Wolf Tales III

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Wolf Tales III Page 21

by Kate Douglas



  Chapter 14

  “Hey, Mik! AJ! I didn’t expect you two reprobates until late tonight. It’s good to see you.” Jake vaulted the porch railing and hugged the first man to climb out of the SUV. The tall newcomer looked either Hispanic or American Indian, Shannon wasn’t sure. His hair hung in glossy black waves down his back. High cheekbones and a perfectly chiseled mouth set off brilliant amber eyes.

  Eyes that saw way too much, as far as Shannon could tell.

  Wrapped in a worn bathrobe, Shannon stood in the doorway with Baylor close behind her. She felt Bay’s hand on her shoulder and reached back to rub his cold fingers. This had to be tough for him right now, the addition of strangers, both powerful looking men, when he must still feel so fragile.

  “Fragile” certainly described Shannon. She chewed on her bottom lip, watching silently while Jake greeted men who were like brothers to him. Men who were his lovers.

  Who might, quite possibly, become Shannon’s lovers as well.

  The driver of the SUV opened his door and got out. He stretched and arched his back, and Shannon’s mouth went dry. Weren’t any of these guys average? Tall and lean, his body was the thing fantasies were based upon. So handsome, Shannon would describe him as beautiful, it was hard to believe he was actually an ex-con.

  Both of them were, according to Jake, inmates from Folsom Prison, who Ulrich Mason had discovered years ago. Mason had done his homework, realized they were Chanku, gotten their convictions overturned and took them home as the newest members of Pack Dynamics.

  Jake hugged the second man just as fiercely as he had the first, then turned around to grin at Shannon. “Other than the fact their timing sucks, as usual, I’m glad they made it in one piece. Especially since Mik let AJ drive most of the way.”

  The Hispanic punched Jake lightly in the arm and laughed. “It was quite an experience, that’s for sure. So, we got you guys out of bed, eh?”

  “Of course you did. Haven’t you noticed it’s still dark out? It’s four in the morning, you jerk. C’mon, I’ll help you carry your bags in.” Jake grinned up at Shannon, obviously glad to see the men in spite of the hour. “Shannon Murphy, Baylor Quinn, this is Miguel Fuentes, otherwise known as Mik.”

  He nodded in the direction of the driver. “And that’s Andrew Jackson Temple, AJ for short.” After making the introductions, Jake turned back to AJ. “Why’d you show up so damned early in the morning? Is there trouble?”

  “Not really.” AJ reached into the back seat and grabbed an army-style duffle bag. “We were told to drive fast. I always follow instructions.” He laughed and tossed the heavy bag to Jake as if it were nothing.

  “Truth be told, I think Luc was worried about you out here so far from the pack. It was quiet at home, Tia’s busy with her class—teaching special-needs kids keeps her running—and there’s not much going on. We decided to drive instead of fly.”

  “Straight through. Very fast. It’s a long way from California.” Mik grinned in spite of his deadpan grumble, but Shannon thought both men looked exhausted.

  Jake took AJ and Mik to the remaining bedroom next to Bay’s while Shannon started breakfast. Bay went in to shower. Jake joined Shannon in the kitchen once he got his packmates settled.

  Jake took the cup of coffee Shannon poured for him and leaned his hip against the counter while she peeled potatoes. “I didn’t think how much extra work it would be for you.” He leaned close and kissed her.

  She tasted coffee and toothpaste and Jake. It wasn’t easy to end a kiss that could have easily taken her so much further. “It’s not extra work, not for people you love. I love you and I love Bay. You really love those two. They love you. It’s obvious.”

  Jake nodded. “Yeah. I’m going to need to explain Bay to them. AJ said Luc hadn’t mentioned him. They had no idea he was Chanku.”

  Shannon turned with her hand planted firmly on one hip and grinned at Jake. “Neither did you. Not for sure until last night. Have you called Luc? Have you told him about Bay? About us?”

  “No.” Laughing, Jake took a sip of his coffee. “Damn. It’s been a full week.” He covered Shannon’s hand with his. “You’re the best part of it. You know that, don’t you?”

  “So are you.” The emotions of the past week slammed into her, like a fist directed at her heart. Shannon felt her throat close up and knew if she didn’t get back to work, the rest of the guys would catch her standing in the kitchen with a potato peeler in her hand, sobbing her eyes out. Not a great way to make a first impression.

  “I’ll set the table.” Jake leaned close and kissed her cheek. “I’ll call Luc later. It’s still the middle of the night in San Francisco.”

  Shannon snorted and glanced at the clock. “It’s still the middle of the night in Maine, too.”

  By the time everyone had time to shower and gather in the kitchen, Shannon had produced a feast that thoroughly impressed all four of the men. The table was piled high with plates of scrambled eggs and fried potatoes, sausage and bacon and freshly baked biscuits.

  Conversation almost disappeared as everyone piled food on their plates, then returned for seconds and thirds.

  Jake couldn’t take his eyes off of the woman who was his bonded mate. His woman, with her sparkling eyes and contagious smile. He’d never seen Shannon in a group situation before, never had the chance to see her interact with others besides Bay and himself.

  She was amazingly self-confident, teasing and chatting away with men she’d never met, putting Baylor at ease and making Jake so proud of her he thought he’d explode. Her thoughts were open to him, her concern that she make a good impression, her pride in Jake and, most of all, her love.

  Jake knew, here in the light of day, he loved Shannon Murphy even more than he’d realized the night before.

  Mik took a bite of one of the hot biscuits Shannon placed in front of him, and sighed. “Damn it, man. How’d you get so lucky?” He might have been talking to Jake, but his eyes were on Shannon.

  Before Jake could answer, AJ interrupted. “You’ve already bonded, haven’t you?” When Jake nodded, AJ grinned. “Congratulations. Have you told Ulrich and Luc yet?”

  Jake glanced at the clock. “It’s only a little after three in California. Too early to call.”

  Mik exchanged a quick glance with AJ. “You mean it just happened last night?” He laughed. “Wow, our timing really sucks, doesn’t it?”

  Jake gave him a deadpan stare. “Uh, yeah. It sucks.”

  AJ grinned at Shannon. “I know you’re new to all this, but what we’ve done is pretty much the equivalent of inviting ourselves along on the honeymoon. I really am sorry. You don’t deserve it…” AJ pointed at Jake. “But he does.”

  When the laughter finally died down, Shannon turned to Jake and smiled. I love you…and I really like these guys.

  For the first time all morning long, Jake felt himself relax. Another thought entered his mind, a voice he’d not heard so clearly before.

  He glanced up and caught Baylor smiling at him from across the table. So do I. They’re good people.

  It really couldn’t get much better than this. So are you, Bay. So are you.

  Later, after the guys had cleaned up the kitchen and Shannon finally had a chance for her shower, she headed straight for the bedroom. Sleep was merely a fond memory, one she fully intended to refresh. The low sound of men’s voices in the other room made her feel safe and protected, and lulled her into sleep. She drifted off, her mind filled with the sounds and scents of the forest and the constant, reassuring promise of Jake’s thoughts touching hers.

  Jake’s warm lips kissing her right breast brought Shannon fully awake.

  “It’s almost four in the afternoon.” He kissed her mouth this time. “You’ve slept the day away.”

  Shannon touched the side of his face with her palm. He’d shaved and her fingers glided over smooth, warm skin. “And what have you done all day?”

A dark flush spread over his cheekbones. At the same time, sensual images of arms and legs entwined, of Bay, AJ and Mik all sharing the same bed as Jake, their hands touching, mouths sucking, cocks thrusting…

  “Oh, my.” Shannon scooted up against the headboard, suddenly wide awake. She swallowed, aware her heart pounded and her breaths were suddenly coming fast and shallow. “You’ve been busy. Let me see more, okay?”

  Jake laughed out loud, but he flooded her mind with memories, sensations, scents. Shannon felt the deep throb of arousal, knew her sex flowered in readiness.

  Jake pulled the blankets down over her toes and settled himself between Shannon’s legs. Still filling her mind with images of the afternoon’s activities, he filled her pussy with his tongue, lapping slowly, holding her at the edge of orgasm.

  She almost came with the first touch of his tongue, caught herself, and held on to the sensation. Part of Shannon’s mind concentrated on the hot sweep of Jake’s tongue, the pressure of his lips around her swollen clit, but her main focus was on the images. The amazing, arousing images of men pleasuring one another in every way imaginable.

  The faces excited Shannon most. The dark desire on Bay’s handsome features as he mounted AJ, the straining muscles in Mik’s throat and chest as he tried to hold back his climax when AJ filled his ass and Bay sucked his cock.

  Over and over again, each man finding release, each one of them growing closer, accepting Bay fully into their midst, their bodies straining and thrusting, faces contorting, voices crying out…all viewed from Jake’s perspective.

  Shannon touched his shoulders. Even though she was on the edge of her own orgasm, she scooted away from Jake’s mouth. “What about you? Didn’t you…?”

  Jake sat back on his heels. His lips and chin glistened with her fluids, his eyes sparkled. “A little. It was more important to get them to accept Bay. Besides, I…” He shrugged and looked away a moment. “I wanted you there with us. I wanted the guys to know you the same way. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it…adding two more men you’ve hardly met.”

  Jake chose that moment to run the callused tip of his finger across Shannon’s clit. She screamed, convulsing in a powerful, muscle-clenching orgasm.

  One touch. Just that one small touch of his finger…and the promise of four sensual men taking her to heights she’d never even fantasized.

  Four. All at the same time. It took Shannon a moment to catch her breath. Another moment to reassure herself she wasn’t dreaming. Even more effort to force an answer between parted lips.

  “Yes. When?”

  Jake cocked an eyebrow and grinned. “Now?”

  Shannon wrapped the bathrobe around herself and stepped out of the bathroom. The bedroom door was open and she heard men talking in the other room. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the main room of the house.

  Jake and Bay sat on the couch. Each man had a cold beer and they were obviously deep in discussion. There was no sign of AJ and Mik.

  Shannon wasn’t sure if she was disappointed or relieved. She walked across the room, leaned over and kissed Jake, then planted one on Bay as well. He scooted over and made room for her.

  She sat in between them and leaned back against Jake. “Where’d everyone go?”

  “Mik and AJ decided to go for a run. Bay thinks he’s ready to try a shift again, and they wanted to give us time alone.”

  Bay’s lip quirked up in a self-deprecating grin. “They didn’t want to watch me make a fool of myself.”

  Shannon laughed. “I doubt that’s it, Bay.”

  “Actually, they were more concerned of the potential problems with an untried wolf faced with so many other males.” Jake brushed Shannon’s hair back from her eyes as he spoke. “Your shift might bring out all kinds of alpha traits you’re not used to. It will be a lot easier with just the two of us here to help you through it.”

  “After the supplement this morning, I felt as if something clicked. The image of shifting was suddenly very clear to me. When we were all together…” Bay’s voice faded off and he blushed.

  Shannon laughed. Deadpan, she said, “I know what you were doing when you were all together.”

  “Yeah, well, I came very close to shifting, but I was able to control it. Yesterday, I wouldn’t have been able to.”

  Jake stood up and slipped his sweatshirt over his head. “C’mon, then. There’s no reason to waste any time.”

  Bay slipped out of his clothing. Shannon dropped her robe and heard Jake’s clothing hit the ground behind her. Grinning, she opened the front door. “See. I learned my lesson.”

  “Good girl.” Jake touched Bay’s shoulder. “Get in my head, Bay. Sometimes it’s easier if you watch someone else shift from the inside.”

  Bay focused on Jake. Shannon sensed his intense concentration, realized she’d entered Jake’s mind as well. It was such a natural thing to do, now. Becoming one with her bonded mate.

  Jake shifted. As always, Shannon found the process mesmerizing. She followed him, shifting and sitting beside Jake, both of them waiting for Bay.

  Other than a brief look of panic, Bay managed his shift perfectly, morphing from man to animal in less than a heartbeat. Covered in a pelt of glossy black fur, he looked big and powerful and absolutely gorgeous.

  Shannon leaned forward and touched noses with him. Are you okay?

  Oh, yeah. Amazing. This is utterly amazing. I don’t remember the shift last night. Nothing but fear and darkness and the sense I was in a stranger’s body. This is unreal. Totally unreal…it’s fucking amazing! He stood up. Yipped once, and bounded toward the door. Looked back with his mouth open and tail wagging slowly from side to side. What are you waiting for? Let’s go run.

  They met up with AJ and Mik just a few miles away from the house. After a few tense minutes of wolven posturing, walking stiff-legged with ears flat and teeth bared, the four males each peed on a tree or two then charged off along a narrow woodland trail.

  For the next two hours, Shannon knew Bay experienced wonders he’d never imagined. She thought of her first run as a wolf, just a few short days ago. Of the sounds and scents her Chanku mind had suddenly been able to read like an open book.

  She wondered if Bay noticed the sensual nature of the world around him. If he grew aroused, just as Shannon did, when faced with the abundance of sights and sounds and scents unnoticed by their human side.

  Shannon ran beside Jake. She joined her thoughts with his, thrilled to see he thought of her not merely as Shannon, the woman he loved, but as his bitch, his bonded mate for life. She ran with the full knowledge each of the wolves in her pack—for it was her pack and fully under her command—would mate with her tonight. Would take her in their human guise, acknowledging her leadership, her position at the top.

  Though she fully intended to be on the bottom at least a few times…anticipation drove her on. Love of Jake might keep her grounded, but Shannon knew the wolf that was her soul, the Chanku nature Jake helped her discover, had truly set her free.

  There was no moon at all tonight to light their way, but the pack had no trouble finding the trail home. Five wolves, muddy, chilled by a sudden drop in temperature, tongues lolling and tails drooping, slowly trotted through the dark forest to Jake’s cabin and climbed the front steps to the deck.

  Shannon was the first to shift, shivering and sore from the long miles and the ferocious hunts that had favored the woodland creatures more than the wolves. Baylor was next. Then Mik, AJ and Jake, all of them tired, dirty and cold, yet collectively wound tight with the thrill of the hunt, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins…and the deep, all-consuming sensual need that was so much a part of Chanku.

  “I’m going to shower.” Shannon smiled and winked, catching a quick glance at the four obviously aroused males. She went inside before any of the guys had time to react, but the image of their taut erections had burned itself into her brain. She’d caught Jake’s sexy grin, his obvious awareness of her need, but she’d quick
ly blocked his thoughts.

  After the intensity of the run, Shannon needed time alone. She took her time in the shower, forced her mind to go blank while she scrubbed away the sweat and dirt, then rinsed carefully with the hand-held sprayer. Adjusting the controls to a gentle pulse, she turned it on herself for just a few seconds, long enough to raise her already aroused body to another level of awareness.

  Her arousal grew with each second that passed, the sense of destiny over what was going to happen in a very short time. Grabbing the robe off a hook by the door, Shannon held it in her hands and stared at the soft cotton. Should she cover herself like a virgin sacrifice?

  No. Among the Chanku, the female led. Shannon Murphy had four unbelievably sexy men at her disposal for the rest of the night. Even longer, depending on how long AJ and Mik planned to stay. A bathrobe was the last thing she wanted.

  Shoving her wet hair back over her shoulders, Shannon walked naked into the main room. AJ, Mik, Baylor and Jake sat talking quietly, unaware of her presence.

  The men had taken time to fix sandwiches. They sat in a group talking, drinking beer and eating, acting as if nothing more exciting were planned for the night. Shannon might have felt insulted, except for the tangible sexual tension in the room.

  She waited, standing in the open doorway from the bedroom, her shoulders back and head held high. Slowly, one by one, each man turned and looked her way. Jake first, then Bay, then Mik and AJ. Conversation died.

  Jake stood up. He walked to her very slowly, as if he crossed the room in a dream. He raised his hands and lightly cupped her face. Then he kissed her, taking Shannon’s mouth with his own, thrusting his tongue deep inside, suckling at her lips, her tongue, marking her mouth as his.

  When he finally broke the kiss, both of them were breathing hard. There was absolute silence in the room, broken only by the sound of air hissing in and out of parted lips.

  Are you absolutely certain? No one will be offended if you change your mind.

  I love you. I love your packmates. I have never been so aroused, so turned on as I have tonight, just imagining what might happen.


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