Secret Santa

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Secret Santa Page 17

by Sabrina James

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  “What am I going to do?” Noelle wailed into her cell phone, pacing from one end of her bedroom to the other. “What am I going to do?”

  “Noelle, calm down,” Lily advised. “Getting upset isn’t going to accomplish anything.”

  “How can I not get upset? Amber is Charlie’s Secret Santa.”

  “Only through underhanded means! I’m sure if we told Principal Hicks what Amber had done, she’d be in major hot water.”

  “That isn’t going to accomplish anything. It will only get Celia into trouble with Amber. Plus, when Charlie finds out what Amber did so she could get his name, I bet he’ll be flattered!”

  “Good point. I hadn’t thought of that. Never underestimate a guy’s ego.”

  “Or his reaction to a hot babe!” Noelle moaned, running her fingers through her hair. “Amber’s going to be all va-va-va-vooming tomorrow night, and Charlie’s tongue is going to roll out of his mouth like a cartoon character’s! She’s hot, I’m not! I don’t stand a chance!”

  “Let me give this some thought,” Lily said. “I’m sure I can come up with some sort of plan to eliminate Amber.”

  “What kind of plan?” Noelle asked, trying not to get her hopes up.

  “I don’t know. Yet. But I’m sure I’ll come up with something.”

  “Hurry!” Noelle exclaimed. “We don’t have much time. The dance is in less than twenty-four hours!”

  Noelle woke up before her alarm clock went off and jumped out of bed. She hadn’t been able to sleep a wink the night before. Either she was tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable no matter how many times she fluffed her pillow, or she was having nightmares — nightmares featuring Amber as Mrs. Charlie Grant! — that kept jolting her awake. But now it was morning and the day she had been waiting for had finally arrived.

  Tonight was the Christmas dance!

  In twelve hours she was finally going to be able to tell Charlie how she felt about him.

  There was just one little problem.


  Luckily, Lily had come up with a solution.

  Okay, it wasn’t a nice solution, and Charlie was the one who was going to suffer — although not for very long! — but it was the only thing Lily had been able to come up with on such short notice.

  The solution was simple: a blue-and-white scarf dusted with cat hair (courtesy of Lily’s tabby, Miss Kitty).

  Originally, the scarf — without the cat hair — was going to be Noelle’s last Christmas gift to Charlie, along with a note that said: We’ll get to meet tonight at the Christmas dance. Be sure to wear this so I’ll be able to find you!

  The cat hair was added because Charlie was allergic to cats.

  Once the scarf was wrapped around Charlie’s neck, his eyes would water and he would start sneezing like crazy. Romance would be the last thing on his mind!

  At first Noelle had been reluctant to leave the tainted scarf. It was so mean! But as Lily kept reminding her, she had no choice. Besides, all was fair in love and war, especially when dealing with Amber! They had seen Charlie in the past when his cat allergy kicked in. It wasn’t a pretty picture. He became such a sneezing, watery mess, he came pretty close to being gross! There was no way Amber was going to want to hug/kiss/get close to something that wasn’t hunkalicious!

  After Lily had gone home last night, Noelle had sneaked over to the Grants’ and left her present for Charlie on the front porch. With the exception of the twinkling Christmas lights, the entire house had been pitch-black.

  She peeked out her bedroom window to see if her package was still on Charlie’s front porch, but it wasn’t.

  Noelle gulped.

  She hoped Charlie didn’t decide to wear the scarf before tonight. If he did, her entire plan would be ruined!

  After pulling her head back inside, she got dressed, deciding on a purple turtleneck, black jeans, and boots. After brushing her teeth and adding some mascara and lip gloss, she was ready to go.

  As she hurried down the front stairs, her mother called out to her from the kitchen, telling her to eat something before she left for school. Wanting to keep her mother happy, she dashed into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. Then she gave her mother and father, who were both sipping their morning cups of coffee and munching on bagels smothered with cream cheese, a quick kiss on the cheek before hurrying back to the front hall and bundling herself up.

  When she opened the front door, she found a present waiting for her. Her heart began pounding with excitement and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Taking off her gloves, she quickly unwrapped the package and discovered a tiny gold key with a note: Only you have the key to my heart. No one else. If I give you my heart, will you take a look at what’s inside?

  Noelle made a fist around the key, holding it tight, almost as if she was afraid she would lose it. Then she gazed in the direction of Charlie’s house and whispered, “Yes. Yes! I’ll take a look at what’s inside!”

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  When Noelle got to school, it was a madhouse. Everyone was buzzing with excitement not only because that night was the dance and Secret Santas would be revealed, but it was also the last day of classes. They would then be off for two whole weeks! No teachers. No schoolwork. No homework. Just two weeks of fun!

  She was at her locker, hanging up her jacket and searching for her books for her morning classes, when Simon sidled up to her. She had noticed him heading in her direction from the corner of her eye, but hadn’t thought anything of it. Until he was standing next to her. Like right in her personal space! Why was he standing so close? She moved a few inches back but he instantly closed the distance. What was his problem?!

  “I know,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Know what?” Noelle asked, confused. What was he talking about?

  Simon gave her a coy smile. “Who Connor’s Secret Santa is.”

  Noelle gasped. “You’re not going to tell, are you?” How had he found out? Lily had been so careful.

  “Of course not!”

  “Because that would ruin everything,” Noelle said. “Everyone’s supposed to find out tonight at the dance.”

  “Don’t worry,” Simon reassured her. “I know how to keep a secret.”

  “Good.” Noelle expected Simon to leave, but he didn’t. He just kept staring at her with an intense expression on his face. Why the sudden attention from him all of a sudden? It was freaking her out! “Is there anything else you want to tell me?” she asked, slamming her locker door shut.

  “Those gifts were all wrong for Connor, you know that, don’t you?”

  “He wasn’t easy to shop for,” she admitted.

  “But they were perfect for me.” Simon leaned closer to Noelle. She could smell the scent of his cologne. It was different from what Charlie usually wore. She didn’t like it. “Do you think Connor’s Secret Santa might be willing to give me a dance tonight?”

  Aha! That’s why Simon was acting so strangely. He was interested in Lily! Things must definitely be over with him and Amber.

  Noelle gave Simon a smile. “I think that might be possible. Very possible.”

  Simon smiled back. “Great! Then I’ll see you tonight.”

  As soon as Simon disappeared down the hallway, Noelle raced to find Lily. When she finally found her on the way to the school library, she relayed her entire conversation with Simon. Lily’s mouth dropped open as she listened to Noelle’s words.

  “Simon Larson wants to dance with me? Me? Are you sure?”

  “He said he wanted a dance with Connor’s Secret Santa. That’s you, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but I can’t believe it!”

  “Believe it! I don’t know how he found out that you’re Connor’s Secret Santa, but he did!”

  Lily gasped. “Do you think he could be my Secret Santa?”

  Noelle shrugged. “Who knows? You won’t have to wait much longer to find out. Why? What makes you think it could be him?”

y reached into her pocket and took out a key chain with half a heart dangling from it. “I found this from my Secret Santa this morning with a note.”

  “What did the note say?”

  “That the other piece of the heart would get added at the dance tonight.”

  Noelle squealed with delight. “How super romantic! Mark my words, tonight is going to be a night that neither one of us forgets!”

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  All Shawna wanted to do was forget what she had found out the day before. But she couldn’t. Amber had lied to her. And it hurt! She and Amber were supposed to be best friends, but everything between them was always a competition. And that was because of Amber. Amber always had to be better than everyone else, especially Shawna. It didn’t used to be that way. Where had her best friend gone?

  That morning, Shawna managed to avoid Amber because they didn’t have any classes together. The first time she saw her was at lunch, when she joined her at their table. Celia was also there, munching on some carrot sticks while paging through the latest issue of People.

  “Where’ve you been?” Amber asked. “I’ve been leaving messages for you since yesterday afternoon.”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “With what?”

  “Christmas stuff.”

  “Speaking of Christmas, look at these!” Amber exclaimed, pointing to the dangling earrings she was wearing. “They’re from my Secret Santa.”

  “Your Secret Santa gave those to you?” Shawna asked.

  Amber nodded, twisting her head from side to side. “Aren’t they fab? I didn’t think today’s gift could top the perfume I got yesterday, but I was wrong!”

  “Very pretty,” Celia added. “But also very expensive! Those had to have cost more than what we’re allowed to spend.”

  The words slipped out before Shawna could stop them. “Money’s no object when you can charge it to Daddy’s credit card, right, Amber?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Amber asked.

  “Nothing,” Shawna said, backing off.

  “Now that you’re here we can talk about tonight,” Amber said. “Celia, close that magazine!”

  Celia instantly did as Amber requested.

  “I figured we could all get ready for the dance at my house,” Amber said. “Come over at seven and we can do our hair and makeup. Then the limousine I’ve rented can take us to the dance.”

  “You’ve rented a limo?” Celia asked. “Why? It’s not like this is the prom or anything.”

  “I don’t know how you did things out in California,” Amber sniffed, “but out here, making an entrance is important. You’re getting a free ride, so stop complaining!”

  “She wasn’t complaining,” Shawna said, sticking up for Celia. “All she did was ask a question.”

  “When we get to the dance,” Amber continued, ignoring Shawna, “and it’s time for Secret Santas to be revealed, make sure you don’t spend too much time with whoever’s picked your name if they’re not on our level.”

  “Our level?” Celia asked.

  “She means if they’re losers,” Shawna explained.

  “Exactly!” Amber exclaimed.

  “You don’t really believe that, do you?” Celia asked, her voice filled with shock. “If someone’s been nice enough to buy me gifts all week, I’m going to thank them. And I’m going to get to know them. Isn’t that the whole point of the holiday season?”

  “Spare me the Cindy Lou Who speech,” Amber said, rolling her eyes.

  Celia rose from the table and gathered her books. “Not a problem.”

  Amber’s eyes narrowed and Shawna could see her temper start to rise. She had to do something fast, otherwise Celia was going to get ripped into by Amber. It was time to turn the tables.

  “So how much time are you going to give yourself tonight?” Shawna asked Amber.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Shawna reached into her pocket and handed Amber the receipt the clerk from the jewelry store had given her the night before. “You forgot this the other day when you bought your bracelet. You know, the one made of glass beads. The one your Secret Santa gave you.”

  “You were sending gifts to yourself?” Celia gasped.

  “What? What? Who was sending gifts to themselves?” Mindy Yee gasped just as she was walking by with her lunch tray. Her eyes darted from Amber to Shawna to Celia. She could sense the tension in the air and plopped herself down in a chair. “What’s going on?”

  “No, I wasn’t,” Amber said, ignoring Mindy’s question. “I liked the bracelet so much, I bought another one just like it.”

  “How did you know where they were being sold?” Shawna asked. “And you bought the bracelet the day before your so-called Secret Santa left it for you. Check the date on the receipt.”

  “Receipts don’t lie,” Mindy said, trying to take a peek at the receipt Amber was holding.

  “Why would you lie about your Secret Santa?” Celia asked.

  “Amber always has to be better than everyone else. Even when it comes to Christmas,” Shawna said.

  Mindy rubbed one finger on top of another, red lips pursed. “Shame, shame.”

  “That’s so sad,” Celia said.

  Hearing Celia’s words, Amber’s face turned red with rage. “I don’t have to explain anything to any of you!” she shouted, crumpling the receipt in her hand.

  “That’s right, you don’t,” Shawna said, leaving the table. She had a feeling her friendship with Amber was over.

  But it had been over for a long time already.

  She just hadn’t wanted to admit it to herself.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Celia hurried after Shawna. She couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. It was better than a daytime soap opera!

  It also meant she was free!

  She couldn’t imagine Amber still wanting to be friends with her. Not when she knew Amber had been sending Secret Santa gifts to herself! She’d be too embarrassed and Mindy was sure to spread the story throughout school. When Celia had left the table, Mindy had already pulled out her BlackBerry, fingers flying over the keys.

  Celia tried to catch up with Shawna, wanting to get the full story, but the halls were jam-packed with students and she lost her in the crowd. Then the bell for next period rang and she had to hurry to Anatomy and Physiology. She’d just have to wait until after school to talk to Shawna.

  When she arrived in the lab, she found Freddy already in his seat, his nose buried in a book like always. He looked up as she sat down next to him.

  “Feeling any better than yesterday?” he asked, closing his book.

  “Actually, I am,” she said. “I’ve decided I’m going to take your advice and talk to Jake at the dance tonight.”

  “You are? How come?”

  Celia shrugged. “Why not? What have I got to lose? I tell him I like him and either he says he likes me back or he doesn’t.”

  Celia leaned over to Freddy and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She could see she’d taken him by surprise because he instantly blushed.

  “Hey!” he exclaimed, placing a hand on his cheek. “What was that for?”

  “Just my way of saying thank you.”

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Froggy didn’t think he was ever going to wash his cheek again. Celia had kissed him. Okay, it wasn’t an on-the-lips kiss, but it was still a kiss!

  And she hadn’t been grossed out.

  She had wanted to kiss him!

  Suddenly, Froggy was seized by doubts.

  If Celia had wanted to kiss him on the cheek, who’s to say she wouldn’t kiss him on the lips?

  Was he doing the right thing by stepping aside?

  Or was he making a mistake?

  Should he follow his own advice and tell Celia how he felt about her?

  He glanced over and saw she had that same goofy smile on her face that she’d had earlier in the week. At the time, he had wondered who she was thinking about. Now he knew it had been Jake.
And she was thinking of him again.

  No, he couldn’t undo things.

  As much as his heart was breaking, as much as he hated losing her, he couldn’t tell her how he felt.

  Celia had feelings for Jake.

  Jake was the guy she wanted.

  Not him.

  ∗ ∗ ∗

  Celia was totally surprised when she got to Art class.

  Standing by her desk with a bouquet of purple daisies was Jake.

  “These are for you,” he said, handing the flowers to her.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t sure if you got the bouquet I sent yesterday when I was out sick, so I wanted to make sure you got these.”

  Hearing those words, Celia almost dropped the bouquet. “What did you say?”

  “I know we’re supposed to wait until tonight to reveal ourselves,” Jake said, “but I can’t wait anymore. Celia, I’m your Secret Santa.”

  “B-b-but you can’t be my Secret Santa,” Celia sputtered. “You were out sick yesterday. I thought —”

  Jake cut her off. “Even Secret Santas have elves who help them.”

  Jake was her Secret Santa. She had been right!

  Jake moved in close to Celia and her heart began pounding with excitement. Was he going to kiss her?

  “So I know this is short notice, but I was wondering if you would be my date for the dance tonight?”

  Celia threw her arms around Jake’s neck. She didn’t even have to think about her answer. “I’d love to!”

  Noelle felt like a princess!

  She admired herself in the full-length mirror behind her closed bedroom door, loving what she saw. From her hair to her makeup to her dress, everything was perfect!

  To match her plum-colored dress, she was wearing plum satin slingbacks, and her hair was coiled on top of her head in a sexy chignon, jeweled hairpins added for a touch of elegance.

  She’d gone light on her makeup, but used just enough to enhance her features: blush on her cheekbones, a smoky shade of violet eye shadow, a touch of mascara, and plum lipstick with an added touch of lip gloss for shimmer and shine.


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