Tech's Change (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 5)

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Tech's Change (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 5) Page 6

by Erin Osborne

  “You know what I want. It’s no secret I’ve always been a hit it and quit it kind of man. You know why I’m like that. With you, it’s been different from the very first night I saw you sitting at King’s Bar. You’ve been on my mind constantly, in my dreams, and I wanted to see you again more than I ever wanted anythin’ in my life. I’m not a good man. I do illegal things, my hands are stained with blood, and I have no problem doin’ whatever I have to for my club, Siren’s club, and to protect you,” I answer her. “I want to see where this goes between us and make it work.”

  “I’d like that too,” she answers me, placing her own soft kiss against my lips. “We’ll have to give it time, though. I won’t start anything while all this shit is going on with my father. I’m still convinced the best thing to do is leave here and make sure you’re all protected.”

  “We protect our own,” I state, not leaving any room for argument.

  “I’m not a member of your family, Tech,” she tries to reason with me.

  “My intentions are to make you my family. I’m tellin’ you now—I want you. If you weren’t still healin’ from the attack, I’d show you just how much I want you,” I inform her.

  Before she can respond to my statement, there’s a knock on the door. Walking over, I open it to see Fury and Steel standing there.

  “Church,” Steel states. “Bring what you got with you.”

  “Be right there,” I tell them, shutting the door so I can let Ash know what’s going on. “Tiny, I gotta go to church. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Do you need anythin’ before I go?”

  “You guys go to church?” she asks incredulously.

  “Not the church you’re thinkin’, Tiny,” I chuckle at her. “It’s a meetin’ for members of the club only. No women or prospects are allowed inside. I won’t have my phone on me, either.”

  “I don’t have a phone.”

  “Fuck! We’ll work on fixin’ that when I get back. I’ll see ya in a little while.”

  Giving Ashtyn a kiss, I walk over and grab the folder of papers from my desk with one of my laptops. I always take one with me because we never know what’s going to happen during a meeting. Letting her know I’m locking the door and have my key, I shut the door before heading for church.

  I’m the last one to enter the room. Quickly, I take my seat and get my things set up so we can get through this shit.

  “Called to order,” Gage barks out. “We all know we’re here to figure out what we’re gonna do about Ashtyn and her situation. Tech, what have you and Siren found out so far?”

  “A lot of information. My main concern, which Ash doesn’t know, is that her father wants her back so fuckin’ bad because he’s sold her. There’s been a contract drawn up and everythin’. She was supposed to be with this scumbag six months ago. He’s been gettin’ harassed because she’s not with the guy. Now, threats are happenin’ to him and he’s gonna get fucked over. Well, he’s gonna get killed because he didn’t follow through on the contract.

  “Her dad is into a bunch of shit, if we choose to turn this shit over to the proper authorities. We’ve got proof of his gamblin’, bribes for him to try to push shit through the Senate, there’s proof of him havin’ someone fuck with the breaks on his wife’s car before she was killed, and we now have proof of him abusin’ not only Ashtyn but her mother,” I fill the guys in. “I’m not sure how you guys wanna handle this shit.”

  “Where is Ashtyn at with all this?” Gage asks, looking at me as I turn my face toward Fury. We’re the only two who know what Ashtyn wants to do. He shakes his head, letting me know he’s not going to say a word about anything we heard from her in my room. That’s her personal business and not for us to share.

  “She’s ready to leave,” I finally tell them, not looking at anyone other than Gage because he’s the president.

  “I take it you don’t want her to leave?” he questions, staring at me.

  “She’s not goin’ anywhere,” I growl out to laughter from my brothers.

  “Didn’t think so. Wanna put a vote up for what we’re gonna do. Put the fucker in jail?” Gage asks. “Anyone agreein’ I want an ‘aye’.”

  Everyone goes around the table saying ‘aye’. We want this fucker to get the worst possible punishment. Rotting his ass in prison will more than accomplish that goal. Plus, we always know someone in the joint we can have keep an eye on him . . . make sure his stay is extremely uncomfortable.

  “Okay. Let’s see what his next move is. Tech, keep doin’ your thing and let me know what else you find out,” Gage says before slamming the gavel on the table to dismiss us.

  Collecting my laptop and the folder of papers, I head back to my room. When I enter my space, Ashtyn is sleeping once again. She’s still sleeping a lot because of her injuries. Doc says it’s normal because I’ve questioned him about it more than once. I’m worried about her more than I’ve ever been in my life.

  Setting everything down, I sit in my chair so I can get back to work on digging up more dirt on Ashtyn’s father. Siren hasn’t messaged or called me, so I know she hasn’t found anything else out other than what she’s already sent me. Or, she’s on a roll and doesn’t want to get distracted. That’s simply how she works. I’m the same way, since I don’t hear my phone most of the time when I’m working and really into it. That’s why I wanted Fury in here in case Ashtyn needed something.

  I’m lost in work when small arms wrap around me. Looking up after shutting down my monitors, I turn to see Ashtyn hovering over me. Leaning up, I place a kiss on her lips. She smiles at me.

  “How are you feelin’?” I question her.

  “Better. I’m still tired a little, but it gets better every day,” she responds, pulling back from me.

  “That’s good, Tiny,” I tell her. “What do you want for dinner?”

  “I don’t care. Whatever you’re in the mood for.”


  “Sounds good. Is Fury coming in here again tonight?” she asks, sitting on the bed.

  “I don’t know. I’ll find out so he can order his own food. Don’t want him stealin’ ours again.” I laugh at Ash’s face.

  The last time Fury was in here with us, he kept stealing food from her plate. She pouted, acted as if she was crying, and he still kept doing it. Even now there’s a small pout on her face as she remembers.

  “What’s up?” Fury answers the phone.

  “Are you comin’ in the room tonight to hang out?”

  “Probably. Unless some of the guys decide to go out. Why?” he questions me.

  “If you’re comin’ in here, I was gonna order you dinner. That way you have your own and don’t need to steal from Ash again.”

  Fury begins laughing his ass off. Yeah, he thinks it’s funny to annoy the shit out of everyone.

  “Order me one and I’ll get you the money when I get in there. Movie tonight?”


  “See ya soon. I’ll give the prospect a heads up about goin’ to pick it up.”

  Hanging up the phone, I let Ash know he’s coming, and we’ll watch a movie tonight again. Nodding her head, she grabs a towel and one of my shirts before heading into the bathroom. I need to focus on work while she’s in there. Otherwise, I’ll sit here, picturing her naked with water sliding down her voluptuous body. My mouth is already watering with thoughts of tasting her again. Shutting down those thoughts, I focus on the screen with calls and text messages coming and going from the good senator. He’s making plans to move; we just don’t know what it is yet. Siren and I will figure it out soon and nail his ass to the wall.

  Chapter Nine


  TECH AND I are sitting in the common area again today while we eat lunch. It’s the first day I’ve felt comfortable in the room with other men in here. Along with the women I know are here to fuck the members of the club. Well, the single guys. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable around those women. They can be nasty as hell when someone else is
around a man they want to fuck.

  I’m about to take another bite of food when the front door opens up. The room is suddenly filled with laughter and raucous talking. Twisting my head around quick, I see four women walking into the room, their arms loaded down with bags. All eyes turn toward me as they get closer to our table.

  Before they reach us, one of the women goes flying over something. She’s got bags loaded in her arms. They all go flying along with the contents. Which happen to be my clothes. Including all of my sexy underwear. I gasp as colorful panties and matching bras litter the floor and the woman lays sprawled out flat on her back.

  “Darcy, are you okay?” another woman asks, crouching down next to her.

  “I think so. Just give me a second to catch my breath,” she answers as a young man walks in the door not paying attention.

  As Tech and I go to say something, suddenly he’s landing on top of Darcy. Not in a very good position, either. His face is in between her legs while his jean covered dick is in her face. All sound in the building comes to a crashing halt as we wait to see what’s going to happen. Well, that’s until two large men walk in through the same door.

  “The fuck you think you’re doin’, Prospect?” one of them booms out, his voice echoing off the walls of the room.

  “I’m sorry, Trojan. I didn’t see what happened or Darcy layin’ on the floor. I’m so sorry,” he apologizes repeatedly while getting off her and turning to face the men head on.

  “Get the fuck outta here before I beat the shit outta you!” the second one yells out, taking a few steps closer to her. “Make sure all the bikes are spotless before you head to the gate for the rest of the day.”

  I watch on as the young man races from the room. Honestly, I swear I can hear him whimpering as he leaves the clubhouse. Standing up, I rush over to the woman still on the floor just as the two men get to her. They each take an arm before helping her up. Seeing they had her, I begin to frantically pick up my underwear.

  Looking up, I see Tech and Fury helping me. I can feel my face heating up realizing it’s not just women touching or seeing my underwear. Especially when Tech looks at me, his eyes filled with lust and need. There’s a smirk on Fury’s face as he looks from my panties to me and back again. “You been hidin’ this shit under your clothes?” he questions me, holding up a bright purple thong.

  “Put that shit away,” Tech growls out, grabbing it from his hands and stuffing it back in a bag.

  While I know all the underwear is mine, I’m not sure where the rest of it came from. I certainly didn’t bring this many clothes or necessities with me. These women have bags and bags of stuff with them. They were heading straight for me before the calamity of the last few minutes. Looking up, I see Darcy sitting in a chair with the same two men surrounding her. This must be Crash, Darcy, and Trojan, who Tech told me about.

  “Tiny, I’m gonna get this stuff put in the bedroom. The ol’ ladies are here to hang out with you for a bit,” Tech lets me know, a small smile on his face as he pulls a black, lace thong from the floor and puts it in his pocket. “Ashtyn, this is Riley, Harley, Darcy, and Renee.”

  Putting my head down, I shyly wave at the women. They’re all gorgeous, confident, and the complete opposite of me in every way imaginable. He wants me to get to know these women and I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to. They’re so boisterous and outgoing. It’s hard enough for me to talk to Tech and Fury when we’re alone in his room. This is going to be painful for me.

  Tech leads me over to the table they’re sitting at, pulling out a chair for me. Keeping my gaze down, I don’t look up once I feel Tech move away from me. I feel so damn uncomfortable right now because I’ve never been around this many people who weren’t around strictly for my father.

  “Are you okay?” one of the women asks me.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. I’m just a very shy person. I’ve never had any friends or just sat and talked to anyone before,” I reply, not being able to stop the word vomit.

  “It’s okay. We’re really gentle. I promise,” Darcy assures me. “You see what happens whenever I’m around.”

  “Are you really okay? I’m sorry that happened to you.”

  “I’m fine. Everyone here is used to it. You will be too,” she responds to me.

  “I don’t know how long I’m going to be here,” I tell her, looking up at them.

  “You’ll be here for a while,” Riley says with a knowing grin.

  “Tech wants you. These men take what they want. I’ll tell you now, I’ve never seen Tech interested in a woman of his own. You’ve got something he likes and wants,” Harley chips in. “We need some drinks.”

  “I don’t really drink,” I inform them, knowing I get talkative and horny as hell when I’m drunk.

  “I’ll make you something fruity,” Riley states, jumping up from her chair to race around the bar behind us.

  Within minutes, she’s coming back to the table with several large glasses filled to the brim with some sort of concoction in them. When she hands me one, I take a small sip. This is good. I’m not sure what all is in it, but I can’t taste the alcohol at all. They’re all talking and laughing as we continuously sip on our drinks. Before I know it, it’s been hours, and I’m drunk.

  Pizzas are brought in the front door of the clubhouse as I laugh at Darcy talking about her run ins with a man named Wood from another club. Not to mention the lingerie incident in a store. Damn, these women are funny as hell. For the first time, I want this in my life—friends I can laugh and talk to about anything. Trust me, we’ve talked about it all. A lot of sex talk has occurred.

  “Tiny, you need to eat,” Tech says in my ear, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

  “Okay. How long have you been out here?” I question him as I feel the heat rise to my face. I’m almost sure my cheeks are crimson red right now.

  “Long enough,” he evades with a smirk on his face.

  Yes, I may have talked briefly about having sex with Tech. It’s not like I have anyone to compare him to because I don’t. He was my first and only experience. They gave me some great ideas to try with him. If I ever get up the nerve to make a move on him. More than likely, I won’t, but that’s okay. Right now, there’s no chance because of my ribs still bothering me a bit. I probably shouldn’t be drinking right now. I’ll leave the pain medicine alone tonight and tomorrow.

  “Nothin’ to worry about, Tiny. There’s a lot I wanna do to you,” he promises, before kissing my neck in a way which leaves my body tingling and wanting more.

  The girls all make some sort of noise after hearing his words. Now I know I’m as red as a fire engine. This is all new territory for me. I’m not used to people talking so out in the open like this. These are probably the most honest individuals I’ve ever met in my life because they say what’s on their mind without a filter it seems. Especially as the drinks flowed over the last few hours.

  Every man who has an ol’ lady comes to the table to make sure their woman is eating something after consuming alcohol. What I see from every couple is nothing but respect, fierce love, and partners. This is everything I’ve missed all my life. I’m not sure things would’ve been any different if my mom wouldn’t have been killed. More than likely not because my father owned her and made every choice in her life.

  When we’re done eating, I get up to throw our plates and napkins away. By the time I’m back at the table, Tech is in my seat. He pulls me down on his lap. I can already feel his hard cock as I squirm on him.

  “Keep that up and we’ll be in the room,” he warns me, nipping my earlobe.


  I slap my hand over my mouth after that escapes. It was supposed to be in my thoughts only. The women at the table begin laughing hysterically while the men begin to catcall. Suddenly, I’m being lifted into his arms before he rushes toward his room.

  Once we’re safely locked inside, Tech lays me out on the bed. I watch with hooded eyes as he strips out of his
clothes, making sure his cut is resting on the back of his chair. When he’s finally stripped of everything, he slowly strips me as I lay spread out before him.

  Tech spreads my legs and rest them on his shoulders. Bending his head, he swipes his tongue through my already wet folds. I arch off the bed when he sucks my clit in his mouth. It doesn’t take me any time at all before my body begins tightening as my orgasm builds.

  “So. Close,” I moan out, digging my fingers into his hair.

  He moans against me while sliding two fingers inside me. Before I can reach my orgasm, Tech pulls away from me.

  “What?” I cry out.

  “Not gonna cum without me bein’ inside you,” he states. “I’ll try to be gentle, but I’m not sure if I can.”

  Nodding my head, I watch as he lines his cock up with my opening. Slowly he slides in inch by inch while watching. When he’s finally fully seated in me, I break contact to look into his eyes as he looks up at me. Tech begins moving faster than I thought he would. He’s still trying to be gentle at the same time. My ribs aren’t bothering me right now as I wrap my legs around his waist and dig my heels in. I definitely need him to move faster and harder.

  Tech takes my urging on and begins moving faster, his body hitting my own on every down stroke. I dig my nails into his shoulders, driving him crazy—if his movements are anything to go by. This time, instead of building slow, my orgasm races through my body.

  “Tech!” I yell out when it sends me flying over the edge. He thrusts in my body a few more times, causing another mini orgasm to flow through me as he reaches his own climax.

  “Ashtyn,” he bellows out, slowly sliding in and out of me a few more times. Instead of collapsing on top of me, he falls to the side. Tech pulls me into his arms as we both catch our breaths. This is not what I was expecting, but I’m glad it happened. It may have been quick, but I’m perfectly okay with that. It’s been a while for me. Not sure about him. At this point, I simply want Tech in a way I’ve never wanted anyone else in my life.

  I fall asleep to those thoughts. I stir awake slightly as Tech cleans me up before sliding in bed with me. He keeps me in the safety of his arms, holding my demons at bay so they don’t sneak up on me. In this bed, with him, is the only time I’ve never had nightmares. I can actually get sleep when I need it. Not short little naps because I can’t stand to sleep longer than that.


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