Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5) Page 41

by Morgan Kelley

  Jolie gasped.

  She looked at him.

  “Flynn, is that true?”

  He had two choices.

  Lie or tell the truth.

  He went with it.

  “Yes, it’s true.”

  ∞ Chapter Thirty-Three ∞

  Jolie didn’t understand. She knew that Flynn was torn between them and Death, but she honestly didn’t believe he’d lie to them. As she approached, he took her hand in his as Roger finished the tattoo.

  “Flynn, please help me understand.”

  He was grateful she wasn’t flipping out. If she did, he wouldn’t be able to blame her.

  “Death knows that we’re very strong. In all things magic, what’s the most powerful number?”

  “Three,” she said.

  “That’s us. With these marks, we’re going to have an edge. With only two of them, were not as lethal.”

  “Is this really going to change you?”

  He touched her cheek. “I’m going to take on the characteristics of this tattoo. Rinnon is going to surface more often, especially if you call him. Your tattoo is seduction, Jacques is protection, and mine is death. When we come together, the Tueur will have very little chance against us.”

  He took her fingers in his and kissed them.

  “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or Jacques. I swear. It’ll take some time, but we’ll adjust to our tattoos and the charm they carry.”

  “You will be a cold blooded killer,” Mambo said, pointing at him.

  His eyes bled black, his fangs lengthened, and she took a step back. “I already am. This is for my family. For them, I’d kill my own mother.”

  His voice sounded darker, more dangerous. Jolie couldn’t help it. She still wanted and loved him. Even morphing, this was her Flynn.

  Jacques approached, and he knew it was going to come down to him. He’d already been afraid once. Instead, he took Flynn’s free hand in his, joining them. “I stand with my mates.”

  Mambo shook her head. “You are messing with dark magick, Jolie. It will be too powerful to handle. This isn’t some Voodoo spell you can cast. This is darkness that can swallow you whole. You’ve opened Pandora’s Box.”

  Then so be it.

  Maybe a few years ago she wouldn’t have dared. Now, with so much on the line, it came down to saving her family. “I stand with my mate. I trust Flynn. He’s not going to hurt us.”

  She stared down into his eyes.

  They morphed back into the blue she loved.

  “Thank you, baby. That means everything to me. I won’t hurt either of you.”

  Mambo did her job.

  She warned them.

  She only hoped they were ready for what was coming.

  “I have some charm bags for you too. They will ward your home to keep the Tueur out. Other than that, you’re on your own.”

  Jolie was appreciative.

  As she took them, she gave her one last warning. “Don’t lose yourself in all of this.”

  Jolie wouldn’t.

  They thanked Roger, and headed out. Jacques scanned the area, making sure they were safe. He could feel eyes on them, and he didn’t doubt that the Tueur was out there.

  They were watching.

  “I’ll drive,” he stated. “Sit in the back with her and keep her safe. I have a sick feeling.”

  Flynn scooped her up in his arms and carried her to their Hummer. Inside, he kept Jolie against his body. He was acting like a shield, and she was more than okay with that.

  This was her mate.

  Her love.

  Her heart.

  As they sat in the back, he breathed in her scent.

  Jolie was like spice and blood, and it made him hungry. As she leaned against him, Flynn found himself thinking about taking a little sip.

  Her blood called to him.

  Removing her long black hair from her neck, he left gentle kisses there. When she giggled and got goose bumps, he bit her.

  Jolie moaned.

  Jacques glanced up at the scent of blood. He sniffed the air, and it made him hungry.

  Flynn slowly drank from her.

  As he did, she wiggled in his lap.

  It turned him on.

  “Flynn,” she whispered, as the lust and heat overwhelmed her. His mouth was working slowly over her pulse, and with each suck, heat shot down her body and into her girly parts.

  Jacques growled low in his chest. “Save me some. I want to feast on Jolie.”

  Flynn ran his tongue over her flesh as his fangs remained in her neck. What he wanted more than ever was to watch her come undone in his arms.

  Sliding his hand across her abdomen, he flicked open her black dress pants. Jolie was trapped against him with his fangs and one large hand.

  With the other, he slid it into the front of her pants.

  She was wet.

  Jolie moaned as he began teasing her with his fingers. She ground against his erection, knowing that she loved nothing more than being trapped against him.

  ‘I want you to cum for me,’ he whispered into her mind. ‘I want you to beg me to make you scream my name.’

  Jolie would do anything he asked.

  “Yes, Flynn,” she replied.

  ‘Tell me what you want.’

  “I want you to make me beg.”

  That was his sign. Jolie was in the mood to be manhandled. He knew what that meant.

  He kept tormenting her with his fingers.

  ‘Don’t cum until I tell you,’ he warned.

  Flynn released her throat to speak to his other mate, “Jolie wants to forget. When we get home, I’m going to do just that. The sex will be hard, rough, and she’s afraid you won’t want to participate.”

  He glanced into the rearview mirror at her. “I want to participate. Let me try.”

  Flynn was pleased. This was something meant for all three of them. He knew it to his core. Once Jacques tried it, he’d love it so much.

  Flynn did.

  Jolie on her knees was amazing.

  “Flynn,” she moaned, as he punished the most sensitive part of her body. “I can’t,” she whispered.

  “You can.”

  He pushed her harder, rubbing her wildly. In her mind, Flynn showed Jolie her being restrained as they both took turns dominating her.

  It was what she craved.

  When she came, Flynn grinned. “Now we have to punish you, Jolie. You didn’t have my permission.”

  Jacques pulled into the garage. “We’re home.”


  Flynn carried Jolie from the Hummer and into the house. Inside, they were met with Percy and Tommy.

  “Flynn,” his partner began.

  He growled.

  Camille touched him on the arm. “Shhhh, my love. They’re about to mate. It’s dangerous.”

  Tommy closed his mouth.

  Flynn moved past his family with Jacques right behind them. Upstairs, their door opened. Inside, Flynn dropped Jolie onto the bed.

  Jacques watched, not sure how this was going to work.

  He wanted this, but he only hoped he could pull this off.

  “Strip, Jolie.”

  “Yes, Flynn.”

  He stared at her.

  “I know you didn’t just call me that.”

  “Master. I meant to say Master.”

  He began stripping himself. “She’s going to please us,” Flynn told his mate. “I suggest you get naked.”

  Jacques was curious, so he did what was asked.

  When Flynn was completely unclothed, he sat on the side of the bed. “Come here, Jolie.”

  She obeyed.

  When she dropped to her knees, he took her head by her hair. “Make me cum.”

  Jolie didn’t hesitate. As she worked his erection in and out of her mouth, Jacques joined them. They were sitting side by side, watching Jolie.

  “Jacques needs some of your attention, Jolie.”

  “Yes, Flynn,” she said.

  He pointed to his lap. “That’s twice.”

  Jolie flushed red. This wasn’t easy for her. She knew Jacques was mildly uncomfortable, but she wanted this. She wanted Flynn to claim her.

  Jolie got up and climbed across his lap.

  “While I’m spanking you, Jacques needs your attention. If you draw blood, you won’t get off tonight, so mind the fangs.”

  She nodded.


  She took his erection in her mouth and began working Jacques hard.

  He moaned in pleasure.

  There was the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

  He gasped.

  “Did she nick you?” he asked.

  He shook his head. When Flynn’s hand landed across Jolie’s ass, she worked him harder.

  Flynn struck her again.

  Jolie moaned in pleasure as she tormented Jacques. The heat began building between all of them. As Flynn’s hand kept landing on her ass, Jolie became desperate for his touch.

  ‘Flynn,’ she whispered into his mind.

  ‘Are you okay with this?’ he asked, making sure.

  ‘I am, but Jacques isn’t.’

  He could feel the nerves.

  ‘Later,’ he whispered, knowing that they needed to move it back to straight sex.

  This wasn’t going to work.

  Yanking her off Jacques’s lap, Flynn took her face in his large hands. “I love you.”

  Jolie nearly melted. “I love you both,” she replied, right before Flynn rolled, placing Jolie on her back.

  “It’s time to dine on our woman,” he hissed, right before assaulting her breasts with his mouth.

  Jacques sighed in relief. ‘Thank you,’ he whispered into Flynn’s mind.

  ‘I understand. This part of her life will remain ours. Are you okay with that?’


  So be it.

  Flynn was good with that.

  Focusing on their woman, Jacques wandered down her body until he found the artery in her leg. “I want to feed,” he admitted.

  Flynn knew they needed to make sure Jolie had enough blood. Sliding up her torso, he stared down into her eyes.

  “Hello, beautiful. What to suck on some neck?”

  She grinned. “If it’s yours, yes.”

  “I’m in the room,” Jacques teased, right before he sunk his fangs into her thigh.

  Jolie moaned, her body bowing under the pleasure.

  Flynn found her mouth and forced her to focus on his kiss. When they were heated up, he turned his head.

  Jolie attacked.

  She began drinking from him as fast as she could. With each suck of her mouth, his body tightened in need.

  They were sharing blood.

  They were all connected.

  It was beautiful. Flynn was flowing into Jolie and Jolie was flowing into Jacques.

  As Jolie touched both men, the pricks of something more than lust filled them. The heat built, and they all felt it.

  Flynn moaned.

  It was happening.

  The tattoos they now carried were beginning the spell. It was one so old that even Mambo couldn’t know how powerful they’d be.

  They were binding together to form something that Death wanted.

  That he wanted.

  Flynn knew they’d never be able to part.

  They were now locked together with the invisible threads of fate. They were essentially one.

  The growl began low in Flynn’s gut. It drew both their attention. As Jacques looked up, he didn’t have time to react.

  Flynn was free of Jolie’s grasp and on his other mate. They flew off the bed, Jacques on the bottom.

  Jolie gasped as Flynn aggressively took Jacques to the ground.

  He buried his fangs in his mate.

  Jolie raced to their side.

  Jacques wasn’t struggling. In fact, he was wrapped around Flynn and holding on. His eyes were closed, and he didn’t seem to be in pain.

  Jolie touched Flynn’s shoulder.

  When he looked over at her, she moved away.

  He didn’t look right.

  He didn’t look in control.

  Flynn looked dangerous.

  He moved after her as she crawled backward from him. He was quicker. In fact, she didn’t even see him move. Before she could tell him no, he had her by the ankle and was dragging her beneath his body.

  Then, he was on her.

  Flynn buried himself in Jolie—both mouth and erection. Then, he frenetically took what was his.

  As they copulated on the floor, Jacques could barely move. Flynn had drained him to the point where his body was heavy.

  Or maybe it was more.

  Flynn’s bite seemed to numb him. First, there had been pleasure, and now he felt like he was weighted to the floor.

  He watched helplessly as Flynn took Jolie.

  When her hands dropped from his back, Jacques called for Vanth.

  They were in danger.

  Flynn was out of control.

  As the demoness appeared, Flynn tore his fangs from Jolie’s throat and howled in release.

  His tattoo burned.

  He couldn’t focus.

  All he knew was that he needed to be stopped.

  Turning, he forced himself at Vanth, knowing she would handle him.

  She would know what to do.

  The demoness let him attack, and with one hand, she took him to the ground.

  Flynn crumbled.

  His last words echoed though their chamber.

  “Save my mates.”

  And then he was gone.

  ∞ Chapter Thirty-Four ∞

  Flynn didn’t know where he was. All he did know was that he was cold. His body felt stiff and he didn’t like it.

  At all.

  “Well, well, it looks like I have company,” Death said, grinning wickedly. “How was your snack?”

  Flynn sat up.

  He was in Death’s bed, and he was naked.

  He pulled the sheet over his body and looked around. “What the hell?”

  “The tattoo. You activated it. With each one of you, there will come a time where it comes alive. Yours was first because you’re more closely connected to me.”

  Flynn tried to look over his shoulder at his ink.

  It was still there.

  “Are they okay?” he asked in panic. “I couldn’t stop. I didn’t hurt them, did I?”

  “You came close.”

  Flynn closed his eyes. “I don’t know if I made the right choice.”

  He heard a familiar voice.

  When he opened his eyes, Death looked like his mother. It startled and horrified him.

  “You’re a bitch,” he said. “You know that’s off limits.”

  Death shimmered back. “I figured you needed a mommy at this point.”

  He growled.

  “Testy! Okay, you’re fine, they’re fine, and one of the three tattoos is activated. You’re the war God. What’s coming is a battle. Don’t be cranky. It’s for your own good.”

  Flynn looked around. “Can I have some clothes?”

  She laughed. “You do need a mommy. Make some appear. You know how.”

  She touched his head.

  Indeed, he did know how.

  Flynn was dressed with just a thought. “Where is the Tueur, Death? I want to end them.”

  “I told you to head to France. Your work there isn’t done. If I were you, I’d get accustomed to it there. You won’t be coming back. I have a special place for you there.”

  In truth, it had been waiting for this moment to come.

  “It’s Rinnon’s home. It’s been waiting his return. It has some secrets that you’ll figure out over time, but you will be safe there. When the time comes to head there, you’ll know when. I suggest you take a little trip to Ireland too.”

  “What’s there?” he asked.

  Death simply grinned. “Let’s just say there is some unfinished business for your family.”
  Flynn knew that was all he was going to get.

  “I’m ready to go back.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to have sex? I promise I won’t tell Jolie. It could be our little secret. You know you’re curious.”

  “Oh, I’m curious, but I’m also a one woman guy. Pass. I think I’ll stick with my mate.”

  “So be it.”

  Death climbed into his lap, straddled his hips, and took his face in her hands. “Let’s send you back.”

  Then she kissed him.

  And it hurt like hell.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Jolie was feeling better.

  In fact, so was Jacques. Together, they were flanking Flynn’s prone body in bed.

  He was ice cold to the touch.

  They didn’t know what to do.

  “Bring him back,” Jolie told Vanth. “I want him back right now.”

  Vanth shrugged. “He’s with our mistress. No one can return him but her. You know that, Jolie. She’s the boss here.”

  That scared her.

  Death was wicked.

  Jolie didn’t want her Flynn hurt.

  “What the hell happened to him?” Jacques asked. One minute he was feeding on Jolie, and the next he was Flynn’s snack. It wasn’t horrible—except for the nearly being drained dry part.

  “The tattoo.”

  Jolie and Jacques both spooned Flynn, one from each side, hoping he’d be back soon.

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  Vanth took a seat. “He’s still Flynn, but there are layers to him now. At his core, he’s good. He’s the man you love, but with each layer, he has to stay focused. He needs to be reminded that he’s still the man he was.”

  That didn’t sit well.

  Then it occurred to Jacques. “What about our tattoos?”

  He placed his hand over Jolie’s tattoo. It sat above where his children rested.

  “The demon will make it harder to control. Each one of your deities was strong, but you’re not dealing with the same thing as Flynn. Help him.”

  They would.

  There was no way they’d let him slide into the darkness.

  “He’s coming back,” Vanth said. “She’s released him.”


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