Score: A Stepbrother Sports Romance

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Score: A Stepbrother Sports Romance Page 19

by Aubrey Irons

  “Hey, Cole!”

  I’m just making my way towards her when my presence at the party is suddenly recognized.

  “Duuuude!” Some other douchebag comes over to give me some sort of stupid “bro-hug,” slopping beer on me as he grins at me like we’re best fucking friends. A whole gaggle of girls comes rushing over to giggle all over me, fawning over me, batting their eyes, pushing their tits out, trying to take selfies with me.

  I hate this shit.

  And I don’t have time for it either, because all I can think about is the pink polo-shirt asshole putting his fucking hands on Hailey.

  “Here man, have a beer-”

  “Maybe later,” I mutter, pushing the girls and the guy offering me a beer out of the way. Obnoxiously loud rap music thunders in the darkened room as I shove my way through the crowd.

  “Fancy meeting you here.”

  Hailey jerks her head up at the sound of my voice, her face paling before she narrows her eyes at me.

  I smile at her before I turn my wolf-like grin at the shitbag she’s siting with. “Well don’t we look cozy back here!” I shove a bunch of empty cans and bottles and magazines from the dirty coffee table in front of the couch and plop down right in front of them.

  Douchebag’s eyes suddenly go wide as he realizes who I am. “Oh shit! Motha-fuckin Dalton Cole is in the house!” He pumps his fist in the air in a way that makes me want to pump mine through his fucking teeth.

  Hailey glares daggers at me.

  “Hey, thanks for comin’ by the party, bro!” Frat douche holds a fist out. “Man, it’s so awesome that you-”

  “Has she told you yet?” I say loudly, utterly cutting him off as I nod at Hailey.

  He frowns, his eyes darting to her for a second. “Uh, told me what?”

  “Nothing,” Hailey mutters. “I think Dalton was just leaving,” she says icily.

  Not fucking likely.

  I sigh and shake my head dramatically at the douchebag. “Afraid she’s a lesbian, bro.”

  He arches a brow for second before he starts to grin as he turns to look at Hailey with an even more predatory look. “Shit, girl, I am very open to that.”

  Jesus, what a fucking moron.

  I clap my hand down hard on his shoulder and shake my head. “Naw man, not like that. She’s got a wife and everything back home.” I whistle lowly. “Big scary looking chick - pro-wrestler, actually.”

  The guy frowns.

  “Actually, they’re looking to start a family, if you know what I mean.”

  Frat-douche looks confused.

  “They want to have kids.”

  His eyes suddenly go wide as he looks up at me, the pieces coming together.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Hailey mutters, looking away and taking a big swig of the beer in her hand.

  I ignore her and shake my head at the guy, like I’m sympathizing with him. “Yeah, bro - holes in the condom and all that shit.”

  He shudders as he scowls and glances back at Hailey with a look of horror. “Okay, that is fucked up, babe.” He stands abruptly. “That is so fucked up.” He’s shaking his head and muttering as he grabs his beer and turns back to me. “Thanks for looking out for a bro, bro.”

  “Hey, anytime, bro,” I say with sarcasm that’s clearly lost on this fuck-wit. I ignore his outstretched hand and pat him on the back instead. “Happy to help.”

  I turn back to Hailey after he walks away, snatching the beer out of her hand and taking a swig. “Great guy, really. I think I miss him already.”

  She shakes her head at me, her face livid and her mouth open a little. “Are you actually insane?”

  I grin over the lip of her beer. “You’re welcome, by the way. That guy was like the poster child for date rape. You should thank me for getting him out of here.”

  “Fuck you.”

  I blow her a kiss. “Only if you ask nicely.”

  Hailey narrows her eyes at me before she reaches over and snatches the beer back from me. “Why are you here, Dalton?”

  I shrug, “Felt like a beer.”

  “And so you came to the exact party I was at?”

  “I know! What are the odds, right?” I grin at her as she narrows her eyes at me, knowing full well she doesn’t buy it.

  She smiles thinly, “Aww, are you still frustrated from the other day then? Poor baby,” she coos dramatically.

  My cock twitches at the thought of her bare pink nipples from the other morning begging for a suck and that hot little pussy of hers soaking wet through her panties and yoga pants.

  The thought suddenly makes me think of something, and I raise a brow at her. “I noticed you opened my present.”

  Her face goes dark red in the dim light of the frat-house living room, and I grin wickedly, knowing I have my answer. I lean closer, my eyes flashing into hers. “Could one assume you’re wearing said present right now?”

  She swallows quickly, her eyes meeting mine defiantly. “Maybe.”

  “Just maybe, huh?” I can feel my cock throbbing a little at the thought of Hailey wearing the lace and pearl lingerie right now under that little skirt.

  She rolls her eyes, her face growing red. “I borrowed the skirt from Roxie, and I needed to wear something to walk around in that wouldn’t show a-” she lowers her voice. “A panty line, okay?”

  I lean closer, inhaling the scent of her shampoo, resisting the urge to grab her by the hair and bruise her lips with mine. “And how does that something feel, just ‘walking around’?”

  I can remember the saleswoman selling me on this particular set of lingerie - after asking me to pose for a fucking selfie, of course. I can remember her trying her best to be flirty as she mentioned the purpose of the placement of the string of pearls across said panties.

  “Well, your special lady is going to LOVE these, let me tell you.”

  The placement of the pearls has them strung right across the front of the panties, which makes sure the wearer feels each and every bump of those pearls with the slightest movement.

  Those panties are made for a bedroom, and the fact that Hailey’s been walking around in them all night means I know for a damn fact that her pussy is positively dripping wet at that very moment and she’s probably been on edge for hours.

  She blushes at my question, and I groan inside as I see my answer naked across her face. “They’re- they feel fine,” she says quickly, looking away.

  She jumps as I drop my hand to her bare knee, leaning in closer. “Just fine?”

  Hailey swallows quickly again, her big blue eyes darting back to mine. “Why are you here, Dalton?”

  I grin. “I told you-”

  “You damn well know what I mean. Why are you here? I know you’ve probably got a harem of skanks you could call up and do whatever with.” She rolls her eyes as she takes out her phone and starts tapping away.

  She’s right, and that’s the problem. There are a hundred other girls I could call instead of chasing her down and running off her date with childish antics.

  But for whatever fucking reason, this girl is ruining me. She’s ruining me for any other girl, and ruining every other girl for me. Because for some Goddamn fucking infuriating reason, it’s like no other girl gets me going like she does. No other girl has my cock as hard or my whole world as turned upside down, and no one else has slipped their way inside my head like Hailey fucking Garrison.

  The last girl in the world that should be doing any of those things for me.

  I roll my eyes, brushing off her words. “Oh c’mon, darlin, like you seriously wanted to talk with that guy anyways.”

  She drops her phone into her bag. “Maybe I wanted to do more than talk with him, Dalton.”

  The words hit me like a slap in the face, and I can feel my face darken with pure rage. The possessiveness of earlier comes rushing back with a damn vengeance as my eyes lock on hers, seeing the fire and the defiance there.

  “Over my dead body,” I mutter, my temper

  She rolls her eyes. “Oh, drop the possessive bullshit, Dalton.”

  “Yeah?” I meet her glare head-on. “And why should I?”

  She bites her lip, slowly shaking her head. “Because you have to.”

  Fuck that.

  “If you think I’m going to let some other guy get his fucking hands on you-”

  “Oh please, Dalton! The only reason you’re even interested in me is because I wasn’t begging you to sign my tits or sleep with me the second you met me.”

  “The hell does that mean?” I growl.

  “It means I already told you, I am not one of your other girls, okay?” Her voice rises, her eyes darting across mine.

  “Jesus, there are no other gir-”

  She shakes her head, waving her hands in front of me and cutting me off. “No, you know what, forget it. I have to go home.”


  “My cab’s here, Dalton.” She waves her phone at me, and then she’s up and pushing me away. She’s halfway through the crowd before I can even process what just happened.

  I shove my way out of the party in time to see the cab pull up in front of the frat house for her. I run out and grab her by the arm, pulling her around. “We’re not done here.”

  Hailey turns to look me right in the eyes. “You’re right, Dalton, we’re not done, because we never started.”

  She yanks her arm out of my grasp, slips into the cab, and it roars away, leaving me standing there like an asshole.

  Like hell we’re doing this again.

  I storm down the block to my Escalade, slamming the door shut behind me as I gun the engine and roar away from the curb.

  Girls have never walked away from me - not ever. And I’ll grant that Hailey’s not “other girls”, but she’s proved that half a dozen times now. Six times she’s turned her back and left me hanging with my dick in my hand while she sauntered away.

  And I’ll be damned if I let it happen a seventh.



  I’m barely out of the cab in front of Heather’s house when Dalton’s Escalade screeches to a halt at the foot of the driveway.


  I ignore him, slamming the cab door shut and stomping my way up the driveway in my high heels towards the back door.

  “Goddamnit, Hailey!”

  “Leave me alone, Dalton!”

  I’m fishing for my keys as I get to the back door, but then I’m gasping as he whirls me around, pulling me against him right there in the driveway.

  “You know what, I lied before, we are done here,” I glare at him. “Let go of me, Dalton, I’m going insid-.”

  “You’re half right.”

  I scowl at him. “What?”

  “What you said before, about you ‘not being one of my girls’.” His face is fierce as he pulls me close, his scent invading my senses, his eyes piercing right into mine. “You’re half fucking right.”

  “Whatever, Dalton. I’m over it,” I hiss, turning for the door. “And we are not having this conversation in the fucking driveway.”


  I shriek as his arms go around me, lifting me up off the ground and over his shoulder. “Stop that!” I hiss, my fists pounding down across his back. I gasp at the feel of the night air against my bare ass with my skirt hiked up practically around my waist. “Get your damn hands off me, you caveman!”

  He says nothing as he marches towards the garage with me slung over his shoulder.

  “Damnit, you prick, let me go!” I bring my hand down as hard as I can on his back, hearing him grunt at the impact. He says nothing as he kicks open the side door to the garage.

  I bring my fist down again, and this time I feel him tense. “That’s it.”

  I don’t even have time to think about what he means before I feel his open palm comes down across my bare ass, and I shriek as the sting of his hand tingles across my skin.

  Oh my fucking God, did Dalton just SPANK me?

  “Did you just spank me?!”

  He chuckles as he kicks the door shut behind him. “Yup. And I’ll do it again if you don’t quit it.”

  I squirm against him, biting my lip to stifle the moan as the movement has the pearls on my panties rolling over my lips. I almost didn’t wear them out earlier, when I first tried them on, once I realized what those damn pearls were for.


  But God did they make me feel sexy. I’d never worn anything remotely close to something like that, and the sensual feeling of doing something “naughty” by wearing them was too much to resist.

  Except, wearing them was clearly a mistake, since they’ve been maddeningly teasing me since I left the house. The little bumps of the pearls rolling over my clit have had me soaking wet all damn night.

  And Dalton damn well knows it.

  I gasp as his hand comes down again, across the other cheek this time, and my face flushes as the electric shivers tingle through my body. I can feel how damn wet I am as the strand of little beads bumps agonizingly over my clit, and I briefly wonder if he can tell how turned on I am.

  Of course he can.

  Dalton slings me off his shoulder onto my feet, pressing me against a work table in the garage with his hands on either side of me. I go to shove him away, but his hands grab my wrists and shove them back behind me as he presses his body against mine.

  We’re eye-to-eye, burning into the other’s gaze, our breaths panting as I match his fierce look with my own.

  “And just what the hell do you mean about being ‘half right’, huh?” I spit out, feeling the electric tingle of his hands on my wrists, the palpable heat roaring between us.

  “What the hell is that even suppose to-”

  “You’re sure as shit not just one of my girls, Hailey,” he growls, the hollows of his cheeks darkening as his jaw clenches.

  “You’re the only one.”

  My breath catches in my throat as the room goes utterly silent.

  “You’re the only fucking one I can think about, the only damn one I want,” he growls, his face an inch from mine.

  “You- you said half right,” I whisper out.

  His jaw tightens again as his eyes pierce right into me. “You’re right about not being ‘just another girl’, but your damn wrong about one thing.”

  I almost can’t even open my mouth to ask it, but I do, the words barely grazing my lips. “What’s that?”

  “You are gonna be mine, darlin,” he breathes right against my lips. “And you’re going to be mine right here, right now.”

  Oh, God…

  And suddenly he’s kissing me, and everything else just blows away.

  I moan as his lips crush into mine, and I just sink into him. His hands slide into my hair and cup my jaw, and he growls as he claims my mouth, kissing me hard.

  I gasp when he breaks the kiss, his lips moving down across my cheek to my neck - nipping at the skin there, making me shiver. He moves his body hard against me, and I whimper as I feel his thick cock pressing hotly against my leg. His hand slides to my breast, cupping it as his thumb brushes electricity across my nipple through the dress.

  “Didn’t wear the bra?” His words rumble into my ear, making me gasp.

  “Mm-mm,” I shake my head slowly. “It- it didn’t go with the top.”

  “Dirty girl.”

  Suddenly I moan as I feel his hand sliding over my hip and pulling at the slinky material of my skirt.


  But I lose my words as I feel his hand delve down between my legs and under my skirt, his fingers sliding across the soaking wet lace of my panties and the slippery pearls still rubbing against my pussy. I whimper as he pulls at the strand, rubbing it back and forth and back and forth across my aching clit and making me arch my hips towards him.

  “Christ you’re wet,” he growls into my ear.

  “It’s your fault,” I husk, biting my lip as the pearls rub across my clit.

  “I kn
ow,” he says with a low chuckle in my ear.

  I roll my eyes and bite my lip as the heat pools between my legs. “I meant for buying me these infuriating panties.”

  Dalton chuckles again as his teeth graze my earlobe. “Oh, it’s the panties is it?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I moan, feeling my breath catch in my throat as I drop my head back.

  “So it’s got nothing to do with me.”

  “Nope, nothing at all,” I manage to croak out. “Purely technical reasons with these stupid pearls.”

  “Oh, these pearls?” He pulls on the string of them, sawing the nubs of the beads one by one over my clit as the strand pulls between my lips. I cry out, my fingers digging into his biceps as I feel the electric shock go firing through my body.

  “Shit, Dalton…” I whimper out, panting as he lets the pearls rub over and over my clit.

  “You sure it’s got nothing to do with knowing how much I want to taste you?” he growls into my ear, making my head spin as he starts to rock his hips against me in time with the tugging of the pearls.

  “Or,” he sucks my earlobe between his lips sending a direct signal right to my center. “Or are you sure you’re not dripping wet for me because you know how fucking hard my cock is for you right now?”

  He grinds his hips against me for impact, and I moan as I feel the full thick length of him right against my thigh.

  Fuck, I want him.

  We’re exactly where both of us know we shouldn’t be, and yet there’s no putting this genie back in the bottle. Letting things get to this point is a terrible idea with Dalton, with us being who we are, and our parents, and the fact that in a few months, I’m gone.

  In a few months, I’ll be in New York and on with my life, and Dalton will be winning football games and sleeping his way through half the sororities in North America.

  In a few months, my dad will marry his mom, and then nothing like this can happen again.

  Except here, in the present, his lips move back to mine, and then he’s kissing me again as the whole world spins beneath my feet.


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