Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5) Page 8

by Morgan Kelley

  It was possessive.


  Very much something her mate would do.

  It gave Jolie chills.

  “I love you,” she whispered, glancing up at him. While she couldn’t see his eyes, she could feel the energy radiating from his body.

  Flynn felt it too.

  “You’re my woman,” he growled low into her ear. “I love you more than my own life, but if you don’t behave in there, someone’s getting punished later.”

  Her body reacted to his words. Lately, they were pursuing some rougher sex, where Flynn was more dominant.

  It was amazing.

  “Promises, promises,” she teased.

  He subtly ran his hand over her ass. Flynn’s laughter filled her mind.

  Jolie nearly overheated, and she was pretty sure he was aware of it.

  Flynn hoped all the males saw it.


  He’d do it again and again. He wanted there to be no way anyone could think she was just the doctor. He was feeling like a Neanderthal and didn’t care. She was his and carrying their children and was his fiancée.

  Jolie took off her sunglasses and allowed her eyes to adjust to the light. Quite a few of the men there began patting her mate on the shoulder as he walked by.

  It was clear why.

  She was a trophy on his arm.

  Yeah, that was hot.

  Honestly, Jolie didn't think she’d ever feel that way, but her human brought it out in her. Actually, it was a really amazing feeling.

  As he crowded her body, she ‘accidentally’ brushed her hand across parts of him that belonged to her.

  He growled low in his chest.

  “Jolie,” Flynn warned. “I will take you into a private room and make you sorry.”

  Her laughter drew even more attention.

  Flynn knew bringing her there was risky. When a female vampyre was with child, the pheromones were off the chart. It was her way of ensuring that she’d have plenty of food for her offspring.

  Now she was drawing attention—even more than normal. Flynn dropped his arm over her shoulders, locking her to his side. All he could hope was she wouldn’t cause a stampede toward her.

  “Holy shit!” muttered Tommy.

  Flynn knew what he meant.

  “Yeah, word travels fast when the cops hear you’re engaged. They like to see what kind of fish I caught in the dating pond.”

  She laughed.

  “I hope I impress them,” she offered.

  Flynn didn't care. She was more than arm candy.

  She was his heart.

  “We better get her into the commissioner’s office. It looks like the men are going to try and jump her,” Tommy whispered.

  Flynn wasn’t worried. He could take them all. In fact, he might start picking them off just for looking at her with that telltale gaze.

  He knew lust when he saw it.

  “You’re probably right.”

  Through the glass in front of them, they could see the commissioner and captain already waiting for them. Both men stood when they saw Jolie walking in with him.

  “You weren’t just yanking our chain then, Detective, you really do know the doctor,” said the captain, as he stepped forward with his hand extended in greeting.

  “Yeah, I know her, and well. Like I said, Jolie is my fiancée and mother of my children.” He placed a hand possessively over the spot on her belly where the two little lives were protectively hiding.

  Immediately, she warmed with heat.

  Flynn’s big hand sent shockwaves through her body whenever he touched her there. Plus, the little life reacted to his energy. Jolie could feel his child calling to him, even if he couldn’t.

  “It’s a pleasure, Captain Harris. I’ve heard so much about you from Flynn,” she said, stepping forward.

  Oh, he was definitely shocked his detective was in a relationship with her.

  Jolie didn't know why.

  Flynn was rugged, sexy, and incredibly good at his job. While his boss might not see the value in the man, she did.

  “I hope it was all good,” Captain Harris offered. “We were surprised to learn about you.”

  Jolie glanced up at her mate. His jaw was locked in place, and she knew he wasn’t happy that his ‘secret’ was out. He liked to keep her safe, and this wasn’t the way he wanted to do it.

  “Flynn is a very private man,” she admitted. “We value our privacy above all things.”

  She focused on the other man.

  “I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you, Commissioner. I’m happy that I can offer you a little assistance in the cases that Flynn and Tommy are working on,” she said politely. “Both men are amazing assets to your department, and this isn’t the first time I’ve worked with them. That’s why I didn't hesitate.”

  Flynn dropped a kiss to the top of her head. He was trying not to let his fangs out, but the commissioner was being very male, and he wasn’t looking at Jolie in the face. His temper began simmering.

  This was going to be a very long meeting, and he knew it.

  “Oh, is that so?” he said, glancing over.

  Jolie knew how to play the game.

  “Yes, it’s true. Flynn and I met in Philadelphia, and he gave up his career to move here with me. I don’t like the winters up North. We’re starting fresh in New Orleans.”

  The man waved his arm toward the seats, and Flynn moved Jolie there. They were far enough away from the two men that he could relax—well, marginally.

  “Thank you, Doctor, for agreeing to see us and help out. We thought we’d have to ship you in from somewhere else. It was a shock to know you called New Orleans your home.”

  She simply smiled.

  “Flynn, you should have told us about your connection,” his boss said, trying to be polite.

  Flynn knew what that meant.

  Once they found out about her, they’d want to use Jolie all the time. That was exactly the reason he didn’t mention it. His mate would be in harm’s way all the time.

  He wasn’t letting that happen.

  Over his dead body.

  “I don’t normally like to get my fiancée buried in serial killings if I can manage not to,” he said with a hint of malice. “I like to leave my work at work, if you understand what I’m saying, sir.”

  Flynn was sure that he’d crossed a line.

  When the commissioner threw back his head and started laughing, it was much easier to relax.

  “I think I understand, son. Unfortunately, there’s a downside to marrying a professional woman. You chose to spend the rest of your life with the foremost brain when it comes to deviant behavior.”

  Flynn didn't say anything.

  Jolie could feel the tension toward the man. Little did the commissioner know that Jolie was as good as she was simply because she was a killer herself.

  Jolie tried to soothe Flynn. Already, he was ready to lose it. She could see her mate’s nails lengthening in his lap.

  Apparently, he didn't like the man.

  Well, that made two of them.

  “If you wanted to keep her barefoot and pregnant, you should be marrying a woman who isn’t career oriented. People are going to want her attention.”

  Flynn wanted to jump across the room and bury his fangs in the man’s throat. He wanted to inflict pain for even mentioning it.

  Jolie was more than a baby maker for him.

  She wasn’t simply a woman to keep his home clean while he was out in the world bringing home a paycheck.

  She was his all.

  “We should get started,” Jolie offered. “My time is valuable.”

  “Yes, about that.”

  She stopped him. “I’m not waiving my fees,” she offered right off the top.

  The men looked surprised.

  Flynn wanted to laugh. They knew this was coming, and now Jolie was going to put them in their place.

  “What do you mean?” the captain stated.

p; “We discussed it, and if you’re utilizing my time, you’re paying for my services. Flynn and I know how important your jobs are, but mine matters too. Right now, I turned down two other jobs to assist you. I can’t always promise that when you call, I’ll be available. I did this as a favor. In fact, my normal retainer is double what you’re paying me. I gave you the ‘family’ discount.”

  Tommy wanted to laugh.

  His bosses looked shocked. They really thought they were going to get Jolie for free.

  “I’m having twins, and if you have children, you know that they’re very expensive.”

  Yeah, and she had more money than she knew what to do with, but this was about Flynn’s pride. He didn't want her involved in every case, and this was how she’d make up for what she did.

  “I won’t be working for a while after our children are born, so I’m taking on as much as I can now.”

  It shut the men up.

  They’d look like assholes if they tried to take money from the two children.

  Flynn wanted to laugh.

  No, he wanted to kiss her.

  “Now, if we can get started,” she suggested.

  “By all means, Doctor.”

  “Flynn had the opportunity to brief me last night. I’ll need to see the files for myself, but it seems to me, that the victims might have been frequenting clubs that deal in bondage. That’s where I would pursue this if I was investigating.”

  “How did they die then, Doctor? They had no injuries that would be considered life threatening.”

  “Please call me Jolie, Commissioner,” she said smiling sweetly. “As to how they died, I can’t tell you that. I’m an expert in deviant behavior, not a coroner. That would be Flynn’s other fiancée. You can call her next.”

  Both men stared at her, and then laughed when they got the joke. Even Flynn marginally relaxed.

  She knew how to work a room. She’d had centuries of practice when it came to dealing with men.

  “Point taken, Jolie. We’ll stick to the scope of your expertise. Maybe you can give us a little more regarding bondage?” said Captain Harris.

  “I don’t have any experience in it myself, Captain, but I know that when done properly, it’s not to harm your partner, but to offer them the ultimate in pleasure they desire.”

  That was a lie, and she knew it. Flynn was staring down at her, and they had a secret. When they were alone, he let her just relax into the pleasure, as he took control.

  It was beautiful.

  It was peaceful.

  It was them.

  “I believe that it’s more about blurring the lines between pleasure and pain, but I’ll be doing some research so I can become more familiar.”

  Flynn reached for her mind. ‘You’re already an expert. You let me tie you up all the time.’

  ‘I love when you do. Maybe we can practice later if you’re free, Master.’

  Flynn loved when she called him that. There was nothing more erotic than having a strong woman on her knees. Again, he began picturing the last time they did it.

  The sex had been crazy and so hot.

  Jolie sent a wave of lust into his body. She couldn’t wait until the next time they were alone. They still didn't tell Jacques about it. They weren’t really keeping it from him, as much reserving something that was just theirs.

  “So we have some sicko running around tying up willing victims and harming them because they want to feel pain?” the commissioner asked. “That can’t be good.”

  “If this gets out to the media,” the captain added.

  “I would spin it that they’re loved to death,” she suggested. “It’ll play better in the media.”

  “Well, hell,” said Captain Harris, sitting back in his chair. “What now, Doctor?”

  “I think we need to figure out if the victims were definitely involved with BDSM, and if they were, where they frequented. Once you have that information, the detectives can take it from there.”

  Both men nodded. “Okay, thank you, Doctor. Will you continue to help us with this as the detectives get more information?”

  “But of course! It will be my pleasure,” she said before standing from the shared couch. “Can either of you tell me where the ladies’ room is? I want to freshen up.”

  Both men jumped up but before they could offer to take her, Flynn was all over it. There was no way in hell he was letting her out of his sight.

  “I’ll take you, baby. I have to get to my desk anyway.”

  His boss shut him down. “We need to speak to you, Detective.”

  “I’ll take her,” said Tommy, knowing how his partner was squeamish with letting her wander away alone. Besides, there were a horde of cops outside the door, and Flynn wouldn’t be able to concentrate.

  “Thank you, Detective,” she said smiling brightly.

  Once she was gone, Flynn wanted to get this meeting done and over with. He didn't like the distance between him and Jolie, especially during the daylight.

  “We want you to find this killer, Detective. We can’t have this hitting the news. This bondage thing will put the spotlight on the case.”

  He was aware.

  “You have our full support as you infiltrate any clubs or places that might be killing people. Your record is impressive, and we’re going to allow you some latitude.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “When is she due?” the captain asked.

  “It’ll be sometime around Halloween next year.” He prayed that he did the math right. Vampyres were pregnant longer than humans. “We just found out.”

  “That’s great, son,” the commissioner stated. “I have to be honest.”


  “We’re both married.”

  “Okay, and?”

  “Enjoy her body now. After twins, she’s going to change. The sex will stop, and you’re going to be celibate.”

  The captain laughed. “Yeah, sad but true.”

  Flynn laughed. “It’ll never happen,” he admitted, but that’s all he was going to tell them. Jolie wouldn’t change.

  None of them would. As age ravaged everyone around them, the three of them would stay untouched.

  The men laughed at what they perceived to be his ignorance. “I love when newbies think their wife is going to be the exception to the rule.”

  “It’s cute,” the commissioner said. “Now, go get to work.”

  Flynn headed out, smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary. Oh, Jolie would never get fat or hate sex.

  That was the truth.

  Vampyres were sensual creatures, and he was damn lucky. If anything, she was only going to get sexier as they aged. That bond would become tighter, and they would grow even closer.

  If that was possible.

  Then he began thinking about sex.

  Flynn felt himself getting hot. It took everything he had to not to go all vampy.

  It was no easy task.

  Less than a year ago, he hated vampyres. A lot had changed in that time.

  No longer was he afraid of them.

  Now…they were the greatest thing in the world.

  ∞ Chapter Six ∞

  Jolie stood in the ladies’ room of the police station, reapplying her lipstick. As she was checking out her hair, there were footsteps behind her.

  Jolie turned. “Hello, Detective,” she said, smiling at the woman behind her.

  “I’m sorry to sneak up on you, but those are really great shoes.”

  Jolie glanced down. “Thank you. They’re really comfortable.”

  The detective laughed. She knew they were pricy, but that wasn’t why she was there. She wanted to get the dirt on the woman before her.

  It was a fact-finding mission for all the women who worked with Flynn at the precinct.

  “Are you really dating Detective Brogan?” she asked leaning against the counter.

  “Yes, I am, but I’m not just dating him. I’m marrying him and having his child,” she said.
/>   “He’s a really great guy. There are going to be a lot of women pissed if he is really out of the dating pool. The ladies love him.”

  “Truth,” Jolie whispered, using some compulsion to get the answers she wanted.

  The woman went ramrod stiff.

  “Tell me who wants him,” she asked, moving closer to the detective. “Who wants my Flynn?”

  The woman began babbling. “I do, as do all the other female detectives. He’s sexy. I try to rub against him when I’m near him. I want in his pants.”

  Jolie grinned ferally.

  “You’re not to touch him ever again. Am I clear?” she asked, hoping no one else came in. “In fact, you will tell all the other women that I will hurt them if they try.”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “When you see him, you’ll cluck like a chicken.”

  It was hard not to laugh. Why have power if you couldn’t use it? Jolie was a bitch when it came to her mate.


  “Now, feed me,” she said, moving her mouth close to the woman’s. A blue haze began slipping from the detective’s mouth. Jolie reveled in the feeling of it filling her. She wasn’t sure what it was, or why she could pull it from people, but it filled her, keeping Death at bay.

  Her mistress wanted her to kill the woman in the worst way. She could hear it screaming from deep within her.

  “Now, go and remember nothing.”

  The woman walked away, and Jolie pulled out her phone to make a call. That’s the real reason she wanted a few minutes alone. She needed some help.

  When Chloe answered the call, she gave her the instructions. “I need a favor,” she said.

  “Yes, Mistress, what is it?”

  “I need you to pick up two last minute gifts for me. This is what I need, and what I want them to say,” Jolie stated.

  The woman listened.

  When she was satisfied that Chloe would get the ideal gifts, she hung up the phone. Outside the door, her mate was waiting.

  “I was coming in for you,” he offered.

  “I had to make a call.”

  “To who?”

  She went up on her toes and gave him a kiss. Jolie knew all the women were watching and some men too. She wanted there to be no chance they’d get the wrong idea.


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