Vampire Nation 1: Titan's Story

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Vampire Nation 1: Titan's Story Page 7

by Joe Fowler

  “Really? I didn’t know that was being done. Of course, I am still new and don’t know much at all yet.” I hoped my shock wasn’t too evident.

  “The rich who are brave enough, pay a certain amount to be turned. The poor ones become donors for a required amount of time. Both groups still must face the ten fights. The gauntlet can’t be avoided.” She sat back in her chair.

  “I heard about that. I must say that I agree with it. If not for the fights, too many humans would want to be turned.” I spoke the truth, in a way. I don’t agree with making sport of life and death but I do agree with keeping the vampire population under control.

  “You are one of only a few young ones to agree with it then. The council made it law because we knew how bad it would be to have too many of us running around killing humans. All of us had seen the fights at the Coliseum in Rome. We had been in Greece for their versions of the same thing. Every culture was bloodthirsty enough to enjoy the spectacle. We used the fights to guide and control the making of new vampires. Anyone caught making a vampire on the side is put to death. The council has spies in almost every old one’s camp. We keep a check on things. We started this around 200A.D. It has been like this ever since.”

  I wasn’t focused strongly but I could still see her distaste for the fights. I was momentarily at a loss. Speedy and the rest of them were so angry at Arria for doing this to them and she hated it herself!

  “It makes sense. When I see vampires like Justin and Hercules, it gets tough to take though. Justin’s gift would be a wonderful thing for a free vampire and he seems to be good natured. Hercules is fun loving and nice to hang around with. Both of them will die in these fights. If not this round, then soon enough.” I spoke the truth. I wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear it or if she would be upset with us becoming friends.

  “I am trying to decide between Apollo and Blade for Justin’s name. He doesn’t really have the toughness to pull off Apollo, though. You are right about his gift. I still miss the sun.” Arria sighed and looked at me sadly. “Did you see that movie with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise as vampires?”

  “Yes, I saw it.”

  “That scene where Brad Pitt’s character goes to the movies and gets to see the sunrise, hit home with me. I wept when I saw a movie in color showing the sun. After thousands of years, I still miss it.” The sadness was real. You didn’t need to read her mind to see it.

  “I was laughing with Trog. Since there weren’t any windows or clocks around, it has been feeling like I am suspended in time. With no obvious displays to tell me what part of the day it is, everything runs together. Day and night, night or day, it’s all the same.” I wanted to lighten the mood but this was the best I could come up with.

  Through all of this, I never once forgot who I was speaking to. Arria was letting her guard down but she is still the old one who controls my fate. I knew I needed to remember that.

  “I never really thought about that part of it. I guess you guys really don’t know, do you? I might need to do something about that when we get back.”

  There was a knock on the door. Arria rose to answer. I had intended on going but she moved faster than I could. Much faster than I could. One more obvious reminder of who I was talking to.

  Two women entered when Arria opened the door. One was a tall blonde, the other a Goth fan with jet black hair and piercings. Arria sent the Goth girl to me. I heard Arria’s thoughts as she drank. The taste of blood was intoxicating to her. She loved every drop.

  I drank but didn’t share Arria’s feelings about the taste. This girl’s memories were heartbreaking. She had been abused as a young child and grew up in an orphanage during her teen years. I did find out that we were in England. At least that was something more than I knew before. I stopped when I sensed her breaking point was near.

  The girl smiled at me and left before I could thank her. Arria’s donor left with her. Once again, I was left alone with Arria.

  Arria’s thoughts were racing. She was searching for topics we could discuss. She didn’t want me to leave but she felt she needed a reason for me to stay.

  “What is the mood like between the fighters? You guys are getting along pretty well by the sound of it. That doesn’t always happen.” She settled on this to see where it would lead. “We’ve lost fighters from time to time from disputes between each other.”

  “We had a good meeting, of sorts, this morning. Trog and I were talking when Speedy, Hercules, and Penny saw and joined us. Later on, Justin happened by and saw us. He joined in as well. We got along fine. Speedy even seems okay with finding out that I am faster than he is.” I smiled at the shock of liking Speedy after my initial opinion was proven wrong. “Ghost doesn’t seem to want to have anything to do with us, but he would be welcome too.”

  “You know we don’t like for the fighters to get too close, but some friendship is a good thing. I would take it that you help each other when you spar, right?”

  “Yes. When one of us sees a way to help another, we point it out. We have a good group, although both Justin and Hercules know they may not last much longer. Justin says he is shocked that he survived this long.”

  “Truthfully, so am I. He has been lucky on his draws for his fights. Neither of his opponents had fighting gifts either. One of them was a healer of all things. That is rare among us and very out of place.” Arria seemed to feel more deeply about that but I couldn’t see it before she had it back out of her mind.

  “That mind control gift was a little scary. We all agreed that would be a tough one to face. Penny and Trog would be able to know it was coming but the rest of us would be helpless against it. Trog said she had to make eye contact but if we don’t know ahead of time, how could we know to avoid the eye contact?” I prattled on more than I had planned. When I looked at Arria again, she was smiling.

  “You have the answer to all of the gifts they might possess. As soon as the announcer teleports, attack before they can even begin. Your speed is far greater than any you will come across during your fights. Attack before they can act against you. It is pretty simple.” Arria stated this plainly. I knew it was the truth.

  “That is the plan I will go with. Trog said it is good to drink from them before I take their heads. I guess I will do that each time too.” I threw that in without thinking it through. I was surprised I said it.

  “It is a matter of dominance to many of the old ones. They like to see it. Since you are in no real danger in the arena, you can do as you prefer on things like that. Like I said earlier, you should drink when you get the chance. Vampire blood fills us and keeps us strong just like human blood does.”

  I felt in her head gingerly. I wanted to see if she still wanted me here. I was learning a lot and I was actually enjoying her company. One part of my mind kept returning to the fact that she wasn’t wearing underwear but I was trying to stay focused.

  As it turns out, she did want us to keep talking. She was relaxing and felt unusually comfortable with me. She didn’t normally feel this way when talking to her fighters. I could see that plainly enough.

  “Not sure how to say this or if I even should, but was there ever a Mr. Arria?” I asked her with a smile.

  “Long ago.” She smiled. I saw some images go through her head but she wasn’t focusing on any of them long enough to give me any information. “He wasn’t meant for immortality. Some aren’t. It usually happens around the five hundred year mark. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. It is weird how some, like me, can’t get tired of living when others can’t handle too many years. It is hard to explain. I don’t know whether it is boredom, exhaustion, or something entirely different for them. Sometimes a vampire quits. Something inside of them dies and they just kind of fade out. They quit drinking blood, quit feeling, and then they watch the sunrise to end their suffering.”

  She said this sadly. I felt for her. Her mind was flashing through image after image of vampires she had lost that meant something to her. It must be hard to have outlived so m
any that you care about.

  “I’m sorry. I wish I hadn’t asked. I didn’t want to make you sad.” I meant every word. I came into this room nervous and afraid of her. I thought of the anger that Speedy and the others felt toward her and knew it was no longer in me to feel that way against her.

  “You need to know these things. It is all but written in stone that you will have a very long life ahead of you. You need to be aware of the limitations of this existence, not just the thrills.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Love is the hardest thing to come by when you are a vampire. When a human sheds their mortality, they lose so much of their decency and inhibitions that they usually become completely self-serving. It is hard to trust another vampire for that reason. You never know if it is real or if they are using you for their own gain.”

  I sat in my chair listening to my thoughts. I pulled out of her head completely. I was growing confused again.

  Am I supposed to grow strong enough to kill the old ones? That is what Speedy and Hercules clearly expected.

  Justin hoped I would do what is right. He didn’t know what was right. Unfortunately, neither do I.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” Arria asked.

  “More than anything, I am trying to get my brain to catch up to my current situation. I was washing dishes wishing my shift would end. The next thing I know, I am being thrust into a life or death fight. Now, I’m talking to a woman who is both the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and the most dangerous being I have ever imagined outside of God himself. I am trying to keep up but it isn’t easy.” I spoke with open honesty. I wasn’t going to go into the details that would get me killed but the things I did say were all truth.

  “Don’t let yourself get too overwhelmed. You will have a great many years to work your way through everything.” She said, in a soothing manner. I felt her gift then. She filled me with a calmness like you can’t imagine. Every muscle relaxed so much that I almost slipped out of my chair. She laughed a little and backed off enough for me to maintain muscle control. I smiled at her.

  “Is that your gift?” I knew it was but needed her to say it.

  “Yes. I can control emotions and cause the bodily responses that correspond with those emotions. It helps me keep everyone in line. I’m sure you’ve noticed the nervousness when you were around me before. That is helpful in making sure the fighters keep their respect for me. I don’t like for problems to arise. If a little fear helps keep control, then so be it.” Arria tried to smile but it faded before it happened.

  I searched her mind to find the cause. She was thinking of Ares, the other vampire who had the gift I have. She was the one to finally bring him down. The old ones were losing the fight when she caused Ares to become overwhelmed with fear and confusion. He had seen through the illusions, fought the mind control, and outlasted every attempt they had made to stop him. It was her gift that he couldn’t overcome.

  “Why are you so sad?” I asked her.

  She looked up at me and found the smile she lost before. It was a sad smile though. It took her a minute to answer.

  “A bad memory.” She shook her head and looked around. I could see her trying to make a decision. Keep me here for some fun, or send me to my quarters. The sad thing is, I wasn’t entirely sure which way I wanted her decision to go. “You need to go. We will have more talks. It is refreshing to speak to you. I don’t know why that is but I have learned not to argue with a good thing. I will summon Cerrus to guide you.”

  Arria went to a different rope and pulled it once.

  “Thank you for tonight. I learn so much when we talk.” I told her and couldn’t help but add, “It is really great to get to know a little more about you.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” She smiled. The knock on the door meant Cerrus was here. Arria darted to the door at a speed my eyes couldn’t follow. She let Cerrus in. “Cerrus, take Titan to his quarters. He has fed so you won’t need to take him to the donor room.”

  “Yes. Arria.” Cerrus said with a slight bow.

  I went to the door and made the same bow.

  Cerrus was in a much better mood now than when he led me to this room. He seemed overly happy that I wasn’t spending ‘quality time’ with Arria. He admitted to himself that it still might happen since she seems so taken with me.

  I was at a cross between humor and wonder at his train of thought. Did he have feelings for Arria? I hadn’t seen that in his mind. He seemed to have an overwhelming hatred for her. Why did he care so much whether or not I slept with Arria?

  We arrived at my room before I could get the answer out of his mind.

  Chapter 5

  I woke up rested and refreshed. At least there was one really good thing coming from this new life, unlife. My insomnia was cured. I could even manage naps from time to time, like on the plane trip. I liked it.

  I took a better look around my room. I wasn’t paying any attention after Cerrus left. My mind was working through all that Arria had said and I didn’t care about the room I was in enough to inspect it. Now, as I looked around, I saw I was wasting my time. It was small and uninteresting just like my room at Arria’s facility.

  I sat back on the bed and wondered what today would bring. I figured our group would spar some though I wasn’t sure of that. I was still too new to this life to know what to expect. I guessed time would be the teacher.

  I listened out with both my ears and my mind for Trog and the others. I wasn’t hearing anyone in the hallway outside my room. It was an hour, or maybe five minutes, after I woke that the first noises began. It was only one, Hercules, at first. Then after a few minutes, Penny and Justin could be heard.

  “Good morning, Ethan.” Penny thought to me as she passed by my door.

  “Good morning, Penny. Is Trog awake yet?” I asked her.

  “Yes, but give him a few minutes to stir. We were up late last night talking.” She informed me.

  “I can be patient if he doesn’t take too long.” I told her. I was rewarded by her laugh, mentally and out loud.

  I went back over the talk I had with Arria. She seemed so human, pardon the irony, last night. I knew I didn’t want to betray her trust. I wondered how much of our conversation I could keep from Trog and Penny. Then I began wondering if I should try to keep any of the conversation from them.

  I wasn’t usually one for mental debate. I usually saw the right way to do things and didn’t question it. When I had a tougher question, I usually just picked a side and stuck to it, right or wrong.

  Arria had been open and honest with me. I could feel her letting her guard down. I could sense how unusual it was for her to do that. It meant even more for her to be opening up to one of her fighters like she did with me. It might have seemed different if she had been talking to one of her old friends that she knew she could trust. Of course, that thought brought to mind the part of our conversation where she told of how hard it is to trust any vampire. All these things kept going around and back again in my head.

  I went through both sides of my dilemma. I weighed the pros and cons as best I could. I decided to limit how much I told Trog. I would hit the parts that wouldn’t betray Arria but hide those that would.

  Once I made that little decision, I began to shuffle those thoughts to the back of my mind. I would try to concentrate on the things I could speak openly about. Maybe a little preparation would help.

  I grew tired of waiting on Trog and opened the door to the hallway. I looked up one beige hallway and down the other way. No one was in sight. I was about to close my door and return to the bed when Trog opened his door.

  “Good morning.” I told him.

  “Good morning. Did you have an interesting talk with Arria?” Trog asked. I casually brought to mind some of the things I felt okay with talking about.

  “I helped her name me.” As I said this, Ghost walked out of his room. He gave Trog and me an unconcerned look of boredom and walked off. “I am Titan now.”

  “Titan.” Trog thought it over and liked it. I could see his mind working through the name and how it would be seen in the arena. He thought we had chosen well. “I like it. Anything else interesting?”

  “Some. We talked about a lot of stuff.” I smiled remembering about the clocks. Trog saw this in my mind and got excited.

  “Really? We might get to know what time it is. That would be great. I was tired of not having a time reference already but it has been worse since you brought it up to me. Thanks for that.” He spoke in mock sarcasm. He was laughing inside.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, how can I get my hands on a toothbrush?” I didn’t feel right without starting my day by brushing my teeth. “Got to keep the fangs clean.”

  “Cerrus can handle that for you.” Trog was telling me this when Speedy came out of his room. He looked like he hadn’t slept much.

  “Good morning.” I told him.

  “G’morning. Any word from Cerrus?” He asked.

  “Not yet.” Trog told him.

  Speedy was thinking of the sparring they had done while I spoke with Arria. It was a short session but they seemed to get a lot done. They were concentrating on helping Hercules and Justin to give them whatever chance they could in their next fight. He hoped we would get more time to continue helping them.

  I still couldn’t get over the turnaround in Speedy. That first night he seemed to be the worst sort and I was sure I didn’t want anything to do with him. Now, he had shown me his better side and I was truly glad to call him a friend.

  “We normally start early when we travel. I hope they keep that part the same. I like to get the blood flowing in the morning.” Speedy’s thoughts were then sent into a whirlwind by the question of heartbeats and exercise for vampires. He tried to shake the thoughts but they kept coming back to him. Trog and I both had smiles on our faces as we watched him. When he saw our smiles, Speedy flipped us off and laughed. “I can’t help it.”


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