Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series) Page 14

by W. Ferraro

  “Oh, you definitely will have that fucking perfect mouth on me soon enough, but right now, I want you on your back and me between your legs.” Catlike, he walked toward her and the bed, slowly crawling up her until he was cradled between her thighs.

  In one hard quick thrust he was buried inside her. Each began to move selfishly wanting and demanding their own release. The erotic sounds of fucking filled the room; headboard banging into the wall, a slight squeak of the mattress and skin slapping skin. Her moans were answered by his mumbled curses. On more than one occasion, one or both would call for divine intervention.

  Wes moved his forearms under each of her thighs opening her more to him then bring his hands close to her hip, effectively grinding into her as deeply as this position would allow.

  Lola called out her release a minute after his deepened assault. Moments later, Wes followed her into completion, collapsing onto her, spent and satisfied. Having mercy on her, he at least adjusted her legs to a more comfortable position, but his body remained covering her. With his head buried in her neck, he found peace in the erratic beat of her heart and her shallow breaths.

  When her pulse returned to a more normalized beat, she was aware of Wes’ roaming hands. He had to be kidding, I mean, even Gods must have limits. Well, if they don’t, this Diakonos did.

  “You have soft skin, perfect tits, and I like the smell of me on you.” Wes whispered as he gently caressed her breast.

  “Please, I jiggle like Jell-O.” Lola answered sarcastically, shoeing his hand away from what she had no doubt he was trying to do.

  Laughing at her obvious catch of his intentions, he lifted up so he could look into her eyes, “Yes, but Jell-O melts on your tongue, let’s see if you do too…oh yes you do indeed!” he said cockily as he licked her nipple.

  After many attempts of halting his intent of arousing her again with times of indulgence between, finally he conceded and lay on the bed next to her, just enjoying the view of her beauty.

  “You hungry?” Wes asked feeling starved himself suddenly.

  Actually she was. They had pretty much skipped out on dessert and dinner seemed like ages ago. As if timed perfectly, Lola’s stomach growled, embarrassing her.

  “I think that is a yes.” Wes answered as he laughed. He rolled off the bed and strolled to the door in his nudity, perfectly at ease. When Lola didn’t make any motion to move, Wes turned back, leaned on the door frame and looked toward his bed at the sexy creature in it. “You coming?”

  “No, but I did for the third time not ten minutes ago?” She said knowing she played on his words. At the look on his face, Lola couldn’t help but laugh, lifting her knees up toward her chest as the rumbles of hysteria took over.

  Her laughter made him happy. He strode back to the bed, giving her his most stern look, and it didn’t make a bit of difference, she just continued to cackle uncontrollably. Finally, Wes couldn’t help but laugh too, which then turned into giving her something to laugh about, as an all-out tickle war pursued.

  After letting her think she had the upper hand for a few seconds, finally, Wes had her tackled as he straddled her waist and pinned her arms to the bed. “You done?” he asked trying to sound stern but failing miserably. She just continued to giggle. “You done?” Now she was snorting from laughing so hard, gasping for breath as she struggled to move. “Sunshine, this is a bad position for you. I’m two seconds away from saying screw the snack break and just taking you again right now. Your choice.”

  “Okay, okay…I’ll stop.” As she continued to giggle nonstop.

  With her pinned underneath him, he used his once again rigid cock to grind against her lower belly. Her laughter faded and her cheeks flushed in color.

  “I think I’m ready for that snack,” she said, completely calm now.

  “I’m sorry that offer is no longer on the table. I warned you.” Wes said leaning down and taking what he wanted from her mouth.

  When he trailed his lips down her chin to her neck, Lola said, “You did try to warn me.”

  “I did.” He said against her warm skin.

  “Let me up, I want to ride you,” she said, tilting her head back even more, allowing him the best access.

  “That sounds like a great idea,” he answered. As he levered off of her, getting comfortable on the bed next to her.

  “Men are so easy.” And with that, she jumped off the bed and dashed out of the room.

  Wes was up and in pursuit before she reached the door. Grabbing hold of her, and pushing her against the wall as gently as he could, he pinned her soft plush body with his hard strong one.

  “Oh, Sunshine, tsk tsk tsk. You’ve been a bad girl.” He whispered greedily against her lips.

  Her breast heaved under his chest and her pointy nipples brushed against his muscles sending electric jolts to his already revved system.

  “I think the penalty for tricking me, should be putting that lying dirty mouth of yours on me.” Wes said, trying to not seem ecstatic about the idea.

  Lola moved her head, bringing her mouth to his, and showed him how sorry she was. Wes returned the hot kiss and when he felt her slacken against him, he went in for the kill.

  “Mmm, you taste good, but I want my taste on this dirty mouth.”

  Gray met blue and understanding was achieved. With one final kiss to his lips, Lola slid her back down the wall, until her face was level with his cock. Taking him into her mouth, she slowly took as much of him as she could. He was big and she had a hard time taking all of him. When she felt she had taken as much of him as she could, she begin applying suction. Slowly she withdrew only to take him further into her mouth. She brought her hands up to his ass, using her strength to push him toward her. Listening to his moans of pleasure, she quickly found a pace that was acceptable to both of them.

  Wes held himself against the wall with his hands, as he looked down to her beautiful dark head as his cock disappeared over and over into her mouth. Even though she never took more than half of him into her warmth, the feeling was still incredible. She was a master at this. He could feel her tongue, swirl around the head as she glided her lips over his engorged skin.

  “Oh your mouth was made for this. Suck me, Sunshine.” He instructed as she followed his command.

  Lola never enjoyed giving head that much, but she wanted this. She wanted to know she could please him. Please a God. That thought fueled her more to give it her all. Moving her hand from his perfect cheek to his balls, she squeezed just enough creating a pace in time with her mouth.

  “FUCK!” was yelled from above her. The sound bouncing off the walls and echoing throughout the condo.

  Knowing she made him feel good, she increased her assault. Before too long, he was telling her that he was close. “Sunshine, if you don’t want my come, now would be the time to move your sweet mouth.” She sucked him harder, and he answered by exploding into her.

  Twenty minutes later, they sat at the table in the kitchen. Wes was obviously very comfortable in his nakedness, Lola not so much. After their rendezvous in the hallway, Lola tried to return to the bedroom to get her clothes, but Wes refused to let her, telling her, “Clothes are only going to get in my way.” So she used the table to cover her lower half and crossed her arms over her chest for some sort of modesty. The fact that they were sitting in front of a full wall of windows, sort of crossed all her attempts out.

  “You know, it might be easier to eat if you let your arms down.” Wes said trying to lighten the mood.

  “I really wish you would have let me at least put my shirt on. I don’t look fabulous naked like some people.” Lola bit back.

  “That Sunshine, is open to interpretation. I think your body is gorgeous. But if it would really make you feel better to cover up, I’ll give in.” Wes got up and walked toward the refrigerator. Lola was confused, thinking he was offering to go get her shirt. He walked back and pulled her to her feet. Holding her at the waist with one hand, he used the can of whip cream to cover her left
breast. Without saying a word, he gave the same treatment to the right. When she was covered in a white foam bikini top, he placed the can down on the table and went back to his plate, taking a large bite of his snack.

  “You just think you are hysterical, don’t you?” Lola said, still in shock at his solution.

  “Clever actually. You were upset you weren’t covered, so I covered you. The fact that it is completely edible, is just a bonus for me.” Wes said straight faced, as if the answer was as obvious as the nose on his face.

  Lola answered him by wiping a part of the whipped topping off her boob and throwing it at him, effectively hitting him in the face.

  Wes was off his chair immediately, rounding on her, where a fight of cream occurred. Stickiness was the name of the game along with long kisses and enjoyment of sweetness was had and embellished. Wes was thinking of a shower to clean both of them when a loud portion of Maroon 5’s latest hit came from the great room.

  “That’s my phone. It’s Aimee’s ringtone, I have to answer it.” Lola untangled herself from Wes and hurried to her bag. Withdrawing the phone, she hit answer right before it was to go to voicemail.


  “I am so sorry to bother you on your date, but we have a problem. Boyd is having a tough time catching his breath and I looked for his inhaler in his bag, and it isn’t there. He said he left it on the counter back at the apartment. I can’t leave to get it, and I think he needs it, despite his opinion.” Aimee said, feeling terrible for interrupting whatever she was interrupting.

  Feeling the need to strangle her brother, Lola rolled her eyes, and said, “I specifically told him to put it in his bag. He did this on purpose because he is pissed at me. I’ll go grab it and bring it down.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “Nothing for you to be sorry for, Sweets. Give me an hour.” Lola answered.

  When she disconnected the call, she turned to go back to the kitchen, but found Wes was standing behind her. “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Just Boyd being Boyd. He needs his inhaler and it is at the apartment. Aimee can’t go and get it, so I have to. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to cut this short.” Just saying the last part caused a deep pain to burn in her belly.

  “Give me five to change. We’ll go pick up whatever you need and take it to Aaron’s Place. Then we can come back and continue with our evening.” Wes explained handing her a damp towel to begin cleaning her chest and arms.

  “Really, I’ve already ruined the evening, you can just drop me off and I’ll head to Aaron’s Place.” Lola said looking down at herself as she cleaned up, hating that her plans were ruined as well.

  Stealth-like, Wes was in front of her with his hand holding on to her chin, causing her to look at him. “You seem to think I had my fill. This is just intermission. I told you before, I needed a long block of time with you, and I will not let a small detour change that. Now that I know your taste and your feel, I plan on having you every way and place my imagination can think. And my imagination is large and original.”

  Wes walked toward his bedroom, leaving her stunned at his admission and at the possibilities of what was to come.

  “Find the inhaler okay?” Wes asked as Lola got back in the Lexus.

  “Yeah. He left it blatantly on the counter after I specifically told him to bring it with him. But, what do I know!?! He can be so infuriating.” Lola grumbled as she clicked her seatbelt into place.

  “Perhaps he just sincerely forgot it?” Wes said, pulling out onto the road, heading toward Aaron’s Place.

  “Sure. And perhaps, I’ll wake up tomorrow eighty pounds lighter.” Lola answered mockingly.

  “Lola!” Wes warned.

  Before too long, Wes pulled in to a front parking spot.

  “I’ll be right out.” Lola said as she hopped out. She was surprised to see that Wes, got out as well.

  “I don’t mind coming in. Besides, I’d like to say hi to Boyd,” Wes said, as he opened the door, waiting for Lola to proceed him.

  Lola led the way through the center to where the movie marathon was occurring in the media room. When she opened the door, she stopped short at the sight in front of her. The large room that housed twenty or more leather recliners with the three 70 inch flat screens connected to every gaming system you could imagine, currently in pause mode, was in total disarray. With food packages thrown everywhere, cups and plastic bottles littering every surface and multiple small areas of disaster scattered around the room. Not only was the sight concerning, but also the fact that the room was vacant, was.

  Turning toward Wes, Lola said, “What do they teach you boys in school? How to destroy a room in 2.5 seconds 101.”

  “Yes, with a following in difference of sticky substances 101.” Wes answered and was happy his response earned him a soft laugh and sexy smile from Lola..

  “Come on, let’s go see if we can find them,” Lola said, as she turned around to walk back out of the room; but, Wes was there blocking her way.

  With his hands extended out, holding onto the doorframe, he whispered, “Toll road.”

  Enjoying his impromptu adorableness, Lola cocked her head, and with a smile spread on her face, she played along. “A toll? How much?”

  “Either five thousand cash or a taste of your tongue.” Wes answered, focusing on her lush mouth, imagining and anticipating the kiss to come.

  “Hmm. Well I don’t have that kind of cash on me. Do you offer a payment plan?” Lola asked, as she arched her eyebrow.

  God, she was good at this! She never failed to make him laugh or question his sexual indulgence authority. “Oh, I’ll show you what kind of payment plan I offer.” And then she was wrapped in his strong arms, as his mouth was on hers and his tongue was invading her mouth. She melted right into him and he loved it. Sweep after sweep of his tongue against hers made him think of where they could go right now to relieve the sudden need to feel his cock in her. Wes lowered his hands to her delicious Beyonce envied bottom and lifted her closer to his body. Feeling her body pushed up against his, only made his internal inferno rage hotter.

  Lola tried to pull free of his sexy as sin mouth and skilled tongue, but not really putting much effort into it. Finally after the lame fourth attempt, she did break free. Her first thought was, why the hell did she or would want to, then their surroundings came back to her. “Your payment plan is considerate, but if that is the payment, I should just stick with the original options.”

  Wes’ smile spread with complete intent to possess her quick and witty mouth again, however, Lola appeared to have other plans. She ducked between his side and the doorframe and continued off on here search for Boyd, Aimee and the others.

  Soon, they found themselves at the door to the gymnasium. Lola opened the door and found petite little Aimee playing guard to a boy a full head taller than her and twice as wide. Jerry was off in the far corner with a group of kids playing another game of basketball. Lola caught Boyd mid throw of the basketball, and watched as it arched wide and went up and over the backboard. He was obviously upset, but the praise and good attempts encouragement coming from his fellow players was enough to help him move on.

  “Lola!” came from Kenny Preston, a teen with Autism. He ran over and hugged Lola hard, drawing mostly everyone’s attention from what they were doing to her and Wes’ presence.

  “Hey KP! How’s it going? I heard your party was a huge blast. Boyd couldn’t stop talking about all the fun at Laser Tag.” Lola said, engaging the young man into talk of his birthday from last week. Lola knew KP was having a hard time interacting with the others, being fairly new to Aaron’s Place, and she was proud how Boyd kind of took him under his wing.

  Others wanted to talk with the newest attendees and were most unashamed to ask who Wes was and why he was with Lola. At the sound of Wes’ voice, Boyd perked up to his sisters direction and headed over to the duo.

  Wes watched as teen boy after teen boy, came over to stand next to or
gain even a hint of Lola’s attention. Did not matter age, race, color, or health, the male specie of humans were drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and he was the biggest moth of all. Now that he has had her, he just wanted her that much more. He prided himself on his control of his own raging hormones, but with Lola, she could easily break him of all his learned self-discipline.

  “Everyone, this is Wes. He’s my friend. He plays Guitar Hero with me and he says I’m really good.” Boyd exclaimed, wrapping his chunky arm around Wes, as his smile spread when Wes confirmed Boyd’s story and hugged him in return.

  “Hey, Boyd, my man. I heard and see with my own eyes, you guys are having a hell of a time. Epic party, epic, I tell you.”

  “You wanna stay? You can play Guitar Hero with us or watch movies.” Boyd said, already excited about Wes’ compliment.

  “Next time, maybe, Buddy. We just came to drop off your inhaler.” Wes answered and immediately noticed the change in Boyd’s demeanor.

  “I don’t need it.” Boyd barked, feeling embarrassed that someone as cool as Wes would think he would.

  Yet, it was Lola that spoke up this time, “Buddy-Boyd, don’t be ridiculous. You do in fact need it and I specifically told you to take it with you.”

  “No I don’t! I’m going back to play Call of Duty.” Boyd said, trying to head out of the gymnasium.

  “Boyd, stop acting like this. Thank goodness, Aimee called me. What if you really needed it and didn’t have it? God forbid you listen to me.” Lola said quietly but sternly. “What do you think KP? Think I would tell him to do something that isn’t right?”

  Wes watched as Boyd’s face expressed how he was feeling. So much like Christopher he thought, and Boyd’s reaction clinched the similarity.

  “Shut up Lola! You are not my boss! You are just mean and I hate you!”

  “Boyd, my man, don’t speak to her like that. Not cool.” Wes said, upset that Boyd would say such things to Lola. That she would allow it.

  “Wes! Butt out.” Lola turned on him.

  Wes waited for Lola to say something to Boyd for his outburst, but she never did. That is when Wes met Aimee’s eyes, and the communication in that moment was what Wes was beginning to see clearly; she was his biggest defender when the threat was anyone else, but she accepted his behavior towards her. Why? Wes was going to find out.


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