Skin Deep

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Skin Deep Page 23

by Pamela Sparkman

  Hayden shrugged. “A couple of months.”

  I walked over to the floor to ceiling windows, admiring the outside view. “You and Sal both know the guy who owns this house?”

  “I guess so.”

  The wooded lot appeared to expand for miles and miles. “How many acres does this house sit on?”

  “Ten. Complete with horses and a barn.”


  I turned back around to comment once more on the beauty of the place when Hayden spoke first.

  “Marry me.”

  He was leaning against a wall, his arms folded across his chest, the picture of nonchalance. I didn’t take him seriously.

  “I’m sorry…what?”

  He pushed himself off the wall and stalked towards me. That familiar feeling of metal pulling metal resurfaced. “Marry me, Beth. Right here…right now.”

  I gaped, completely stunned. My eyes widened. “What?”

  “I want to marry you… tonight.”

  He said it so casually, like he was giving me a weather report. It’s gonna rain tomorrow, and oh by the way, I want to marry you tonight.

  I narrowed my eyes at him, studied him, looking for…Ohhh, I get it. This was joke. I began to laugh and pointed a finger at him. “Good one, Hayden.”

  “I’m not joking, Beth.” His tone was adamant and his expression said he was dead serious.

  I stopped laughing. I wasn’t sure who turned the family room into a tilt-o-whirl but it was clear someone had. The room started to spin and I needed to find a place to sit, but there was no furniture.

  “I need to…”

  Hayden grabbed me around the waist. “I got you, baby.”

  I clung to him, fisting his shirt, and praying for my knees to not buckle.

  “Just listen, okay?” Hayden pleaded. He brushed pieces of my hair from my face, tucking them behind my ear. “I fall for you more every day, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know what I want and what I want is you.” He leaned back to look me in the eye, his hands still gripping my waist. “The question is, do you want me?”

  That was an easy question, which I was thankful for because easy was all I could handle at the moment. “Yes.”

  Hayden pressed his forehead against mine. “That was the sweetest yes I’ve ever heard.” He smiled. “Okay. I think we’re getting somewhere.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “I’m prepared to do some more convincing,” Hayden said, undeterred. “Remember when I asked if you ever think about the future?” I nodded. “I think about it all the time. Whenever I try to picture myself five years from now, ten years, twenty years down the road, I always see your face. You’re in every frame…every image I conjure. I know I want to marry you.”

  A noise escaped the back of my throat, emotion aching to be felt. I set it free while Hayden pressed my head to his chest and held me. I was overwhelmed, in a good way, but overwhelmed nonetheless.

  “That cake you brought over happens to be our wedding cake.”

  Lifting my head from his chest, I said, “Our what?”

  “Wedding cake. It’s nothing fancy.” He shrugged. “It is special, though, because it’s ours and because Sal made it. I wasn’t kidding. I want to marry you tonight, Beth.” He grinned. “And we have a cake. You can’t say no.”

  I laughed, stepped back, and glanced down at my dingy waitress uniform. “I worked today. I’m a mess, and I probably smell like a breakfast burrito.”

  There was a look in his eye, a glimmer…like he was up to something.

  “You don’t think I thought of that?” He held up one finger and hollered over his shoulder, “Ladies!”

  The click-clacking of high heels on the hardwood floor echoed inside the empty house and then Lily appeared holding a dress, and behind her was Annie, holding a pair of shoes. “I picked out the dress,” Lily said. “I hope you like it.”

  “I helped pick out the shoes,” Annie chimed in.

  Lily held out the dress for me to get a better view of it. “When did–”

  “I’m not done, sweetheart,” Hayden said, cutting me off. “I believe you’ll need hair and makeup. Right?” I nodded. “Maggie! Molly!” he called.

  The click-clacking of high heeled shoes sounded again, and then Maggie and Molly emerged, one carrying a makeup kit, and the other carrying an assortment of curling irons and hair accessories. “We’ll do your hair and makeup,” Maggie said, beaming like they had been chosen to style a celebrity. Or the queen.

  “You can shower in the master bath. There are towels, soaps, and shampoos in there for you,” Hayden said. “I tried to think of everything you might need or want. We can do this tonight, baby. Please say yes.”

  “We still need someone to marry us, Hayden. Who’s gonna–”

  “I will, dear,” Ms. Sophie said, stepping out of... wait, where did she come from? “I’ve been ordained. I can perform the ceremony for you.”


  “Online. Cooper helped me.”

  I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. This was too much. I turned to face Hayden. “You really want to marry me…right now?”

  “Hell yes.”

  I took a minute to let it all soak in and marinate in the recesses of my brain.

  “Oh, one more thing.” Hayden called out once more, “Guys, can we have a bit of magic in here please?”

  The lights went out…and then suddenly we were bathed in a sea of twinkling lights.

  “Hayden!” I gasped.

  “Oh, and this house,” Hayden said, stepping closer, “is ours. I bought it. For you, or for us, rather. Eight bedrooms, four baths, and enough room for Molly and Annie, too.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you’ll marry me tonight, Beth. We have time to go to the courthouse…get a license and come back. We can do this.”

  I looked into Hayden’s clear blues…the twinkling lights making them appear like stars. It seemed right that I should make a wish on them. So I did. And then, I whispered. “Okay.”

  He cupped my cheeks and then his warm breath feathered over my lips. “Okay.”

  “Okay!” Ms. Sophie cheered, and an echo of okays bounced around the room.

  Except for Joe. He shouted, “Hallelujah Amen!”

  I took a quick shower and the girls wasted no time getting me ready. Molly did my makeup in shades that made my eyes pop and she painted my lips a light shimmering pink, while Maggie worked on my hair.

  Lily walked over and squeezed my hand. “Nervous?”

  “Maybe a little. I haven’t had time to stop and think about it.”

  Lily flashed a quick smile. “No, I guess you haven’t. Hayden is—” Lily winced. “Ooh, I think this baby is gonna be a kickboxer.”

  “Are you okay? Do you need me to get Cooper?”

  “No, no, I’m fine. It’s just sometimes it feels like I’m being kicked in the ribs.” Lily rubbed her round belly. “Do you wanna feel?”

  “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not.” She took my hand, placing it gently in the right spot. “Do you feel that?” Under my palm I felt a kick. Amazed, I looked at Lily. Her smile was so bright she could light up the world with it.

  “I wanna feel,” Annie said.

  Lily placed Annie’s tiny hand on her belly. “It feels like a foot,” Annie said. “Is it a foot?”

  “Maybe. It could also be a hand…or a butt.”

  Annie giggled. “Your baby’s butt touched my hand.”

  “Hold still,” Maggie said, curling the last piece of my hair. “Almost finished.” She plucked a couple of bobby pins from her kit and pulled my hair back on each side, soft curls cascading down my back. “All done. What do you think?”

  I inspected myself in the mirror, not recognizing the girl staring back at me. “I’ve never felt more beautiful.”

  “Well, let’s get you in that dress. Shall we?” Molly said.

  My dress was exquisite. There were no opulent jewels or an
ything fancy. It was a simple floor length satin A-line princess silhouette with a halter neckline, and an empire waist. This was the dress I would have picked. Of that I was certain.

  I smoothed out the front of my dress and admired it in the mirror.

  “Hayden is going to flip when he sees you!” Maggie said.

  “Oh! We almost forgot!” Lily squealed. “Because we were pressed for time, we decided to combine your something new and something blue. She handed me a blue lace garter. “We hope you like it.”

  I accepted it graciously. “It’s perfect. Thank you all so much.” They helped me slip it on and then I smoothed down the front of my dress again.

  “Okay, girls, are we ready?” Ms. Sophie asked, entering the room. “Oh my goodness, look at you, dear.” She held out my hands. “Hayden’s eyeballs are going pop out of his head.”

  I laughed. “You think?”

  “No question.” She patted my hands. “Are you ready, dear?”

  I drew in a breath and blew it out slowly. “I am.”

  “Okay,” Ms. Sophie said, addressing Lily, Maggie, and Molly. “When you hear the music, you girls come on out and stand opposite the boys.” She then looked at Annie, who had insisted on wearing curls when her mother asked how she wanted her hair. “My my, don’t you look like an angel.”

  “Thank you,” Annie said. “You like my dress?”

  Ms. Sophie bent at the waist and pinched Annie’s cheek. “It’s beautiful. Are you ready, little one?”


  “You remember what to do, right?”

  “Yep, I follow Lily, Maggie, and Mommy down the hallway, throwing these rose petals on the floor,” she said, holding up a white basket.

  “Right.” Ms. Sophie straightened, turned towards me, and kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you in a minute, dear.” And with that, she exited the room.

  Molly enveloped me in a hug. “I love you, sis. I’m so happy for you.”

  I fought back the tears, determined not to cry. “I can’t believe you’re here, standing with me on my wedding day.”

  “Life is funny, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. It certainly is.”

  The music began to play so everyone grabbed their bouquets and one by one they exited the room, making their way to the family room in front of the stone fireplace where the ceremony would take place.

  Molly was the last of the adult girls to exit, which left me standing alone with Annie for a minute. “You ready, sweetie?”

  She nodded. “Aunt Beth?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “I’m glad you said yes.”

  “Me too, sweetie. Me too.”

  “Okay, it’s my turn now. I’ll see you in a minute.” Out the door she went, tossing rose petals along her path. Once she made it to the front, I stepped out, and the music stopped.

  Ms. Sophie called down the hall to me, “Wait! We almost forgot something.”

  “What did we forget?” I asked, confused.

  “You need something borrowed, dear.” From where I stood I could see most everyone. She gestured to Cooper. “Beth, I’m lending you the song my husband always sang to me. It’s yours, dear, until you and Hayden find your own song.”

  Cooper picked up his guitar and began the song, strumming softly. Ms. Sophie nodded once, my cue to start walking down the aisle. Or in my case, the hallway. I think I made it three or four steps before I heard the first words of the song, and then I stopped. It wasn’t the voice I was expecting. Instead, it was Hayden’s voice. He was singing ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis Presley.

  I sucked in a breath and blinked up at the ceiling.

  I will not cry…I will not cry.

  I took one long, cleansing breath and then lowered my eyes, setting my sights on Hayden. My prize. He continued to sing to me, and I continued to walk towards him. When I entered the grand space that would be the room we would raise our family, I took it all in once more, noticing Sal and Dr. Daniels had been invited, too, and sitting beside each other. My eyes came to rest before the man I would soon call my husband, and my heart whispered to his…thank you.

  Everyone that was important to me was here, in one room.

  I wish I could recall the expression on everyone’s faces, but my eyes were solely on Hayden’s. I was totally, completely, one hundred percent, in love with this man and my eyes, my heart, and my soul, centered on him.

  When the song ended, there was a brief silence while Cooper put away his guitar.

  Hayden held my hands in his. “You look…I don’t…” He brought my hands to his lips and kissed them. “You look…”

  “Beautiful, exquisite, lovely. I believe one of these words should work for you, dear,” Ms. Sophie said, playfully.

  Joe and Cooper eyed each other, trying hard not to laugh.

  “I was going to say breathtaking,” Hayden said, never taking his eyes off of mine.

  “That works, too, dear.” Ms. Sophie cleared her throat and jumped right in. “We are gathered here today as Hayden and Beth declare their love to one another. Hayden, I believe you wanted to say something.”

  Hayden filled his lungs with air, waited a second, and then blew it out. “Beth…” His voice sounded like it had been raked over hot coals. He was nervous, although he wore nervous well. “You hated me.” His eyes drifted up, like maybe he’d written the words on the ceiling. He chuckled softly to himself before his eyes found mine again. “I was in love with you. Your life was a masquerade, mine was cloaked in secrets. You didn’t think I could see you, but you were the only thing I could see. You thought we had nothing in common. We had everything in common. And I’m done being patient. I’ve known what I wanted for the last two years and... ” he dug in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. “This was my list of goals.” Unfolding it he began to read, “Number one…get Beth to like me again. Number two…convince her that she needs help. Number three…convince her that she needs me the same way I need her.” His voice cracked and he let out an unsteady breath. “Number four…show both girls how much I love them. No matter what it takes.” His eyes wandered over to Annie, who was seated next to Dr. Daniels. “That one included you, punkin.”

  Annie didn’t hide her surprise. Her wide eyes said it all. After a few seconds, her beautiful blues started to mist.

  Hayden’s eyes found mine again. Folding up the paper, he placed it back inside his pocket. “Every day I lived for you and every day I have loved you.” His hands caressed my face.

  I will not cry…I will not cry.

  “You’re my north star, baby. You lead me home. I’m done being patient, Beth. It’s time to make you my wife.”

  I touched his cheek, “I love you so much.”

  Ms. Sophie allowed us a moment, and then she asked, “Beth, would you like to say a few words? I know Mr. Impatient here didn’t give you much time to prepare.” A tiny grin flirted at the corners of her mouth, and everyone snickered.

  “Yes, I—” I cleared my throat because I sounded like a child’s squeak toy. “I would like to say something. Everything I can think of sounds so cheesy though.”

  “Does anyone in this room have a problem with cheese?” Ms. Sophie asked.

  A round of no’s went around the room, except for Annie who said, “I like cheese,” And everyone laughed.

  “We’re good with cheese, dear,” Ms. Sophie said, waving her hand in a gesture to proceed.

  “Okay then. No pressure.” I joked.


  “Snowball fights,” I blurted. Hayden’s brow furrowed. “You love snowball fights, and I want to have a million snowball fights with you. I want to watch a million sunrises with you, and I want a million nights where we count the stars. I want to share a million dinners, and a million conversations about nothing…about everything. I want to wake up with you a million times and fall asleep with you a million times more. I want it all.”

  I will not cry…I will not cry.

  “You are my why, Ha
yden. I know why I get out of bed every morning and put one foot in front of the other, and I know why I make the choices I make. I know what motivates me. I know why I love, and who I love.”

  I will…not…cry.

  “I’m done being patient, too, because I l-love you, and I want all of those million little th-things to b-begin today...”

  Damn it I was crying.

  A tear slid down Hayden’s cheek, tracing a wet path to his lips, and then he mouthed, “I’m still falling.”

  I squeezed his hands and mouthed, “Me, too.”

  “Whew,” Ms. Sophie said, fanning her face. “Cooper, I need a tissue. I’m gonna turn into a blubbering idiot up here and my mascara isn’t waterproof.”

  We all chuckled while Cooper procured a tissue for his grandmother. “Here you go, Grams.”

  “Thank you, dear.” Dotting under her eyes she pulled herself back together. “That was beautiful, dear. Mr. Impatient asked me earlier to rush this along, so we’ll get right to it.” She opened a book, searching for her place, while people snickered all around us.

  “What? I wanna get to the after-party party,” Hayden said with an unashamed grin and sealed it with a wink.

  “Hayden, repeat after me. I, Hayden Christopher McCoy, take you, Bethany Anne Covington, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.”

  Hayden repeated each word, looking into my eyes the whole time.

  Ms. Sophie looked at me. “Beth, repeat after me.”

  I, too, repeated each word. “I, Bethany Anne Covington, take you, Hayden Christopher McCoy, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.”

  “May I have the rings please?”

  Joe placed the rings in Ms. Sophie’s hand. “The unending circle of the ring is a symbol of eternity, an outward expression of the inward bond as two hearts unite as one. Hayden,” Ms. Sophie said, handing him the ring, “repeat after me.”


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