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Whispered Kisses

Page 7

by Taylor, Janelle

  “It means so much to have it returned. Chad posted a description and reward for it. Thank you. I’ll see that you receive the reward. Where shall I send it? To whom?” she asked, meeting his gaze as she begged her body to stop trembling.

  Chapter Four

  Jace’s sensual lips curled into a compelling grin as his fingers toyed with the bow at her right shoulder. “Your beautiful smile and gratitude are thanks enough, Miss Leigh. You look ravishing tonight. Are you having a good time at Lord Salisbury’s?” Jace had been watching her through the windows all night, and he was glad she had finally taken a breather from her many admirers. He had observed her with Chadwick Hamilton, and vexation had chewed at him. Of all men, Chad didn’t deserve this exquisite prize.

  “Thank you for the compliment, kind sir. And yes, I’m having a glorious time. Did you want to make certain I survived that nasty encounter, or did you only want to return my locket?”

  He looked into her eyes and said, “I wanted to see you again, and apologize for being rude and rushed.”

  Leigh felt herself tremble at his nearness and gaze. “I do recall you were both, as was I,” she responded. “Thank you again for my locket and my rescue. Friends?” she hinted, and offered him her hand.

  He clasped it between his and smiled as he replied, “Good friends, I hope.”

  Leigh did not extract her small hand from his larger ones as she asked, “Did you make your dinner appointment and have fun?”

  He did not break their locked gaze. “Neither, I’m afraid.”

  “I hope it wasn’t because of helping me.”

  “Not in the least. But if I’d known I was wasting my time, it could have been spent with you. After your frightening ordeal, I didn’t like sending you off alone and still upset.”

  She laughed to break the tension rising in her body, and teased, “Aren’t you the same man who warned me about cunning predators and scolded me like a child … for being too friendly with a strange man? I still don’t know your name or where you live.”

  He chuckled and evaded her last words. “Alas, guilty as charged, Miss Leigh. But I hope you forget such foolish and impulsive words.” He released her hands and reached into his pockets.

  She saw that he was in casual garments, a cotton shirt and dark pants. Obviously he wasn’t a guest she had missed seeing all night. “What are you doing lurking out here in the darkness?” she questioned, noticing that he was on alert again and still mysterious.

  “I tracked you down to return your locket and these …” he replied, holding out the aigrette and silk bouquet. “I was hoping you’d come outside alone for fresh air, but I honestly doubted it. Those eager young men have been keeping you busy inside, but I can’t blame them … Here.”

  Leigh couldn’t conceal her surprise. “My gown is being repaired and I purchased a new hairpiece. Why not keep them as souveniers of an exciting evening? If I carry them inside, someone might wonder how I recovered them. I asked Chad not to report my attack or to seek you as a witness, because I didn’t want people to learn about my carelessness. You do understand?”

  “I shall keep them with pleasure, Laura Leigh. It was a most interesting episode.” He stuffed both items into his pocket. He could not sneak into the party to see Lord Salisbury, who had arrived in town this afternoon, yet, if he was quick and clever, he might learn something from this female who was close to Chad. But how? Without her room number—which he dared not request—he couldn’t visit Laura tonight, or risk searching the large hotel for her room. Nor could he expose himself to request it at the front desk! Too, she might not be alone.

  Leigh’s eyes roved her rescuer’s towering frame and handsome face. She was thrilled to see him again, but she was nervous, as well. They were alone in a moonlit garden, and he was most enchanting. She noticed how his brows—close to his eyes and over prominent bone structure—gave those green depths a hooded air of sensual mystery. A small hump indicated to her that his nose had been broken long ago but clearly had healed without disfigurement. His angular jawline was clean shaven, and she had the urge to run her fingertip over his inviting lips and through the cleft on his strong chin. She mastered that wild impulse by questioning, “You didn’t say why you are sneaking around in the shadows? You could have returned this at my hotel and left it with the doorman.”

  He chuckled, knowing she was apprehensive. He stroked her warm cheek with the back of his cool hand, a very strong one. “Then I couldn’t have seen you again. Do you mind my forwardness?”

  Leigh wondered if she had misjudged this man. What if he was here to spy on an important person or to commit a daring robbery? What if he was following her for a dark reason? After all, she was a wealthy woman now. Perhaps he was up to hazardous mischief.

  “Who are you? What do you really want from me? Why do you keep showing up in the oddest places?” she questioned.

  “How else can I pursue a beautiful woman in such demand if I don’t trail her constantly to catch her without her horde of admirers?”

  “Will you trail me all the way to Mombasa, Sir Lancelot? That’s where I’m heading Monday morning with my guardian,” she said to test his intentions. “I’m sailing to East Africa with Lord Hamilton and friends to go on a safari. We’re staying there two months and the voyage requires three weeks in each direction, so we won’t return until late June. As you can see, my gallant champion, you’ll have to find another damsel in distress to rescue and track on dark nights.”

  “Lord Hamilton is your guardian?” he asked, staring at her.

  “Yes, he is. And I doubt your sneaky pursuit and my recklessness will please him if he catches us. After all; I don’t even know who you are. He is most strict and protective,” she ventured to catch his reaction to her impending and lengthy absence and to withdraw more information. She knew that Chad would be furious with her for taking such a risk, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “I see …” he murmured, wondering where that “strict and protective” nature was last night when she was out alone and in danger. “Is the whole family going?” he inquired in a casual tone.

  “Of course,” she responded, wanting only to let him know she wouldn’t be alone with Chad, but not wanting to explain about Louisa, Cynthia, and Reid. She awaited his response to those words.

  Jace’s heart raced with excitement and anticipation at those unexpected clues. He was to sail at dawn, hopefully after meeting with Lord Salisbury, if he could catch the powerful man alone. If the entire family was going on safari in his area, that meant William Webster would be along, the man who had taken over his father’s business because of “outstanding debts” to Webster International. He had tried to sneak a visit with the old man, but the Webster home was closed up tight and the servants were gone. Perhaps, he reasoned, they were staying at the hotel until Monday’s departure.

  By sailing at dawn, Jace schemed, he would be several days ahead of them, awaiting their arrival. With Webster and Hamilton within his reach, perhaps he could unmask the truth, as they were his best—no, only—suspects. He eyed the woman before him and prayed she wouldn’t become Chad’s mistress before docking in Mombasa. It wasn’t above Chad to seduce even an innocent and naive ward!

  Jace saw her watching him. He could not help but wonder if Webster and Hamilton had discovered his presence and set up their first meeting for a dark reason. Or perhaps this blossoming flower was being used. For all Jace knew, she might not be Chad’s ward at all, as his old friend was rather young and notoriously rakish to be appointed a female minor’s guardian! Jace could not imagine any loving father tossing his innocent lamb to such a notorious wolf. Yet Laura struck him as being honest.

  This meeting was accidental, as neither she nor those men could have known he’d be here. He had seen her tonight with Chad, and it strangely seared him like a roaring fire. He wondered how much Laura Leigh meant to Chad, and if Chad meant more to her than a guardian. How had an American girl become an Englishman’s ward, when Chad had no blo
od kin except his mother? Would Chad be upset if something happened to Laura in Africa? After all, the jungle was a perilous place for someone who didn’t know it. Jace worried that his treacherous old friend had something special in mind for her, else Chad wouldn’t have taken on the responsibility. Or maybe there was a cunning lioness beneath that golden mane and tawny body. For certain, she was irresistible and enchanting. But could she be sincere?

  Jace tested her interest and loyalty toward Chad. “From what I’ve heard, your guardian has quite a reputation as a womanizing scoundrel. I hope you don’t fall prey to his wiles. You’re much too lovely and genteel to be added to his long string of conquests.”

  “Does a similar warning apply to you, Sir Lancelot?”

  An engaging grin captured his face. “I’m afraid my secluded and busy lifestyle does not provide opportunities for me to meet and romance exquisite creatures. I suppose that’s why I’m so enchanted by you, Laura Leigh. Believe it or not, I don’t usually chase after bewitching strangers, so you must excuse my boldness and understand my predicament. Sadly, my time and therefore my efforts are limited.”

  “Who are you?” Leigh asked again, more intrigued than ever.

  Jace looked her over, then playfully blew on the plumes in her hair. He chuckled as they fluttered wildly, just as his heart was doing from alluring nearness. He grinned and teased, “You’ll know soon, my fetching damsel. Let it be an eagerly awaited surprise.”

  Before she could react, she was pulled into his arms and kissed. The stranger’s lips were persuasive and enticing as they parted hers and compelled her response with skill and ease. His effect on her susceptible body and mind was instant and overwhelming, and no refusal was possible. Her senses reeled and her wits vanished as their lips meshed tighter. Tingles raced over her body as an array of sensations assailed her. She yielded to him without restraint, powerless to resist him, unwilling to resist him. A reckless emotion attacked the core of her being and she embraced him fiercely, helplessly surrendering to the magic of this passionate and perilous moment. As if coming from her soul, a fiery heat seared her from head to foot and branded her with his mark of ownership. Their first kiss on the waterfront had been nothing like this.

  Leigh had dreamed of this heady moment since first meeting the seductive stranger. His deft tongue teased along her parted lips and darted into the moist and inviting haven. His mouth was flavored with aged brandy, and she savored his intoxicating taste. He smelled of clean flesh and freshly washed clothes, of a tropical paradise whose blazing sun was baking her skin. She seemed to melt like a snow flake beneath its powerful heat. She wanted him closer, and nestled against him. His fingers trailed up and down her back as his mouth traced her features before capturing her lips again. She wanted his thrilling kisses and caresses to continue forever. His body was hard against hers, his lips tender, yet deliberately stimulating, his hands gentle but firm and possessive. Forgotten were her fears and doubts of him, forgotten was reality itself. All she knew was his irresistible embrace. A soft moan escaped her lips before she grasped his head and drew his mouth more snugly against hers. She pressed closer to him, as if daring even air to separate them.

  Jace shuddered in fiery arousal. She was like a hungry lioness in his arms, feasting on him, devouring his control. The equatorial heat couldn’t compare with that of his body. He wanted to carry this heady moment to the limit. He was tempted to seize her and flee with her to consummate the feelings she inspired within him. He had only enough wits left to know he had to cease this madness.

  When Jace drew back, he saw the blaze of desire in her wide eyes and on her rosy cheeks. She trembled with desire, as did he. He read other emotions in her sapphire gaze: she was wary, alarmed, and innocent. But she was strongly attracted to him. That was a good start, if she was important to his enemy, and even if she wasn’t. Perhaps Laura was the golden key to unlock the door to this dark mystery. He would know very soon, but for now, he’d knew he must leave before he frightened her, or someone discovered them, or he lost all control. Besides, they would meet again soon, in his territory. Once he had her in his domain and African winds were blowing over them, he would become the predator again and she his exquisite prey. For now, she was a trail too wild to walk …

  He forced his thoughts to return to business. Unable to meet with Salisbury, and with Chad here at the party, it was the perfect time to search Chad’s home and office for clues.

  In a playful tone, the provocative Englishman murmured, “I don’t want to spoil your fun tonight, so I’ll leave you to charm your many admirers. Don’t worry, my golden enchantress, our paths will cross again. I promise you, Laura Leigh, I’m no fool or coward. With luck, next time, you’ll be the persistent tracker and I’ll be your fortunate and obedient quarry. I promise you I won’t try to escape or resist your lovely snares.”

  Leigh was too dazed by his amorous siege, curious words, and swift departure to respond. As she tried to comprehend his meaning and halt her trembling, he slipped into the shadowy bushes and vanished. Her keen eyes searched for moving branches and she listened for footsteps or broken twigs. She strained her ears to catch his location or to hear which direction he was taking, but he moved like a stealthful wolf on the prowl. How, she wondered in amazement, had he learned such skills? A puffy white cloud drifting across a serene Texas sky made more noise coming and going than he had, and a lack of wind rustled more leaves than his movements. This man, she realized, possessed more than one kind of prowess.

  Once more the emerald-eyed man was gone, and without giving his name. Perhaps he was playing a roguish and guileful game to entice her interest. Or perhaps he was crazy and dangerous. Which is it, my handsome stranger? Leigh mused. We shall see, as I have no doubt our paths will cross again. Then, I’ll solve your riddle.

  She heard familiar voices and panicked. With haste, Leigh concealed herself to prevent being found with passion-pinkened cheeks and mussed hair. She crouched down, peered through the bushes, and listened.

  “I need to talk about something important, Louisa,” Chad was saying.

  The redhead pressed close to him and murmured in a seductive tone, “The kind of talk I want to do can’t be done here, although it would be most exciting to use Lord Salisbury’s garden.”

  “Stop that,” he ordered as he pushed away her probing hands from below his waist. “I want the truth, you hot-tempered wench. I know how much you dislike Leigh. Did you have anything to do with her attack on the wharf? You were too drunk by the time I returned to the restaurant to give me any straight answers. Then you spent the remainder of the night with Cynthia. That isn’t like you.”

  “Did you miss me in bed, lover?” she teased but did not continue when she noticed his frown. “Don’t get upset, Chad. Cynthia and I needed time to finish our travel plans and wardrobes. We’re leaving soon, and there are things to do.”

  “You’re stalling. Did you try to have Leigh scared off-or killed?”

  Louisa brushed strayed locks of fiery red from her ivory face. “Are you serious?” she asked, glaring at him.

  “You’re damn right I’m serious! You wrote that message. Did you list the wrong address, then have hired men waiting for her?”

  “Did I what?” she shrieked at him. “How dare you think so wickedly of me, Chadwick Hamilton! Surely you know me better than that by now. Did she show you the note?”

  “Yes, and it said Stems Street. But somehow I doubt she read it wrong twice. How did you pull off such a dangerous stunt?”

  “I didn’t. But I’m glad the little chit ran into trouble. We haven’t had an evening alone since she got here. It would suit me fine if she sailed back where she belongs. She isn’t one of us, Chad, and I don’t like her clinging to you.”

  “Leigh doesn’t cling to me, Louisa. We’re friends. Swear you didn’t pull a crazy ruse last night,” he insisted.

  “You’re questioning me like a criminal. What has she done to you, Chad, to make you treat me this way? It’s m
ean and unfair. Everything was wonderful between us until she arrived.”

  “Swear it, Louisa,” Chad persisted, “and you’d better tell the truth. Leigh is important to me. I’m responsible for her.”

  “Responsible, pooh!” she scoffed and stomped her foot. “I’m not blind, dear Chad. I’ve seen the way you watch her, and I’ve seen how she melts over you. Don’t play with her, my love, or you’ll be in trouble. People won’t take kindly to you seducing your innocent ward, even with her permission.”

  “The problem is all yours, Louisa. Leigh’s been trying to be friendly with you. In fact, she’s been twice the lady you were reared to be. Learn to get along with her or we’ll all be miserable. I’ve worked too hard at the firm to let your petty jealousy and envy spoil things for me. Leigh and I can get along fine if you stop interfering and misbehaving. If you refuse, I can’t allow you to be around her anymore.”

  “If you weren’t so bewitched by her, you’d realize she probably tricked you to seize your attention and affection. If she was attacked, why didn’t she want you to report it so those villains could be caught and punished? If she read the note twice, how could she make an error? Why hasn’t her champion contacted her or you for a reward or assistance? I bet she lied to you, dear uncle.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he scolded. “She’s too honest.”

  Louisa laughed. “No woman is totally honest with a man, my naive lover. We have to retain our mystique.” Her tone and expression waxed serious. “I know how important she is to your future at the company. I love you and need you. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, Chad; you must believe that.”

  “Settle down, woman, I believe you. I didn’t tell her you wrote the message, and she doesn’t know my handwriting. I figured that news would cause more trouble between you two.” He took a deep breath. “I guess it was Leigh’s mistake. If not, I just hope she doesn’t think I tried to pull a dangerous trick on her.”


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