Fixing Justice

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Fixing Justice Page 9

by Halliday, Suzanne

  Eyeing Victoria’s reaction, he noted her quick nod followed by the way she bit her lip at Alex’s declaration that he’d set her up with anything she needed. Maybe there was an opportunity to update the brown mouse’s wardrobe. Well, the whole trip would be worth it to see her dressed like a damn female for a change.

  “Betty already made the travel arrangements. You fly out tomorrow morning on the Gulfstream. Quick flight to Las Vegas. She got you situated in a two bedroom suite,” Alex said pointedly while directing his comment to Victoria. “Things are crazy there right now with the awards event this weekend so that’s the only option.”

  Drae chimed in. “It’s fine, Alex.” She watched him shrug off the glaring eyeball his friend shot his way. “Relax, man. Victoria and I have this. Right?” Lobbing the ball into her court, he waited for a response.

  Sighing, Tori considered what strange creatures men were. On the one hand, there was Alex, her boss. He was obviously concerned about how she felt. The other one, not so much. It wasn’t that she minded sharing a suite with him, but rather that his tone suggested he didn’t care one way or the other. A moment of panic upset her equilibrium as she wondered if his reluctance was due to her presence cramping his style. Maybe the bonus for a trip to Sin City was a little showgirl action for the sexy Draegyn St. John. The thought made her stomach lurch. Just because he made her think deep, dark thoughts about things, intimate things that had nothing to do with business, it didn’t mean she was going to play second fiddle to his overactive sex drive.

  Maybe it was time to cast aside the dowdy costume she’d been clinging to and start living as a functioning female again. A plan was developing in her mind that would give Draegyn, and everyone else for the matter, something to think about.

  Sliding from her stool, she smoothed the hair tumbling into her field of vision and began to wrap up their meeting. “It’s all good gentlemen. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be ready on time,” she mumbled in Draegyn’s direction. “And Alex, if you would email me the last code sequence we went over, that would be helpful.” Checking her watch she was shocked to see that it was well past dinnertime and probably already dark. She had to get moving if her plan was going to work out, so Tori gathered a pile of folders and print-outs and raced for the door. Turning for one last time she acknowledged both men with a curt nod, mumbled, “Night,” and left before anyone could say anything else.

  “Dude!” Alex barked, clearly not pleased. “What the fuck was that all about? God dammit Drae. I told you to watch yourself around Tori. Why do I get the impression you two are rock ‘em sock ‘em robots when nobody’s watching?”

  Drae eased against a table and crossed his arms across his chest as his gaze lingered on the spot Victoria had just vacated. He didn’t want to get Alex’s temper up and thought he’d done a pretty damn good show of acting like a perfectly reasonable guy around the man’s assistant. Obviously, he’d underestimated Alex’s powers of perception. The darkening cloud on his friend’s face let him know that beating around the bush wasn’t going to help.

  With a crooked grin he rolled a shoulder and leaned back, fixing his stare on the ceiling. “She makes me crazy,” was all he said. Looking back at Alex, he saw him weigh what he’d been told with a series of short, quick nods. “I know you seem to think she’s god’s gift to nerds but all I get from her is a smart-ass mouth and an attitude to go with it.”

  “Are you saying she doesn’t like you? Shit! That has to be a first.” Alex chuckled.

  Drae couldn’t help but share in the laugh. Everyone’s belief that there wasn’t a woman alive whose panties he couldn’t steal made admitting that Victoria cast him with a jaded eye a huge admission. “If you ask Carmen or Ria I’m sure you’ll learn that your spitfire assistant quite literally ignores me completely or tries to hand me my ass on a platter every damn time we meet. I’ve no doubt it’s the talk of the Villa!”

  Alex roared with laughter at that. Drae had to admit it really was kind of funny. He wasn’t the sort of man that people crossed. Not if you had a brain. Hell, he couldn’t recall anyone ever being foolish enough to spar with him for no good reason. Victoria Bennett, however, sailed right past his don’t fuck with me attitude and needled him at every opportunity.

  “Give her a chance, Drae. This isn’t about you. Try and remember that when you’re dealing with that asshole Barnes. Your job is to keep him away from her so she can focus on the job she’s been sent to do.” Eyeing Drae with a look he’d never seen before, Alex finished, “And maybe you should consider staying away from her as well. She’s not built to handle your unique brand of bullshit.”

  “Understood,” he replied with a frown. What else was there to say?

  Letting her damp hair loose from the towel wrapped around her head, Tori chucked the wet flannel onto the floor and turned her attention to the reflection in the mirror. Checking the time, she noted the early hour and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been awhile since she’d tackled a dressed to shoes morning routine that involved anything more than a face wash and some hastily pulled on clothes.

  A satchel of grooming tools and makeup pouches she’d pulled from the closet sat next to her on the bathroom floor. She’d gotten up super early to allow plenty of time for a long shower so she could shave her legs and do a quick facial. After that had come a necessary coffee jolt followed by the best mani-pedi she could manage by herself. Just because she wasn’t classically beautiful like her gorgeous mother didn’t mean that she didn’t know all these beauty routines by rote. She was a woman after all.

  Getting her sloppy head of hair under control was next up on the agenda so she grabbed a hair dryer, straightener, and a couple of spray bottles to help the transition from flyaway mess to perfectly groomed. It took a while and tested her calm as she painstakingly blew out each section of hair until her reflection showed the shoulder length mane tamed into submission with the extra assistance of the flat iron. After that it took a few tries before she managed a back-swept chignon with just enough poof on top for wispy bangs that softened what would otherwise be a severe look.

  Using an old trick she learned from her mother, Tori snapped a quick pic with her phone of the back and sides of her self-styled hairdo to make sure it looked good from every angle. Satisfied, she laid out the contents of the makeup pouches and considered the best way to proceed. Glancing in the mirror at the outfit hanging on the hook behind her, she was pleased with the daytime attire and accessories that she’d chosen. When Alex suggested she wear the ensemble he remembered from her interview, she knew he was telling her to drop the dull wardrobe she’d been wallowing in.

  Relying on a minimum amount of makeup, it didn’t take her long to apply to her face. After that came some seriously feminine lingerie. There was something about the sheer lace bra with the equally sheer thong that made her feel naughty even though the in-your-face appeal of the sexy lace was lost on her unremarkable figure. Ah well, there was no use in crying over something that couldn’t be helped. Wishing for voluptuous breasts and a curvy ass wasn’t going to change what nature had given her.

  Dancing through a perfume cloud, Tori let the scent seep into her senses. It was light and airy, with an undertone of vanilla that suited her. She preferred something subtle to the harsh, cloying perfumes that lingered in the air way too long. By the time she’d pulled on the sleeveless dress and soft cashmere sweater, her nerves were starting to unravel. “Keep breathing. Just keep breathing,” she muttered aloud. Coming out of her self-imposed brown shell was harder than she thought it would be. She felt awkward and exposed without the predictably bland head to toe uniform.

  The beautiful dress she chose was a mid-tone fawn shade that suited her coloring and fit like a glove. Stopping well north of her knees, the simple sheath transformed once she donned the coordinating sage green cashmere sweater that cinched at her waist with a gold metal belt. Pushing the sleeves back she added a matching gold bangle bracelet and delicate hoops at her ears. Slipping into a
pair of neutral colored platform pumps, Tori checked out her reflection from every possible angle. All in all, she liked the look. It was young, had a designer label, was the right color and silhouette, and most importantly, was the last thing anyone expected her to be wearing. Game on!

  Toot, toot! The jarring beep from the horn of the ride sent to fetch her to the carport startled Tori as she rushed to gather some last second items that she feverishly shoved into her luggage. With one last look in the mirror, she swung a garment bag over her arm, yanked up the handle of her rolling bag, and headed down to meet her ride. Striding with determination, she pushed down the anxiety that popped up, pulling her suitcase with more force than necessary, and came to a stuttering halt at the colorful scene waiting at the end of the ramp that led from her apartment.

  It was Betty behind the wheel of her kooky, golf-style cart with a neon-striped awning and fluffy pink seat covers waiting to give her a lift to the carport. The Justice Brothers had gifted their office manager with the elaborate cart when she returned from an extended leave. From the moment she’d been given the keys, Betty had taken enormous delight in zipping all around the compound at every opportunity. Tori smiled at the over-the-top ride.

  The look of pure shock on the older woman’s face when Tori marched down the ramp in her fashionable outfit with the platform pumps was almost worth the hours of preparation she’d gone through. “Cooey! Look at you little missy!” Betty cried out, clapping her hands in delight. “Oh my lord, Tori! Is that you?” she added with an amused smile that let Tori know her transformation would not go unnoticed. “Talk about hiding your lamp under a bushel! Honey, don’t you ever go back to what you’ve been wearing. Seeing you like this, well - it’s amazing!”

  After helping Tori stow her bags in the back of the cart, Betty grabbed her by the hand and swung her around in a square dance move that made them both giggle. “Why sugar,” she drawled in her perfect southern belle way, “I’d say there’s a man about to eat his shirt if I’m not mistaken.” The look of approval shining from the woman’s eyes gave Tori’s confidence an extra boost. It also gave her a second’s pause.

  “Alex asked me to dress the part. That’s all.”

  Laughing as they settled into the cart for the short drive across the compound, Betty shot her a sardonic look. “Oh, don’t play that with me Tori. I’m not blind, y’know. Poor Draegyn won’t know what hit him!” the woman shrieked with unabashed glee. Tori squirmed knowing the office manager had seen the way she and that blond devil went at each other every chance they got. Wiping the cool, controlled smile off his handsome face had been the motivator behind todays’ shock value makeover. Betty apparently put the pieces together in correct order.

  Draegyn paced back and forth along the short drive as he waited for Victoria’s arrival. They weren’t on a rigid schedule since they were flying in the company plane but even so, he was anxious to get moving. Dammit. Why were women always late?

  Ben was fussing in the trunk, making room for Victoria’s bags, when the Betty Buggy came tearing up the drive, stopping on the far side of the car. The open trunk obscured his view, but he heard murmured greetings being exchanged followed by Betty’s full-throated laughter. Well, at least someone is in a good mood, he groused.

  Drae’s impatience got the better of him as he skirted around the back end of the car, his forward movement stumbling to an awkward halt the moment he saw Victoria. Shock. Pure, libidinous amazement knocked him sideways at the sight of her dressed in a very smart outfit and wearing the sort of heels that drew a man’s eyes. Jesus, she looked so perfectly female.

  At first glance, with her back still to him, he was overwhelmed by her altered appearance and let his mouth drop and eyes widen from the surprise. Holy shit, talk about a complete transformation! She had gone for the gold and to say he was impressed with her efforts was a pathetic understatement. If anything, the way his balls tightened and his dick grew firm from a simple glance went way beyond just impressed.

  He realized he must have stood there, staring like an idiot, for far too long when the trio went silent and turned his way. There was not a doubt in his mind that he’d been caught slack-jawed from the mocking expressions he noted coming his way from Ben and Betty. Judging from their smirks, they both were very much enjoying watching him flounder as he searched for his equilibrium.

  Feeling her eyes on him, he nonetheless took his time about checking out every inch of this new Victoria, from her feet in the ridiculously high shoes upward. His throat turned raw and dry at the sight of her delicate ankles and toned legs with smooth calves and shapely thighs that melted his brain. Remembering how those beautiful legs felt wrapped around his middle made controlling his body’s super-heated reaction unbelievably difficult.

  She was standing holding her bag in one hand with the other propped on her hip. It was the way she stood with her legs on view in the short dress as she cocked one leg slightly inward in an innocently naughty way that rocked him hard. He sensed the challenge in her posture and felt a surge of good, old-fashioned lust. The lady wasn’t going down without a fight, and he had to hand it to her, because she definitely scored big in round one. The thought turned up the heat in his response.

  By the time his gaze lifted to her face, he had subjected her to a torturously slow appraisal that left a riot of pink on her cheeks. Good. Serves her right, he thought. She showed balls trying to flatfoot him in front of witnesses, although the mere fact that she tried excited him. Suddenly, his non-interest in the quirky Victoria Bennett flared into a full-fledged sexual bonfire.

  He continued peering over the top of sunglasses that slid down to reveal his eyes, taking in every detail of the lady’s appearance when Ben finally broke the silence. “She sure is a looker, isn’t she, Mister Drae?” Fuck my life, he silently answered. Yes, she sure as hell was. Victoria shifted uneasily in a way that let him know she wasn’t entirely sure of herself.

  “Victoria,” he murmured, moving forward on feet that had turned clumsy. “You look lovely.” When a tiny smile lit up her face, his heart knocked forcefully against his ribcage. Swallowing the dryness in his throat, Drae reached for the hand she held at her waist, enclosing her cold fingers in his and gently squeezed. Luckily, his action brought her sexy brown eyes swinging to his. She was so damn pretty with her hair done in a perfect bun low on her neck. If they didn’t have an audience he would have taken advantage of her sweet, kissable lips to let her know just how beautiful she was.

  Tori’s blush started in the fire raging between her legs, spreading upward across her belly, singeing her breasts, before blooming on her face. Feeling like a bug under a microscope with people watching the interplay between her and Draegyn, she found herself rethinking the wisdom of playing this moment out in public. She felt his shock – it slammed into her full force during the visual inspection he subjected her to. She’d expected him to be surprised, but she hadn’t anticipated the heated silence, or the way she had to fight back the urge to giggle like a swooning schoolgirl at the approval glittering in his gaze.

  When he enclosed her hand in his, she felt tiny and small in his overpowering presence, a thought that spread warmth deep into her bones. She was shocked at the realization that he saw her as a woman. Not just a brain on two legs. She bit down on her lower lip to keep the treacherous sigh she felt from escaping as he increased the pressure of his touch until she looked up at him. There was a roaring sound inside her head, like what she imagined an avalanche sounded like. Starting off a low rumble in the distance, building intensity and strength until the booming sound became a shockwave of sensory input. He was staring at her mouth, and this time she knew, without any doubt, that he wanted to kiss her. And heaven help her, she wanted him to. She was in trouble. Big time.

  A warm smile softened Draegyn’s face, probably because he could read her thoughts. Pulling on her hand slightly she had to step into him to keep her balance. Tori couldn’t help the unladylike snort of startled laughter that split t
he air after he leaned close to deliver a taunt with heated breath close to her exposed ear and neck. “Truce derailed, Victoria,” he murmured. God, she really liked the way her full name rolled off his tongue. “But you’ve won the first encounter, milady.”

  That was all they had time for as Ben cleared his throat to remind them that they had a schedule to keep. Tori felt like she was walking on air as she hurried to the car door that Betty was holding open for her. “Way to go, sugar,” the woman teased quietly as she helped Tori settle into the back seat of the big car. All she could do was smile. Seconds later she felt the trunk shut with a determined thud before Draegyn eased into the seat next to her.

  She inquired how long the trip to the airport would take and was impressed by how calm her voice sounded. Tori wanted to to settle back in her seat and just drink in the sight of him. He always looked magnificent and so totally male whether in a tuxedo or old, worn jeans. Today, in his grey business suit he looked, well - he looked yummy. Nothing could disguise the confident way he moved and commanded everything and everyone around him and in the confines of the car she was supremely aware of every damn breath he took and movement he made, no matter how small.

  Hearing the question, he turned and looked at her. At least, she thought he looked at her but who could tell with those blasted dark shades? That was just one of the problems she had with being in close proximity with him. He was so guarded and closed off that she didn’t have enough data to form a full picture of who she was dealing with. The dark glasses that kept his eyes closed to her viewing left her feeling unsteady. Since she couldn’t read his eyes, Tori was left to contemplate the mouth beneath the glasses. The line of his humorless expression was unyielding but it was his full, wide bottom lip that occupied her thoughts. Perfect to the point of being indecent, she stared, remembering having nipped the lush flesh and sucking it into her mouth. The echo of his groaned response as it reverberated in her memory nearly drowned out Draegyn’s answer to her question.


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