Bellator: An Anthology of Warriors of Space & Magic

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Bellator: An Anthology of Warriors of Space & Magic Page 18

by A. L Butcher

  They looked like Death reincarnated into feral zombie warriors. They had a mix of black blood, old scars and endless brawn beneath heavy mesh armor. Diana kept her speed up, diving over the fallen trunk. The sound of the axe was near her again. With her knife gripped firmly in her hand, Diana roared and went to make a swift cut in the bald one, just enough to slow him down.

  She would not escape every time they tried to take her at once. Diana got herself far enough away from the smaller one and stuck her knife into his arm pit. She made the slash in an instant, in and out.

  Diana did not hear his grunt of pain as she trapped his companion between her limbs and slashed his throat. Then followed the gurgles, liquids and the death stench. The demons rasped and wheezed.

  As the bald one had recovered, the fire inside made her more aggressive. The other body twitched, the demons trapped in it. She needed to destroy it soon, make it disappear, or else the entities might be rescued by their high master.

  The bald one was already dead in her eyes as she laid her hands upon him. He dropped his axe and fell to his knees, crying out. It was strange. She had not yet taken her knife to his neck. But the disintegration began.

  Smoke came from beneath his mesh. It wasn’t usual for her to kill someone this way. It was normal for this to happen once her enemy was dead. To kill the spirit and make the remains disappear.

  Then Diana noticed that his eyes had cleared. They were no longer covered by the rotten membrane, but clear and blue. The hissing had lessened. There was only one now. And his eyes looked…kind. Diana removed her hands, still racing with fury but now mixed with confusion. If this was a trick, she would be dead.

  “Benedict…” he said, his eyes watering now. “My name is Benedict.”

  Diana said nothing as she grabbed his axe and went to the body of his former comrade. She chopped off his head and placed one hand on the extremity and one hand on his torso. The remains began to crumble. Benedict’s axe remained intact as the weapons of the other became nothing but powder. The devil screamed in her ear and then silenced forever, the fragments blowing away in the wind. Rejected by this earth.

  Taking Benedict’s weapon, Diana walked slowly towards him as he lay on the ground, still nursing his wounds. She threw it beside him.

  “I know not what force saved you from your possessor, but had it not intervened, you would be nothing. No soul, no afterlife, no remains.”

  The wind picked up around them. Diana could see the burn marks where her hands had been upon him. Benedict closed his eyes at the relief.

  “We knew of the conjuror. We knew he was able to possess the minds of any. But amongst us warriors, we never fully discussed how. I knew that the only way I could be overcome was by having my wishes invaded. Such a silly thing, more the realm of dreamy young girls. So, I locked them away and created covers. So only the pure of heart would be allowed to truly know me. I was a stranger to those voices. I was a stranger to…myself.”

  The air near him was surprisingly sweet as he struggled with his breath. All the wickedness had left him. He would live.

  Diana finally spoke, her voice silvery on the damp forest wind. “Not all of us could resist them by will alone. We have to have…our ways.”

  “No, we are not all like Frederick,” Benedict replied.


  It was like an answering call of her siblings. Their voices, mixed with the conjured ones.

  “I shall leave you now, Benedict,” were her only words as her feet set off in the direction of where she knew her siblings would be.

  It was only a short distance, but Diana was there in half the time it would have taken one of the protectors. Now, she was at the clearing where Frederick trained some of the men, which was also near her village. She’d forgotten how beautiful it was. On the border of the mountain, the forest and field.

  Diana swore she could smell the sea. She was at one with all the glories of the their world, all the sights, fragrances and sounds that made hearts soar. But Diana knew that her home was the forest. Deep inside the embrace of the woods, she would never be lonely.

  Then, the stench of rotten souls invaded her, and she experienced the violation of the world’s beauties.

  She could hear Master Aaron’s voice in her mind. Every little choice we make, even every tiny little thought, has an impact on all. Blessed are those whose mind and heart live effortlessly in the realm of goodness. It is they who inspire us who war with ourselves and others to carry on. To fight and kill for righteousness, to die at the hand of terror itself. Without the pure of heart in this world, the horror, the stench and the agony of Hell itself would consume us all. Are you at peace with yourself, Diana? Know yourself and all your desires. In order to be in control of the strongest part of yourself…

  “Diana.” Master Aaron’s words were interrupted. She turned and there was Frederick, coming out of the tent. All around, there was an audience of villagers, of warriors. Frederick had Mina by the arm. Diana’s heart broke, her hand flew over her mouth, and she commenced weeping, before stopping herself. Mina was pale, though her eyes were not coated with the tell-tale sign of evil. She was lost, searching but not wishing anyone to notice her plight.

  “Mina,” Diana said. Frederick had told her of what Marcus had done to their little sister, but the sight of her was almost too much to bear. Then the wind changed and the sweetness that was Mina was tainted by something else.

  Looking from Mina to Frederick, there was a mist over his eyes. This could have been enough to defeat all.

  “My God, Frederick, not you too.”

  Frederick spoke then.

  “This is the only way. It would be kindest for Mina if we finish what Marcus began. It is cruel for her to live this way. Our brother has stirred up forces from beneath our realm that cannot simply be put back. We need to make a sacrifice.”

  Everyone around watched with open eyes, though the postures of all were as though a sleeping draft had been put in their drinks. No one’s blood was racing, no hearts were pounding. Except Mina’s and her own. Diana drew her knife and faced him fully.

  “Your voice is not your own,” she stated. “Where is Marcus?”

  “We can help him. He could be with us again, as our sibling. We can cure him, we can cure the sickness of our own world. I do not wish to kill our beloved sister, but what existence will she have? Living in a constant state of heartbreak? How could you wish this for her, for us?”

  “You are not yourself. I can hear you, Marcus.” Diana leaned forward, directly addressing the spirits infecting her brother.

  “You’ve always thought me wayward!” Marcus’s voice came out more distinctly from Frederick, whose eyes clouded further. He gripped Mina tighter and she turned her head to the side, again in a gesture of seeking.

  “We’ve tried with you…” Diana felt her heart soften. Sorrow-filled, she continued to advance, knife in hand.

  “It is best if you do it, sister!” Marcus’s voice mixed with Frederick’s. He pushed Mina forward and exposed her neck. “It will prove what you would be willing to do, how far would you go to save someone who needed saving! There is nothing we can do for Mina! Join me! Join me, sister!”

  Diana came closer, then she heard Frederick’s voice say, “You are with me…”

  Where Marcus’s own body was, she did not know, but he was using both of their siblings as a shield. Frederick was his vessel, as the Netherworld entities subdued Frederick’s own soul. The mixed scents of purity and rot were confusing. There was no way of knowing what Marcus had done with his own body.

  She could see their reasoning, and the hissing sounded in her ears. Only her own cooperation and Frederick’s, plus Mina’s blood, would sate the Netherworld King.

  Diana felt her own soul heat. Then she charged, grabbing Mina harshly and holding her knife above in a gesture of sacrifice. An unearthly vibration pulsed mightily. This was the glory. This was ecstasy, to know that nothing, nothing could stop you. Diana wielded a g
reat force.

  Shoving Mina to the ground so hard that she cried out, Diana woke from her confused stupor. Her possessed brother realized this and raised his sword. She blocked it with her knife just in time, but was shoved to the ground. Frederick’s strength was greater than she ever remembered. There was no way to best him this way.

  “Never, brother, never would I kill the innocent. You’ve made your choices, you’ve taken up a sword. Now this is between us,” Diana said, sprawled on the ground. She was addressing both her brothers.

  Frederick released a terrifying roar and swung his sword down upon her. Diana rolled at the speed of light, coming towards Mina. That was where he struck next. Frederick’s battle stance was almost unbreakable, but with all her might, Diana swung her legs around his ankles, tripping him to the ground so his blow missed.

  She backed away from him just in time to avoid his next strike in her direction. Not completely evading the blade, her lower back was sliced deeply.

  “Ah!” Diana cried out from the sharp cut. It wasn’t deep enough to get to her organs, but she could feel the wound open and close with her every move. And move she had to. Speed was her only weapon.

  Marcus’s voice came clearly through the air, “Kill her, Frederick. She is an abomination, a murdering witch. She would kill your best men while they slept. It is her, she is the one doing the slaying. She is a cold bitch, an assassin in the darkness. We cannot trust her, for it is in her nature to be sneaky. We’ll never be guaranteed loyalty.” At Marcus’s words within himself, Frederick’s eyes widened in comprehension.

  He was being convinced by the devils of Diana’s guilt. She was his enemy.

  “Do not fight me with your witch knife. Go and get a sword, let us battle as equals. Let everyone see your skill. I know how so many quietly thought you would be a greater warrior than I. Over there, Diana.” Frederick’s words dripped with malice and her heart dropped. The audience had watched numbly, then Mina was at her side.

  “He wants you to fight him with this,” her small voice said in monotone. Still seeing her baby sister, Diana’s eyes filled when she beheld her ethereal, now grownup sibling.

  “I will do all in my power to help you. But if you wish to sacrifice me, sister, I would accept it.”

  Diana gazed upon Mina for a second longer. “Stand behind me,” she told her, taking the sword.

  “Very well then, Frederick. But I will keep my knife upon my person. Once I’ve killed you with this—“ She brandished the sword, then showed her knife for a moment before putting it away. “—I will destroy you, my way.” With this, her eyes flashed a reddened amber tint. “That way, Marcus, there will be nowhere for you to hide.”

  His sword was up in an instant and Diana met it. He tried to run her through her torso, and she met him. Her bones vibrated from the impact every time, but her muscles and flesh grew hot, acting as a cushion against his brute strength. With even breath, Diana aimed for his neck. Frederick ducked with agility. Aiming for his torso, he swooped away from her.

  Diana’s fingers itched to wield her knife. It was part of her, it was what she used to kill. But Frederick caught her off guard. Before she knew it, she was on her back, with his boot in her chest.

  Looking above her head, expecting the final blow, Mina knelt beside her, her hand upon her forehead. Looking into Frederick’s eyes, Diana recognized her brother and reached for her knife. Only to find it was not there. When Mina had taken it, she did not know.

  Feeling robbed, she screamed and grabbed the booted foot upon her body. Frederick cried out and fell forward next to her, spitting from the agony. Burn marks were upon his flesh. As he knelt near her, she could scent that he was himself again. Marcus was no longer present within him.

  A shriek pierced the air. Ignoring the pain in her chest, Diana got up and ran in the direction of the noise. Attempting to take her knife from Mina’s grasp, she only stopped when she noticed the strength of her sister’s grip.

  “Give it to me, Mina. I’ll not kill Frederick now.” Diana ordered and her sister obeyed.

  In a flash, she was back in her old home. The sight she was met with was unholy. Diana found Marcus’s remains. Their mother and father stood next to him. She imagined it must have been her mother who shrieked, but she was not sure. Now, their mother only cried with her hand over her mouth.

  Their father stood gravely and then turned to Diana. “Do it, my child. Our son was dead to us long ago.”


  Frederick stood up and noticed the sight of all the villagers, some of his warriors. They were all slowly regaining their senses.

  “Frederick! Your sister has gone into your home.” It was Benedict who spoke. He was relieved, but only for a moment. Then he remembered all and rushed into the house. Marcus had come to him. Frederick hoped to his core it would be to make peace, to stop the madness. However, Marcus had shown his true colors too many times. He was an angry, greedy boy who desired easy power and superiority in all things.

  Frederick could only recall his stomach turning when Marcus cut his own throat before his eyes. Then his thoughts were not his own. His actions no longer an extension of his own mind. Marcus sacrificed his life to be free. He’d made an irrevocable deal with the Netherworld King. He feared the repercussions of it. Now the sickness returned as he wondered if both his sisters were dead.

  Relief came again when he found Diana advancing towards Marcus’s body. He saw the wound on her lower back. She turned and gave him the closest thing to a smile possible in that moment. Then, the room cooled as she placed her hands upon Marcus’s corpse.

  Their father caught their mother as she collapsed to her knees. Mina came in and led her out. “Come, Mother. Do not watch,” her sweet voice said as they left. The limbs shriveled, skin disintegrated. The sizzle was audible. A sad, mourning call sang on the wind. It was Mina’s voice. It blended with the breeze that carried the dust of their brother. Then all disappeared and was silent as all remnants of Marcus were rejected by the earth.

  Frederick placed his hand upon Diana. He jerked back, as her shoulder felt like a burning coal. She turned in his direction. He addressed her. “Is he…gone?”

  Diana’s eyes were unsure. Then, a voice in the background, one they had not heard for some time.

  “A part of him might have survived. You drove him out of Frederick, Diana, though it was Mina who saved Frederick’s life by taking your knife. But Marcus’s evil soul will have had time to take refuge elsewhere. For now, this battle is finished. Your place is in the wood, Diana. It will be up to you to keep watch. Frederick, you must prepare your warriors.”

  Master Aaron joined them. He looked slightly older than when they last saw him.

  “You will leave us again, Diana?” Their mother spoke through tears at the door way.

  Diana looked briefly at their mother, binding her own wound with deft fingers. She wiped her knife, sheathed it, and approached Frederick with the sword. Giving it to him in one movement.

  “I am with you all, even when you do not realize,” Diana said.

  “You will have to slip out before the protectors see you.”

  “You’ll not send any out after me, brother?”

  Frederick smiled, eye to eye with his tall sister. “Unless I wish them dead.”

  “Mina will be well now.” That was all she said before she left.

  Confused, Frederick searched for Diana. In less than a second, she was well away from them. Then he looked out at Mina. Before her stood Benedict. The look that passed between them said more than any words could. Their mother smiled, embracing Mina and taking Benedict’s hand.

  Mina turned and smiled at him, the first look of true loving recognition he had seen in her since Marcus’s attempted sacrifice. She was herself again. Benedict was one of his fiercest warriors. His strength and skill were unmatched by any, except himself, Frederick thought.

  Frederick turned to Master Aaron, who now stood next to his father. The wise man spoke, “Wh
at makes a warrior mighty is the strength of love. Speed, focus, brawn and skill are all needed. But it is the basis of the heart, the source of love, that can turn the tide. Evil is weaker, but persistent and damn near impossible to kill. You’ve not heard the last of your brother.”

  “That much I fear,” Frederick said.

  “But you have a witch in the forest on your side. And great love on your very doorstep.” Master Aaron gestured towards Mina and Benedict.

  “It seems we are blessed in these dark times,” their father said, standing beside him with his hand upon his shoulder.

  “Yes, Father, we are. And it seems Master Aaron has left us already,” he said, noticing the man’s abrupt absence.

  “He never stays very long,” their father said.

  “No… Neither does she,” he said, referring to Diana, whom he knew now would be combing the forest and mountain side for any sign of Marcus. He did not fear for her, only began coordinating the efforts of his own protectors to match with Diana’s abilities. They had much work to do.

  Still gazing upon Mina’s happiness, the instant healing love between her and Benedict, an image of Diana’s limbs flying through the wood came to him.

  I am with you, sister, he thought.

  That I do not doubt, Diana replied.

  * * *

  About the Author: Jessica Nicholls is originally from Northern Illinois. She lived in the Northwest of England for just over ten years, where she studied and had her children. Currently she lives in the Middle East with her husband and two school age children. Running, reading and watching films are her favorite hobbies. Writing the type of stories she would enjoy reading (anything dark, weird, romantic...or a combination of all three!) is a passion.

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