that?”

  I laugh. “On what, you being a tease? Darlin, I’ll take whatever bet you want to make on that.”

  “Tsk-tsk, Mr. Cole,” she says teasingly into the phone. “Play nice.”

  “No promises.”

  She laughs quietly, and I’m just about to change the subject away from this obvious fake-out, when her voice cuts across again. “Fifty bucks says I’m not teasing.”

  She very quickly has my undivided attention.

  “Fifty, huh? And what exactly is the bet?”

  There’s a muffled sound and then Hailey giggles. “Too late, you just lost.”

  I laugh. “I’m not sure I like this game.”

  “Oh, you would if you were here, trust me.”

  I frown. “And why’s that, darlin?”

  “Because I just took my top off.”

  Oh, shit.

  I sit up straight, feeling my blood pumping thick in my veins and my cock throbbing hard between my legs.

  She giggles at my silence. “How’s that for just teasing?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat as I reach down and wrap my hand around my cock. I think about how fucking perfect her tits looked in that skimpy tank top and then imagine her pulling it off her head, her hair catching in it briefly before cascading back over her shoulders and her now bare, perky breasts.

  “I would say it just took teasing to a whole new level, actually,” I mutter, groaning slightly as I stroke my cock. “Besides, I’m still calling bullshit.”

  She laughs, “Oh really?”

  “Yup. If I just lost fifty bucks, I’m going to need some proof.”

  She snorts out a laugh, but then goes quiet.

  “One sec.”

  No fucking way. The line goes quiet again and I sit there in the silence of the room still not quite believing any of this is actually going to happen.

  “I hope you’re sitting down,” she giggles into the phone, and I suddenly feel it buzz in my hands with a text. I take it away from my ear and swap to my message app, and my jaw about hits the floor.

  Holy fucking shit.

  It’s Hailey, utterly naked from the navel to her grinning lips, and she is Goddamn perfect. Her flawless skin shimmers with a slight sheen of sweat from dancing, and my eyes immediately go to her perky tits, high and swollen on her chest.

  She giggles over the phone, making my cock throb even harder in my hand. “What do you think?”

  “I think all sorts of very, very dirty things, actually,” I growl.

  I can hear her breath catching over the phone.

  “Well I hate to break it to you, darlin, but you’re still overdressed,” I say, smirking.

  “Oh is that so?” She giggles again. “And how overdressed am I?”

  I quickly push my briefs down my legs and kick them away. “Hey, I’m just wearin’ a smile over here, sweetheart.”

  There’s a beat before she blows air out of her lips. “Bullshit.”

  “Care to make another wager?”

  “Nope, cause I know you’re crazy enough to do it and I’m not paying you back my hard-earned fifty dollars.”

  I laugh.

  “I still don’t believe you though.”

  I grin. “Sounds to me like someone’s just trying to get a picture of my cock.”

  I hear her breath catch over the phone, and there’s another beat of silence before I hear her voice again - silky, dusky, and raw. “Maybe I am.”

  Yeah, I don’t have to think about this for a damn second.

  I’ve got the phone in one hand and my cock in the other as I quickly snap the picture.

  “You sure about this?” I sigh dramatically. “I mean, this is just going to ruin you for poor Paul.”

  Hailey snorts out a laugh. “You know you really need to deal with that ego.”

  “Hey, you’re the one that had her hands around it the other night.”

  I can hear her breath catch. “That was… it was dark and we were half awake.” She pauses. “I just want to settle this rumor once and for all.”

  “Hey, just warning you,” I say with a grin. “Hope you’re sitting down.”

  I push send.

  “Dalton,” Hailey says with a laugh. “I think you might be obsessed with your- oh, wait, hang on.” Her voice goes distant as she pulls the phone away from her cheek to open the text.

  “Hang on, let me take a look at this world famous-”

  The phone goes quiet, and the grin curls across my lips.

  “Oh. My. God.” Hailey chokes a little on the other end. “Holy fucking shit! Are you kidding me?”

  My grin grows wider as I lay back on the bed. I’m always a fan of girls’ first reaction to my cock, but this one might be my all-time favorite.

  Hailey laughs. “Dalton, what the fuck.”

  “Who’s obsessed now?”

  “I’m not obsessed,” she says quickly.

  “Hot and bothered, then?”

  “Oh my God, you’re incorrigible.”

  “So, curiosity satiated?”

  “Not really, actually,” she says with a giggle. “Honestly, how do you even have sex with that thing?”

  “You want me to show you, you just gotta ask, darlin,” I growl, and the laughter suddenly drops from her voice as she inhales sharply.

  “So,” I tease back. “There’s my proof, now let’s see yours.”

  She giggles, “Are you alwa
ys this pushy?”

  “Hey, if you want to admit defeat, I’ll take that fifty bucks the next time I-”

  “Oh hold your horses.”

  There’s another second of silence, and I idly stroke my cock as I wait for whatever excuse she comes up with to get out of actually doing this.

  The phone buzzes, and I quickly swipe it open.

  It’s a picture of her hand, holding her panties.

  “Aww, now that’s got technicality written all over it, darlin.”

  She giggles, “Well, that’s all you’re getting. Besides, I don’t think you could handle it.”

  “I think I handled it pretty damn well the last two times.”

  Hailey gasps.

  “Am I wrong?”

  There’s another moment of silence. “No,” she says quietly, her voice breathy.

  I’m rock hard, and my pulse is roaring in my ears. “Thing is, darlin,” I growl into the phone, stroking my cock. “I’m willing to make another bet with you that that sweet little pussy has never been handled the way I can handle it.”

  Hailey moans, and I groan as my cock throbs in my hand. “How wet are you right now.” It’s not a question, it’s a demand, and I can hear her gasp over the phone.

  “Very,” she says, her voice heavy. “I’m very, very wet right now.”

  Fucking hell.

  I stroke my hand up and down my shaft. “How wet?”

  “Why don’t you listen?”

  I about come right there as my ear is suddenly filled with the silken wet sound of fingers sliding across her pussy.

  “See?” Hailey husks out, breathing heavily.

  “Fuck, darlin.”

  “Are- are you, I mean-”

  “Jerking my cock picturing your pussy?” I growl. “Fuck yes.”


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