Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5) Page 22

by Morgan Kelley

  “Flynn’s a brute. That’s why he can,” she stated, hearing his thoughts. “You don’t have to treat me any differently than you do, Jacques.”

  “I can stop if it makes you uncomfortable,” Flynn offered.

  “No, we’re a couple. I want to see how you love her. I want you to see how I feel too. It makes us unique.”

  And it did.

  “I think I’m going to get into my special outfit. I’ll meet you both at the tree.”

  The men didn’t hesitate.

  They were out of bed, pulling on their silky pajama bottoms and at the tree before she even appeared.

  Flynn checked out the stack of presents. Jolie color coordinated them. His were blue, Jacques were green, and Mathew’s were red.

  Immediately, he began feeling bad.

  “Don’t,” Jacques stated. “Then I’ll feel bad too, and right now, I want to be angry at someone.”

  “Do you think we should let him in here?”

  Jacques sighed. “Yes.”

  Flynn reached for the vampyre, and he was in his room. He summoned him to their quarters.

  “You’re a better man than I am, Flynn.”

  “It’s part of her present. I’m taking the higher road. He’s lost without her, and it’s Christmas.”

  Jacques said nothing.

  As of late, he was wary of the other vampyre. It was something about the way he watched them—not Jolie, but he and Flynn.

  It made him edgy.

  When there was a knock to their door, Flynn used his mind to unlock it. The heavy door swung open.

  “Mathew, come in.”

  The vampyre entered, but he stayed at a safe distance.

  “Yes, Masters? You wanted me?”

  He was visibly nervous.

  “Are you busy?”

  He looked around. “No. Do you need something?”

  “It’s Christmas morning. We have gifts for you. Would you like to stay?” Flynn asked.

  He waited for the trick.

  “I’m being genuine. Have a seat. Jolie is getting dressed.” When he patted the floor by the tree, the vampyre moved toward him. Still, he put space between them.

  Yeah, there was some damage there. Flynn only hoped that one day they’d fix it.

  Before he could say anything, Jolie cleared her voice. All three men glanced over.

  When she came out of the closet, her hair was down, and she was in flannel pajamas with kitties all over them and fuzzy slippers.

  Brogan couldn’t help but laugh.


  “Kittens and flannel, I didn’t see that coming,” he said smiling and his grin was obviously contagious. The other two men were smiling too.

  “Alas, Flynn, I saw this coming,” said Jacques. “Every year, I would wake, and she would be in flannel pajamas and fuzzy slippers.”

  Mathew was grinning. “I like it, it’s very…”

  “Sexy,” said Flynn, jumping up to chase her around the tree. He almost had her, but she jumped behind Jacques at the last second.

  “You think everything is sexy, Flynn. Now come on! I want to open presents,” she said.

  It wasn’t lost on Jolie that Mathew was sitting there. Before she took a seat, she dropped a kiss to the top of his head.

  “Thank you for joining us, Mathew. I’m glad you are here with us.”

  “It was Master Flynn’s idea.”

  She wasn’t surprised. Later, he’d get a reward.

  Jolie took her place, kneeling in front of the tree. She began handing out presents. First, to Mathew, and then to her mates.

  “Go ahead, Mathew. I hope you like it,” she said, watching him touch the red envelope he held in his hands.

  He looked distraught.

  “I don’t deserve presents,” he said. “I did something horrible.”

  Flynn patted him on the shoulder. “I told you that I forgave you.”

  He swallowed.

  That wasn’t what he meant.

  “We all forgive you, Mathew. Let’s just have a good day,” Jolie stated. “The other part of your gift is downstairs.”

  Mathew looked at the envelope trying to remember the last time he had received a Christmas present. His fingers shook as he read the writing on the outside of the envelope. It was from all three of them. When he pulled the piece of paper out it was a brochure for France.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Jolie giggled. “That is a fully paid scholarship to an Art school in France.”

  He dropped it when his face changed. “You’re sending me away?” Why was he surprised?

  He’d seen it coming.

  Jolie laughed. “It’s only for school. Besides, we’re going to be heading back to France for Maura’s wedding. We can stay a while, and you can complete your courses.”

  He didn’t know what to say.

  Mathew was torn.

  “We discussed it, and we want you to have a little training so you can be the famous artist we know you are destined to be,” she said, kissing his cheek.

  Still, he didn’t smile.

  “You hated France, so why would you stay there to wait for me?”

  Jacques shrugged. “Because we’re your family and love you. It is what we want for you.”

  “Thank you,” he said softly.

  He was so confused. Was this a gift to get rid of him, or one where he was genuinely loved?

  His heart thumped.

  Jolie patted his cheek. “Your big gift is downstairs. It was too big to put under the tree.”

  Mathew simply nodded. “I can’t wait.”

  All three of them stared at each other. This wasn’t the reaction they had expected. Mathew was down, but there was nothing they could do about it.

  It was deal with his melancholy or let him play guardian.

  That wasn’t an option.

  “Okay, Jacques is next,” she said, watching him touch the long package. She was giddy with excitement as he lifted the sword from the box.

  “Jolie, it is spectacular!” he said, touching the jewel-encrusted hilt. Then it hit him where he had seen it before. He glanced up at the painting above the fireplace, and it was similar to the one Mathew had painted. “How?”

  “I have my ways, Jacques. It seemed right for you to have that blade. Read the inscription.”

  He flipped it over in his hand and read the words.

  To the Degaul heirs, may you treasure your past and carry on the cherished legacy. You were born from a line of warriors.

  It touched him on a deep level. He was never supposed to have heirs, and now he’d have someone to give it to when he was gone from this world.

  “Jolie, I’ll treasure it,” he said with tears filling his eyes.

  He was going to have a bloodline.

  It was a miracle.

  From Flynn’s spot beside the man, he patted him on the shoulder. It was clear why Jacques was choked up.

  “Did I do good?” she asked.

  Flynn spoke for him, “Oh, you’re good, baby.”

  She was pleased. It wasn’t easy to find gifts for the men in her life. After six centuries of Christmas, she’d pretty much done it all.

  “It’s your turn, Flynn,” she said, motioning toward the envelope in his hand.

  He tore through the paper and had them all laughing. When he got inside, there was a certificate and a letter. As he read it, his eyes widened, and he, too, had unshed tears in his eyes. “Wow,” he whispered.

  “What is it, Flynn?” asked Jacques, touching his shoulder.

  “Jolie donated money so my mother would have a wing of an art museum in France named after her. She also purchased another of Van Gogh’s sunflower paintings so that it can hang there.”

  Jolie took his outstretched hand and was pulled into his arms.

  “Damn it, I love you,” he said, kissing her throat as he held her close.

  It was the perfect gift.

  Flynn loved how she incorporated his deceased moth
er into his gift. This time of the year was always difficult for him.

  “Thank you, Jolie. This is the best gift ever.”

  Jolie smiled knowingly at the other gifts beneath the tree. “I think I can beat it, but we will see. Both of you open these at the same time,” she said handing them each another box.

  Both men opened the lid and looked inside, unsure what they’d find. Their startled faces said it all.

  “You know for sure?” Jacques asked.

  “Really?” questioned Flynn.

  Jolie nodded and watched as they both pulled out silver picture frames that said ‘Daddy’s little girl’. “Yes, I can tell. We’re having two daughters.”

  Both men grinned, right before tugging her toward them. They fell back, laughing and enjoying the moment.

  “I’m having a daughter,” Flynn stated.

  It was a dream come true.

  Jacques felt the same. “Wow, a girl.”

  “Now you can start picking out names. Keep in mind, I have overriding veto power,” she said grinning. “I have to carry them, so I get to do the final naming.”

  They could deal with that.

  Mathew was uncomfortable.

  At one time, he would have joined in their merriment, but he was unhappy.

  He was no longer their guardian.

  He was no longer in the circle.

  He was lost.

  When they had finished kissing and hugging her, the men set her free. It was time for Jolie’s gifts.

  Jacques walked to the tree and picked up two off the pile of presents. “These are the important ones. The rest you can open later. We need to see your face.”

  Jolie took the first one, and it was from Flynn. “Jewelry, my sexy Detective? I love Jewelry.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I gathered that by your growing collection.”

  Jolie opened the delicate box and looked inside. On black velvet sat an antique locket with chain.

  “Open it.”

  When she flicked it open, inside were two pictures—one of each of them. Her eyes filled with tears. “It’s is beautiful. I’ll cherish it forever.”

  “Flip it over.”

  On the back, there was an inscription.

  ‘To our children. May you always fight for what is right.’

  Her heart skipped.

  “I figure once you have the babies, you can put their pictures in it.”

  Jolie went into his arms and kissed him. “I will treasure it always.”

  Jacques held out the second box and smiled. “This is from me,” he said, watching her nervously.

  Jolie peeled back the paper and opened the box, and it looked familiar. At first, her face showed no emotion, and then the tears started.

  “Is this?” she said, not needing to finish.

  “Oh, Jacques,” she said, crawling into his arms before she began enthusiastically kissing him.

  “What’s the significance?” Flynn asked curiously. It was a gorgeous stone hanging on a beautiful chain.

  Jolie stopped crying and held it in her hand like it was treasure because it was.

  “When we first came together, I was just starting to form my society. We weren’t wealthy like we are now. Our first Christmas together, Jacques went and bargained for this beautiful piece of watermelon tourmaline and carved this box himself. I have treasured it for six hundred years. It was my first Christmas gift from him.”

  “I stole it out of your safe and had it made into something you could wear. I wanted you to know that some things do last forever,” he said kissing her. “I love you, Jolie Harcourte. I always have, and I always will.”

  “Oh, Jacques,” she whispered, kissing him again.

  “Oh, okay, Mr. Smooth,” said Flynn rolling his eyes. “Wait until next year.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “I have a gift for you,” Mathew stated. “It’s in my room. May I go get it?”

  “Yes, please,” Jolie said, excitedly.

  When he left, Flynn lowered his voice.

  “He’s off.”

  Jacques agreed.

  “He’ll get better,” Jolie stated. “He’s only off his game because we took away the goal. We need to find something he’s good at and go with that.”

  Both men stared at each other.

  Someone was blinded with affection.

  They weren’t.

  “Sure, baby,” Flynn stated.

  It didn’t take Mathew long. When he returned, he was carrying a canvas.

  “I started this a while ago.”

  Yeah, before he’d been booted from their circle.

  The men held it while Jolie pulled off the twine and brown paper protecting it.

  She saw what was there and tears filled her eyes.

  It was a painting of her, fully pregnant, and wearing a black gauzy dress. It was blowing in the breeze as she stood in the evening moonlight.

  “Oh, Mathew.”

  He didn’t speak.

  Both men examined his artwork.

  It was a perfect rendition of her. It gave Jolie a mystical and secretive look, as if she was holding the answers to all the questions of the universe in her eyes. Her belly was sticking out, and she was lovingly touching it with one hand while pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. Around her neck, there hung the black diamonds that Jacques had given her.

  “I don’t even know what to say,” he said, looking over at Mathew. “You captured everything as it will be.”

  Before Mathew could say anything, Jolie sat and burst into tears. Both men glanced over, surprised at her outburst.

  “Baby?” Flynn asked, touching her cheek.

  “They want to kill my babies,” she said through the tears. “What if they do? I don’t know why they hate them. They’re little children,” Jolie whispered.

  Mathew felt horrible.

  His choice began weighing on his heart.

  He had betrayed her. He was going to hurt her, even if his motives were pure. He wished he could go back in time and stop himself from attacking the master.

  That was the day his life changed.

  Jacques went into soothing mode. Gently, he ran his hands up and down her leg. “It won’t happen. No one is killing our children, Jolie. You need to put your faith in us.”

  She had no choice.

  “I’ll die to keep them safe,” offered Flynn.

  “We both will.”

  Jacques noticed that Mathew was sitting there silently. Normally, he’d be trying to help offer some words of encouragement.


  His face said it all. He was uncomfortable.

  Instead, they were on their own.

  Jacques kissed her fingers. “We were contemplating going back to France early. The society there will offer us refuge. We can hide and be protected for longer than here in the states.”

  Jolie sniffled. “We’ll see what we learn. I just don’t understand why,” she said wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m really hormonal lately.”

  “How about we head down and give Mathew his last present?” Flynn suggested.

  He wanted to cheer her up.

  “Okay,” Jolie stated.

  ‘Then we can come back up here and unwrap me,’ she offered silently to them.

  Neither would say no to that.

  They were worried—not insane.

  “Why don’t you head down?” Jacques offered. “Flynn and I will clean up this mess.”

  She held out her hand and Mathew pulled her to her feet. As he led her away, Flynn didn’t look happy.

  “What were you thinking?” asked Flynn.

  “He feels off. Did you smell him?”

  Flynn stared at him.

  “I don’t often sniff the other vamps in the house, Jacques. It’s weird.”

  He was serious.

  “He smelled like a strange vampyre. He’s been around someone we don’t know.”

  “Maybe he’s getting his sex on.”

  He stared at the

  “Okay, I don’t buy that either.”

  “Something is up.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  He was going to get to the bottom of it.

  That’s how vampyres rolled.

  ∞ Chapter Eighteen ∞

  Jolie, her mates, and Mathew moved through the house giving out gifts and having glass after glass of spiced wine with the rest of the celebrating family.

  When Jolie arrived at Camille’s room, she whispered into her mates’ ears and giggled. Both men gave her a kiss and headed off together.

  “Where are they going?” Mathew asked. He knew it was in his best interest to keep an eye on them.

  It was for preservation sake until the deed was done.

  “Don’t worry, Mathew, they’re going to get your final present ready. Are you afraid to be alone with me?” she teased, giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek.”

  He was.

  Mathew was terrified that she’d find out the truth.

  “I need to give out one more gift.”

  Mathew smiled when Jolie slipped her hand into his. It was done so easily between them, and it made his heart skip a beat. This was what he longed to have back.

  This was why he was risking it all.

  Jolie composed herself and knocked on Camille’s door. When they were invited in, Jolie went to Detective Gress and kissed him on the lips. “Merry Christmas, Tommy! How was your trip home?” she asked, pretty sure she knew the answer thanks to the way they both were smiling at each other.

  “We have big news. I was going to come find Flynn later and tell you three, but I guess now is good.”

  She waited.

  “We’re bonded now, Jolie,” he said hugging her as he whispered the rest in her ear. “I owe it to you. Thank you. Both you and Flynn were right. It is amazing.”

  Jolie pulled away and grinned.

  Her heart hoped this would happen, but there was always that fear that he would be too afraid after what had been done to him at the hands of Zola.

  “That’s wonderful, Camille! Tommy! I’m so happy for all of you, and thrilled we will have Tommy with us for a LONG time,” she said before kissing Camille on both her cheeks.

  “I am too, Mistress,” the happy blonde said, practically beaming. “It’s a dream come true.”


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