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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 12

by W. Ferraro

  Lola opened the door at the light knock. She knew he’d be on the other side, but still nothing prepared her for how absolutely gorgeous he would look. He was dressed in a black suit with a bright blue dress shirt underneath. The collar was open, exposing his sexy neck. His scent, delicious musk and mint, surrounded her. His face was clean-shaven, and his lips looked utterly divine. He smiled his sexy smile, where his cheeks wrinkled at the corners of his mouth. He didn’t enter, he just stood there enjoying her, taking in of inventory.

  “Hi.” He said, softly and completely sexy.

  “Hi.” Was all Lola could say.

  They stood there gazing at each other for a full minute before Wes chuckled and said, “May I come in?”

  Lightly shaking her head, Lola stepped back and allowed the man to enter. What was it about him that had her mind going to complete mush? Oh, yeah, the fact that he could bring her to orgasm practically, without even touching her. She was lost in this thought when suddenly, forcefully but gently, he had her pinned up against the closed door so that the hard firmness of the door was at her back. Lola was alarmed by the surprise, but she wasn’t scared. This man, this experience, was what she wanted. She was throwing caution to the wind and going all in.

  “Now, I’m going to kiss you because, well honestly, I’ve thought of little else in the last forty-eight hours other than everything I want and will do to you. If I have any chance of getting through the next ninety minutes, I must have your taste on my tongue, now.”

  Wes used his body to hold her against the door as his hands held her jaw, cupping her face as if she was a precious piece of china. His lips touched hers, as his tongue asked for entrance. When she opened to him, he hungrily consumed her mouth. The warmth and excitement, that met him was a welcomed surprise. She was just as eager as he was. His tongue glided, and hers followed. They each took turns taking the lead, never rushing, just enjoying each other’s mouths.

  If his kiss was any indication at the skill level of other muscles in this man, Lola knew she would be in for a hell of a ride.

  Wes reluctantly left the heat of her mouth, and trailed soft kisses over her lips, down her chin to her neck. “Damn. I thought that would tide me over until after dinner, but I’m afraid it has made it worse, much worse.”

  Pulling his head away from her, he stepped back, and took his time taking in her appearance. He saw her when she opened the door but now he could appraise her body thoroughly. She wore a low cut tank top that altered stripes of knitted white with silver sequins. Her legs were in light blue denim with silver sequined stilettos. They weren’t as high as platforms but they were still sexy as hell. He could see a bit of ink on her right foot. Her long black hair hung down in soft waves, showing just a hint of the chandelier silver earrings she had on.

  “You look amazing. And as much as I enjoy looking at your skin, you will need a jacket, there is a bit of a nip in the air.”

  “Let me just go grab it.” She walked to where a short emerald green leather biker jacket was slung over the arm of the sofa, next to a small duffle bag. She went to put her arm into the sleeve, when she felt him take the jacket from her grip, holding it out for her to slip into. Once it was on her shoulders, he lifted her hair out from underneath, enjoying the feel of the soft strands in his hand.

  “Thank you,” Lola said, still with shivers running through her body from his touch.

  “This it?” He asked, indicated the duffle bag, right before he picked it up draping it over his shoulder.

  “Uh ha.”

  “Good. It’s extremely light, means you followed my advice and didn’t pack a lot of unnecessary clothing. It will just get in my way.” Wes said, as he leaned in and took possession of her lips again. But when he wanted to deepen the kiss, he forced himself to pull away. Knowing if he continued to touch her, they would never make their way out of the apartment.

  Taking her hand, they exited the apartment and walked out of the building toward his SUV. Still holding her hand, he opened the passenger door and waited for her to get comfortable in the seat. He closed the front passenger door, and opened the back, placing her duffle bag on the floor behind her. Quickly walking around the car, he slid into the driver’s seat.

  When they were on their way, Wes reached for Lola’s hand, and was happy that she willingly entwined her fingers with his.

  “Boyd’s at Aaron’s Place?” Wes asked to break the silence.

  “Yes.” Lola answered, unable to forget the words he said when he left. It wasn’t anything new for Boyd to say hurtful things, but Lola was beginning to reach her limit with it.

  “Everything alright?” Wes asked, giving her hand a squeeze.

  The action caught Lola off guard, a squeeze of hands was a thing she and Boyd did to communicate to each other. She could hear the concern in his voice, and generally she would find herself holding it in, but instead she found herself telling Wes what she was thinking.

  “Yes and no. Boyd left upset, and I can’t help thinking about it.”

  “Why was he upset?” Wes asked, encouraging her again with another gentle squeeze.

  Lola chuckled, “Actually, it was over you.”

  “Me?” Wes sounded surprised, but then quickly recovered into a playful tone, “Well, I hope that isn’t your way of telling me he doesn’t like the idea of us being involved.”

  To hear him say they were involved, even though she knew what was in her near future, still was a shock to hear, yet she couldn’t help but feel thrilled about it.

  “No you have officially and successfully become a hero to him. In fact, when he heard I would be spending time with you tonight, he wanted to come along.” Lola, took the chance to look at him then, and she saw Wes’ jaw muscle tense. “Needless to say, he was less than thrilled, when I said no and he went through his usual temper tantrum complete with his ‘I hate you’ statement.”

  “Whoa, he said that?”

  “Yeah. Honestly, I know he doesn’t mean it, but I can only hear it so many times a day before it starts to grate on me.”

  Wes didn’t say anything, but to hear Boyd would not only speak to Lola like that but it wasn’t out of the ordinary, disturbed him. They pulled into the restaurant parking lot, and like he did with her getting in, he rounded the hood and opened her door. They walked hand in hand into the entrance and was greeted by the hostess.

  “Hello, Mr. Thompson. Your table is waiting for you. Right this way.”

  Wes led Lola this time, but never letting her hand leave his. He couldn’t wait to get her alone. They were ushered to a booth in the corner. But this was no usual booth. This was almost a completely private alcove. The three sided bench and table, was surrounded by floor to ceiling walls on three sides. Wes waited for Lola to slide in. Wes slid in next to her, so that their thighs were completely aligned and his arm draped along the back of the bench seat. The hostess handed them their menus and left them alone.

  Wes assisted Lola in removing her jacket and loved how the slight breeze of fabric moving caused her scent to drift to his nose. Talk about an aphrodisiac. But then again, it wasn’t like he really needed one.

  “Have you ever been to Melted?” Wes asked.

  “No.” Lola said looking at the unusual table. The square table had what looked like a glass top electric range one burner size.

  “Everything on the menu is fondue based. You pick any style or flavor you want and you actually cook everything here at the table. But the best, is when it is time for dessert. You can have your pick of over twenty different chocolate combinations that can be dipped and drizzled over an array of delicious sweetness.”

  The way Wes was whispering the last part to her and staring at her lips, gave her the impression they were no longer discussing the menu. Just when she thought he was going to move the inch so their lips would touch, their waiter arrived. Wes asked if she knew what she wanted, but thoughts of his touch and his lips, confirmed she was definitely not thinking of the menu. As if he read her mind
, he asked if she wanted him to order for her. She nodded her head and looked down at the table to try to regain herself. Wes ordered an array of surf-n-turf in what he called the Thai blend. He also asked for a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.

  When they were alone again, Wes took advantage of their privacy. Using the hand that was draped along the back of her head, he moved her hair to the other side of her neck, allowing clear access for his lips. He placed a few light kisses, as a rumble came from his throat.

  “Your skin is so soft. I can only imagine how soft it is elsewhere.”

  Lola found herself angling her head to give him an easier time. She closed her eyes at the tingling feeling that was developing everywhere his lips touched. Lola could hear quiet voices coming from tables around her, but she saw no one. They were completely in their own world here. When Wes replaced his lips with his fingertip in a feather like caress, she felt warmth beginning to spread.

  “So gorgeous.” He whispered in her ear, as he gently flicked her earring enjoying the small jingle that resulted.

  Their waiter arrived with their main course, and Wes explained how to spear the meat and leave it in the pot to cook. The selection of sauces that came along with their order, was enough to give the impression there were ten diners at the table. Wes poured their wine as their first couple of pieces cooked. When the first shrimp was ready, Wes removed it from its skewer and forked it, bringing it to Lola’s mouth.

  “Open up, but be careful, it’s hot.”

  Lola opened for him, and the instant spice from the flavor broth hit her taste buds. Lola chewed the cumin infused shrimp and was rewarded with another bite.

  “How’s that?” Wes asked, bringing his napkin to her lips.

  “Yum.” Lola said, taking a sip of her wine. She should have known, he would know what wine to match with the spice of the food. The fruit in the wine balanced perfectly with the meat.

  “Now, ask me if you may have another.” He whispered. The blue of his eyes looked electric charged.

  He wasn’t kidding, he really wanted her to ask. Lola wondered if this was a hint to what was ahead of her. “More please.”

  “Ask correctly, and I will be more than happy to supply your desired demand.” He answered, happy she was starting to read between the lines.

  Her gray eyes opened wider, as she never faltered her gaze. She swallowed a couple of times, and without breaking eye contact, she said, “May I have another?” She watched as his jaw muscle twitched again, and without even thinking she added, “Sir.”

  Piece after piece, he fed her this way, with each piece she asked for another. Seeing Lola understand what he was telling her only fueled his desire. His years of mastery of delayed gratification could very well be blown out the water at the hand of this dark haired beauty.

  They continued their routine into the dessert portion. Wes insisted Lola select the chocolate combination for the fondue. She looked directly at him when she said, “The dark chocolate cherry cordial…please.”

  After he dipped the first piece of cheesecake into the delicious smelling goo, he held the piece out for Lola, and enjoyed how she purposely exaggerated the taste. She couldn’t help but giggle at the end, knowing she had maybe pushed the boundary a little bit too much.

  Wes went to dip a strawberry, when Lola’s hand rested on his and she said, “My turn.”

  Wes watched as she swirled the speared fruit through the melted chocolate. Once she let the excess drip off, she carried the skewer to his mouth with her free hand underneath, to save him from any dripping chocolate. He opened his mouth, accepting the gift and watched as Lola bit her lip, as he chewed. The bitterness of the chocolate and the sweetness of the juicy fruit exploded in his mouth, combined with the site of Lola’s beautiful face and the sound of her held breath, did amazing things for his libido. He knew they had waited long enough.

  Leaning in close to her, “I’m not sure about you but I’m hoping you’ve had enough of this type of oral stimulation, because I have other ideas.”

  Her gray eyes, dazed with arousal, locked with his, as she huskily whispered, “Absolutely.”

  Not even bothering to wait for the bill, Wes removed several bills from his wallet, knowing the amount was more than enough to cover the tab as well as supply a hefty tip, he slid out of the booth, pulling Lola along with him. Once they were both standing, he quickly slid her jacket onto her, and like their entrance, he pulled her along behind him, through the restaurant and out to the parking lot.

  When they were in the dark isolated parking lot, Wes pinned Lola’s body against the door of the SUV. Grinding his hips against her, he said, “God, the things I’m going to do to you. The things you make me want to do. I hope you are ready, because I’m going to open your eyes to things you didn’t even know your body could do and feel.” He stopped his flow of words by sliding his tongue into her mouth. There was nothing kind or sweet about this kiss. It was completely devouring. He absorbed her taste and mesmerized every surface of her mouth. Behind the confines of her jacket, his hands kneaded her tits; more than a handful and with already two hard points. He squeezed one nipple, resulting in a moan from Lola. The things he planned on doing with her nipples and breasts flooded his brain, giving him the required strength to pull away from her. When they broke apart, they were both breathing too hard.

  He opened the door and when she was in the seat, he stated, “Buckle up, Lola. I’m going to break all the road laws between here and my place. Once we walk through the door there, it is game on.”

  Lola could only nod her head at Wes’ words. He shut the door, and walked around to the driver’s side. He peeled out of the parking lot, and remained silent the entire way. Lola played his words over and over again in her head as she gripped the edge of the seat. He said it would be game on; she hoped and prayed the game would leave her in one piece when it was over.

  With an excruciating silent and sexual tense car ride, as well as an elevator ride that only tortured an already beyond aroused Lola, they arrived at his door. Wes unlocked the black double doors and ushered Lola in. Her eyes scanned the massive living space, as she heard the click of the deadbolt behind her. She saw the wall of windows showing the dark night filled with tiny twinkles of light from other homes and downtown life. Oakbrook, where Wes lived, was only three towns over from Hamden. She saw modern black furnishings with lots of glass accents; as well as artwork limited to the beauty of Architecture. Many images she knew as great wonders of the world, but others were ones she had never seen, but she instantly saw the beauty and engineering miracle of them.

  Suddenly, Wes’ powerful arms, wrapped around her from behind, he nuzzled her neck softly before spinning her around to face him to do as he wished. He claimed her mouth again, and as his mouth spoke of intention that words could not express, she melted into him. His tongue and lips ravaged her mouth. His hands slipped in between her shoulders and her jacket, with a slight push he let it fall to the hardwood floor. The entire time his mouth emphasized how many horrid kissers she had met in her lifetime. If this was kissing, she was sure she would be able to do it forever. He dominated her, taking what he wanted but also giving at the same time. He let his mouth roam over her chin and jaw lazily but just as erotic, he created a path down her neck to the spot where her shoulder and neck met.

  “Do you know, this spot right here, if stimulated enough, can make a woman purr like a kitten?” He whispered against her skin, as his lips barely broke their contact, enough to speak.

  Between every nerve ending in her body feeling like they had been energized by lightning, and the unbearable need growing within her, she couldn’t comprehend his words. Why is he talking about kittens? If he wants to talk about an animal, he can talk about one particular pussy she had in mind: HERS.

  Wes’ long perfected and praised ability to delay his own gratification might as well be nonexistent. His craving to command her body into pleasuring his, overcame him.

  “I need you now. This is going to
be fast because I just cannot wait another moment without feeling you squeezing my cock inside of you. After we get this first round out of the way, next will be the beginning of our play. Play, which I intend to prolong and guarantee, will show how I can take you to every level of pleasure and sexual ecstasy, but now, I just need to fuck you.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut at his verbal promise. As if she wasn’t aware of it before this moment, she was now; this man could ask her for anything and she would give it to him. Completely.

  He walked her backwards until her ass hit the back of the black leather sofa.

  “Lola, look at me.”

  She did as she was told and opened her eyes. She saw his eagerness displayed in every aspect of his face. Between the sharpness of his eyes, and the darkened blush over his strong cheekbones, she knew he wanted her.

  “Do I need to get protection?” He asked, unable to believe he didn’t think to have this specific discussion before this moment. “I’m tested every six months, just got my results back forty-eight hours ago, clean as a whistle. How about you?”

  “I was checked a year ago and there hasn’t been anyone since.”

  Could her words be true? Could she have gone without a sexual companion in a year? Maybe longer? Well, he now had some pressure added to him, and to be honest, he relished it.

  “What about pregnancy?”

  “No, no chance of pregnancy.” She answered quietly.

  “If you want the condom, until you can confirm what I just told you, I’ll wear one, but I’ll be honest, I’d prefer to feel you without any barriers. But it is your call.”

  “No, I trust you.”

  “Good. Your trust is going to be required for what I have in mind. But, for now, less talking and more fucking. Turn around, Lola.” Wes said before placing a kiss on her temple.

  Lola turned so she looked across to the open floor to ceiling windows. Touching her at her lower stomach, was the back of the sofa. Wes, once again, wrapped his arms around her, but this time with a flick of his fingers, the snap and zipper at her jeans, let go. Kissing her exposed shoulder, thanks to the tank top style, he lowered both her jeans and panties, where they pooled over her sequined heels.


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