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Falling for Her Convenient Groom

Page 6

by Jennifer Faye

  When he glanced at her, he noticed how her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “It’ll be okay.” He wasn’t certain of it, but those were the first comforting words that came to mind. “He just needs a little time to get used to the idea.”

  “I knew he’d be upset—” her voice wavered with emotion “—but I’ve never seen him that upset.”

  “You can’t do anything about it now. Let it go for the moment. You being miserable all evening won’t change anything.”

  “But I should go talk to him.”

  “And tell him what? That you’re going to cave in and dissolve our marriage? Remember why you did this.”

  She drew in an unsteady breath. “You’re right. He needs to cool off. I’ll reason with him tomorrow.”

  “It sounds like a plan.” He sent her an encouraging smile. “Now, would you like to dance?”

  It was then that she glanced around at all the people trying not to stare at them and failing miserably.

  “I suppose we’d better.” She didn’t waste any time as she led him to the dance floor.

  Once on the dance floor, she placed her hand in his. He pulled her close. As they moved around the temporary dance floor, his heart pounded. He told himself it was from the physical activity, but secretly he knew it was from holding his beautiful bride so close—so temptingly close.

  Carla laid her head on his shoulder as the photographer took their photo. It was then that Franco smelled the peachy-floral scent of her hair. He inhaled deeper. Maybe this marriage thing wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

  Just then Carla’s heel came down on his foot. He bit back a yelp of pain. He was suddenly jarred from his fantasy. He couldn’t help but wonder if her misstep had been accidental or intentional. Because her movements had been smooth and graceful up until that point. Was it possible she’d read the direction of his thoughts?

  With that in mind, he loosened his hold on her waist, allowing some more space between them. Maybe then he would cool down and his imagination wouldn’t keep tiptoeing into forbidden territory.


  FOR THE MOST PART, it had been an amazing evening.

  She could have danced all night long.

  With Franco’s attentive assistance, Carla was finally able to shove the scene with her father to the back of her mind. She found herself smiling. Why not? The worst was over. They were married now. There was nothing to contemplate. The deed had been done.

  Still, it was hard not to be utterly and totally distracted by her dashing husband. Husband. That was going to take some getting used to.

  She had to admit that Franco and his assistant had planned a pretty awesome party. And she noticed him smiling throughout the evening filled with delicious food and endless dancing. Though he entertained the guests, he was still an attentive husband. What happened after this evening, well, she wasn’t going to let her mind go there. At least not yet.

  Franco stepped up to her. He held out a flute of champagne. It wasn’t her first or second glass that evening. At first, she’d been hesitant to drink any, but as the festive mood of the evening swept over her, she found herself letting her guard down and enjoying the evening. After all, she couldn’t spend the next six months at odds with her husband.

  But the evening was winding down, and guests were departing. And secretly she didn’t want to see it end. She wasn’t ready to go back to reality with its endless meetings and arduous negotiations.

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” Franco asked.

  “I had a delightful time.” She sipped the sweet, bubbly champagne.

  He arched a brow. “Truthfully?”

  She took her finger and made an X over her chest. “Cross my heart.”

  Gianna approached them. She leaned forward and gave Carla a hug. “I’m so happy for you. And best of all, we’re sisters-in-law. Isn’t that awesome?”

  Carla hadn’t thought of that before. “Yes, it is.”

  She glanced over as the two brothers shook hands and then clapped each other on the back. Franco looked more relaxed now than she’d ever seen him. Maybe it was just the relief of this day being over. If so, she had to agree with him. It had been surprisingly fun, but now she was exhausted.

  After a glowing Gianna and her clearly besotted husband left, Carla turned and was surprised to find some people still on the dance floor.

  Franco held his hand out to her. “May I have this dance?”

  “Haven’t you had enough dancing?”

  He smiled. “Not with my beautiful bride.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks. Even though she knew he was still playing a part, she couldn’t help getting caught up in the moment. And it was impossible for her to deny the way his words made her heart pitter-patter, even if she only admitted it to herself.

  What would it hurt to let the charade continue just a little longer? After all, it was too late now to visit her father. And it was too late to do any business. So for the moment, she was all Franco’s—so to speak.

  Carla finished her glass of sparkling blue champagne. Her favorite. Then she placed her hand in his and they made their way to the dance floor. A slow ballad started to play as Franco pulled her into his arms. She didn’t hesitate as he drew her in close. She told herself it was the effect of the bubbly that had her giving up on keeping a modest distance between them.

  The softness of her curves pressed up against the hard planes of his muscled chest. The breath caught in her lungs as every nerve ending in her body tingled with desire. She closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder. After all, he was now legally her husband—why not enjoy the advantages of the situation?

  They danced one slow song after the next. With her head turned in toward his neck, she inhaled the scent of soap combined with a spiciness. It was utterly addictive and totally intoxicating. She was even tempted to press her lips to his neck. She wondered how he’d react. She should do it. She’d thrown all other caution to the wind today.

  At the last moment, she restrained her impish impulses. That would be taking their charade too far, right? She couldn’t possibly have Franco brush off her advances. If so, how would she ever live with him for the next six months? Therefore, she had to tamp down these unexpected and unwanted desires. But that was easier said than done, because her body refused to abide. Instead of stepping back and allowing space between them, she stayed right there pressed up against him.

  All the while their bodies brushed together and an undeniable flame of desire was building into a massive inferno that threatened to consume her. What was Franco thinking? Did he desire her as much as she wanted him?

  She thought of lifting her head to look into his eyes and ask him, but she didn’t have the nerve to do it. Because while she was looking for signs of desire in his eyes, he’d be able to see her own growing desire for him. It was best to stay where she was. Because when he held her so close, there was no way he could read anything in her expression. As for body language, well, that was a totally different subject.

  Franco stopped moving. Disappointment swelled up within her. With great regret, she lifted her head. “You don’t want to dance any longer?”

  He smiled at her. “The music has stopped, amore.”

  She tried to listen over the pounding of her heart. It was then that she realized the music had indeed stopped. And when she glanced around, she found they were alone on the dance floor.

  “Where did everyone go?”

  “Home, I imagine.”

  The only others were the band and some servers who were clearing the last of the glasses. A sense of disappointment came over her when she realized the celebration was over. She understood the absurdity of such a thought, because in the beginning she’d been the one dreading this wedding. And yet Franco had gone out of his way to make it a very enjoyable evening.

  As a cool breeze off the lake br
ushed over her bare skin, she found herself rubbing her arms. With autumn not far off, the evenings were growing much cooler. Funny that she hadn’t noticed the dip in the temperature at all when she’d been wrapped in Franco’s arms.

  “Shall we go inside?” Franco asked.

  “We’re staying here tonight?”

  “Yes. Is that a problem?”

  She thought about it for a moment. It wasn’t like she had anyone waiting for her at home. She had her own apartment and didn’t so much as have a pet. So there was no one to miss her. And she’d already made arrangements with her father’s live-in companion to keep an extra close eye on Carlo this evening.

  “It’s no problem at all. Tomorrow will be soon enough to adjust to the reality of our new situation.”

  He once more offered his arm to her. Who would have thought that Franco Marchello was such a gentleman? She smiled as she slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. They strolled into the villa that had obviously just been renovated. Everything inside was shiny and new.

  They kicked off their shoes by the door. It was only then that Carla realized how sore her feet were from dancing in heels all evening. But she’d been so caught up in the festivities that she hadn’t noticed until now.

  Franco slipped off his tux jacket. He removed the black tie and then he unbuttoned the collar. He undid his cuff links and rolled up his sleeves. Though it was a much more casual look, it made him look even more attractive—like a real-life James Bond.

  While Franco set to work building a fire in the living room’s stone fireplace, she poured them some more bubbly. In her nervousness, she filled the glasses a bit too much. Oh well, it was a night for celebrating. She held out a glass to him.

  When Franco resisted taking the glass, she said, “Go ahead. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  “We do?”

  She nodded. “Our plan is underway. Tomorrow you and I will start figuring out the best way to advance both of our companies. I see a beautiful future for both of us.”

  He clinked his glass against hers. “I’m looking forward to it. But business will come soon enough. Let’s just focus on the here and now.” They settled on the couch and sipped the sparkling wine. “Did you enjoy the day?”

  “Other than the scene with my father, it was a wonderful wedding.”

  His gaze flickered to hers and then moved back to the fire. “If you’re having regrets, it’s not too late to back out.”

  She shook her head. The truth was she’d never considered getting married against her father’s wishes. “If this had been a real wedding, yes, it would have been unbearable. It’s hard enough not having my mother in my life. I miss her every day—every time I need some advice. With my father being my only living parent, I just can’t imagine having him angry at me if this were a real wedding, but luckily it’s not.” Then realizing how that might sound, she said, “You know what I mean.”

  Franco nodded. “He loves you a lot. That much is very obvious.”

  “I don’t know if he loves me a lot. People that love you don’t normally push you into a marriage you don’t want or block you from taking over the business when it’s for their own welfare. And then get furious when you finally marry like they wanted.”

  “That’s not exactly fair. You know how he feels about my family. You knew he wouldn’t take it well.”

  “I just wish he trusted me to know what’s right for me and would stop trying to push me into what he thinks I should do.”

  “I think he’s done all of it because he’s worried something might happen to him and he doesn’t want you to end up alone.”

  It wasn’t like she was a child. She could pick out her own husband—just like she’d done. Not that Franco was really her husband—well, legally he was, but not in her heart.

  She decided it was best to skip over the marriage and husband part; instead she asked, “Then why doesn’t he trust me with what he loves most in this world—the restaurants?”

  Franco paused as though giving her question due consideration. Then he rubbed the back of his neck. “I wish I could give you an answer, but I have no idea. You’re very smart, well-educated and full of energy. I think he’s foolish for wanting someone else to fill in for him.”

  His spontaneous compliments warmed a spot in her chest. “You really think I’m that well suited for the position?”

  His gaze once more met hers. “I do. You’d be my first pick.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him. She had no idea that he thought so highly of her. It was like he’d bestowed yet another wedding gift upon her—one that meant so much more than the designer wedding dress or the glittering diamond wedding band.

  Her gaze lowered and she lifted her hand ever so slightly, letting the firelight play over the arrangement of diamonds encompassing her finger. He certainly hadn’t withheld anything for this marriage—even if it was only a temporary one.

  She wondered what his extravagance meant. Did he wish there was more to this marriage than there was? Her heart fluttered at the thought. Or was this just his generous way?

  It was at this point that she realized just how much she didn’t know about her extremely handsome and mysterious husband. And since they’d already talked about her complicated relationship with her father, it was time she learned a bit more about the man she was married to.

  “And what about you?” she asked. “What was it like to get married without not only your grandparents but your mother and father as well?”

  He sighed and leaned his head back against the couch. As he moved, he slid a little closer to her, making her heart pitter-pat faster. “If this was a real wedding, I couldn’t have done it without inviting my grandparents. For better or worse, they’ve always been there for me—even when my grandfather vehemently disagreed with me.”

  “I’m glad you have them. But what about your parents? I’ve noticed you never mention them.”

  “What’s to mention? My father is like some distant uncle that stops by once in a blue moon when he’s in town and is gone again before any meaningful connection can be established. And my mother, well, she’s around for the important events, but her focus is always on her ever-revolving romances.”

  “I’m sorry.” Carla didn’t know what else to say.

  Her mother had always been there for her—right up until she died. Even hiding the truth of her illness from her so she wouldn’t have to worry. Though Carla would have much rather known about the severity of her mother’s illness. She might have done things differently. Might have stopped what she was doing to spend those last days with her mother. But this conversation wasn’t about her.

  “It’s okay.” The anguished tone of his voice said it was anything but okay.

  Her heart ached for that little boy who’d been tossed aside and forgotten. How could someone do that to their child? It was unimaginable.

  She swallowed her rising emotions. “That must have been so hard for a young boy not to have either of his parents around.”

  “I figure they had their reasons to keep their distance. After all, my grandfather isn’t an easy man to deal with.”

  “You think that’s the reason they left.”

  He shrugged. “I think it’s my father’s reason, but not my mother’s. She doesn’t listen to anyone but herself. But my father, well, I think he couldn’t do anything right in my grandfather’s eyes, and he got tired of trying.”

  “But why would they leave you and your brother?”

  “I’m not sure. I wouldn’t put it past my grandfather to threaten to fight for custody of us. After all, we are the heirs to the Marchello estate. And without my father around, we were even more important to him.”

  Sympathy welled up in her for the little boy Franco had once been, who didn’t understand why both of his parents had disappeared from his life. How could his parents just abandon him
and his brother? Who did such a thing?

  She turned to Franco to tell him how sorry she felt for him, but when his gaze met hers, she immediately forgot what she’d been about to say. The longer they gazed into each other’s eyes, the faster her heart beat.

  Had he moved closer to her? Because their shoulders were now touching. Or was it possible that she had leaned over toward him? There was this undeniable desire drawing them together. Her entire body tingled with an excited awareness.

  When it came to husbands, she’d definitely come up with a winning one. There was no denying that he was handsome, but even more than that he was thoughtful. What kind of man went to all this trouble for a wife in name only?

  She couldn’t even fathom the extremes he would go to for a woman he loved. And she didn’t want to imagine it. Not now. Not in this moment.

  Because no matter their reason for exchanging wedding vows, the truth of the matter was that they were legally husband and wife. And though she wanted to tell herself that it was all a business arrangement, she couldn’t deny that there had been a definite shift in the ground beneath her feet when she’d said I do.

  And now when she stared at her newly minted husband, she wondered if that kiss they’d shared when the minister had pronounced them husband and wife had been real. Because she’d swear her feet had been floating above the ground. It was that good—that heart-poundingly amazing.

  A loud pop of wood in the fireplace made her jump. The champagne sloshed over the sides of her glass and dripped down over her fingers. When she glanced down at the sticky mess, she realized that it had spilled onto Franco’s white dress shirt.

  “Oh no. I’m so sorry.”

  “No big deal.”

  She was horrified. “I’ll get something to dry it.” She spotted some napkins placed next to trays of finger foods left for them by the catering staff. She grabbed a napkin and then turned to Franco.


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