Fixing Justice

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Fixing Justice Page 29

by Halliday, Suzanne

  He broke away first, rigid tension evident in the straining of his neck. Seeing him starting to come undone as she impaled herself over and over on his swelling cock while feeling him press deep against her womb, threw her senses into disarray.

  “Ahhh,” he groaned. “Fuck me. C’mon baby, take it all.” Grunting, he thundered his hips on each downward stroke, pounding into her with such force, her knees lifted off the bed.

  She was losing control, gyrating on his enormous cock in an age-old dance that could only end one way. Her inner muscles tightened unbearably around him, fisting his hardness in ever-intensifying spasms. “Draegyn,” she moaned helplessly. He wrapped her in his arms, pulling her flat against his surging body as the first tremors broke free. Never stopping, he continued thrusting as her pussy throbbed and pulsed, finally exploding with a rush of super-heated moisture that bathed them both with physical proof of the unimaginable ecstasy ripping through her. She cried out, sobbing and gasping while her insides desperately milked his cock.

  Before her orgasm had cleared the peak, he flipped them over, guided her legs high on his back and hammered into her shaking body for all he was worth. He grunted, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” with each powerful stroke, pounding into her relentlessly. The furious way he stroked deep and then pulled all the way back, only to lunge forward again and again, sent her soaring once more. The weight of his body pressed her into the mattress with each flex of his hips. She shuddered and flew apart, splintering into a million pieces, crying out to him as his cock swelled and twitched inside her. Tori knew he was there when his rhythm faltered. Wrapping him in her arms she urged him on, moaning, “Come for me,” and then lost her grip on reality when he did just that, surging deep while he groaned and emptied his balls inside her.

  It took a long time to come back to earth, each of them shuddering and twitching in the aftermath of what had just happened. Not caring that he was heavy and big, she used her legs and arms to hold on tight, relishing the feeling of his cock still buried deep within her. She felt the wet evidence of what they’d done leaking out of her body, sliding down the crack of her ass. She shuddered in exquisite awareness, relishing the blatant carnality.

  Long moments later, Draegyn shifted his hips and gently withdrew from her body, causing her to wince in disappointment that they couldn’t just stay joined forever. He pulled a soft throw blanket around them snuggling close with her back to his chest and one very possessive feeling arm wrapped around her waist. It just didn’t get any better than this she thought a heartbeat before she fell into an exhausted sleep.

  Drae struggled with what had just happened as he felt her relax and drift off. Pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder he tried to relax as well but his body wasn’t going to allow that. Not when he’d just been subjected to the most thorough, satisfying fuck of his life. Victoria might be small in stature but she was an amazing dynamo in bed. The way she’d climbed on him and taken him deep left him speechless. And wanting more.

  No matter how many times he recoiled from the thought of being married, he couldn’t deny that this woman did things to him he hadn’t known were possible. With her, the feelings ran deeper and he wasn’t just referring to the strength of an orgasm. She tasted sweeter too and the moment that she’d come on his tongue, just as he told her she would, he’d been filled with such bliss that it nearly stole his sanity. Nothing seemed to matter more than losing himself inside her. Somehow, Victoria Bennett had become his salvation from a life lived without texture, empty of anything more than superficial awareness. He grimly suspected that he needed her more than she needed him, a fact that stabbed at his soul.

  Nothing had been solved by making love to her and maybe the simple fact that it had taken him this long to recognize that lovemaking was exactly what they’d been doing was at the heart of their problems.

  He wasn’t a fool. She wasn’t going to wake up, confess her undying love for him, and ignore the past. He wasn’t that lucky. There was still the piper to be paid for his contemptible behavior and that little issue of the marriage license. He wondered if she knew by now whether or not their rash behavior in Vegas had resulted in a pregnancy then cringed at the realization that it didn’t matter anyway. Once again, he’d gotten carried away, making love to her without any thought of protection.

  Drae didn’t make those kinds of blunders, always having been scrupulous to the details anytime he’d taken a woman to bed. Victoria was a first on that score. Hers was the only body he’d felt without a barrier wrapped around his dick. Coming inside her was like nothing he’d known. The way her body spasmed along his length, forcing his fluid to erupt, shook him to the core.

  Where did they go from here? He didn’t know and could only hope that she didn’t light him on fire once she realized what they’d done. She’d called him a lying cheat, those words coming back to haunt him now. What had she meant by that? Alex warned him she felt he’d deceived her when he insisted that no one knew about their marriage so he was ready to defend on that score, but cheat? Where had that come from?

  The sleeping woman in his arms wiggled against him making Drae tighten his hold around her waist. When he heard her whisper his name, his heart swelled to bursting knowing she called out to him even in her dreams. That was the last thought he had before exhaustion overtook him, and he fell into his first deep sleep in days.

  The rumbling in her tummy brought Tori awake with a start. Oh no. Scrambling desperately she fought against whatever it was that was holding her in place only to freeze in shock when she remembered where she was and whose arm was wrapped so snugly around her waist. Fuck.

  Without a moment to lose she pried his grip off her body and ran frantically toward what she prayed was the en suite to his bedroom. Didn’t matter whether it was the bathroom, a closet, or a public auditorium because she was going to hurl up her guts regardless. Making it to the toilet just in time, she sank to her knees as the violent spasms erupted. Without much in the way of food to fuel the vomiting, she wretched painfully again and again as her empty stomach reacted.

  “Oh my God,” she cried. “Stop. Ugh.” Weak and trembling, all she could do was hold on until the waves of hideous nausea subsided. She felt her hair being swept back off her face moments before a cool, damp cloth was laid across the back of her neck.

  Speaking to her in soothing tones, she heard Draegyn saying, “Shhh. Easy, honey. Just relax. It’ll be over in a minute.” All she could do was hang onto the cold porcelain and moan. What could be more embarrassing than collapsing naked on a bathroom floor while hugging a toilet? Nothing.

  As the horrible wrenching spasms eased off, she felt him wrap a plush robe around her shaking body. Helping her to her feet, Draegyn was ready with a glass of water that she gratefully accepted so she could rinse the foul taste from her mouth. With barely enough strength left to spit out the water, she was forced to hunch over the sink with her jaw slack as the liquid dripped. Afraid to look up lest she catch sight of what she knew would be her ghastly reflection in the bathroom mirror, Tori closed her eyes as he gently wiped the cool cloth across her face, then scooped her up as she clutched at the robe and carried her swiftly back to the bed.

  Laying her gently against the pillows, he helped put her arms into the sleeves of the big robe and wrapped her in the blanket. She rested against the headboard and waited for the room to stop spinning. Finally opening her eyes she was immensely relived to see that he had pulled his clothes on. She wasn’t so sure she could face a naked Draegyn at the moment.

  His face seemed almost as pale as she felt. Dammit. She knew what was going to happen next. He was going to ask the are you pregnant question. Despite the fact that she hadn’t done the test yet, all signs pointed to the obvious.

  Tori was struggling, big time. Struggling to comprehend why she couldn’t control herself around a man who put up so many emotional roadblocks that she couldn’t keep track. She grappled with the sickening fact that she’d just had sex with someone she knew to be little
better than a man-whore while trying to figure out where her self-respect had vanished to. How did a girl go from being a don’t fuck with me badass to a….well, she didn’t know what.

  Drae stood silently by the side of the bed with his hands jammed into the pockets of his jeans, rocking on feet that felt a bit numb, searching the air for what to do. The scene that just played out in his bathroom hit him square in the solar plexus. Unless he was an idiot, the little woman swamped inside his big robe, the same woman who was carefully avoiding his eyes, was pregnant. Unbelievable.

  Jesus, was the air conditioning on, he wondered? It suddenly seemed awfully hot as sweat broke out along his brow. Victoria shifted on the bed, drawing the robe that was way too big around her dainty body. Funny. She didn’t seem hot although he certainly felt like the bedroom had turned into a fucking sauna. No, she actually looked pale as a ghost. Even her sweet lips were devoid of color and as his eyes lasered in for a detailed inspection, he noticed for the first time a hollowing of her cheeks and what appeared to be dark rings under her eyes. His body temperature rose even higher as a walloping dose of fear and apprehension grabbed him by the throat.

  “Feeling better?” he asked as gently as his nerves would allow. The last thing he wanted to do was add to her unease but in all honesty, it was taking all his strength not to fall to his knees. Keeping her eyes downcast, Victoria nodded jerkily but didn’t utter so much as a squeak.

  “Is there something you want to tell me?” To his astonishment, her lips, the very ones he’d been devouring not all that long ago, began to quiver. He swallowed the lump lodged in his throat and didn’t move for fear he would lose his ability to function if he did.

  “Would you hand me my dress?” she asked in a hushed, trembling voice. Drae walked around the end of the huge bed and gathered her pretty little sundress, noting the torn panties he’d ripped off laying nearby on the floor. Feeling sick, he thought he might be following her act in the bathroom with one of his own.

  He wondered what a guy did in this sort of situation. Was there a right or wrong thing to say? She hadn’t answered his question, and he wasn’t sure if he should press her for a response. He had a right to know, didn’t he? Remembering her bitter words about his manhood and how she wouldn’t want him involved if she was, increased the sweat trickling down his back.

  She murmured a quick, “Thanks,” when he handed over her dress, taking it from him with hands that were clearly shaking.

  “Victoria, talk to me,” he pleaded. “What’s going on?”

  She threw off the blanket and swung her legs down the side of the bed, tugging the sundress hurriedly over her head as she shucked off the robe and smoothly stood as the dress neatly fell into place. Under normal circumstances he would have been impressed with how little skin she showed during this maneuver but at the moment the only thing he was feeling was a bad case of nerves. Crossing her arms under her breasts, she looked so small and fragile–adding to his increasing anxiety. He had to hand it to her though, even in this odd situation, she was doing everything she could to give off the appearance that she was in complete control. Shame that her pallor and shaking hands told a much different story.

  When she finally looked at him he took a step back as hunted eyes shadowed with something that looked like pain landed on his face. “I know what you’re asking,” she whispered. Gesturing toward the bathroom she continued. “But despite what just happened here, I don’t know how to answer.”

  How the hell was he supposed to react to such an obvious non-answer?

  “I’m going to head home now,” she murmured, making for the sitting area in the open walkway on the second floor.

  “No. I don’t think so. We need to talk about this.”

  Pushing past him she turned as she reached the long walkway with an incredulous look on her face. “Talk? Are you joking, Draegyn? Good Lord! Every time we try, well,” she said in a voice that was rising in intensity and tone. “We end up naked, and I’m thinking that’s how we got in to this mess in the first place.”

  He couldn’t believe she was trying to leave when his whole world was crashing at his feet. Raking a hand through his hair, Drae scrubbed at his face and then at the hair on his jaw.

  “Jesus Christ, Victoria. Do you really imagine that you can show up here, fuck my brains out, then heave your guts up in the toilet and simply turn around and walk away?” He hadn’t meant to shout but it was too late to turn back now. She looked like she’d been slapped, making him instantly regret the fuck my brains out comment. That hadn’t been fair. Not by a long shot.

  “Oh, nice!” she hollered back. “Once again, just like in Vegas, this is all my doing, right?”

  Nerves, panic, and fear, hers and his, fueled the raging argument that broke out. He demanded answers. She told him angrily to fuck off. Somewhere in the midst of the yelling she’d called him a lying cheat again and he reacted with offended indignity.

  “I did not deceive you and most certainly have not cheated! And besides, how exactly do you cheat on someone who is constantly screaming in your face about what an asshole they are? From where I’m standing, you wouldn’t care one way or the other!” he bellowed.

  A noise below them made each turn to see where it was coming from. Cameron’s shocked and embarrassed face looked up at them, having clearly witnessed them screaming and hissing at each other. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said quickly as he motioned to the driveway. “I just stopped by to drop off that shipment of Koa wood I had sent from Hawaii.”

  Victoria looked away from the man standing below and fixed Drae with a scathing look. “You couldn’t be more wrong,” she hissed. “Only your smug arrogance supersedes your unbelievable stupidity.”

  With that she flounced down the steps, picking up one of her discarded sandals along the way as Cameron remained motionless in the doorway, slack-jawed and plainly shocked by the ugly scene he walked in on.

  Flying past his flabbergasted friend, she descended another set of stairs into the living room where their encounter had begun and snatched up her purse. Arriving back on the landing, Drae watched her struggle to pull something from the big bag. Stomping over to Cameron, she slapped a brown envelope and what looked like a folded up newspaper against the man’s chest, and told him, “That’s for Mr. Double-Oh-Jerkoff. Make sure he gets it.”

  Practically running from the house she whipped around at the last second, clutching her bag and one lone shoe, zeroing in on his face with neat precision. “Consider yourself served!” she bit out, then flew out the door like a fire had been lit under her ass.

  “Fuck!” Drae raged as she slammed the heavy wood door for maximum emphasis, climbed into the cart she’d arrived in and sped up the driveway.

  “Dude,” Cam uttered, shaking his head in amazement. “What the hell was that?”

  Drae thundered down the steps scowling darkly. “Shut up,” he bit out at Cam, just because he knew he could. Snatching what Victoria left from his friend’s hands, he continued down the long hallway on the first floor to his study and just like the angry female that had run screaming from him, slammed the door for good measure.

  Several glasses of whiskey later, he sat with head in hands, going over the ghastly row and wondered where it had all gone so wrong. It was a very long time after that before he left the study. Passing the table where he’d thrown the envelope Victoria left, Drae absently picked it up, watched the folded newspaper fall and reached for it. Opening the glossy tabloid his eyes blurred as his gaze connected with the single page spread showing a series of pictures featuring him and the glamorous Jessamyn taken during their recent unexpected meeting in New York.

  Anger swept through him as he read the salacious story underneath the provocative headline. That fucking bitch. She’d even given a quote to the tabloid insinuating they were friends with benefits. An arctic blast of worry replaced the anger feeding into his system drip by icy drip. Drae was so undone by what he was reading that the brown envelope slipped from
his thoughts. He’d realize how unfortunate that was later.

  Tori didn’t know how she made it back to her apartment in one piece. After their ugly confrontation, she’d been shaking so bad it was a miracle she’d been able to handle the electric cart. Supremely conscious of the fact that she was sans panties under her white sundress, she’d hurried up the stairs clutching her one shoe, unlocking her front door with trembling hands.

  Leaning against the closed door, she flicked on the switch that filled her tiny home with light, dropped her bag on the floor, and pressed her hand against her quivering tummy. Now was not the time to be sick again, she thought. Not when she had so much to do.

  Of course, the first thing her eyes lit on after she’d taken a few deep breaths was the package that arrived earlier that morning, containing the random toiletries and makeup refills she’d ordered along with that damnable pregnancy test.

  “Great timing,” she muttered aloud as she tore the package open and read the directions. At this point she didn’t really need the verification, all the damn signs were there plus some, but sticking her head in the sand wasn’t going to help. If she was pregnant, there was another consideration she had to deal with. Healthy babies didn’t happen by chance, and she would need to start taking steps to ensure her well-being and that of her child.

  Twenty minutes later, Tori sat on the edge of the toilet, clutching the little plastic stick in her hands with the two lines indicating she was carrying Draegyn St. John’s baby. It was a long time before she could move. When she finally did, she went to her bag, searched for her cell phone and punched in the numbers that would call her mother.

  First things first, and talking to her mom was at the very top of the list, followed by a hurried packing of her things and lastly the resignation letter and expression of thanks she was going to leave behind for Alex.


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