Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess 2

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Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess 2 Page 3

by Pet TorreS

  “She chose you!” Vincent said, a flash of anger in his eyes.

  “I cannot ....” Eros murmured.

  “Do it now!” his master ordered in irritation.

  I stood, scared, awaiting the elected one to end all suspense and do what should be done.

  Eros walked, dissatisfied in my direction. He did not want to stick his pointed teeth into my neck. There was a reason for it, I didn't know what.

  No vampire would refuse an invitation like that. Valeska and Bizak would do it with pleasure. This, however, had been assigned to Eros.

  My father moved backward to see Eros in front of me. He was almost ready to get his first bite in my flesh. He grabbed my shoulder and carefully removed my hair from my neck with his other hand. I stared up at his face and saw his eyes changing color.

  He put his lips on my neck.

  My heart’s beating and my heavy breathing came up to his ears like a pleasing melody, an invitation to sink his teeth into my trembling flesh.

  Then I looked up at the dark ceiling. A strange feeling came over my body. A burning sensation went through my flesh. It seemed I was on fire. Then I closed my eyes and abandoned myself to Eros’ pleasant bite.

  Being bitten by a blood sucking monster should be somewhat unpleasant and Eros made it ... tasty. My body writhed for a few seconds, followed by light moans, almost impossible to hear. I leaned my hands against his neck. It was a way for me to endure my pain.

  My eyes rolled like a spiral, changing color. It was the effect of his bite on my body.

  But Eros had lost his control. His bite should not take so long and he looked at my blood with an insatiable lust. The more he sucked my blood the more he wanted to suck it to the last drop. His agitation was so great he squeezed my ribs with debauchery.

  He had not only sucked my sweet blood, but my thoughts. At the end of his bite he had visions about me and he searched my unconscious. Several images of me wanting a kiss from him, every time I wanted to be kissed by him.

  All the kisses I had imagined of him from when I met him in school, they were all revealed to him. Even a kiss I had imagined hours before his bite including the moment my eyes ran over him when I first got to the hall. His bite revealed everything I felt for him, that is, my wishes and my unbridled passion for him.

  After seeing and feeling all my emotions, he felt sick. A torment invaded his soul, preventing him from continuing sucking my blood.

  Then he walked away from me, keeping his fist to his lips smeared with my blood.

  I fell to the ground as I was helpless. I felt a weakness running through my body. I could hardly see anything before me, but I could see everyone was transfigured in their gray eyes. They had the appearances of vampires.

  Seeing Eros delighting in my blood, whet their thirst for blood. They wanted to do the same thing, except my father who had no courage to stick his teeth in my flesh at the moment.

  He could bite anybody in the world, except me.

  After all I was part of him.

  My neck left was with two-small holes from Eros’ teeth. My blood still trickled down my neck.

  Then my father knelt beside me and held my head to get my lips against his wrist. He made a small cut into it with his huge nail, unifying my taste to a few drops of his blood. I wanted more and held his wrist and sucked his blood as much as necessary to trounce my thirst for blood.

  Drinking his blood was required in order for me to go on with my immortality.

  Chapter 8

  I slept three nights in a row. A deep sleep devastated my being. I needed to replace my energies since they had all been sucked up by the bite of Eros.

  When I opened my eyes, I felt my body was different. I had a feeling I had never known before.

  There was emptiness inside me. I did not feel my heartbeat. I was one of the living dead. I looked up at the ceiling and at the dark corners of the room. At that moment I realized I was in my bedroom, lying on my cold bed.

  I sat up in bed and looked down at my hands. My skin was pale, there were no signs of blood running through my veins and the color in my eyes was not dark any longer. They had become gray like the eyes of my father, Eros, Bizak and Valeska. Around them, there was a dark circle. I realized I had turned into a vampire in fact, a poor immortal, who was bloodthirsty.

  Chapter 9

  I walked to the main room. My father was there, standing in a corner, waiting for my appearance. He knew I was hungry and would need much blood.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, staring at my face.

  “Strange,” I answered confused.

  “It's normal for you feel this way,” he justified and smiled at me.

  Afterward he walked quickly.

  When I looked at him again, he was already near me, by my side. He held my chin to see my face better. All I did was look at him too. My father looked fascinated at my transformation. It was an honor for him. I had become a real vampire.

  “You came to be a beautiful creature!” his tone of voice sounded different from other times. He was thrilled. “Perfect!”

  I remained silent, looking into his gray eyes.

  “You might be hungry!” he said and held my ice-cold hand.

  “I need blood,” I finally whispered.

  I was led by him, who walked forward. My father was taking me to a place I did not know yet.

  We went through several dark, silent corridors. There was nobody besides us.

  Bats flew over our heads. They were frightened by the noise of our steps. Three of them began flaying against me. I lowered my head, trying to avoid colliding my face with their bodies. My father walked normally as he looked familiar with that species.

  We stopped in front of a rock wall.

  Vincent stared at it for a few seconds, in his a serious posture.

  After that the wall answered his stare. Then it divided in two parts, opening a passage to another place, which was no more part of his castle.

  We went through it and automatically the opening closed and again there was an entire wall with no crack. I looked back over my shoulder as I was scared and watched the closed wall.

  It was pure magic.

  My father walked on and I did the same. We were in a town built of stones. There were small cottages. These emerged from the smoke into the air. The gray scene resembled a horror movie. I walked beside my father as I was looking around the dark ground.

  “Where are we?” I looked back at the dark houses.

  “On the ground of those who kill our hunger,” he alleged.

  “Do people live in this place?”

  I was surprised that a place like that actually had humans living there.

  My father laughed at my sense of stupidity.

  I looked up at his countenance, having fun at my lack of culture.

  “No human would live in a place like this for many hours,” he explained to me. “Those who live here we call ‘pre- vampires’.”

  “Pre-vampires?” I frowned at him. I had never heard those words before in my life and what they signified.

  “This is one of them,” he said, motioning to a creature approaching us.

  I looked in the same direction. I saw something moving under a huge black cape, its face was covered by a great hood. It was an unknown figure for me.

  My father had made it stop walking, using only the movement of his hand toward the creature.

  I looked at Vincent without understanding his behavior, what he wanted me to do with the prey.

  “Come closer!” he ordered me. “This is your meal.”

  I did what my tutor suggested to do, and then I approached the creature with no speed as I felt a panic.

  I came closer to it. I could see its horrible face and it looked like a disfigured human with its round eyes, white and huge teeth, its skin was peeled and without vivacity. It looked like a deformed vampire.

  My thirst for blood ran high. I lowered the hood of my prey, grabbed its neck carefully and put my nose on
its neck. I smelled its blood and I stuck my teeth with all my will into its bloodstream. I closed my eyes, savoring its red liquid. The more I extracted from it, the more I wanted to drink it. The creature went limp in my arms, fainted, in its last breaths. Vincent grabbed me by the shoulders as he was terrified. He prevented from me sucking its last blood drop.

  “Enough!” he shouted at me.

  He separated me from the fainted body, which went straight to the ground like a dead corpse.

  “Let's get out of here!” he ordered.

  I was led by him, who laid his hand on my shoulder.

  “What will happen to this creature?” I asked as I was sorry for what I did to that poor soul.

  “It will die in a few minutes,” he said.

  “Aren't they immortal like us?” I asked, interested.

  “That is why they are called pre-vampires.” My father said.

  Chapter 10

  Vincent ordered Eros to his bedroom. The same came to the site immediately. He walked, afraid, toward his master. Eros knew something had happened after my father had claimed his presence at that moment.

  He noticed my father’s rude attitude.

  Then Eros stood before him.

  “I'm here,” he said.

  Vincent stared at him from head to foot.

  “You were almost perfect in your mission,” Vincent alleged.

  “What are you talking about?” He wrinkled his face at his master as he looked worried about his comment.

  “It was not in our plan for Valkyrie to fall in love with you.” His voice sounded heavy.

  “It was not in our plan that I manipulate her heart,” Eros said back.

  They faced each other in seriousness.

  “I also have no power to do that,” he justified.

  “But it could have been avoided!” My father said irritably and turned his back to him, avoiding looking at his servant at that moment.

  “Tell me! How?” Eros also became revolted at his master.

  “I trusted you!” He turned back and stared at Eros.

  “There is no reason for you not to trust me any longer.” He faced him too. “I have not laid a finger on your daughter.”

  “The worst thing you did, you molested her heart,” Vincent said aloud.

  “If it weren't for that damned love she feels for me, she would not be here,” Eros confessed and walked to the open window and looked at the stones on the ground."Or do you think she would just come here to meet a father who was never present in her life?”

  “You did everything premeditated. You made her fall in love with you in order to bring her here,” Vincent said even more upset at him.

  “Wrong!” He went away from the window and walked to the middle of the bedroom. “I never wanted this love, but since it exists ... I took the opportunity to complete my journey,” he confessed.

  “My daughter does not deserve it,” he grumbled.

  “You also would do the same or worse.” Eros assumed, staring at him.

  “Get out!” Vincent ordered, annoyed.

  Eros walked toward the bedroom door without looking to the sides, keeping his posture straight. Vincent had not convinced him he had taken the wrong attitude.

  Basically, Vincent knew he was right, but to have been his daughter in such a situation made him angry.

  The master of the vampires had kept his gaze on his room door, as it was closed by his servant, isolating him in his quiet bedroom.

  Chapter 11

  Valeska buttoned my dress from the bottom up, with her eyes upon me. In her unconscious there was a desire to be in my place, to be the legitimate daughter of the most powerful vampire in the universe.

  She noticed I did not have this conception. I always envisioned being born and breathing my last breath like a human.

  Everything I was living at that time was not to my liking; living in that dark, deserted and cold place, I being a blood slave and victims lost their lives.

  “You are quiet!” she whispered.

  “I am in fear of what I've become.” I admitted with my face down. What I saw in front of me were only my pale feet in contact with the cold ground.

  “You have yet not realized how much all this is good!” Valeska said in high spirits.

  “If I knew it would end up like this ... I would not have come to this castle,” I confessed.

  “Why are you here?” she looked at my face. “It's because of Eros?”

  “I am here because of my father.” I gazed to the side.

  “You know you can confess everything to me,” she insisted. “There's nobody here to hear you besides me.”

  “I do not want to talk about it,” I said as I looked up at the wall.

  “Eros is your torment! I see it!” she said, forcing my confession.

  “Does he know it?” she asked.


  “Why don’t you tell him how you feel?”

  “I'm afraid.”

  “Why afraid?”

  “I’m afraid of his reaction,” I said, in anguish.

  “And if he feels the same for you?” she insisted.

  “If he feels the same for me ... I must expect him to express his feelings for me.”

  “Eros will never do it,” she said rapidly.

  “How do you know?” I asked astonished.

  “I’ve known him for a hundred years ... He’s never confessed his feelings to anyone.”

  “Do you really think he feels something for me?” I asked with brightness in my eyes.

  “I cannot say ... but he behaves different in front of you as if he was favorably impressed by you,” she said.

  Those words came from Valeska’s mouth. They encouraged me to face my fears and confess to Eros, all I felt for him. These feelings were born inside me the first time I saw him in my classroom.

  Valeska made me feel different. She gave me courage to face everything with vigor and determination. She had convinced me that Eros could give me his love in return. That he could feel for me all that I really felt for him. I would need to tell him about the existence of my love for him.

  Then I imagined it would not be an easy task but also not impossible.

  Chapter 12

  I sat at the dining table next to Valeska. Eros sat facing Valeska and Bizak was at his side facing me. My father sat on a chair near the table’s edge.

  The menu was just raw meat.

  Finally, I tasted the drink made with blood. My father demanded a toast among us. It was the first meal I shared with them in that exotic style, where the blood was the main dish. We were all with our gray eyes and sharp teeth.

  The glare reflected from lit torches on the walls of the corners made us see each one clearly. The first person that I faced was my father monitoring our dinner. Then I looked at Valeska, who whispered into my ear after she ran her curious eyes over Eros.

  “Remember what we talked about,” she said quietly, just for me to hear.

  I said nothing and looked at Bizak. I noticed he was facing me with his huge eyes.

  Automatically I swerved my look to his left and saw Eros keeping his head down. He was quiet all the time. He avoided looking at everyone sitting around the dining table.

  I looked at a jar on the table, near him.

  “Eros, can you hand me that jar?” I asked.

  He looked up into my gray eyes. I gazed fearlessly at his face as I believed in the possibility he also felt something for me. He made the jar come up to me only with the power of his mind. I was shocked at how quickly the object came towards me.

  “You can also do it Valkyrie,” my father articulated as he saw how amazed I was.

  “I cannot do it,” I said serenely.

  “Try to do the same,” he insisted.

  He put the jar back in its original place, in the same way as Eros has placed it in front of me.

  “You can do it!” my father persisted.

  I tried not to disappoint him and did what was suggested to me. I
stared at the jar, placing all power in my mind as I tried to get something to happen. After several unsuccessful attempts, I gave up, embarrassed.

  “I cannot!” I whispered.

  “Okay dear,” my father said. “When your powers become more precise, you will not fail at it.”

  Even saying these words, I noted my father expected more from me.

  “I also took time to learn how to do this,” Bizak commented.

  It improved my mood, listening to Bizak saying he went through the same difficulties as I did. It was a sign the problem was not just with me.

  I would eventually be able to. It was just a matter of time.

  Chapter 13

  After the dinner we went to a salon called the ‘Melody Room’.

  My father snapped his fingers and a melody invaded the room. It was in absence of musical instruments and musicians. But the music was perfect.

  The sound of the violin clearly sounded into our ears. It was a soft music and pleasant to hear. Vincent went with the melody. He ran through the room, grabbed my hand and made me dance with him. We went off the ground, our bodies levitated. I was a little dizzy from so much moving in a circle, but it was fun. Our heads almost touched the ceiling of the castle.

  Valeska and Bizak did the same and joined us to dance too. Eros remained standing in the corner. He seemed to be in no mood for festivities. I noticed he had scowled all the time. Nothing made him relaxed.


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