Just Jessie

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Just Jessie Page 23

by Lisette Belisle

  Jessie said softly. “Meet your grandson—Nathaniel.”

  After a long moment, Ira cleared his throat. “Poor little scrap—he’s got Ben’s black hair,” he said gruffly, unable to express what he really felt inside. “But he’s got Jessie’s far-seeing eyes.”

  Ben chuckled. “That he does.” He placed a hand on Jessie’s waist and brought her back against him.

  Ira caught the movement. He looked at his son-in-law. Ben Harding had the look of a contented man—a man who had gone to hell and back and found heaven. Yes, he was the right man for Jessie. With a glance at the loaded van, Ira asked, “You planning on staying awhile?”

  Jessie answered. “We’re going to stay part of the summer.”

  Ira nodded. “Good.”

  The migrant camp was closed. As a result, Stone’s End was short of help. Jessie hadn’t needed to ask—Ben had offered to come north for the summer season. His grandfather had gladly agreed to manage the horse farm for a few months. Ben’s family had become Jessie’s; they’d welcomed her without reserve, grateful to her for bringing Ben back where he belonged.

  “While we’re here,” Ben said. “I thought we could look into buying a vacation house.”

  Amazed at the announcement, Jessie smiled at him in delight. “A summer place. You never said anything.”

  Ben smiled back. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  Surprising them both, Ira offered, “Reckon there’s an acre or two right here at Stone’s End to build, if you’d like.

  Jessie held her breath, waiting for Ben’s answer. She released it when he said, “That sounds just fine.”

  She loved her new home in Virginia and never tired of the green hills and rich red earth, but she loved this place, too. She loved Ben even more for giving her a piece of it back.

  The baby stirred. His tiny fists waved in the air, until Ira caught one. Nathaniel wrapped his fingers around a thumb and hung on. “He’s got quite a grip for a young one,” Ira said.

  Jared came around the corner. “Jessie!” A wide grin split his face; he grabbed her around the waist and hugged her. He shook hands with Ben.

  “Hey, what have we here?” Sobering abruptly, Jared bent towards the baby nestled against Ira.

  Ben introduced him. “Meet your nephew.”

  Jessie stood back. Her heart swelled with love and pride as she leaned against the porch rail and watched the three men huddle around one tiny baby. She smiled, content in this precious moment—one of the many Ben had given her. As she looked at his dark head bent over their baby, she thought her heart would burst. She loved both her husband and her son with a depth that still frightened her at times. Just then, as if aware of her thoughts, Ben glanced toward her. Their gazes locked for a brief moment. That’s all it took and she felt connected, a part of Ben, just as he was part of her forever.

  That night, Ben sat in Jessie’s rocking chair in her old room and watched her prepare herself and the baby for bed.

  Between bathtime and feeding, it was quite a production. Finally, Jessie stood before him, with the infant in her arms. She was freshly scrubbed, sweet and innocent in her long white cotton nightgown.

  “Are you sure you want to build here?” she said hesitantly.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I want our children to know this place. It’s part of their heritage.” When she smiled in relief, he drew her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her and the baby. Jessie’s strength, courage, and goodness were bred in this place. He wanted that for his children, and himself.

  He felt her sigh and settle against him more comfortably.

  When the baby nuzzled against her breast, she opened her nightgown and let him nurse. Jessie had taken to mothering as naturally as she did everything else. That small dark head nestled against the pale curve of her breast sent a visceral feeling of possession coursing through Ben. Jessie had given him so much. First, herself, then a son. At times, Ben felt awed and humbled at her capacity to give. He’d never known so much peace, joy, and contentment existed. Like a fresh breath of spring, she brought renewal, love.

  “Sometimes, I can’t believe a baby could be so perfect,” Jessie’s voice penetrated his thoughts.

  Ben smiled at the wonder in her voice. He felt it too.

  “He’s your son, Jessie.”

  “Our son,” she whispered.

  Jessie ran a light finger down the infant’s downy cheek. In response, Nathaniel stopped feeding for a moment. He smiled and gazed at his parents with those far-seeing eyes. That early vision of love would guide him through his life.

  Rocking gently, Ben held his wife close to his heart and felt her breathing slow to a gentle rhythm. Nathaniel yawned. A breeze whispered through the open window. With a few creaks and groans, the house settled down for the night. Ben leaned his head back and closed his eyes, not in any hurry to end the tender moment.

  He’d traveled a far distance to get to this place. A year ago, he’d found Jessie waiting at the end of that long lonely road. In her, he’d found love—a love that grew and flourished despite the odds; a love that grew in stony ground.

  ISBN: 978-14592-7381-8


  Copyright © 2011 by Lisette Belisle

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