Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series) Page 18

by W. Ferraro

  Soon they were back in the Lexus heading to the apartment. Boyd had put his handheld game on, and Lola insisted he use the earphones. When she was sure he was emerged in his game, she said as she looked out the side window, “So, is that where they think you go? To a standing poker game?”

  Wes looked at Lola, turned himself to confirm Boyd was not listening and said, “Yes. I figured it was the easiest and most believable reason. Seth, Dylan and I, used to play often, but since they’ve both gotten married and expanded their families, our games have subsided.”

  Lola didn’t know how this information sat with her. The fact that he so easily lied to his friends or that she knew exactly where he was going. She knew he would think she was off her rocker if she said anything about where he was headed in a few hours, but still the fact remained, her stomach rolled at the thought of him there…without her. God, Lola! How ridiculous can you be. This is sex! Just like that is sex for him. It’s not like you are in love with each other. What are the chances that he, Adonis, Wes, whatever he wants to call himself would fall in love, let alone with you? She just had to keep her head in the game, before she lost it completely.

  “I see.” Lola said, as she continued to look out the passenger window. She tried to ignore the feelings of desire begin as he touched her thigh, and caressed with his thumb.

  “So, can I see you tonight?”

  She whipped her head around to stare at him. “Um, you want to see me after you leave Olympus?”

  “Sunshine, I want to take you to my place, have you play hooky from work and forget about where I have to go tonight.”


  “You doubt me? You doubt this?” He said as he pulled her hand to his crotch, where she could feel with her own hands his semi erect state. “This is how I am constantly when you are in my vicinity, hell, let’s be honest, this is how I am when I’m awake and you are on my mind.” He lifted her hand to his lips where he placed multiple kisses on each of her knuckles finally rotating her hand to kiss and tongue her palm.

  “Yes, I’d like to see you tonight too.”

  “What are we going to do about him?” Wes said.

  “I’ll come up with something.” Lola said, not a clue as to what that something would be, but knowing she would…she needed to.

  “Looking forward to it.” Wes said. As he drove toward their building, knowing for the first time, wanting to not go to what has been so important to his life for so long. Funny thing, Olympus was for sex, yet, sex there was the last thing on his mind. He didn’t want to be Adonis tonight. He didn’t want the rules, the secrecy, or the animalistic carnality of it. He wanted something more, and he wanted it with Lola.

  Fucking great! Just great! What a time to have an epiphany Thompson!

  Cal’s was packed tonight. Between the billiards tournament going on, and the new band playing, it was one of those nights, where only minimal chit chat occurring between Lola and her regulars. She was just flat out slammed. Jeff called in, due to the baby being sick. Cal offered to call in Joe, the other part time bartender, but Lola said she could handle the large bar, while Cal worked the front bar. Finally, Lola got her first break, and as if her cell phone knew, it rang in her back pocket.


  “Hey, sorry to bother you at work, but, Boyd is out cold on my couch and I’m exhausted and a little sore from the butt whooping I got today when I offered to play floor hockey. I think I’ll take some ibuprofen and hit the hay myself. So, why don’t we just leave him here with me and I’ll take him to Aaron’s Place tomorrow and you can meet us there. Use the time to sleep in, or I don’t know, occupy yourself another way.” Aimee couldn’t help but chuckle on the last part.

  “No I can’t let you do that. I’ll wake him when I get home.”

  “Lola, he’s asleep already, why wake him? Let him stay with me. Besides, if you don’t want to entertain yourself with a tall sexy architect, I’m sure somebody else will.”

  “Well if you are sure.”

  “Positive, and we will see you tomorrow. Remember details, oh and none of that, ‘it was nice’ crap I got last time! I had to let my imagination take over and I’m sure it isn’t anywhere up to his level of sexy.”

  With a chuckle, a thank you, and a promise to elaborate, Lola hung up. Lola suddenly felt like a bundle of nerves. She figured with Boyd in the next room, things couldn’t get too out of hand with Wes. Yet, now with a free pass for the night, she knew without a doubt what was ahead of her; incredible, unrestrained, uninhibited sex of the dirtiest level. Lola’s body awakened with anticipation. She looked at her phone, ten thirty, she had at least 3 hours ahead of her before she could get out of here. Should she wait to call Wes or call him now. Looking around at the once again growing crowd, she quickly placed a text to him.

  Boyd is with Aimee for the night, I will be free until late morning. Let me know when and where.

  Hitting send on the text, she shut her phone off and put it back in her pocket. Now with no chance of distraction of it buzzing in her pocket, Lola went back to filling order after order. She tried to ignore the new heaviness in her pocket, but, she figured this new tact would be as fast and easy to accomplish as this pitcher of frozen margaritas were about to be consumed by the bachelorette party that ordered them.

  The smell and sounds of sex were thick in the air tonight. The music was blaring and the members’ sexual readiness was almost at a fever pitch. The mountain was bare, except for him. All the Gods and Goddesses were taking their entitlement and running away with it, yet, he was here in his gold satin pants and mask on, looking out the high windows wondering what a certain bartender was doing.

  His mind was thinking of dark black hair, and lips made for kissing. Of curves that begged to be uncovered and openings that demanded filling. His muscles tensed with thoughts of womanly limbs and soft skin, of beautiful yet curious ink, of an amazing and amateurish willingness to indulge, with responses to challenge the most seasoned of lovers.

  For the first time, Olympus was the last place he wanted to be. When he told Lola, he wanted to skip coming, he wasn’t lying. This had always been his escape. Where he could come and know his taste and his high demand of fast sex, no rules other than to get off and to push the envelope of what was acceptable in a generally vanilla world, would not be dissected or open for discussion.

  “Adonis, aren’t you lonely?”

  A small fleeting smile formed on Wes’ lips, before it disappeared as he turned to the voice he knew all too well. “Just thinking why the Earth is round, Erato. I saw you disappear through the tunnel earlier with a couple of playmates, did you grow bored of them already?”

  She thumbed her light colored side braid, as she tipped her head in a coy appearing stance. Her vivid green eyes twinkled behind the cutouts of her mask. The gold backing with the metallic lace that adorned her mask was understated, while the feathers she chose to wear tonight, fused out from the top, giving her generous natural height that much more of a boost. Her metallic gold fishnet teddy clung to her physique revealing everything and covering nothing. She always chose this teddy when she craved him, it was like her calling card to him. She knew he knew it as well. With his playful response, she felt her bravado that was so common elsewhere with anyone one else, come to the surface. When he was like this, she always could count on a certified amazing orgasm like no other, from none other than Adonis. “Why toy with a slave, when I can suck on a God?”

  Images of Erato’s sexual talents fluttered in his brain. She was one of his strongest partners, her limits were endless and her desire to give as good as she got was what he once held to be the ultimate partnership. Just as quick as those memories flashed, they were quickly replaced by more vivid, more recent memories. These memories did not showcase this self-reliant and obsessed sexual being, but rather a beautiful woman, who wasn’t part of this lifestyle. Nevertheless, he was confident he’d bed a million times before his taste for her lessened. These were the thoughts he w
as ripped away from when he noticed the bruises on her skin.

  “How did that happen?” He indicated her arms and legs with his fingers, before he crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t tell me it was one of your playmates either. I know damn well you don’t let them mark you.”

  Of course, he would notice the marks; she should have used better concealer on them. No, what she should have done was never accepted Lycus’ offer. Her weakness for Adonis clouded her judgment. She knew that no substitute would do, but she was desperate for release, so she took what was willingly and eagerly available. But before too long, she was aware of her poor decision, and now she bares the results. But she couldn’t let Adonis see her shame, so she opted for an uncaring easily forgettable explanation.

  “Adonis, you know better than anybody, when the sexual animal inside unleashes, that sometimes there is destruction. These marks are just a few on my list of collateral damage.” But her voiced hitched on the last bit, and her usual clear southern drawl was marred.

  “Yes, uncontrolled emotion can and does occur, but never have I destroyed anything. And for you to say it happens, so casually, I expected better of you, Erato.”

  His way of making her feel belittled enraged her, but only fueled her desire for him that much more. She walked lightly toward him, until she was so close she could feel his warm breath on her and feel his incomparable heat radiate off him onto her already overheated body.

  “My apologies, my God, please take my meek offering as forgiveness.” And she dropped to her knees in front of him and slowly raised her hands to his waist, settling her fingers inside his waistband. With a smile she slowly began to pull downward, when his hands moved lightning fast, gripping her wrists.


  “But I want to show you that I am repentant for my foolishness. Let me repent to you, let me fuck you with my mouth and swallow your come to cleanse my soul.”

  “Erato! I said no. Get up, now.”

  Did he really just deny her? Deny them? She admits he has been strange the last six months, but this was beyond her acceptance. Ignoring his demand, she snapped her wrists from his grasp and when he was expecting her to stand, she pulled on his pants, exposing his semi hard self. She was able to touch him with her lips before he pushed her away. She sprawled on the floor of the mountain, denied by the God, and where shame should be; only fury lived.

  Making a tsking sound with her mouth, she stood, fixed her now askew teddy and mask, she walked to him, leaned in and whispered, “Is the mighty Adonis unable to respond anymore? You know you want me. You know what I can do, you will come back, begging me to take you, and I…can’t…wait.” She turned, clicked on her heels, and descended the stairs with her head held high.

  Running his hands over his head multiple times, Wes entwined his fingers at the crown of his skull and counted to ten. When he reached the end, he looked around to the deserted mountain top and decided, tonight was as good as any, to leave Olympus by his choosing.

  Jax watched as the God descended the stairs and left through the God’s entrance. Ensuring Pierre knew he was exciting the club, Jax followed Adonis’ path to the private suites that each God occupied. The door to Adonis’ was open, so Jax knocked gently, and walked in when he was told to.

  “Wes. Everything okay?” Jax asked his friend.

  Wes was already changed out of his satin pants and in his jeans, pulling a shirt over his head. He removed his wallet, keys and cell phone, from the small wall mounted safe to his left. Looking at his phone, he immediately noticed Lola’s text. Her message rocketed through his system. After his incident with Erato, his desire and need for Lola was palpitating. He quickly typed a response before placing the phone in his pants pocket.

  “Yo! Earth to Wes. You okay man?” Jax asked again, with concern growing for his friend’s unusual actions.

  “Yeah. I’m just getting out of here. Some place I want to be.” Wes said, quickly finishing to dress.

  “You are just going to leave?” Jax asked shocked. Of the ten years he’s worked as head of security for Olympus, Wes has never left a club night early. Something was up, and he was just cocky enough to poke the bear. “This wouldn’t have to do with a certain Diakonos that has not returned to Olympus would it?” Jax knew that Tawne had been talking regularly with Lola, and he had seen her at Cal’s a time or two, but she never mentioned Wes. But he needed to know; he wanted to make sure those front row seats he so desperately coveted were truly in existence.

  “Stop digging, Jaxon. Don’t you have a job, that I pay you very well for which you should be doing?”

  “I’m not digging at all. I mean, if you aren’t tapping Lola, I thought I might give her a go.”

  Instantaneously Jax was with his back against the wall with Wes’ forearm across his throat. “The only reason you are still on your feet is because I value our friendship, but I’ve told you before, you don’t ever talk about her like that. I’ll lay you out, I swear to God. The hell with our twenty year friendship. Got it?”

  Even though his air intake was severely diminished, Jax couldn’t help but smile. He nodded his head in compliance, and the pressure was removed from his throat.

  “Pretty quick moves for a white guy, but complete white stupidity for threatening a brother,” Jax said, straightening his suit and tie.

  Unable to hold the sarcastic chuckle in as Wes attached his watches clasp he said, “I’ll take my chances. Besides, as I recall, you’ve already warned me once. Something about rearranging my face.”

  “Good to know your memory isn’t leaving you yet. Okay, get out of here. Go to that real Goddess on legs.” Jax clapped his friend on the back and headed to the door. “Oh, by the way, you will need to read my most recent incident report before the board meeting. We can follow up if you want to ask me anything after you read it. Now get out of here. Oh and remember to do everything you damn well know I’d be doing if I was with a woman rather than here controlling your mostly white participants kinky asses.”

  For the first time since he can remember, Wes left Olympus feeling pumped and ready; and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Forty-five minutes later, Wes walked into Cal’s. The bar was in full swing. He could see through the large double door openings into the new addition, that Lola was at the bar. God she looked amazing. He wanted to go to her and claim her in front of everyone, but he didn’t think she would appreciate it. Hell, he didn’t know if he’d appreciate such a proclamation himself tomorrow. So he opted to stay clear of the section. Wes strolled over to a newly vacant seat at the original bar where Cal was working. He watched as the old man’s talent for working a bar still was evident. He flipped bottles like an eighties iconic movie, he slid glasses down a bar like a Hollywood cliché, and he whistled and hummed while he worked, regardless that his choice of serenade was drowned out by the live band playing a hundred feet away. A few minutes passed by before Cal’s attention noticed Wes.

  “Hey there kid, how long you’ve been sitting there?”

  “Long enough to see you still got it.”

  “Oh, I still got it alright.” As he theatrically pulled the bottle of Glen Livet off the high shelf, filled a class two fingers deep and slid it to Wes’ waiting hand, without spilling a drop.

  Cal signaled for Sully, one of Cal’s longest employees who generally was a server, but whom liked to work the bar, over. Cal instructed Sully to take over and he pulled up a stool next to Wes.

  “So what brings you here? Saturday night is not a usual night for you.”

  “Oh you know me, Cal, I like to spice things up a bit here and there,” Wes said, draining his glass before placing it back on the mahogany bar.

  “Yeah, well if your spice has anything to do with my peach of a bartender you can walk your ass right back out to your fancy SUV,” Cal said, meaning it. He had grown quite fond of Lola. And regardless of his age and what his daughter refers to as old man meddling, Cal felt paternal protectiveness toward Lola.

  Taken aback by Cal’s obvious warning, Wes looked at the man he’s known more than half his life and arched his eyebrow, mentally asking for further explanation.

  “Besides, Jeff is out with a sick baby and Lola is running the whole place back there. So you leave her be. You distract her from my business and I’m going to go broke. You wouldn’t want my destitute financial situation on her conscience would you?”

  “Yeah, okay old man. We both know underneath those fifty year old flannel shirts with the cracked pocket protectors you wear, that you have more money than all of us. You are the one that should share the wealth a little and if that means giving up your precious peach then by God, you should. Besides, I’m a nice guy. How bad can I be for her?”

  “Do I look old and stupid to you, Wes?” Cal asked smacking Wes upside the head. “Stay away from her or at least until last call. Then I’ll give you my blessing.”

  Wes asked for Sully to refill his glass as he saluted Cal’s departing back.

  An hour had passed before Wes ventured into Lola’s domain. The crowd had gotten bigger since he first entered. He watched as she bounced around the bar, working both sides efficiently. He sat at his corner vantage point and watched as male customers tried to engage her. She indulged a couple here or there but mostly she kept her interaction to a minimum. It was then she noticed him. The moment her gray eyes connected with his, he felt his arousal make itself evident. Her smile took over her face, and it was all for him. She indicated with her finger for him to come to the bar. He slowly walked over to the vacant seat.

  He watched as she worked the opposite side. From his vantage point he could see her through the opened shelves in the center of the bar. Her dark hair hung down, covering her low square cut top. Her bra could once again be seen vaguely from under her shirt. This time it was a teal blue with scalloped lace. As she worked, her breasts bounced and he watched the black crystal pendant of her necklace dipped between her breasts before reappearing from her movements. She now stood directly across from him. He had a full view of her entire body. Her lush ass looked high and snug in her jeans. Her heeled boots gave her height and helped flaunt her legs. Her shirt rode up and he could see her tattoo across the small of her back. The white and pink coloring of the apple blossom replicated the delicacy of the woman whose skin it was on, but from here, what Wes thought was different coloring on the petals looked strange. Was the flower crying? Were those tears flowing from the petals? Why would the tear drops be red? Almost as if it was bleeding. Ironic that from this spot, six feet away, how clear the image was, but when it was mere inches from his face, he thought it was just a picture of a flower. This went beyond a drunken selection. His growing concern settled into the back of his head, as Lola turned toward him. She walked to him, with her womanly hip swish, and matching bounce that only came from a woman, not a waif.


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