Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5) Page 25

by Morgan Kelley

  He wept even harder.

  Flynn was going to miss this vampyre.




  She still had compassion, and that was a rarity.

  Flynn pulled her into his arms, and she wept as she memorized the scent of his skin.

  Flynn was like the father she always wanted and never could have. Now she was willingly walking away.

  “You need to make sure he stays away,” Jacques said. “If he comes back, Flynn and I will hunt him down. If he betrays us again, we will end his life. If he breaks the rules, you need to call us.”

  She nodded. “I won’t let him, Masters. I promise. I’ll make sure he stays safe and doesn’t betray this second chance.”

  Flynn set her free. “I love you, Clariel. You made me very happy, and I won’t forget you. I’ll miss you. I hope my little girl becomes just like you.”

  She couldn’t speak.

  No one had ever loved her like that.

  Instead, she took the credit card and hugged Jacques. “Thank you, Master. I won’t let you down. I owe you both all I have. Thank you for saving us months ago and for allowing me to save Mathew. I won’t forget your love.”

  Both men believed her.

  “Let us know where you end up, and I’ll send your things. You make sure you find a safe place, buy it, live in it, and try and be happy.”

  Clariel took Mathew’s hand and led him to the thick cluster of trees. Before she disappeared, she turned around.

  “I love you too, Flynn. I’ll always consider you my father. Please know that I’ll carry you in my heart until my dying day.”

  With that, they were gone.

  Flynn stood there.

  That had been so hard.

  “I did the right thing, right?” he asked.

  Jacques dropped his arm over his mate’s shoulders. “You did something very good, Flynn. He won’t come back. Clariel will report him to us if he tries. She’s loyal, and she loves you. There will never be a day where she wishes to harm us.”

  He hoped so.

  Flynn had been counting on that.

  “What you did was very reminiscent of something a decent and kind Primus would do. Killing is easy. Compassion is hard.”

  “I couldn’t do it. Jolie wouldn’t recover if we took his life. I can’t hurt her like that. I would rather look over my shoulder and worry than let her bear that pain.”

  “You’re a good mate, Flynn. Let’s go back.”

  He let Jacques lead him back to the plantation, and he only prayed that Mathew would have some common sense and stay away.

  This was his last chance.

  “Can you make sure he doesn’t contact Jolie?” Flynn asked. “Can you block him from her mind without her knowing?”

  “Yes, I can do that.”

  That’s all he really wanted.

  Well, that and to heal Jolie’s heart.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  When they entered their quarters, Percy was still standing guard. His eyes were black and his fangs were out as he waited for his masters to return.

  “Is it done?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Flynn stated.

  “Change the security codes on the house, and we remain locked down,” Jacques stated. “The Tueur have been in here, and we need to ensure that no one escaped.”

  Percy nodded.

  “Where is she?” Flynn asked.

  Tommy pointed at the bathroom. “She’s with Camille.”

  They headed that way.

  Once they were inside, they didn’t find Jolie in the tub, they found her sitting on the floor crying.

  It broke both of their hearts.

  Flynn understood. That’s why he didn’t take Mathew’s life. He was angry, and anything done in anger was a bad idea.

  “Can you give us some time?” he asked Camille.

  She headed toward the door. “I’m sorry for your loss, Masters.”

  When Jolie wept even harder, she escaped.

  Flynn approached and knelt down in front of the woman he loved. Her nose was red, her cheeks were stained, and she was making herself ill.

  “Is it over?” she asked between sobs.

  He hated seeing her like this.

  “I didn’t kill him.”

  She stared at him. “What? He’s alive?”

  Flynn nodded. “I chose to send him away. I couldn’t do that to you, Jolie. I can’t bear knowing that you’re hurting. Taking his life won’t make this whole thing right.”

  She stared at him. “He’s okay?”

  Flynn told her what happened. He told her about Clariel opting to leave with him.

  “At least he’s not alone. I know that would scare him.”

  “He’s not.”

  Jolie crawled into Flynn’s lap. “I know you did this for me. I know you could have executed him. Thank you, Flynn. Thank you for loving me.”

  He hugged her. “It’s okay, Jolie. I won’t ever hurt you if I can help it.”

  He picked her up in his arms.

  “You need to rest.”

  She placed her head on his shoulder. “You’re right. I don’t feel so well.”

  Jacques held her hand as they headed back to their bed. Tommy and Camille were changing the sheets.

  “Thank you,” Flynn said, as he crawled onto the bed, Jolie still in his arms.

  “We’ll leave you alone,” Tommy said, taking Camille’s hand as he headed out.

  Jacques joined them on the bed. Pressing Jolie between them, he whispered into her ear.

  “We have you. Close your eyes and mourn. We will keep you safe.”

  Jolie believed them.

  When both men trapped her between them, arms and legs caging her to their bodies, Jolie did as they suggested.

  She let go.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *


  For the rest of the day, they remained in bed. Jolie didn’t have it in her to leave, and the men in her life didn’t want to force her. Flynn had heard from Clariel, as she reached for his mind.

  They were safe.

  They were boarding a flight and getting out. He was glad that she could contact him, and he promised to check on her for the rest of their lives.

  He owed it to her and Jolie.

  Flynn relayed it silently to Jacques, as they stared at each other. He was about to suggest they get up and maybe head to the den to have some wine when there was a knock to their door.

  “It’s Tommy,” Flynn stated.

  Jacques used his mind to open the door.

  “Come in,” he offered.

  “Flynn, I hate to bother you, but it’s important.” Tommy was dressed and wearing his badge and gun.

  He didn’t have to tell him anything.

  “We have a body?”

  He nodded. “I know it’s horrible timing, but we have to go to the scene.”

  Flynn got out of bed, cognizant that Jolie and Jacques were watching him.

  “Is it the same as the others?”

  “Yeah, they found the body just a few minutes ago and called it in. This time it’s worse. There is a lot more abuse, and sexually this time.”

  Flynn dressed in his customary cop gear before sliding into his holster. While he was checking the clips in his guns, he looked over at Jolie.

  She was now sitting up.

  “No, I know what you are thinking, and you aren’t going. It’s after midnight and the Tueur could have set this up. You aren’t going there.”

  Jolie just opened her mouth.

  Jacques pulled her closer and protectively against his body. “He’s right, my love.”

  Tommy cleared his voice. “Well, we have a little problem.”

  They all glanced over.


  “The commissioner has specifically requested that Jolie is there for this. He feels that she’ll be advantageous to the case if she can see the body firsthand.”

p; Jolie opened her mouth.

  Tommy took that moment to escape.

  “No. It’s not happening. We had the Tueur strike at us once already. You’re not going out there with me. If I go down, you and Jacques will still carry on.”

  She protested. “No, we won’t.”

  “Jolie, baby, I need you to listen to me. You’re safe here, and that’s all that matters to me.”

  She sighed. He’d let Mathew live, and she owed him that. It was the least she could do.

  “I understand. I’ll stay here.”

  Both men stared at her, shocked.

  “Did she just agree to stay here?” Flynn asked. “Is that possible?”

  Jacques laughed. “It’s the end of the world as we know it. You better put on Kevlar.”

  He was beginning to believe it.

  “Why are you being so accommodating?” asked Flynn suspiciously.

  Jolie shrugged. “You’re right. I don’t want to get hurt, and after today, I’m shaken up. I’ll stay here with Jacques. If you need to ask me something or need for me to see something, I can do it through your mind.”

  Flynn was relieved.

  He actually believed that this would have gotten ugly. Flynn was grateful that Jolie wasn’t putting up a fight.

  “Stay here, and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Flynn,” Jacques said, getting his attention, “watch your back. You’re valuable.”

  He would be able to focus now that he knew Jolie was safely locked up in their home.

  “Okay,” he said starting for the door. Before he could leave, he paused, moving back to her side. “I love you, baby. You aren’t going to die—not on my watch.”

  She smiled at him, and then kissed him softly. “I know, my love. Be safe and remember that this isn’t a coincidence. I have no doubt that the Tueur will be watching. They will want to know what happened to their killers.”

  He was well aware.

  “I’m beginning to believe that the commissioner being given your name isn’t a coincidence either.”

  They agreed.

  Flynn heard the horn beeping from the driveway. “I have to go.”

  He hustled out of the room.

  “He’s going to be okay, right?” Jolie asked.

  Jacques gave her a kiss. “Yes.”

  Without hesitating, he mentally called for Percy. Since the man had done so well at tracking Mathew, he would be the perfect tail for Flynn.

  Jolie cuddled against her mate. “I love you, Jacques, and always will.”

  He pulled the blanket over them and they huddled beneath it like they had so many years ago.

  “I’m sorry I’m not my normal self,” Jolie stated. “I wish I was strong enough to handle everything. I feel like I’m being bombarded from all sides.”

  He understood.

  “Flynn did well today. He was going to end Mathew’s life, but he had compassion.”

  “He always does.”

  “I love him, Jolie. I’m glad you found him. Flynn is turning into a good leader for our family.”

  She was well aware.

  Before she could say anything, her phone rang.

  Jacques made it appear and handed it to her.

  Immediately, she recognized the number.

  “Yes, Nathaniel, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m calling back with your answer. You may petition the council tomorrow evening,” he said softly into the phone.

  Well, that was good. Maybe they could figure out what was going on and close Flynn’s case.

  “Thank you, Nathaniel. We’ll be there.”

  There was quiet.

  “Jolie, from someone who doesn’t dislike you, I’d like to simply say you should bring your mates and guardian.”

  Jolie couldn’t help but think he was warning her somehow. “I can bring whomever I wish?”

  “Yes, it would be a good idea.”

  “Thank you, Nathaniel,” she said into the phone. When she hung up, it was clear that Jacques had heard every word.

  “So, we’re going.”

  She could tell he wasn’t happy.

  “It looks like we have to go, my love. If we want this to end, we need to face it head on.”

  He thought about it.

  “I need something from you.”

  Jolie stared at him. That was odd. Jacques wasn’t ever one to ask for anything. In centuries, he’d never taken anything he wanted. He was one of the most giving men she knew.


  “Reinstate me as your guardian.”

  She stared at him. “But you’re my mate.”

  “I am, and so is Flynn, but let’s be realistic. I did it for so many years, and it never should have ended. Flynn is the only man I trust with you, and he can’t do it. He has a career. I can go back to mine or do it on the side—whenever.”

  She touched his cheek. “You’re afraid.”

  He didn’t show any emotion.


  She was genuinely worried about him. As he tenderly stroked her cheek, she could feel the energy radiating off him, and it wasn’t calming.

  Her mate was awash in the storm.

  “I’ve faced down killers, and I’ve been in many battles, believing it was my last fight. This has me scared beyond every war I’ve ever waged. Take me back on as your guardian. No one will question it. Flynn has begun to take his place in this family as a leader. You don’t need me as a mate.”

  Jolie touched his cheek.

  “Jacques, I do need you.”

  “I can’t lose you.”

  “You won’t. You are reinstated as my guardian, but you will be introduced as my mate.”

  He dropped his forehead to hers. “Don’t leave me, Jolie. If I lose you, I can’t survive.”

  In that moment, she knew how dire the situation was. Jacques, a trained killer, was worried.

  That set the mood.

  She was afraid before.

  Now she was terrified.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Crime Scene

  One A.M.

  Detective Flynn Brogan was on the scene and taking it seriously. He was all about the job, and in this case, he had a personal stake in it.

  Jolie’s life was on the line, and he’d die for her.

  Jumping out of his ride, Flynn scanned the area surrounding the crime scene. He couldn’t feel anyone watching him, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there.

  The Tueur were breaking the rules and using Voodoo. For all he knew, there could be a vampyre right beside him.

  Flynn made sure he was extra careful who he approached. He was going to have to use other gifts, like his nose.

  Hopefully, it didn’t fail him.

  Heading toward the victim, he and Tommy navigated the techs, coroner, and other cops. When they arrived at the woman, his partner whistled.

  Yeah, someone died in a bad way.

  This victim had been beat, whipped, and tortured. No one would have authorized this type of bondage.

  “I don’t like it,” stated Flynn, slipping on his rubber gloves. “The violence is getting worse.”

  He knew what that meant.

  This animal was sick. The depravity went even deeper than they suspected.

  Gress crouched down. “Look at how deep the wounds are. Whoever did this was strong,” he said, glancing at his partner. “I think you know what I mean.”

  He did.

  Vamp strong.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  Gress stopped moving and whispered to his partner. “Did you feel that?”

  Oh, he had. It looked like their prey had made a mistake. They had given themselves away.

  “Yeah, we have company,” he said, reaching for his mates to relay the information. “I think we need to look around.”

  Tommy wasn’t sure that was a good idea, especially since he’d been a snack for a vamp before.

  Come to think of it, so had Flynn.
  His partner liked to live on the edge.

  Tommy followed him into the shadows and was amazed at how he saw perfectly, as if he was in the light.

  “They’re gone.”

  “I don’t feel them anymore. Why was I able to feel them?” Tommy asked, curiously.

  “They scanned the area. They were waiting to see who would show. I have no doubt that they wanted Jolie here.”

  That even made Tommy nervous.

  “Let’s get this scene taken care of and head home. I don’t want to be out here in the open at night. I’m not a target, but I can’t fight off Tueur by myself. They hit in waves.”

  “Shit, Flynn, is she really in danger?”

  “Yeah, someone wants her and our babies dead. I think we need to figure out why and damn fast.”

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  One Hour Later

  Jolie tried to keep herself busy. The entire time he was at the crime scene, she knew worrying about her mate out there wouldn’t help her.

  So, she worked on some files.

  Tried to read a book.

  Got dressed.


  Wandered around.

  It was all just to keep her busy.

  As she moved around the room, Jacques followed right behind her. It appeared that he was taking the guardian title seriously and giving her a tail.

  When Jolie stopped, and he nearly ran into her, she had to say something. “You’re making me nervous,” she said. “Can you have a seat?”

  “Sorry. I’m out of practice.”

  That made Jolie laugh. “You are not.”

  “You can’t teach an old dog new techniques.”

  “Tricks,” said Flynn entering the room. “Old dog, new tricks.”

  Jacques grinned once he heard his mate’s voice. Then he saw the look on Flynn’s face.

  He knew right away.

  It was going to be bad.

  “They were there, weren’t they?” he asked.

  “Yes, I felt them, and Tommy did too. I think they wanted me to know we’re hunted.”

  Jolie didn’t say anything.

  “Where is Tommy?” Jacques asked.


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