Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5) Page 3

by Morgan Kelley

  “She has two mates.”

  “Fate is a bitch. We don’t ask why. She was born to be with both of us. I’m her human, Jacques is her vamp.”

  The irony was that Flynn was more vampyre than human now, and he was fine with that.

  Tommy opened and then closed his mouth again.

  “Try to forget what she is and go from there. You need to see what kind of chemistry is between you two.”

  He laughed. “When she’s near, I want to toss her over my shoulder, carry her to bed, and…well, you know.”

  Flynn grinned. “That’s the story of my damn life. I spend more time thinking about the ‘you know’ than anything else.”

  Tommy leaned back in his chair. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “I told you. You need to sleep with her tomorrow night. We don’t have to get up for work the following day, and you’ll get the chance to see if you can handle waking up beside her. If not, set her free Tommy. Camille is a young, attractive vampyre in the prime of her life. She’s still able to have kids and find that special man. She deserves a decent life after what she’s been through.”

  For Christ’s sake, she was used for breeding. Flynn was still horrified by that.

  His words got the reaction he wanted. Now Tommy didn't look stressed. He looked pissed.


  That meant that he was emotionally involved in the whole situation. The last thing anyone wanted was to see either Tommy or Camille hurt.

  “I’m glad that the thought of her with someone else pissed you off. That means you aren’t just wasting your time or hers.”

  “You are a …” Tommy stopped talking as his partner’s desk phone rang.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking, and you should have your mouth washed out with soap,” he teased.

  “Detective Brogan,” he said into the phone. His grin only lasted about three seconds into the call.

  Tommy sat forward and watched his partner. His face said it all. This was going to be bad.

  “Yes, sir. I hear exactly what you’re saying. Detective Gress and I will be there for the meeting. When is it?”

  There was a pause.

  “Yes, sir. We’ll be there in five minutes. We both understand the urgency.”

  He held his phone away from his ear. His boss wasn’t happy, and that meant heads were going to roll.

  His and Tommy’s.

  He hung up the phone and sighed.

  “Are we in trouble?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say we’re in trouble, but if the commissioner is calling for a meeting, it most likely has everything to do with the three dead bodies and nothing to go on.”


  “Yeah, I can think of a stronger word for it,” Flynn admitted.

  “What do you think he wants?”

  “Good question, Tommy. Your guess is as good as mine,” Flynn said pushing away from his desk. “Come on, partner. It’s time to face the music.”

  “What if we don’t like the song?”

  He laughed. “We don’t have a choice. We’re the whipping boys. Bend over, grab your ankles, and get ready for your welcome to New Orleans, the home of the vampyre clusterfuck.”

  Wasn’t that the truth?

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Commissioner’s Office

  New Orleans PD

  The two men sat in the Commissioner’s cushy office and waited for the shit to hit the fan. There was no doubt it was coming.

  That could be the only reason why they were called there. In all honesty, no one was called to the big boss’s office to be patted on the back and told they did a good job. That was what medal ceremonies were for, and they usually included the media.

  Flynn knew what was on his desk, and the only open case was the one with the dead women.

  Yeah, they were screwed.

  This was the last place in the precinct you wanted to be if your case was stalled.

  It usually meant chew out city.

  Flynn wasn’t in the mood, but he knew it was coming. As the lead detective, he was the one wearing the bull’s-eye. Yes, Tommy would get barked at, but it would be his higher ranking ass in the sling.

  Well, shit!

  Today sucked.

  Both men glanced over as the commissioner and their captain walked into the room.

  It was even worse.

  This was going to be a tag team event. The two men were going to kick their asses.

  “Gentlemen, how are you today?” the commissioner asked without emotion. He could tell his two detectives were aware of why they were there.

  Flynn Brogan, an asset to the team, was watching him warily, and Thomas Gress looked…worried. He would have laughed if this weren’t a dire emergency.

  Yeah, there was no point beating around the bush.

  It was time to do what he needed to keep the media from crushing their division.

  “Fine,” they both answered in unison. It was very reminiscent of Flynn’s time in high school. Let’s just say this wasn’t his first trip to the principal’s office.

  He was accustomed to it.

  Tucking his shoulder length hair behind his ears, he didn't look away from his boss. Eye contact was important.

  They were prey.

  “I guess you’re wondering what you both are doing here. Well, it seems this case has stalled, and you need help.”

  Neither detective liked the sound of that. Flynn knew that getting yanked meant a mark on your record, and his was spotless. Plus, he wasn’t sure he wanted another cop working a vampyre case. They might stumble onto the truth, and that risked the people he loved.


  It risked him.

  Flynn was one of them now. He’d given up his ties to humanity, and he wanted nothing more than to be included. That meant protecting the people he loved.

  “Are you pulling us from this case, sir?” he asked, trying to figure out a way to save their ties to it.

  It was going to take a miracle.

  “We need to discuss it,” the commissioner admitted. “That’s why you’re here.”

  “We’re doing the best we can, sir. This is a tough one. There’s no evidence, no DNA, and a whole lot of nothing,” interjected Gress.

  “I know that, son, so calm down.”

  They watched him.

  “I’m not pulling you from this case. First, Detective Brogan, you have a good track record when dealing with this type of case. Your history speaks for you.”

  Flynn nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

  “I actually have something else in mind, and that’s why we opted to call you in.”

  Both men relaxed.

  “We both agree that we need to get ahead of this, and that means calling in an expert.”

  They both looked confused.

  “Maybe that person can give us the edge we need to close this and catch the killer once and for all. We owe it to the three families.”

  “Oh,” said Flynn, getting that funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. Actually, it was more like déjà vu all over again. He could swear he’d done this once before.

  It just couldn’t be.

  There was no way he’d had this conversation before and was back in the exact situation.


  Fate wouldn’t do that to him.

  Still, his gut screamed.

  The commissioner continued, “We’ve contacted an expert in deviant behavior and were fortunate enough that she was willing to work with both of you. In fact, she laughed when I mentioned your name, Flynn. I think your paths have crossed before.”

  This couldn’t be happening.

  What were the chances?

  He already knew what was coming, and that pissed him off. Work should stay work, and private vampyre life should be separate.

  He didn’t want Jolie risking herself in his police work.

  “Have you ever heard of Dr. Jolie Harcourte?”

  Tommy Gress started laughing. />
  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered, ignoring the looks he got from the captain and commissioner.

  His partner patted him sympathetically on the back. Flynn didn't want his woman mixed up in anything dangerous, and here, she’d fallen right into his lap.


  “Excuse me, Detective. Is there a problem? Are you acquainted with Dr. Harcourte? Is there something that we should be aware of before you meet with her and utilize her assistance?”

  Flynn took a second to compose himself.

  “Well, son?” the commissioner asked.

  “Oh, I most certainly know her. In fact, I’ve worked with the doctor before, and if that’s not enough, I sleep with her every night.”

  Both men looked at him in shock. “Excuse us? You do know her?”

  “Yeah, Jolie is probably laughing her ass off because you both managed, out of all the experts in deviant behavior in this country, to call my pregnant fiancée in to help me with a serial killing,”

  They stared at him.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, like a heart attack.”




  So much for keeping her out of his work and safe.

  Well, shit!

  He and a certain sexy vampyre were going to have a little talk…

  ∞ Chapter Two ∞

  Thursday Evening

  When Flynn pulled down the long secluded drive, he noticed that the lights were on at their home.

  Not the outside light on the porch.

  Not the lights inside the windows.

  The Christmas lights.

  While he was gone for the day, someone had gotten their festive on. There were icicle lights, moving white deer, and trees in all the downstairs windows.

  Despite the attempt, it felt off.

  This would be their first holiday in New Orleans, and there wouldn’t be snow. Flynn wasn’t sure how he felt about it. Christmas was all about white fluffy stuff.

  Wasn’t it?

  The deer looked out of place.

  “Wow! Did we just enter the Twilight Zone?” asked Tommy, taking in the lights. “I didn’t know vampyres celebrated Christmas. You wouldn’t think they would.”

  “Apparently, they do. I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the baby Jesus, and everything to do with hiding in plain sight,” Flynn admitted.

  “You sound pissed.”

  “Yeah, well, Jolie is just full of surprises today, now isn’t she?”

  “Are you really angry at her?” Tommy asked.

  Brogan sighed, resting his head against the steering wheel of his Hummer. At one time, he really believed that he could keep his job and personal life separate.

  Now he wasn’t so sure.

  Jolie was an expert, and they were dealing with the undead. He should love to have her help, but he was still worried.

  The Tueur were out there, and he didn't know why. With each day, when she stepped outside their home, she was marked.

  That was the game changer for him.

  “I’m more irritated that she didn't give me the heads up. It would have been nice to know before I got called in front of the bosses. I would have liked a heads up, and then I wouldn’t look like a dick for not telling them that the deviant expert is my fiancée. It makes me look like I wasn’t doing my job. You saw their faces. They were curious why I didn't tell them sooner.”

  Tommy patted him on the back. “I hear you, but you did tell me she was in sessions all day, and the daylight made it hard to communicate.”

  He plopped his cell phone on the dash.

  “It takes thirty seconds to send a text. Nice try, Tommy, but she could have given me the heads up.”

  He understood.

  “Just take it easy on her. After all, she’s pregnant with your kid and a spare,” stated Tommy Gress, as he hopped out of the vehicle.

  Flynn sat there, staring at the house.

  He wanted to go in, but he wanted to stew in his own juices too. This had him pissed.

  Finally, he gave up and hopped out of his ride. He might as well find them and get this over with before his whole night was ruined.

  Once inside, Chloe was waiting for him.

  “Hey, where are they?” he asked, as she handed him a glass of wine. As of late, beer made him ill, so he’d had to switch to the vamp drink of choice. He missed it and coffee too.

  “The mistress mentioned decompressing in the library. Do you want to eat anything?”

  His face said it all.

  Yeah, that wasn’t happening. The last time he ate, it was cookies, and he’d nearly poisoned himself.

  “No, thank you, Chloe, I’ll pass on food. Wine is fine. Give me the bottle. I’m sure I’m going to need more than a glass,” he admitted, heading out of the room.

  “Do you want a straw?” she asked, trying to cheer him up.

  Flynn nearly laughed. “No, I think I’m good.”

  As he walked away, she did what she was told. Chloe alerted Jolie that her other mate was home.

  ‘Mistress, Flynn is here, and he’s not happy. He’s heading your way.’

  ‘Thank you, Chloe. When he gets here, I’ll cheer him up,’ she said, laughing as she broke off the mental connection.

  She wasn’t surprised.

  “Is the detective stirred up?” Jacques asked.

  Jolie grinned before sliding into his lap. “Oh, you could say that,” she offered, right before kissing him.

  Jolie had been at work all day, and this was her favorite part of coming home. Jacques tasted like wine, and she’d missed him.

  She’d also missed Flynn.

  Being away from him was hell.

  As her mouth moved over Jacques’s, there was a wave of calm pushed into her.

  There was no doubt who was trying to prepare her for what was coming. Jacques hated tension, and he really loathed it between them.

  He was tense and braced for it.

  Jolie opted to calm him down first.

  “My love,” she whispered, as he released her mouth. “I’ve really missed that,” Jolie admitted.

  Jacques did too. Now he was cradling her protectively in his arms as his free hand was laid delicately over the growing babies in her stomach.

  He waited all day for this.

  “Are our children well?” he asked, pushing energy into her midsection.

  She smiled. “They are.”

  Jolie still couldn’t believe she was having two children. It had been almost two months since she had discovered that death had granted her request to carry her mates’ offspring. Each day, she was in awe that she was given this blessing.

  It was life changing.

  She was giving the men she loved children, and they had made her a mom.

  “I’m glad you’re home, and now why don’t you tell me why our detective feels like he wants to strangle you?” Jacques asked, sensing his mate heading their way.

  She laughed. “Well, there’s a good reason. I got a call today.”


  “It was from Flynn’s boss. Apparently, they have a serial killer case, and he needs some help.”

  Jacques stared at her. “And you just inserted yourself into his case, just like that?” he asked.


  “Oh, Jolie, you know that irritates the shit out of him. In fact, that’s likely the only thing that stirs our Flynn up.”

  She was well aware.

  Lovingly, Jolie ran her fingers down his cheek, admiring the man beneath her. His masculine beauty had attracted her for the last six centuries, and probably always would. His green eyes reminded her of precious gems, and the chiseled cheekbones were enough to melt her into the floor.

  She was incredibly drawn to him.

  “It’s not like I called them and asked to help. They reached out to me, but I know why he’s irritated. I didn't call him to warn him.”

  Jacques sighed. “You don’t get it. Flynn is
a man’s man, and he doesn’t want you hurt. You’re having our children, and the last place he wants you is in danger.”

  She shrugged. “I missed him. I was thinking with my heart and not my head.”

  Jacques knew how hard it was for her now that they had all gone back to work. Flynn was busy with murder, Jolie had her crazies, and Jacques had his hedge funds.

  Life went on.

  It was hard to find time to reconnect.

  “When they called, I was so excited that I’d get to work with him, that I didn't call him to tell him. Flynn reached for me and told me there were vampyres, and those are my specialty. Right after our conversation, I got the call.”

  “He’s not going to be happy.”

  “Oh, he’s really not,” Flynn said, standing in the doorway.

  Jolie’s head spun toward him and her heart flipped wildly in her chest. There was her mate, and she’d craved being by him all day. When you found your perfect match, like she had with her mates, the distance hurt.

  She ached for them to be back together again.

  From the silky black hair, to the icy blue eyes, she was lost when she looked at him. Jolie couldn’t help herself.

  “Flynn,” she whispered, moving off the couch.

  “Jolie, you’re a pain in my ass,” he muttered, checking her out in her staunch doctor clothes. Despite his irritation, he couldn’t help but feel his pulse quicken.

  Instead of taking it personally, she moved toward him. The way his eyes tracked her, heated Jolie’s blood.

  His body language said he was pissed, but this was her sweet, gentle Flynn.

  As she approached, he opened his arms, despite being angry. Tommy was right.

  Here was the mother of his children, and he wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that. What mattered most was that he was home, and that she was with him.

  As she crashed into him, her arms wound around his neck and her mouth sought his. When she found his lips, they sank into the kiss.

  It was heaven.

  It was hell.

  It was everything he missed all day while being away from her.

  As she kissed him like there was no tomorrow, Flynn reached for her mind.


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