Fixing Justice

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Fixing Justice Page 32

by Halliday, Suzanne

  “Is that so?” he asked silkily. “Then care to explain why you rented an apartment as Victoria St. John?”

  Yeah, that shut her up he thought as her mouth snapped and the pout appeared. He though he heard a softly muttered, “Shit,” come from her side of the car.

  “Sit back and enjoy the scenery. I always liked this drive along the coast. We’ll talk at the hotel when we’ve had a chance to relax. The last couple of days have been hard on both of us.”

  Tori wondered what he meant by that but said nothing. Sitting close enough to him that she could pick up on the scent of his cologne was making her crazy. He was dressed in a pair of trousers that made her hands twitch with wanting to run them along his muscled thighs and a simple button-down white shirt, having already lost the sport coat to the backseat. He looked as he always did. Dangerous and unbelievably sexy. At a stoplight, he’d undone his cuffs and folded up the sleeves of the shirt, revealing the pale blonde hair on his arms that she found so appealing.

  The scruffy beard was gone, but his need for a haircut was not. He seemed different somehow. Like all his hard edges had been smoothed over. She stared at his hands where they gripped the steering wheel and willed her libido into hibernation when thoughts of those very hands cupping her breasts as he held one and then the other up to his marauding mouth. So much for remaining calm.

  It is always like this with him, she thought. Put them together in a confined space and the sparks started. Soft at first until a full on bonfire erupted. It was so very primitive and quite obviously nothing that either of them had control over.

  She wished she could read his thoughts. Was he feeling it too? That slow burn spreading in waves along the senses. Tori thought she’d die of embarrassment if all this was one-sided on her part until her eyes caught the distinctive ridge in the area of his lap that let her know the fire was mutual.

  The suite was incredible. Opulent, beautifully decorated, and first class the whole way. So much so that she felt like an idiot schlepping through the magnificent lobby with its glittering chandelier and marble floors in her jeans and sneakers. Draegyn never missed a beat, guiding her into the elevator, sweeping her along to their room as if he didn’t have a care in the world. In fact, he looked mighty pleased with himself.

  “Are you tired? You look a bit pale. What can I get you?” She started at his rapid-fire questions and comments, struggling to find her way in this bizarre situation. Tori was tired. More tired than she could ever remember being and she didn’t doubt she looked pale. Being unexpectedly pregnant and overwhelmed by their circumstances had her struggling.

  Dropping onto the sofa like a lead weight, she asked for some soda, if he had any, which got Draegyn running to the mini-bar like his life depended on it. It would have been funny in a different context. When he returned to her side, handing off the glass filled with ice and cola, she had to turn her eyes away from the prominent bulge staring her in the face.

  “Did you understand the papers I left behind?” She figured it best to start this conversation where she wanted and not wait for him.

  He sat down next to her and leaned back, putting a foot on the opposite knee in a laid back posture that only made her nerves flutter more. “Yep. Got ‘em. Read ‘em. Called your lady shark lawyer and let her know what I thought about the whole thing.” The look he gave her contained a bit of mischief that surprised her greatly.

  “This isn’t funny, y’know.”

  “I didn’t say it was.” He leveled his eyes to hers and let the moment speak for itself.

  She was getting twitchy. The impulse to rail at him was steadily growing, but with heated moisture dampening her panties, and the way she kept licking her lips each time he spoke, she was losing her shit alarmingly fast. She underestimated him because he didn’t beat around the bush at all – just jumped in and addressed what was at the heart of the matters at hand. “Those pictures you saw were not what they seemed.”

  “Oh really?” Her tart-tongued response took even her by surprise. “How do you figure that?”

  He sat forward then and rested his forearms on his thighs, staring for a long moment at the floor. “Alright,” he sighed heavily. “Yes, I was photographed in the company of a certain actress who shall remain nameless. She’s a royal pain in the ass, and I’d just as soon not give her any further thought.”

  Tori sipped her soda, willing her percolating stomach to back off.

  “For the record, I was by myself tying on an epic drunk when she appeared out of nowhere. Yes – she propositioned me, and yes, we have a brief history but nothing I’d care to revisit.” Tori felt what color she had drop into her feet. Why was he bothering to explain? Those damn pictures spoke loud and clear.

  “Hey,” he choked out, running a finger down the side of her face. “Don’t look so upset. She’s nothing to me Victoria. Fuck, she’s less than nothing. I didn’t go looking for a companion that night or any of the nights for that matter since the moment you darted into my life.”

  “I can’t trust you,” she answered solemnly.

  He took the glass from her and put it down, gathering her cold, trembling hands into his. “Yes you can.”

  She tried looking away but he pulled her closer, kissed her on the forehead, and kept on talking. “You’re a handful, that’s for damn sure but I’d rather be bickering with you than spend my time with some empty-headed Barbie doll.”

  “You see, Draegyn – that’s just it! All we do is argue and yell, and…well, you know. One thing leads to another and before I know what’s happening my panties are ripped in two and we’re raging at each other in another way. I just can’t live like that.”

  He laughed. She tried to look at him with a stern expression, but it melted under the heat of his gaze. “I’ve given this plenty of thought, Victoria. All that yelling,” he teased, “it’s not what it seems. I think it’s how we make love to each other.”

  “That’s not what you called it the other day.”

  “And I was a pig for saying those things. Look, honey, I’m not perfect. I’ve never been in a serious relationship, ever. Every single step we take is uncharted territory for me. You too, I think.”

  She nodded and inched closer to him. There was something infinitely comforting about his solid presence. “Going from zero to flaming bitch in two point five seconds is because I’m a little afraid of you. It would help if I understood where you’re coming from. Alex tried to tell me something about your background – your parents I think – but I didn’t understand.”

  Drae had to remember to thank Alex for sticking his two cents into the middle of this. By asking she opened the floodgates, and he hoped he didn’t scare her off with the explanation. She was resisting his presence less with each minute that passed so he took a chance and relaxed against the sofa, pulling her against him so she could rest her head upon his shoulder while he talked.

  “My parents are seriously flawed people and frankly, I don’t like them very much. Theirs was an arranged marriage – a business deal. My entire childhood was phony. Perfect on the outside but rotting and decayed on the inside.” She reached a hand up and laid it over his heart. She had no idea how much that simple gesture meant to him.

  “When I was old enough to understand, I vowed never to get close enough to anyone in case one day I woke up and found myself shackled to someone like my mother. Cold, calculating, evil.” The shrug he threw in at the end spoke volumes. “You know, guys don’t pick shit apart like you women do. For me, it was black and white. There was never any grey. What my family started, the military finished.”

  He could feel her nodding under his chin and working at the button in the middle of his chest. When she got it undone, he had to fight the urge to pin her to the couch when he felt two fingers slide into the opening and press against his skin. Wow. Where was he?

  “I’m sorry for the way I reacted in Vegas. That was not one of my better moments. And I’m more sorry than you could ever know for running off to New
York without saying anything.”

  “Me too,” he heard her murmur.

  “You’re sorry I ran off?”

  “No. I mean I’m sorry for doing the same thing.” She looked up at him with those soulful brown eyes, and he felt himself drowning in the emotions he saw shining there. Time to lay all his cards on the table.

  He covered the hand on his chest with his and hugged her tight. “Victoria, I love you more than there are words to describe. I’m sorry that it took me so long to say it.”

  “Wait,” she whispered, her voice catching on a quickly indrawn breath. ”What?”

  He tilted her chin with his finger and looked into her eyes. “I. Love. You.” To his astonishment, tears welled in her beautiful eyes.

  “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it Draegyn. Is it because of the baby because if it is…”

  “I mean it you little hell cat and no, not because of the baby.” Tears erupted making silent tracks down her cheeks. He thought it was the most wonderful thing he’d ever seen. “Can you forgive me, honey? Can we make a new start, because I really want to?”

  She hid her face against his chest as hot tears leaked from her eyes. “I thought it was all me. That you didn’t feel anything.”

  “Are you saying what I hope you are?” he asked, emotions clawing at his throat.

  “I love you, you impossibly arrogant man. How could you not know it?” He didn’t bother to answer, just swooped in and captured her pouting lips with his for a kiss that was all emotion. Probably the most real kiss they’d ever shared. No, not probably. Make that definitely.

  Many minutes later he drew back and kissed the tip of her pert little nose. “Victoria St. John. I like the way that sounds.”

  She grinned and looked up at him in a very sexy way. ”Don’t you have something you’d like to ask me?”

  Drae threw back his head and barked out a laugh. ”Women!” he chuckled. “So the words aren’t enough, huh?”

  “Be nice. I’m pregnant,” she pouted prettily.

  He smiled the biggest smile he could ever remember making. “And so you are.” Laying his hand solemnly against her belly, he raised one of her dainty hands to his lips and pressed a kiss into the center of her palm, then folded her fingers meaningfully over the spot. “Victoria Bennett St. John. I give you my heart. It’s yours forever. Will you do me the exquisite honor of being my wife and having my babies?”

  To say she beamed at him would be the understatement of all times. “Yes, Mister Double-Oh-Trouble. I will marry you and give you all the babies you want!”

  He kissed her soundly, then jumped to his feet saying, “I think this calls for champagne – the non-alcoholic kind!”

  She laughed and shot him an embarrassed grin. ”We did everything ass backwards.”

  “This is true,” he agreed. “Will give us a great story to tell the grandkids!”

  “Whoa, slow down there husband. Let’s enjoy the here and now, okay?”

  Drae ran to his bag and pulled out the notebook he’d remembered to bring from home. “Look. I’ve started sketching a suite for the baby,” he told her, proudly describing each detail as he envisioned them.

  When he realized she wasn’t saying anything he searched her face. What he saw reflected in her adoring gaze would stay with him forever. “I love you,” she whispered.

  “And I love you too. Now let’s celebrate!” Whipping out his cellphone he tapped on some keys and then looked at her with a sly grin. “Get ready wife. The brothers are about to descend!”

  “Oh my goodness! Both of them are here?” She laughed and rubbed her belly. “Well baby, here comes the whole Justice family. Speaking of which, I should call my mom.”

  Drae beamed with love for the woman who had done more than fix his fucked-up life. With her by his side, he really would feel like the king of the damn world. “Not necessary, my love. I’ve already spoken to Stephanie and let her know I’d be bringing you home where you belong. As soon as we’re settled back in Arizona, Alex is sending the jet to bring her out for a good long visit. I have a mother-in-law to charm! And while we’re speaking of family, my little sister Desirée is chomping at the bit to meet you to. She’s ecstatic that she’s going to be an aunt.

  “Wow,” Victoria muttered. “From only child to expectant mother, sister-in-law and best of all, wife.”

  A great pounding sounded at the door to their suite heralding the arrival of Alex and Cam who came bursting in carrying balloons and a tremendous bouquet of flowers.

  “Here’s to the bride and groom!” Alex chuckled. “May all your days be less stressful than the last week and filled with as much love and laughter as two people could survive!”

  It really didn’t get any better than this.

  Three extraordinary men and the women who love them…





  Two Justice Brothers down, one to go!


  The third book in the JUSTICE BROTHERS series

  Alex and Meghan’s story…..

  If war were about memory and learning to live with the aftermath, he’d have the rest of his life to deal with his remorse and guilt. She’s collateral damage, having lost her the man she was going to marry under his watch. When fate throws them together, the past collides in the present and makes the future an uncertain emotional minefield.

  Alexander Valleja-Marquez. The Major. Born to lead, he’d been recruited by Special Forces in the aftermath 911. A decade later, the victim of a devastating suicide bombing, he’d escaped the war but not the emotional fallout. They’d pieced his body back together but his conscience would never again be whole. Not even a successful business nor the love and support of his family could change the nightmares he lived with.

  Meghan O’Brien. She knew all about service and survivor guilt. The only girl in a family of cops and firemen, she lost her best friend and fiancé in the suicide bombing. Years later she knocks on the Major’s door to thank him for the condolence letter he’d written. That simple note had helped get her through some dark times and forged a connection to a man she’d never met.

  He wasn’t what she expected any more than she fit the picture he held in his mind of a young woman he’d never met but always remembered.

  Life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect them. When their surprising attraction lights a bonfire of lust and desire, things get serious fast. Maybe too fast. Until he remembers that she’s off-limits and why he doesn’t deserve to be loved.

  As the saying goes – life is what happens when we’re busy making plans.

  Excerpt from REDEEMING JUSTICE by Suzanne Halliday

  There was no doubt about it. Meghan O’Brien loved sunshine. When the story of her life was written, surely there would be a notation about her love hate affair with the sun. Being a fair complexioned Irish beauty meant she’d learned to be clever about protecting her skin. Tilting her head skyward, Meghan felt the mass of auburn curl tumble down her back the same second the blazing sun lit up her face. Both sensations were delicious and made her sigh with delight. As she stood there absorbing the invigorating energy, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her other senses.

  Pressed up against the side of an SUV, her butt was warmed from the heat of the desert southwest radiating off the vehicle. It was an oddly pleasant feeling that helped alleviate some of the tension in her back from long hours spent behind the wheel.

  There were muffled voices from the people in the roadside rest area where she’d stopped for a break. Kids laughing. Parents yelling. The usual, she chuckled. There was even the low bark of a big dog, and the dull rumble of an idling motorcycle.

  She clutched a very cold bottle of water in one hand, while the other rested on the door handle. Her inner teacher’s voice fed fast facts into her thoughts making Meghan grin. Vitamin D is primarily synthesized in skin exposure to UV light and
is essential to healthy skin. The grin became a laugh. Some things won’t ever change.

  Where a year ago she’d known exactly what she wanted to do and how she wanted to live her life, today she was in a curious limbo. Recently having turned twenty-eight, her resume was perfection. Bachelor’s Degree in Education followed by a Master’s in Kinesiology. Every job known to mankind in those two fields; camp counselor, fitness trainer, motivational coach, gym teacher, licensed massage therapist, she was a respected member of the Belmont Circle School District Faculty where she was assistant athletic director. Not bad for being a girl in a man’s field.

  She was also loud and proud, a true Irish Daughter of Boston and was more than capable of taking care of herself. Having three brothers taught Meghan how to navigate the world of men. She was competitive by nature and didn’t cry when she lost. With a straightforward, take no shit attitude, her students liked her, and the parents and her fellow faculty members respected her. Life had been damn good. She had no complaints and while the idea of finding a guy she could put her faith in, someone she could trust, was a shining ideal, she was content living alone as a successful professional.

  And then it happened. One day, one very ordinary day, she’d been nesting at home, cartons of takeout food on the table as she hunkered down with her Kindle to catch up on some reading when the phone rang and her entire life changed.

  Meghan, along with five colleagues from her school, had pooled their money and purchased a lottery ticket that had incredibly won them a mega jackpot. That phone call had done more than change the direction of her life. With the staggering amount of money she suddenly had, the mortgages on her parents’ and brothers’ homes got paid off and a sizeable trust fund established for her nieces and nephews ensuring that each of them would have money for college when that time came.

  With the job market being such a tough place for educators, Meghan reluctantly stepped down from her position so someone else could have the chance to chase their dreams as she had. She didn’t want to stop working but others immediately started showing signs of jealousy and disdain for her and her fellow jackpot winners. Hanging onto a job when she didn’t need the income was only inviting judgment.


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