Xavian blinked himself out of his reverie and gave Smythe a kind, yet slightly irritated, smile. “I think they may be.” He looked at the others. They were already in a heated argument over whether staking a leaper in the open to draw a shrew was right or not.
“That’s insanity,” Brody snorted. “It’s just cruel.”
“You put a live krill on your hook to catch a mackerel,” Endell argued back. “What’s the difference?”
“I agree,” Chelda said. “Who cares what happens to the leaper? It’s bait.”
“I see your point,” Brody conceded. “But, by the gods, it’s almost like staking Poops out there. It’s a living thing, not a fish.”
Poops barked from the back of the shelter. He was lazing with the haulkats.
“Fish alive,” one of the Skmoes said with a grin, as he backhanded his brother across the chest. “Leaper just meat.”
“Poops meat, too,” the other Skmoe joked while giving Vanx a sharp look.
A sudden hush fell over the others.
Skog broke the silence by somehow ripping loose a long, noisy fart and belching at the same time. The Skmoes both gave him a nod of respect, and Chelda snorted out a disgusted grunt. Darbon laughed out loud when the sound caused Endell to spray a mouthful of his fiery drink. Within seconds of the eruption, Brody resumed his argument, and the others fell right back in.
Xavian shook his head, as if he were dismissing a group of children. At least they were occupied, and he could go through the packs in peace.
“Go fetch us a dry workspace and some absorbent tatters,” Xavian said.
When Smythe looked at him stupidly, Xavian chuckled. “A blanket and some rags, man, blanket and rags.”
They spread out the blanket and Xavian gingerly laid one of the packs down at its edge and patted the moisture away with one of the rags. When he was sure it was reasonably dry on the outside, he unfastened the buckles and opened the satchel flap. He was surprised to find that only a tiny corner of the papers inside had gotten wet. He used a bit of wizard fire, a small, flickering blue flame that he kept palmed in his hand, and carefully dried the old pages over it before laying them out.
They were written in some script that he couldn’t quite grasp. This caused his curiosity to suddenly override his desire for privacy.
“Vanx, come have a look of this,” he called, and before he could look up, half a dozen curious faces had ceased their argument and were crowding around the blanket. He handed Vanx what looked to be the first few pages of whatever the document was.
Vanx studied the parchment for a few moments, fumbled through the other pages, and then handed it all back. It was written in an ancient Zythian script called Drog. Vanx was so stunned by the implications that he made no comment.
A king who had ruled for three hundred years, attack plans and other orders written in Drog, and being carried by shagmar-riding gargans, or whatever they called themselves before the Skmoes labeled them such—it could only mean one thing, he knew, but he wasn’t about to heap more suspicion on the Zythian people just yet. Trying not to feel guilty about the deception, he looked closely at the mage.
“Can you read it?” he asked.
Xavian shook his head but held Vanx’s gaze, as if he knew Vanx had just been reading the words. “Can you?”
Vanx averted his eyes and made a slow nod. “I recognize the script; it’s called Drog, but no, I don’t think I can read it to you.” He was about to say more, but Chelda’s excited voice broke over the mumbling of the others.
“A map,” she blurted excitedly. “And you won’t believe what it shows on it.”
“What?” Vanx asked.
“What?” Several of the others asked over each other as well.
“It’s a map of the Bitterpeaks.” Chelda’s voice was giddy. “I recognize the location of this lake and the frozen falls. I’ve been there before, even slid across them. This valley over here is marked Lurr. The Lurr is a fabled forest from my people’s lore. If you enter it, supposedly, you’ll never find your way back out.”
“Let’s go there,” Darbon said in a dry tone that was dripping with sarcasm. “Sounds just like the Wildwood.”
“I’m not done.” Chelda’s glee turned into venom for the two heartbeats she stared at Darbon. Then, as if she’d never been interrupted, she pointed at a place on the map. “This little castle-looking thing right in the middle of the Lurr is marked.” She turned from the map to the others with a grin. “That can only be one thing.”
“It isn’t,” Xavian mumbled. “Rimehold?”
“Yes.” Chelda stabbed her finger at the map again. “It’s right here. The legendary palace of Aserica Rime.”
“Bah!” Endell thundered into the moment. Apparently, he was more than a little into his flask. “What does any of this dung-muttle have to do with killing a fargin saber shrew?”
Chapter Nine
On an old barrel keg,
with a flask in hand,
I watched him turn
from a boy into a man.
– Parydon Cobbles
“I still don’t like this,” Brody whispered to Vanx, who was holding a fidgety, overexcited dog in his lap.
Vanx was feeling the thrill of the hunt mingling in his veins, almost as much as Poops was.
They were huddled in the snow under the skirt of a towering pine, waiting for one of the fat, barrel-keg-sized snow leapers to come bounding by. Endell and Smythe were working their way through the trees toward them in an attempt to startle a few of the leapers out of their shallow dens. The Skmoes were hiding, not too far away.
“Think, Brody,” Vanx reasoned. “You fought with the King’s Guard. You put an arrow in a big rock troll before. It’s not like it died on the spot. Arrow wounds kill slowly.”
“This here is an animal, not a coldhearted, man-eating rock troll.” Brody shook his head and sighed. “Hunting and killing is one thing. Staking out live bait is barbaric. But don’t worry. I’ll do my part. I just don’t like it.”
“The shrew will die slowly, either way,” Vanx went on. “Remember Chelda saying that the one her people killed took out nine men before it stopped attacking. It was bleeding out the whole time. Are you up for that?”
“Those hand-thrown spears didn’t penetrate into its vitals when they hit. My arrows will. These blades are designed to tear up the guts of whatever they’re stuck in.” He flexed his hands. “In any case, the shrew is a flesh-eating beast, not a grazer, and using leapers to bait it is akin to us hunting sheep in a pen.” He chuckled softly, sending a plume of breathy fog roiling upward. “As far as our shrew goes, two of these well-placed arrows, and in less than a quarter glass he will be bled out and done. It’s that simple.”
“Not if it dies off in one of its tunnels, it won’t be simple. It will be—”
Just then Poops pricked his ears up and stiffened in Vanx’s lap. Vanx’s hearing, while far better than any human’s, wasn’t honed to the same frequencies as the dog’s. He trusted Poops’s reaction, though. The dog was beginning to shiver with anticipation and started trying to get loose. Vanx would have little choice but to let go of him soon. He could plainly hear now the crashing sounds of the approaching creature.
Vanx tapped Brody on the shoulder and motioned for him to be ready, then pointed in the direction from which the sound was coming. The whole while, he fought to keep a firm grip on Poops’s furry body harness.
Vanx was surprised that the young dog hadn’t growled or barked yet. He was breathing heavily, though, and the leapers were close. He hoped Poops could refrain from sounding out and redirecting them just a little longer. It would aggravate Endell to no end if the dog frightened their prey away before they could take it.
He’d just finished the thought when Poops’s high-pitched yapping split the air like a whip crack. Three big leapers shot out of the trees in front of them. One was ten feet in the air when it exited the trees, and it burst through the branches in an explosion of snow and p
ine needles. Another was only a blur as it sped past them in an arcing, ground-hugging streak. Before Vanx could even catch his breath, Poops tore free and was off after that one.
The third leaper had the extreme misfortune of landing right in front of where Vanx and Brody were hidden. Brody didn’t hesitate. He loosed his big arrow before it could leap away.
Vanx saw the missile trailing its cord like a streamer into the trees beyond the startled creature. For a heartbeat, he thought Brody had missed, maybe even missed on purpose, but as the creature leapt up through the trees away from them, Vanx saw the tiny line of red trailing in the air behind it. The arrow had gone through the leaper’s haunch.
Inda and Anda came bursting out from their nearby blind and chased down the arrow to get a hold of that end of the line. The other end was tied securely to a tree, leaving the leaper strung like a bead.
They’d managed to get their bait before the sun reached its zenith, but there was much more to do this day.
A short while later, the terrified leaper was limping on a tether-line in a wide open area west of the forest. Xavian had detected a possible hollow there, and there was a big tunnel running off from a cavity that was plain to the naked eye, because it had collapsed into a long, straight ditch for a few dozen yards and hadn’t filled back up with windblown yet. The mage assured Vanx that there were other tunnels below the surface as well.
Endell had said that where there were leapers, there were shrews, and the small copse of trees where they’d gotten their bait was but an arrow-shot off to the east. All of them had to agree that this was as good a spot as any.
It was still early in the day, and with each moment that passed waiting for something to take the bait, the group grew more tense.
Sir Poopsalot was beside himself with disappointment. Every now and again, Vanx could hear his howling on the wind. The dog was leashed to one of the three haulkat sleds Smythe was guarding back near the forest’s edge. When the moment of truth finally came and the shrew showed itself, Vanx didn’t want the young, aggressive dog in the way. It had taken them a good while to find him when he bolted after the snow leaper earlier. No one had voiced a complaint yet, but the annoyed look on the faces of Chelda, Skog and Endell as they searched for him spoke volumes.
Poops wasn’t the only miserable creature Vanx could hear. The poor leaper was whining and bleeding, as if it knew what fate awaited. What was worse was the wound it had opened when it reached the end of its tether. It hadn’t pulled the cord all the way through, but it ripped open a gash a handspan long, and hot blood was easing from it, sending up a small pillar of steam. The leaper’s snowy white fur was matted, and the wound looked bright scarlet against it. The frightened animal had trampled a circle of bloody pink snow ten paces across around the stake that held it in place. At first, it had tried to leap away, but the pain of its wounds and the tether worrying inside it caused it to cease. Now, it just hobbled and mewled like a young goat separated from its nanny.
Vanx now fully understood Brody’s reluctance to bait the shrew in this manner. He glanced at the old archer, who was huddled with his great-bow a good distance away.
Brody was doing his best to ignore the pitiful animal, but his displeasure was showing plainly on his face. Vanx just hoped the leaper didn’t bleed out while they were waiting.
Darbon had stayed back at the base camp. He was watching over the supplies and the other haulkats. The rest of the group, save for Smythe, was spread in a wide circle around the bait, waiting anxiously for their prey to come for its meal.
The wind wasn’t as bad here as it was farther away from the pine forest. The trees and terrain diverted the gale force gusts just enough for the area to be bearable and for visibility to remain fairly clear.
Poops’s insistent howling rode to Vanx’s ears again. He was glad the others couldn’t hear the dog. The silly mutt sounded almost as pitiful as the dying bait, and all because he was left behind with Smythe and the haulkats.
Skog was across from Vanx, his long-bladed pike shaft jutting up from the boulder-like huddle into which he had formed himself. A few dozen paces to either side of him were the twin Skmoes. They had powerful but compact horn bows, similar in design to the broken one they’d found by the ancient corpse. Apparently, they were a favorite hunting weapon of the natives.
Chelda had the old sword she’d found strapped to her waist, but still carried a heavy longbow in her hands. As brave and proud as she was, Vanx was sure she was smart enough not to try to stab a saber shrew with a short sword. At least he hoped she was.
Endell was off to Vanx’s left and was a bit more practical than the rest of them. He had a loaded crossbow in his arms and was standing there sipping his flask. He had three other crossbows laid out, loaded and ready to pick up and fire. As if he sensed Vanx’s eyes on him, he held up the flask in toast, grinned, and took a long pull.
The bundle of dark fur a few paces behind Endell was Xavian. The wizard had chosen the old tracker to be his protector while the killing went on. Vanx had offered to protect him personally, but Xavian had refused after seeing the thin-staved, plain-looking longbow Vanx planned to use. If Xavian wanted to trust his life to a man half drunk, then so be it.
Poops’s howling was becoming more insistent, or maybe the wind was picking up, better carrying the sound to Vanx’s ears. Or maybe, Vanx suddenly realized, it was because the snow leaper had ceased its mewling and was standing stock-still with wide, terrified eyes.
“It comes!” one of the twins half-shouted, half-whispered.
Vanx heard a thick, breaking sound, like an old tree trunk being bent over until it snapped. It was a terrifying noise, and for a fleeting moment Vanx looked down and felt as prone and helpless as the snow leaper. Then he saw it coming and had to swallow back his fear and surprise, for it was far bigger than he’d imagined.
A ridge of snow was being forced up—a swiftly approaching ridge at least as high as two grown men were tall. It was like seeing huge fish swimming just beneath the surface, or a flesh worm crawling under someone’s skin. He couldn’t see the shrew yet, but by the goddess, he knew it had to be huge to displace so much ice and snow.
“Be ready to loose,” Brody called out in his curt fashion.
The mound curved toward one of the twins, then lowered in height until its movements were no longer detectable.
“It dove! Damn the gods!” Chelda yelled as she danced around looking at the ground.
Seeing her, the others were suddenly concerned with their own immediate areas. If someone had approached at that very moment and seen them, it would have looked like some strange, primitive ritual, complete with a sacrificial animal and a frantic dance, was taking place.
“We’re all bait now,” Brody called with a sort of smug satisfaction in his voice. “How the hell is the shrew supposed to know which one of us is the bait?”
Vanx gave the ground a sharp look as he tried to think of what they could do to protect themselves. Then, cutting through the air like a ghostly howl, he heard one of the haulkats cry out. Poops’s stream of barks ended abruptly with the crunching of wood and Smythe’s horrible scream.
“It hit the sleds!” Vanx yelled. He was halfway there before the others even started in the right direction. He stopped when the shrew reared up. He pulled and let an arrow fly, but knew it was a feeble gesture. Then he saw Poops barking at the thing’s feet and started running again to save his tethered friend, for the beast was coming down on the dog and looked to be turning back into its hole.
A mortally wounded haulkat, dragging long loops of its own steamy innards and the tattered remains of one of the sleds, met Vanx and then tried to veer away from him. Vanx caught it by the restraining line and yanked it to a halt. His heart fell. It was the sled he’d tied Poops to, the one in which Smythe had been bundled. There wasn’t much left of the thing; just a few of the hitching boards and one bent iron skid.
Without another thought, Vanx charged to where the attack had o
ccurred. It was a good thing, too, for no sooner had he taken ten steps away from the dying haulkat than the snow below it erupted in a terrible roaring explosion of claws and teeth. Vanx didn’t stop to look back for long, but in that fleeting glimpse he saw that the haulkat was gone from the surface now, and that only a gaping blood-spattered hole and the swiftly trailing line of its harness rig was left to show that it ever existed.
Vanx saw one of the other sleds stuck between two trees. The haulkatten hooked to it was pulling frantically, trying to flee, but was making no headway. The sled was wedged in tightly.
The third sled was bounding steadily away down the tree line, and out of the corner of his eye, Vanx saw one of the Skmoes and Endell redirecting their course to chase after it.
Pieces of the other sled littered the snow around the huge, gaping hole where the shrew had attacked it. Vanx nearly dove in to look for Poops, or some sign of him. He found part of Smythe’s leg near a bloody gouge at the tunnel’s edge. The amount of blood and gore in the smear that trailed away from the leg left no reason to hope that Smythe had survived.
Vanx’s heart clenched, and he had to fight back his anxiety. He’d left Poops tied off to the sled like bait. If his little companion had died because of it, he would never forgive himself.
Throwing caution into the wind, he jumped over the crest of broken ice and snow and went tumbling down into the shaft the shrew had left.
He didn’t find Poops, but he found the seat brackets to which he’d tied Poops’s tether. The leather line had been snapped. He frantically looked for paw prints down in the tunnel, where it leveled out. The bloody trail left by Smythe’s body was plain, but there was no sign of the dog.
He back-scrabbled up out of the hole, startling one of the Skmoes when he came up.
“Help me find Poops,” Vanx said in a harsh, panicked voice.
The Skmoe nodded and began making a fairly wide circle around the hole. He studied the ground as he went.
Vanx did the same, thankful for the simple order and thoroughness of the ever-widening circle search. It wasn’t long before he found Poops’s trail. The tracks were bloody, but not anything like Smythe’s deathly stain had been.
The Legend of Vanx Malic Books I-IV Bundle: To Kill a Witch Page 37