Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5) Page 6

by Morgan Kelley

  Her mouth sough him, and as she began moving up and down Flynn’s erection, she worked Jacques hard.

  Both men moaned.

  She got wetter.

  They weren’t going to last long.

  Jolie craved this moment. Sending pictures to both men of them wildly copulating, they all moved closer to the edge.

  She needed this.

  Jolie needed them.

  As she nicked Jacques’s erection with her fang, he shouted and came. It was hard, brutal, and it set the entire chain off.

  Jolie swallowed him, her body breaking apart as Flynn’s slid in and out of her.

  Flynn couldn’t hold on as the visuals of Jolie riding his dick, and the moans from Jacques, tore him from the edge.

  They all exploded, their auras mingling and power surging. Here was the addiction. It was the moment where they all came, and something magical happened.

  The bonds tightened.

  The love strengthened.

  They became one.

  Jolie set Jacques free, her body tumbling to the bed, only to be caught by Flynn.

  Jacques dropped, finding a spot beside his mates. Lately, they slept where they fell.

  Tonight, they were on top of Flynn, and he didn't seem to mind. Jolie curled into him, and his arm went protectively around her. Jacques’s body was to his side, but his chin was touching Flynn’s shoulder.

  Sensing his hesitation, Flynn slid closer.

  “I don’t have words,” Jolie muttered, her mouth beside Flynn’s neck. “I feel like I ate too much.”

  Flynn laughed. “Well, then you’ll sleep like the dead.”

  She pinched him.

  “Hey! Don’t abuse the pillow.”

  “You should rest, my love,” Jacques offered, resting his arm across Flynn’s torso to have contact with Jolie.

  “Do you want me to move her closer?” Flynn asked.

  “No, this feels nice.”

  Jolie’s heart skipped. She had never thought she’d see this day. Both men were cuddled up. It made her want to do cartwheels around the room.

  If she wasn’t so full.

  “I love you both,” Flynn said, breaking the silence.

  She left a kiss on his throat. “I love my mates. They’re amazing men.”

  Jacques was touched by their words. “I happen to be in love too. What a coincidence.”

  Jolie nuzzled Flynn as she held Jacques’s hand. “See you in the morning, my loves.”

  With that, she called for death.

  As she slipped under, she sent her love to the little lives growing in her.

  Darkness swallowed her, and Jolie went willingly into her mistress’s embrace.

  “She’s gone.”

  Flynn had a few things to say to his partner. “Can you drive her to work tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “I don’t want Mathew taking her.”

  Jacques lifted his head. His emerald green eyes met icy blue ones. There was concern there.

  “What’s bothering you, Flynn?”

  “I don’t like that the vampyre saw me at the scene. I don’t want her in their sights.”

  He got it now.

  “You think it could be the Tueur?”

  He didn't know.

  “Do you want to risk it?”

  That was a definite no. “I get your point.”

  “Mathew is still a wild card, and truth be told, if they attacked during the day, who could defend her best?”


  “Exactly. She would want to give him a chance, but do you want to play those shitty odds?”

  He understood.

  Over the last two months, they’d increased their security for a reason. Jolie was marked, and that worried them. Both men had been researching their options when Jolie had gone to death at night.

  They were worried.

  “I’ll drive her, but what will you tell her?”

  “I’m going to lie.”

  Jacques knew that was a bad idea. “Flynn.”

  “What choice do I have? I don’t want her with Mathew, and I need to get into the office early. If we forbid him from babysitting, she’s going to shit a ton of bricks.”

  He was well aware.

  “I’m in. We may pull this off. In the morning, she’s not as astute. I’ll buy you some time.”

  That’s all he needed.

  “Please be safe.”

  He would do that. “Just watch her back, okay? I’ll be fine.”

  Jacques hoped his mate knew what he was doing. If not, they were both going to get their asses handed to them by their pregnant mate.

  “Just keep him away from her. I have a bad feeling, Jacques. It’s my gut, and you know what I always say.”

  “I shouldn’t have eaten that cookie?”

  He stared at him. “Seriously? I ate them one time and got sick. I learned my lesson. Gluttony and vampirism don’t mix.”

  The vampyre laughed.

  “I meant the other thing I always say.

  “Your gut is never wrong.”

  Yeah, Flynn was aware, and that’s what had him worried. Something bad was coming.

  He could feel it.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Friday Morning

  He was up early.

  It sucked, but Flynn didn't have any choice. As he headed out, he needed to take a little security with him. Jacques was awake, and he’d keep an eye on Jolie, but he wanted backup, and he didn't mean his partner.

  Instead, he called in the big guns.


  As he drove them to the one scene, he intended to use all the weapons in his arsenal. If it meant taking the demoness with him to check out the area, so be it.

  As they got out of the Hummer, he looked around. The police tape was still up but no one was there.

  That was going to work in his favor.

  “I need you to scan the plantation,” he said, hoping Vanth would pick something up.

  As her swirling black eyes took in the property, she didn't move.

  One of the best things about her was that she didn't require the sun to be down in order for her to do her mojo. Having the Angel of Death on your side was a good thing.

  “I don’t pick anything up.”

  “No vamps?”

  She scanned again. “There were, but there aren’t any now. They’ve left.” She focused on the area of the trees that he’d been watching the previous day.

  He didn't think it was a coincidence. “Is something there?”

  “They were.”



  He needed to know what they were up against on this one. Despite Jolie not being worried, he and Jacques were.

  “Was it the Tueur or was it just the average vampyre related to this crime?”

  Vanth glanced up at him, and she understood his concern. He wasn’t the only one worried about it. Death had a bee in her bonnet too. That’s why she’d ordered Vanth to keep her safe. Everyone was on alert when it came to Jolie Harcourte’s well-being. They needed to keep her alive.

  When Death laid down the law, you listened.

  She wanted Jolie safe and those babies born in the worst way, and Vanth had a mission.

  “I can’t tell. If they’re using black magic, I’m blocked.”




  Flynn didn't like that at all.

  “What if we did the same thing? Would that help?”

  She nodded. “Let me do some research. I’ll dig around. We might find something to use.”

  He was good with that. “I trust you, Vanth. You have to help me keep her safe.”

  She grinned. “I won’t let her get hurt. I promise.”

  He had no choice but to believe her.

  “Let me get you home,” he said, heading to the vehicle. Once inside, he buckled up. She was laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.
  “I don’t need a ride home.”

  She snapped her fingers, and she was gone.

  Flynn hated when she did that.

  It creeped him out.

  “Damn it, Vanth!”

  He heard her laughter, but she was already long gone.

  ∞ Chapter Four ∞

  When Jolie woke, she was alarmed that Flynn was gone. It was odd, since he normally drove her to the office. It was part of their normal ritual since they both had to head to work.

  When she asked where he was, Jacques told her work. Jolie got the impression that there was more, but she didn't push. She knew that the last few weeks were wearing thin on all of them. The men were doing triple duty, and she appreciated it.

  They were protecting her.

  Working their jobs.

  Training Mathew.

  She would cut them a break.

  After dressing and grabbing a quick snack of mate, she was ready to go. To say that her heart wasn’t pounding, at the anticipation of seeing her other mate while they worked, would be a lie. Jolie couldn’t wait to see him again.

  While Jacques was part of her, Flynn was woven into the fabric of her being. Fate had chosen him, and she couldn’t be more thrilled by that. There was something about him that stirred her up and drove her wild.

  In the Hummer, she checked out her other mate. Jacques was ready to face the sun and whatever was waiting for them outside the homestead.

  He was sitting there in his leather jacket and black dress pants with his sunglasses protecting his eyes.

  “So what are you doing today, my love, after you drop me off?” she asked, admiring his profile as he navigated them out of the garage.


  That had her attention.

  “What kind of stuff?”

  Jacques had played this game for so many centuries. He wasn’t going to tell her anything, and that was half the fun. Jolie liked to pry details out of the men when it came to presents.

  “Personal stuff.”

  “Are you cheating on me?”

  He glanced over in horror, about to spill the beans. Then he saw the look on her face. “Nice. You nearly got me to tell you.”

  She laughed. “How about if I bribe you?”

  Jacques shook his head. “It’s not happening, my love. You’ll have to wait until Christmas.”

  She grinned. “I love this time of the year.”

  It was true.

  She absolutely did. When it came to the holidays, Jolie went above and beyond when it came to celebrating. She liked to deck the halls, hum carols, and spoil the people she loved.

  It was how it was with her, and how it had been for so many centuries.

  When you had nothing for a good portion of your life, you liked to live it up when you could.

  “I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

  “Oh,” she said, trying to figure out a way to get more information. “Can I have a hint?”


  “Please, Jacques? You know I’m horrible when it comes to this kind of thing. Don’t make me snoop in your head.”

  “If you do, you’re not getting a single gift.”

  She gasped. “Jacques!”

  He laughed at her horror. It was a total lie, but he wasn’t going to let her con him into spilling any details. “Flynn and I have made a pact. If you sneak around in our heads, we’re not going to let you have the presents on Christmas.”

  She stared at him. “You wouldn’t.”

  He hit the button on the navigational system. It immediately dialed Flynn.

  “Are you okay?” the detective asked, answering his cell.

  “I just needed your help with something.”

  Flynn was busy, but never too busy for his mates.


  Jacques told him the situation.

  Flynn started laughing. “If she peeks, she gets nothing.”

  Again, she gasped. “I don’t think I like you two ganging up on me. I’m the mother of your children.”

  Both men were amused.

  They suspected she was going to pull that card. In fact, they’d placed bets.

  “I owe you money,” Flynn said. “I bet she wouldn’t use it until she exhausted the offering of sex.”

  Jacques grinned. “I’ve been with her too long, my friend. Don’t bet against the house. I know her best.”

  “Flynn, I love you, and I’ll see you later,” she said, disconnecting the call.

  Jacques began whistling a carol.

  “I don’t like you right now.”

  “Nineteen oh one.”

  “What?” she asked, glancing over.

  “You said that exact same thing to me then, and when you got your present, you wept. Remember?”

  She hated that he was right.

  “Okay, I love you, but mostly for your body.”

  He snorted. “I’ll take what I can get. If that’s all you feel for me.”

  “Shut up.”

  He picked up her hand and dropped a kiss to her ringed finger. “You’re my greatest treasure, Jolie. I’ll love you until the day we turn to dust. No one will ever fill my heart more than you and Flynn.”

  She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. “You always were suave.”

  He was well aware.

  When the woman you loved was out of your reach for all those years, you had to be creative. Jacques knew he had to work for what they had. Flynn, he was given Jolie’s love, but he’d had to fight tooth and nail.

  He’d come to grips with it.

  “Want to know what I got you?” she asked.

  Jacques already knew. “You gave me a child. That’s the best gift I could ever get. You also found Flynn and completed our unit. I don’t want a present, Jolie. I already have it. There’s nothing on this Earth I could want more.”

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh, Jacques, I love you.”

  He was well aware.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Doctor Harcourte’s

  Office Building

  When they arrived at Jolie’s new office, she slipped out of the vehicle to start toward the building. Not far behind her was her mate, watching her flank.


  It was hard not to.

  “Jacques, you don’t have to walk me inside,” she stated, knowing it was likely falling on deaf ears.

  He grinned. “Oh, I think I do.”

  “You’re getting as bad as Flynn.”

  Again, that was a compliment. He loved his other mate and respected the human’s tenacity. There was no one more protective than the two of them, and for that, Jacques was glad.

  Jolie’s safety came first.

  “I’m really safe.”

  “I know you think that, Jolie, but it’s far from the truth. As long as the Tueur is out there, we’re your shadows.”

  Oh, she was well aware.

  As he followed her into the building, Jacques scanned the surroundings, seeking out anything dangerous. He was on duty, and the last thing he needed was to allow Jolie to get hurt.

  She was carrying precious cargo.

  Their offspring.

  As they got into the elevator, there was a shout from the garage.

  Jacques narrowed his eyes as the man got closer. He wanted to push his mate behind him, but Jolie would lose her mind.

  ‘You’re right, I absolutely would,’ she whispered into his mind, despite it draining her.

  “Dr. Harcourte! Wait up! Please hold the elevator!” he shouted, all the while smiling his big toothy grin.

  Jacques wanted to knock out all of his teeth. Then he wanted to feed them to him.

  ‘How very Flynn of you,’ she teased.

  ‘I’m beginning to see why Flynn likes punching things. He may have been right these last months after all. I owe him an apology.’

  Her laughter filled his mind, offering him peace.

  ‘It is okay, my love. He’s harmless. Tha
t’s just an associate here at the office.’

  Jacques didn't like the way the man was staring at Jolie. In fact, he was ogling her. He knew, since he and Flynn did it all the time.

  She was theirs.

  This man was going to die if he didn't stop.

  “Good morning, Dr. Tomes. We almost didn't see you,” she said, smiling politely. “You’ve lucked out.”

  He grinned at her.

  “I’m sorry, Jolie. I just figured since we were heading the same way that we’d catch the elevator together,” he offered, and then turned to Jacques to acknowledge his presence.

  The blasé look made Jacques want to break off his arms and beat him with them.

  “Hello there. Are you her driver?”

  Before Jacques could answer, the man was placing a kiss on Jolie’s cheek in greeting.

  His blood pressure shot up.

  ‘Jacques, what’s wrong?’ Flynn asked, touching his mind.

  ‘Some man just kissed our mate.’


  Yeah, he was outraged too.

  No, that wasn’t the word for it. He was borderline homicidal.

  Despite it draining him, Jacques replayed it in his mind for his mate as they rode up in the elevator.

  ‘I’m going to kill him.’

  ‘I just might. I’ll talk to you later. He’s drooling on her arm.’

  There was more outrage as Jacques cut off the connection. He needed all his energy in order to focus on the man.

  “No, I’m not her driver,” Jacques hissed.

  “Oh,” he said, looking confused. “I just figured with that jacket and glasses that you were. My apologies.”

  Jolie knew that she needed to make the introductions before her mate hurt the man. Normally, Jacques was the cool collected one, but throw in a pregnancy and the Tueur, and he was over the edge too.

  “May I introduce you to my fiancé, Jacques Degaul?”


  At the introduction, the man looked shocked, and then disgusted. He didn't try to hide it.

  Jolie continued before her mate lost it. “Jacques, this is Dr. Christopher Tomes. He’s the other doctor in the practice,” she offered, trying to sooth him with her hand on his arm.

  It wasn’t working.

  She could hear Flynn freaking out in her mind, and Jacques ready to lose it. Instead of trying to calm the situation, she did what any smart mate would.


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