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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 5

by Morgan Kelley

“So are you telling me these people voluntarily got tied up, allowed themselves to be beaten, and enjoyed it?” He thought back to the bondage-y sex he and Jolie had, and the harshest he got was when he spanked her.

  His body reacted to the thought.

  “Yes, Master,” said Mathew.

  Flynn weighted it all in his head. While he knew it was a possibility, he was having a hard time with the one point—why didn't the vamp take a drink? He knew when Jolie was bound beneath him, that’s all he wanted to do.

  ‘You're my mate, that’s why,’ she whispered into his mind. ‘You’ll always be lured to my blood.’

  She was probably right. Even at that moment, he wanted to take a sip. He could picture himself gulping from her like a man dying of thirst.

  “Maybe they were loved to death,” offered Jolie. “It has been known to happen before.”

  “But the no blood thing? Really? What vamp doesn’t want to drink?”

  “There’s always energy,” Jacques offered. “If there’s no sign of anything taking their lives, the only possibility left in the vampyre arsenal is to drain them dry.”

  Flynn thought about it. “This is a freaking mess.”

  They didn't disagree.

  “So instead of blood, they are draining them of all their energy? How the bloody hell am I supposed to put that in a report?” Flynn asked.

  Jacques laughed. “I’d hate to be in your position,” he admitted.

  Jolie wiggled teasingly.

  “But this position…I’m happy with it.”

  She laughed. Flynn dropped a kiss to her knuckles as Jacques did the same to her throat. Energy mixed and mingled. All three tried to focus on work, but it was damn hard.

  The pregnancy pheromones were everywhere, and both men wanted to open a vein for their mate. In fact, Mathew looked edgy too.

  “They’re dumping the bodies, hoping no one will figure it out.”

  Flynn snorted. “Of course this is going to land on my desk. I swear Fate is one hell of a bitch. Why am I getting all the vamp cases in this damn city?”

  Jolie laughed. “Lucky?”

  He snorted. “Great. This isn't what I had in mind for getting lucky.”

  Jacques shared an erotic picture with the two of them. All three reacted.

  Mathew stared at them.

  Flynn forced himself to focus. It wasn’t easy. Jolie’s legs were braced on either side of his ribs, Jacques was sharing sexy pictures, and Flynn wanted to jump his mate—repeatedly.

  “Well hell! What are the chances it’s not a vampyre anyway? Everything that has gone bump in the night the last six months has been about a vampyre, involving a vampyre, or hunting a vampyre,” said Flynn as Jolie did something wicked to his earlobe.

  His eyes nearly crossed.

  “Not all vampyres are bad,” she whispered in his ear. “Unless you want me to be bad. Then say the word.”

  He laughed.

  Jacques joined him.

  “Oh, you’re bad, and later, I’m still going to put you over my knee for today. Someone has her own beating coming. It’s going to make you cry too,” he teased.

  Before Jolie could laugh, Mathew hissed, baring his fangs.

  Flynn was up and out of his position quickly. His eyes bled blue-black as he moved toward the young vampyre. “Mine,” he hissed, his larger, sharper fangs showing. He practically pinned him to the chair with his much larger frame.

  Mathew leaned back in his seat, immediately contrite. He didn't mean to do it, but he didn't like the idea of anyone hurting Jolie.

  It just happened.

  “If you think, for one moment, that I won’t make you bleed if you cross that line, you’re mistaken,” he said, his voice lisped from the wicked fangs.

  “Master, I’m sorry.”

  Flynn could feel Jolie begging him to let it go in his mind. He could also hear Jacques supporting him. Instead of teaching the young vampyre a lesson, he retracted his fangs.

  Flynn blinked, and his eyes were back to normal. “Guardians do not threaten mates. It doesn’t happen. Are we clear?” he asked.

  Mathew didn't look down.

  In reward, of sorts, Flynn rolled his neck and then did something no one expected.

  He patted the man on the shoulder.

  Jolie released the breath she was holding. When she wanted to intervene, she knew she couldn’t. Mathew had impulse control issues when it came to her, and her mates weren’t having it. This wasn’t the first time it happened, and the men had taken a hard line on it.

  Flynn didn't turn his back on the vampyre. While he was pretty sure Mathew wouldn’t attack, he wasn’t taking any chances. Jacques was pinned beneath Jolie, and he wouldn’t be able to get to him in case it happened.

  “Anyway, I guess I’m glad I have the leading expert when it comes to deviant vamp behavior,” he said, pretending nothing had happened.

  “Oh, so you want my help now?” she teased. “Well, that’s going to cost you.”

  He snorted as he returned to his position on the couch. “Oh, I know how much the commissioner is paying you.”

  “I can do it pro bono.”

  Jacques, their money guy, sputtered. “Uh, hello. No, you can’t. Our family is growing and input has to equal output!”

  They laughed.

  “Don’t worry. She’s going to take the retainer,” Flynn stated. “If she doesn’t, my bosses will think they can use her all the time. That is definitely not happening.”

  She pinched him. “You’re bossy.”

  “You love that about me.”

  She glanced over at Mathew. “You can go,” she offered, feeling his nervousness.

  He bolted from the chair and the room.

  “Don’t,” Flynn warned.

  She grinned. “I wasn’t going to say a single thing. He crossed a line, and you had to school him. It’s within your rights, and we all know it.”

  He turned and stared at her. “Who are you?”

  She laughed. “He hissed at my mate. I was going to reprimand him, but you moved so fast.”

  Jacques grinned. “It was a sight to behold. The child didn't see it coming.”

  Flynn shrugged. “He seems to forget that we won’t hurt her.”

  “You did threaten to spank me. You’re a brute,” she teased. Before she could say anything more, Flynn tugged her forward. When her mouth crashed against his, she fell into the kiss.

  Fangs expertly dodged fangs as their tongues slid across each other. When he set her free, Flynn was smiling.

  “I wasn’t threatening. It was a promise.”

  She flushed with heat as the wetness pooled between her legs. “Maybe we should head to our room. I think I’d like to rest, and by that, I don’t mean go to death.”

  Flynn was good with that. Tugging her up, he then offered his hand to Jacques. “Ready?” he asked, the fangs peeking from behind his lip.

  The vampyre laughed. “Yes, yes, I am.”

  “Maybe my mates can feed their children, and we can roll around,” she offered, being tucked beneath Flynn’s arm. He then pulled Jacques toward them so Jolie was trapped between them.

  “We can do that, my love,” Jacques admitted.

  “Tomorrow, I’m scheduled to meet with the commissioner. He wants me in his office.”

  Flynn and Jacques both growled at the visual her words created in their heads.

  Jolie grabbed two handfuls of their asses. “That’s not what I meant.”

  Flynn kissed her, and then so did Jacques.

  “We hope not, or that’s going to be one hell of a blood bath,” Flynn admitted.

  Jolie let them lead her to their room. “Can you pick me up and give me a ride to the meeting?”

  He started laughing.


  He laughed even more.

  “I know what you’re thinking. You’re a big pervert.”

  Flynn grinned at his mate. “That’s never been a problem before, so why now?”

  She laughed.

  He was right.

  There was nothing like the pictures flashing through her mind.

  Flynn was right.

  She loved the pervert.

  With all her heart.

  ∞ Chapter Three ∞

  Back in their room, the mood had greatly changed. The second the door was closed, Jolie morphed into someone entirely different.

  Behind closed doors, she didn't have to pretend to be anything she wasn’t, and what she needed at that moment was them.

  She was hungry.

  Wild with need.

  She was crazed with the way their bodies had been pressed together. Part of it was simply because she was pregnant, but the rest had everything to do with the men in her life. When Flynn nearly took Mathew to the ground, she was worried at first.

  Then she was wildly turned on.

  There was something sexy about her detective when he was full-blown vampyre.

  As soon as the door was closed, she attacked. Before Jacques knew what was happening, Jolie was on him, and they were falling. If not for Flynn being quick, catching them, they would have crashed to the floor.

  Jolie’s mouth sought Jacques’s and then she sent him a barrage of sexy visuals. His body reacted as Flynn gently lowered them to the floor.

  Jolie tore through his clothes, nails out, and blood scenting the room as she desperately tried to get him naked and beneath her. When he managed to pull his mouth from hers, he knew what she wanted.

  “I fed well, take all you and our children need,” he said, offering Jolie his throat.

  She sunk in, not even teasing him. She was ravenous, and if she didn't take the edge off her hunger, who knew what would happen?

  Flynn watched, licking his lips as Jolie fed from their mate. There was no doubt who was going to be next.

  This was common.

  When the men found out she was having their children, they knew she was going to be hungry all the time.

  And she was.

  For them.

  By the end of the night, Jolie was nearly depleted. Sex and blood were the only ways to fill her back up.

  They weren’t complaining.

  Not in the least.

  When your sexy vampyre mate said ‘feed me’, you also got naked.

  It wasn’t going to be only about a snack.

  Flynn watched as Jolie drank from their mate. He began stripping out of his tie and clothes. It was too late for Jacques’s garments, but his could be saved.

  When he got his shirt off, she stopped feeding. As she released Jacques, he laid motionless on the floor.

  “If you want more, you can keep feeding,” he offered, his body hard with lust. He was strung so tight that he wanted to shatter apart at her mere touch.

  “I need some Flynn now,” she admitted, glancing over her shoulder at her other mate. She blinked and her eyes went from the serene lavender to the inky black that proved she was out of her mind with desire.

  “I’m ready,” he said, opening his arms.

  Jolie was on him so fast that they tumbled onto the bed. As her mouth found his, she shared the flavor of their other mate’s blood on her tongue.

  Flynn’s body reacted.

  ‘Taste me,’ he begged, craving her mouth on his flesh.

  She didn't hesitate. ‘I’ve wanted to do this all day,’ she admitted, slamming her fangs into his throat.

  Flynn bowed in pleasure.

  As he struggled to keep his eyes open, he could see Jacques taking off the rest of his clothes. They were going to take the edge off Jolie’s hunger, and move into their favorite part of the evening.

  The sex.

  As her voracious sucking slowed on his throat, he knew she was back in control. Slowly, her mouth released his neck. When she stared down at him, she was licking her lips.

  “I feel better.”

  Flynn laughed. “I’m so glad you had a snack.”

  Jacques moved closer, fully stripped of his clothes. “Please tell me you’re not going to tease us,” he practically begged. He’d watched her take down their mate, and he wanted desperately to join her.

  She laughed, and then tugged on her shirt. Buttons went flying.

  Both men groaned.

  Jacques took his place beside them. His lean pale body flanked Flynn’s tan one.

  “You should start on Jacques,” Flynn admitted. “He’s already naked.”

  The vampyre grinned. “I’m more than ready.”

  Jolie stood, pushing off the bed. In her mind, she had a picture of what she wanted, so she shared it.

  Jacques moaned. “Yes, I want that too.”

  Flynn watched his mate strip from her skirt. Beneath it was a lacy pair of panties. “Leave them. I want to tear them off later,” he admitted.

  Jolie’s heart thudded at his words.

  Jacques held out his hand, waiting for her to take it. When she did, he pulled her down to his body. As she tumbled into his arms, he smiled wickedly. “This is my favorite part of the day.”

  Flynn laughed as he stripped from his remaining clothes. “I live for this part of the evening.”

  Jolie couldn’t think.

  The heat in the room was pulling her under. All she could think about was getting her mouth on her mates’ flesh.

  So, as she slid down Jacques’s torso, she left a trail of openmouthed kisses. As her fangs scraped against his skin, he begged the entire time.

  Jolie lapped at his pale flesh, teasing him to the point her mate was squirming beneath her fingers and mouth.

  “Don’t stop, my love,” he begged, as she approached his erection.

  Oh, if she did, Jacques was pretty sure he’d die.

  When she took him between her lips, he hissed out a breath in pleasure. “Jolie,” he muttered, his hands finding her loose black hair. With it, he controlled her mouth.

  She was devouring him, and Jacques believed he’d explode from her oral assault. As of late, the sex had been hotter, more passionate, and everything he ever imagined it would be with his mates.

  The bed moved as Flynn joined them. Jacques glanced over, knowing what he wanted. He desperately wanted his mates to drink from him.

  As Jolie worked him in and out of her mouth, he begged for that kiss of ecstasy. Tipping his head to the side, he waited.



  Flynn knew what he wanted. Over the last two months, they’d built something special between them. At first, Flynn was squeamish with touching another man during sex with Jolie, but now it didn't faze him.

  In fact, Jacques’s blood called to him just as much as Jolie’s. So he let those inhibitions go.

  Jolie glanced up his body, his erection popping free from between her lips.

  “Beg, Jacques,” she whispered, blowing her warm breath across his flesh.

  He shook at her words. “Taste me,” he begged. “I need you both to taste me.”

  Jolie ran her tongue across the throbbing artery in his leg. “Here?” she asked.

  His swallow was audible in the room.

  It said it all.

  Flynn moved closer, brushing Jacques’s hair from his throat. The man was a killer, but in that room, he trusted them enough to allow another male near his jugular.

  That said a lot.

  Vamps didn't let humans that close, unless there was a bond. They had a special one, and this was proof.

  Flynn was in Jolie’s mind. She was counting them down. He knew once they struck, the mêlée would begin.




  As she reached one, they both moved. Jolie slammed her fangs into Jacques’s thigh, her mouth filling with his blood.

  Flynn didn't hesitate, finding the artery in his throat at the same time.

  Jacques’s body bowed, a shout of pleasure filling the room as his two mates drank from him. One hand found Jolie’s hair, holding her to him, while the other did the same to Flynn.

; It was the most amazing feeling in the world.

  They sucked, timed perfectly, and as they did, Jacques’s body shook as he teetered precariously on the edge.

  He began cursing in French.

  Jolie signaled Flynn to stop before they moved off his body.

  There was a gasp as he missed their touch.

  Jolie didn't hesitate. She was on Flynn, straddling his body. “Come here often, Detective?” she teased.

  “Yes, it’s my home.”

  His words made both their hearts trip in their chest. He was more than a mate. He was their family, and they couldn’t love him more.

  Jolie didn't hesitate. She wanted a hard, fast ride. Straddling him, she slid down his erection, enveloping him as she tugged her panties aside.

  Flynn moaned, his body shaking.

  “Drink from me,” he offered, knowing he’d let them consume him until he was dry. That’s how much he loved them both.

  Jolie wanted to ride, so she passed on the offer. Her children were satiated, and she was filled with the man beneath her. Jacques moved toward him, waiting for Flynn to tell him where he wanted him.

  “Leg,” he muttered, as Jolie bounced across his hips. He was watching her breasts as she rode him hard.

  Jacques moved into position, craving the taste of his mate’s blood. Then he wanted Jolie’s mouth back on him, but first…

  He sunk his fangs into Flynn’s thigh. Jolie was right there, bouncing on their mate, and it felt right. As he slowly sipped, knowing Flynn had been out in the daylight all day, he made sure not to drain him.

  “More,” Flynn begged. He was talking to both of them.

  Jacques continued drinking, the woodsy flavor of his mate washing across his tongue. With each mating, their bonds grew closer, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Jolie moaned, ready to break apart.

  Flynn prayed for control. Jacques’s mouth, moving against the sensitive spot on his thigh, wasn’t making it any easier. Jolie was close, and he prayed he could hold on.

  As she shattered apart, Flynn held her still. Her body tried to lure him to the edge, but he wanted them all to fall as one.

  It was what he craved.

  Jacques knew he couldn’t take more. So, he set him free. Going to the middle of the bed, he stood there with his erection waiting for Jolie’s attention. As she focused on the men, she knew what she wanted.


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