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Whispered Kisses

Page 32

by Taylor, Janelle

  “Read this, and don’t judge me too harshly. I swear I never meant for it to go this far. I’ll even pay Jace the fifty thousand to get you out of here safely. I was trying to make peace with him, and I thought for a while I was succeeding. I was wrong, Leigh. He still doesn’t trust me or forgive me. He hates me and wants revenge, through you. I told him I was in love with you and wanted to marry you. He charged it was because of the firm, as I was afraid you’d believe if I started after you too soon. If you’ll marry me, I’ll sign a legal document that will deny me any right to the company should anything happen to you. It’s the only way you’ll know you can trust me completely. Even if you don’t love me, I can’t allow you to get entangled in this mess between me and Jace.”

  After Leigh read the contract, Chad burned it. “Now, when you leave with me, I have no legal proof of his wager, nothing to gain. The bet isn’t and never was important to me, Leigh. I only made it to get Jace to work for us. To prevent trouble, I’ll pay whichever amount he demands. You can hate me, disrespect me, and reject me, but let me help you get away from him before he makes another attempt to beguile you. When we return to London, you can fire me and avoid me. You can sell the firm and return to America, if you desire. I won’t try to stop you, even though I have the power to do so. I love you, and I only want you to be safe and well. I swear it.”

  As Leigh stared at him, Chad said, “I honestly don’t know if Jace is trying to harm you or trick you, or if he’s fallen in love with you, as I have. These incidents make me nervous and wary. I thought you should know the truth so you can watch yourself.”

  Leigh decided to test this man with her own stunning revelation, if Chad didn’t already know about it. She needed it to appear as if she trusted and liked him enough to confide in him. Upon return to camp, she would destroy her contract, too. “You aren’t the only one who made a foolish wager with him. Jace and I have a bet you don’t know about.” She revealed the terms of her secret wager and she watched Chad’s blue eyes enlarge. “That’s right, Chad, me against his plantation. Of course, like you, I wasn’t serious, and never believed I’d lose. If it weren’t for all those curious incidents, I would be safe from him. No matter, for I would not take his plantation and I wouldn’t spend a single night with that greedy criminal. As with you, Jace insisted on a valuable wager before he would take the job. The thousand pounds weren’t enough to entice him, and I knew how eager everyone was to go on the safari. He was so damn cocky I was provoked into signing an agreement. Besides, I wanted to study him, see what I could learn about that codicil. At the time, it seemed harmless and amusing. As Jace is a wanted criminal, after I return to London or America, what can he do to collect? Nothing. He’s so proud that I figured he wouldn’t tell anyone I had outsmarted him, so my reputation seemed safe.”

  “Heavens, Leigh! He’s a clever and dangerous man, a vengeful one. I know from experience. You shouldn’t have been so reckless.”

  “Neither should you, Chad. It appears he outwitted both of us. When I realized he was playing seriously and I was losing to him, I knew I had been a fool. That’s why I couldn’t cancel the safari when I became ill. I didn’t want Jace telling everyone about our deal and humiliating me. If I lost, I planned to escape him before he realized I had sailed. Currently, we’re even in points. I promise you, it’ll be a draw, or he’ll be left fuming after my deceit and departure.”

  “You mean you won’t honor the agreement?”

  Leigh sent him an insulted look. “I wouldn’t sully myself for any man or reason,” she scoffed convincingly. “You’re right about him being suspicious of you and Grandfather, but I told him he was crazy. I told him you don’t inherit if I die, so you have no reason to harm me. He didn’t believe me. There’s something else you should know.”

  Leigh seized his full attention with that hint. “I saw Jace twice in London, but he never revealed his identity, and we both know why. That night at Lord Salisbury’s, I slipped outside for fresh air. Jace sneaked up on me and returned my locket. I told him you were my guardian and you wouldn’t like a stranger chasing me. He said he wanted to get to know me; it’s clear now it was because of my connection to you. To discourage him, I mentioned we were leaving on safari. That’s why he was in Mombasa; he was lying in wait for us. I think he paid Mr. Hanes to fake an injury so you’d have to hire him. I didn’t know who he was until he confronted me at the party here. That’s also when he learned who I am and got these crazy wager ideas.”

  When Chad frowned, Leigh said, “I didn’t tell you about our second meeting because I didn’t want to worry or anger you. That’s the same reason I didn’t tell you about my rash wager. There’s something I don’t understand. Jace didn’t tell me his name, but he was very romantic at the wharf, until he learned I was meeting Lord Hamilton for dinner. When I told him in the garden I was your ward, he became romantic again. But after he discovered I was a Webster, he backed off. Considering his wager with you, why did he halt his romantic pursuit? A man can’t catch a woman if he doesn’t chase her. True, he’s been flirty and attentive, but nothing more. That’s odd, unless those wagers were tricks to get this job to spy on us. I made my bet to test his motives and knowledge, but he refused money, property, or marriage to me. I suppose he needed me to think he didn’t want those things from me.”

  She took a breath and continued her ruse. “What I can’t figure out is, if he needs to marry me to win or to get my holdings, why not woo me or lose to me? Unless he doesn’t trust either of us to honor our wagers. On the other hand, perhaps he can’t lose to me because he’s guilty and can’t clear himself. Or he assumes one night with him will soil me so much that you’d never want me and he’d have revenge on you and the Websters. I don’t grasp his motives. I think it all hinges on how much he hates you and Grandfather, and on how far he’ll go for vengeance. And on whether or not he knows of that codicil. I’ve watched him closely, but I haven’t uncovered any clues. He also told me about your claims of love and marriage,” Leigh added, “and he’s hinted that you and Louisa are trying to get rid of me.”

  Chad grasped her hands and gazed into her eyes. His voice carried a pleading note as he said, “Surely you didn’t believe him.”

  Leigh withdrew her hands. “Frankly, I don’t know what or whom I believe. Both of you have tricked me, and tried to use me for your own gains. I can’t understand why you would do such a thing to me. I’m a stranger to Jace Elliott and he could have just cause to beguile me, but you didn’t. I’m hurt and disappointed. We’ll complete the safari, then see what happens.” Leigh turned and left him standing there.

  Chad feared that Jace and Louisa had misled him. He realized that Louisa shouldn’t have known about the fort attack. He had dropped his new plan too swiftly and rashly. Perhaps there was still a chance of winning Leigh and the bet with Jace. He should have known this sweet and innocent angel couldn’t be wicked and devious. It was incredible, but he truly loved and desired her. Chad rushed and stopped her at the edge of the clearing. “Leigh, I love you. Please let me prove it. I’ll do anything you say. You can test me and punish me, but forgive me. Please love me and marry me. Before the ceremony, we’ll get a lawyer and I’ll sign away all rights to everything you own. I swear it. Let me prove myself to you, prove it’s you I want, not the money.”

  Leigh observed her handsome guardian. No matter how much Lord Chadwick Hamilton had lied to her, she was certain he was telling the truth at this moment. That astonished her, swayed her broken heart, and convinced her dazed mind. Jace should have told her about that awful contract. If she confronted him, he would give a logical explanation that she could not disprove, or believe, at this late date. Jace had deceived her in the worst way. She looked at Chad. “All I can promise is to think seriously about your proposal, Chad. I believe you, and I’m very fond of you. No matter what happens between us, you’ll always be a part of Webster International, if I don’t decide to sell it to you. Just remember your promise to keep the truth from Jac
e, as I have. It’s been difficult at times not to tell him everything and get the past cleared up, but I don’t know how he would deal with such facts. We came here to study him, and we have. He doesn’t know anything, so we’re safe. Let’s keep it that way. Agreed?”

  “Agreed, my love. I’m going to guard you, Leigh. I swear I won’t let anything or anyone harm you. I’m relieved that you’ve kept what your grandfather did a secret. If he knew, Jace would kill us both.”

  “Perhaps, and perhaps not. He trusts me and desires me. Mr. Jace Elliott isn’t hard to fool. As I told you, I have no intention of honoring my secret wager with him. If he tries to follow me back to London to collect, he’ll be arrested. Let’s go. I. need a drink.”

  Jace kept his seat on the ground behind the bush near where they had halted. As soon as he could get away from Reid Adams’s questions, he had tried to sneak up on Leigh to see what he could learn. He had been too distant for listening, until they had paused nearby. What he had discovered staggered him, and he wished he knew the rest of their conversation. Pain knifed his heart, and fury burned hot and destructive inside his head. A ravenous hunger for revenge chewed at his tormented gut. As first suspected, he was the target of a cunning plot. But Leigh Webster was pulling the strings to her puppet Chad. He had never seen his old friend behave this way before. Obviously Louisa was being duped and framed to hide their guilt. All of those incidents had been to ensnare him. Leigh had lied to him. She had gone too far to beguile him. She had won his love. She had lowered his guard and dazed his keen wits. He had let her get to him and enchant him, just as Chad had done. She would pay!

  In camp later, darkness engulfed the site. After finishing the strong Scotch, Leigh’s anguish numbed a little. Knowing she couldn’t trust Jace hurt deeply and intensely. Knowing she couldn’t trust Chad, or the others, alarmed her. She just wanted to get out of this steamy jungle. She wanted to go home to her aunt Jenna. She wanted to exchange her new problems for her old familiar ones. She left the table and walked to loosen taut muscles. Jace swaggered to her and grinned, a sly and devilish expression.

  “I’m seven points ahead, Miss Webster,” he murmured. “It looks as if I’ll win our little wager. You owe me one passionate kiss and six extra glorious nights. Maybe the ship will need repairs again to give you time to pay up. If not, we’ll figure something out. Maybe I’ll sneak into London again and you can help me in two ways.”

  Leigh was astounded by his words and mood. “You’ve been eating loco weed. I’m not an animal in one of your traps. You’ve been paid plenty for any honest debt I might have incurred. As for the rest, I can’t be blamed for accidents or for carelessness on the parts of others. This wager is a farce to get at me. It’s over, Jace.”

  “I’m afraid it isn’t, my golden lioness. That wasn’t our deal. Until you lose the contracted bet, points can’t be tallied and payments can’t be made. You owe me one kiss and six nights so far.”

  “You’re a deceitful beast, Jace Elliott. I haven’t lost fairly. As you said, I’m not paying for a crime I didn’t commit.”

  “That isn’t my fault, my wild beauty. A bargain is a bargain. I warned you to think hard and long before giving me your word. You’ll have to stick to it. I’ll be watching you closely to make certain you don’t turn coward or traitor on me. Just so the others won’t get suspicious, I’ll keep my distance until the safari is over. Maybe you’ll be hungrier for me by then and be a tigress in bed. Good night, love.”

  Leigh gaped at him, glad her back was to the camp so the others couldn’t see her expression. She was also glad they were preoccupied in a card game so no one would interrupt or overhear. She couldn’t get Jace’s wager with Chad off her mind, but she thought it unwise to mention that knowledge. She couldn’t understand how he could sign such a wanton wager, even if done before their love affair. The man that she loved was suddenly a mystery to her, and possibly worse. “You’re only two points ahead, Mr. Elliott. You’ve endangered my life five times, so that’s five points in my favor.”

  The handsome guide looked her up and down. “How do you figure that, Leigh? I know how I’ve earned my score: one scream during the rhino hunt for a kiss, three nights for being endangered by drugs three times, a night for quicksand peril, two nights for being endangered during the buffalo and rhino hunts to equal six extra nights and seven points in my favor. Where did your score come from?”

  “You didn’t tell me about the powder in my canteen three times, so my life was imperiled by your careless oversight and lack of defense. My gun was unloaded or mishandled during a dangerous hunt, putting my life in jeopardy, since you’re in charge of all weapons. The same applies to my last point: your carelessness with a broken weapon nearly caused Louisa to shoot me. Since Johi is your hired man, you’re responsible for any mistakes he or the others make. That’s five points for getting me into trouble or peril, as per your rule two, Mr. Elliott.”

  Jace grinned and shrugged. “That’s very cunning, Miss Webster. But I’m still two ahead and I will win. By the way, since I broke rule two five times at five kisses each, when do you want to collect those twenty-five tasty tokens? Just let me know. I’ll be obliging.”

  Leigh watched him stroll away, whistling. He had won another battle with his quick and keen wits. She was unnerved again. We’ll see who wins our final battle, Jace, she vowed to herself. It could have been so wonderful between us, if you were honest and really loved me. Maybe you do and don’t even realize it. Maybe you’re too controlled by hatred and resentment to see what you’ve done to us. God help us both, because I love you and want you and I believe you feel the same way.

  Chad approached her. “What did Jace want? He looked annoyed.”

  Leigh had to fool her guardian to prevent any problems with him, so she replied, “He was just teasing me about our secret wager, playfully warning me to watch my step or I’d lose more points to him.”

  “I’m glad you trust me enough to discuss the matter with me.”

  Leigh sent him a convincing smile. “We have to stick together until this is over. I don’t think it would be a good idea to let Jace know I told you about our real bet, or to let him discover that I know about his wager with you. We can’t confront him with his duplicity. We burned our proof. I was afraid someone might find my contract, and I’d be humiliated. If we expose his game and demand to leave, it might cause big trouble. We don’t know this jungle, Chad. If we angered or challenged him, there’s no telling what he would do. He could lead us around in circles for weeks.” She frowned. “I can’t decide if Jace is dangerous or not. Every time I try to relax him enough to trust me and open up to me, he gets skittish. Are you sure he’s serious about his wager with you? He’s certainly not trying to win me.”

  “Jace never was a woman-chaser, so maybe he doesn’t know how to charm and woo one. Or maybe duping you comes hard for him. Or maybe he realizes he can’t collect on our bet even if he won your heart. You can’t marry a criminal and exile yourself, and I guess he knows it. If he fell in love with you, he couldn’t ask you to share such a fate; no proud man would. He probably knew all along that neither of us could win such a wager. But I’m sure he wishes he could. I do.”

  “Until this matter is settled, Chad, I can’t think beyond friendship. We need to get to know each other better.”

  His eyes glowed from more than moonlight. “I understand, Leigh. First, we have to get Louisa and Jace out of our lives.”

  “Louisa will be easy to discard, but I’m not so sure about Jace Elliott. He’s too suspicious of you, Grandfather, and me. If we tip our hand, we’ve got big trouble. If Jace knows about the will and is behind these accidents, he might be willing to settle for half of Grandfather’s estate rather than pursue me for all of it.”

  From knowing Jace for years, and suspecting Louisa was the real culprit, and not wanting Leigh to panic into a slip, Chad said, “I honestly don’t think you need to fear Jace. Even if he’s behind these curious happenings, I’m sure
it’s only to compel you into his arms. Don’t worry, Leigh; I’m here to protect you from all harm.”

  “We’ve been spying on the wrong person, my friend,” Jace told Johi. He related what he’d overheard earlier. “Look at the two of them over there with their heads together plotting more mischief. She duped me. Lordy, she was so sweet a temptation. The craziest part is that Chad really loves her. He’d do anything for her, even confront an enemy again so she can study me. I only wish I knew what she really wants and needs from me. It must have something to do with her grandfather and those crimes. I’m a fool. I’ve been working on Chad for evidence when she’s the boss, the one with all the answers I need. Damn her! She’s a Webster through and through. Did you give Jomo and Buha my orders?”

  “They are ready to obey.”

  Jace sighed in anguish. Once more his world was inside out; again, Chad Hamilton and a Webster were to blame. “Good. As soon as Leigh’s dead, I’ll guide the others back to Mombasa, then we’ll return home, Johi. I’m tired, really tired.”

  Wanjohi knew the man meant in spirit, not in body. He would help his best friend exact revenge on those who had harmed him. Soon, the African sun would set on their deceits, and payment would be taken by force. Soon, this savage safari would be over forever…

  Chapter Sixteen

  On the fourth day of safari, at their third campsite, Jace and Leigh received a curious surprise: Louisa moved into Cynthia’s tent, and Reid Adams moved in with Chad. Jace and Leigh surmised it was because of the talk late yesterday between Chad and Leigh, during which Chad had proposed. What both found strange was the fact that Louisa did not seem upset by the change in quarters. Since Chad had behaved little differently to his ward at breakfast, the blonde and the handsome guide concluded that Chad was somehow duping Louisa, and the redhead did not as yet realize she had been discarded.


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