For Love and Vengeance

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For Love and Vengeance Page 19

by Theresa L. Henry

  Jason trailed the fingertips of one hand down her neck while the other, at the back of her head, held her exactly where he wanted her, his mouth devouring hers, then he retreated. She followed, only for him to pull her even tighter against his body. His mouth returned to hers stroking more firmly, going deeper with each successive pass. Sucking, pulling and licking at her mouth.

  Aviva wanted to rip his clothing off, crawl all over him, touch him, and feel his skin against hers. She wanted to feel him buried inside her. It had been too long and she needed him. She ran a hand over his chest, over his powerful arm, along his side and found a way beneath his t-shirt, loving the feel of his warm skin as her fingertips. Kneaded the hard muscles that were so much a part of him. The hand buried under his shirt ran up his chest and Aviva felt Jason shudder at her touch even as he pressed her more tightly against him. When this wasn’t enough, her hand sought another prize as it began to move downwards.

  “I don't think so, Angel,” Jason said, halting her wandering hand just before it reached one of the hardest erections he had ever had.


  “Because you’re too loud,” he whispered in her ear.

  Aviva stiffened, and whispered, “Was I making noises?”

  “Umm...sort of.”

  Mortified, she buried her head in his chest and scrunched up her shoulders. “Do you think they heard me?”

  “Umm...nah. I'm sure they didn't, they're probably all asleep by now.”

  “You are such a liar, Jason King.”

  “Yeah, I know, but did it make you feel better?” Jason asked with a dimpled smile.

  “No, it did not!”

  “What can I say, I tried.”

  “You didn't try hard enough. You should have stopped me,” Aviva said, punching him in the arm for good measure.

  “Hey...I did stop you.”

  “Not soon enough, what must they all be thinking!”

  “Who gives a shit what they're thinking. I don't and neither should you. The only reason I stopped you is because I know you, and I won't have you embarrassed. Which you would have been the next time you faced Jackson.”

  “Oh, Lord.” She groaned.

  “How's your back?” Jason changed the subject before he laughed out loud because as far as he was concerned, she was overreacting. They had only been kissing, for God sake.

  “Fine, thank you,” Aviva said, her angst of a moment before forgotten. He was right and she wasn’t going to worry about something as natural as the expression of her love for this man. Deciding she wanted to sleep exactly where she was, she snuggled deeper into his arm and made herself comfortable as his strong arms surrounded her.

  “Good...and, Angel, the next time you start something with better be ready for me, all of me.” Aviva’s head popped up to look at him, hooked by the seriousness in his voice. Gone was the twinkle in his eyes, replaced by a look of such intensity, Aviva's temperature that had just began to cool, instantaneously spiked. Lord have mercy, this man is hot!!

  Chapter 24

  They had been back in the Kingdoms’ New York home for three days and Jason was driving her crazy. He'd ensconced her in bed, and refused to let her get up except to shower or use the bathroom. He had also flown in a burn specialist to have a look at her back and hand. The doctor explained that Aloe Vera was one of the best natural ingredients when dealing with second degree burns which she had tried to tell him but he refused to listen. It would take a while but ultimately they would fade.

  Aviva didn't hear the bedroom door open so she was caught out of bed, rummaging through the bags of clothes that had been delivered for her from Bathed in Beauty. She even had on one of the long flowing cover-ups that had been altered to fit her smaller size. With luck, he wouldn't notice.

  “What are you doing out of bed?”

  Stuff this for a laugh, Aviva thought. She was through lounging around. She felt fine, and she was going to let him know she was going to bloody well do what she liked, and that meant no more bed rest.

  “I've been going through these bags and trying on clothes. After which I am going to get dressed and go downstairs.”

  “Okay,” Jason said as he threw himself down on the bed, crossed his legs and folded his hands behind his head.

  Aviva was braced and ready for the mother of all fights, so it took a few moments for his short response to register.


  “Yes, okay. Did you expect me to say something different?”

  “, it wouldn't have mattered what you had to say. I was going to do exactly what I wanted.”

  “Good. I like a woman who knows her own mind, yet has the good sense to obey me when I deem it necessary,” Jason told her with a straight face.

  Oh no, he didn't just go there. Drawing in a deep breath, Aviva got ready to tell him what he could do with his obey me, when he held his forefinger to his lips, closed his eyes for a brief moment and hushed her to silence.

  “Really, you need say nothing more. Your adherence to my dictates is enough gratitude. Come, wench, your reward awaits you.” Sweeping his hand down his body, Jason indicated that he was her reward.

  Aviva was in shock. “I'll give you reward.” she said as she rushed him, launching her much smaller body at him.

  Jason popped up as she flew through the air and snatched her around the waist, flipping her down on her back, pinning her with his legs.

  “I didn't know you could fly, Angel. God I love it when you get all amazon on me.” Jason laughed, enjoying himself.

  “Get off me, you numpty.”

  “What the hell's a numpty?”

  “It means, idiot, so that means you,” Aviva said going slack under him.

  Her relaxed body was at odds with the heat in her voice that Jason relaxed his hold and pushed himself onto his elbows to get a better look at her expression.

  Sucker, Aviva thought. In a flash, her fingers went to work. This huge man was the most ticklish person she had ever known. So she attacked with a vengeance. She learned that his sides were his most sensitive area and went for them, somehow managing to get her fingers under his t-shirt. She ran her fingers relentlessly up and down his skin.

  He didn't try to stop her. He just rolled over onto his back writhing on the bed. While trying to protect himself, he inadvertently trapped her hand against his side. By the time he realized his error, he was laughing so hard his eyes sparkled bright green with tears of mirth.

  Still working on him and showing no mercy, she could see he was nearing his breaking point. “Who's the boss?” she asked, attempting to hold in her laughter at the look on his face.

  “You're the're the boss...just stop.”

  “What do I get if I stop?”

  “Anything, you can have anything!” Jason promised, puffing short breaths out of his mouth.

  Coming to a stop, Aviva looked down at her beloved man, so much strength and power was contained beneath his skin and yet he allowed her to play with him in this way.

  “Well, okay. Then, how about the vacation you keep promising me.”

  “I'd take you to the ends of the earth if that's where you wanted to go,” Jason replied, all traces of laughter fading from his eyes as they started to darken.

  “Jason King, you say such wonderful things to me.”

  “I say them because I mean them. You know that, right?”

  “I know. I love you too.”

  At that moment, the telephone on the nightstand rang, causing Aviva to jump and their moment of intensity to be broken. Reaching out, Jason answered the phone with a curt hello. Listening to the caller without comment, he finished with an okay, before hanging up.

  “I've got a surprise for you. Change out of that thing and then come downstairs.”

  “You don't like it?” Aviva asked as he got up from the bed.

  “I like it well enough, but I don't want to have to be slapping Josh around the head because he likes it too. In case you haven�
�t noticed, that thing is see through… So what do you call that?” Jason asked, his eyes running up and down her body.

  “It's a cover-up.”

  “You're kidding, right?”

  “Honestly, it's a beach cover-up,” Aviva repeated, unsure of his skepticism.

  “Angel, the irony of that name for that garment is not lost on me, I can assure you of that!”


  Changed and refreshed, Aviva made her way downstairs. She could hear the low rumble of voices as she approached the family room. Opening the door, she quietly stepped inside and screamed.

  Conversation ceased at the noise she made and everybody turned to look in her direction.



  Both women said at the same time as they made eye contact and rushed towards each other. Flinging their arms around each other, they held on tight, and Aviva burst into tears.

  “Vee, are you alright?” Mackenzie asked when she was met only with continued tears and a death grip, and she saw red.

  “Okay, what the hell's going on here? One of you oversized lumberjacks had better start talking, and I mean now because none of you want to see me lose my temper!” she shouted at the room at large.

  Extracting herself from Aviva's clinging arms, she pushed her shorter friend behind her back and stared down the identical men standing before her with identical looks of shock on their faces.

  The door burst open and MacKenzie saw two more men enter the room. One older and one younger. They all looked enough alike for her to know they were all related.

  “Don't worry, Vee. I'll get you out of here. I should have known all that BS about you being his girlfriend was a load of dodo. If one of you takes so much as one step closer, so help me God, there's gonna be a murder up in here, and if none of you have ever seen a red headed black woman unleash, you better watch out. I knew there was something wrong about you the moment I set eyes on you.” MacKenzie gave Jake the evil eye as she backed up. Her eyes darting from side to side, looking for an escape route.

  “Mackenzie, it's okay,” Aviva spoke from behind her back.

  But she wasn't listening. She didn't like their stillness. They all just stood there, staring at her with their arms folded across their chests like she was a mad woman. And what the hell was up with that eyebrow thing? They looked crazy, big and crazy.

  “Mackenzie...ouch!” Aviva said, sitting down hard in a chair with MacKenzie landing in her lap.

  “Oops, sorry, babe, you okay?” MacKenzie asked, looking down at a sprawling Aviva beneath her.

  “I'll be fine once you get your behind off me.”

  “Okay, okay, in case it slipped your attention, I was attempting to save you from those hulks over there,” MacKenzie said, all of a sudden very aware that she’d taken her eyes off the enemy. Whipping her head around, she was confronted by one of them standing right in front of her. In the process of lifting her weight off her friend, his close proximity startled her and she sat down again – hard.

  “For God sake, Kenzie, move your arse!”

  “Alright, alright...but as you know, young lady, there is never a need for rudeness, and you, Aviva are being extremely rude.”

  “Madam, get off her, and do it now before I move you myself!” Although Jason could see the comedy in the situation, the woman looked as though she were settling in for the night.

  “Jason!” Jake warned, walking towards them.

  Jason turned to confront his twin. As he turned his back, MacKenzie reached down for Aviva's hand and pulled her to her feet, making a break for the door. Realizing that the two other men stood between them and a clean get away, MacKenzie hesitated. Jackson bowed to her while Josh opened the door, grinning at them as they made their escape.

  “Wow, that was close! Should we head out or go to your room?”

  “Room, follow me.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that because, girl, you are not leaving this house with those rough looking braids.”

  “Whatever, MacKenzie, just come on,” Aviva said, sucking her teeth at her friend.

  “You better hurry up. I need to use the bathroom, like five minutes ago.”

  Aviva looked at her as though she were crazy. Then she recalled that she was supposed to be pregnant. She didn't look three months pregnant. In fact, she had lost quite a bit of weight.

  “Move it, Aviva!”

  Leading the way up the stairs, Aviva entered the bedroom she shared with Jason and pointed towards the bathroom she had been using at the other side of the room. Taking a seat by the window, she awaited her friend’s return.

  As MacKenzie emerged from the bathroom and began to make her way towards where she sat waiting, she was able to give her friend the once over. The woman looked fantastic. They met in college and right from the word go, they had hit it off. They realized very early on that they shared the same sense of humor and neither took themselves too seriously.

  MacKenzie nearly got the nickname Red in school because of the tone of her skin which carried red undertones, and the deep auburn color of her hair which was so abundant she always kept it slicked back from her face, and braided in a long thick plait that stopped just below her shoulders. The first person who had called her Red to her face had been the last. She cussed the poor boy out so badly he’d slunk away and Aviva could never recall seeing him again.

  MacKenzie was five-foot-eight but always seemed taller due to the way she carried herself. She was a proud woman who knew her self-worth and never let anyone forget it. Her eyes were a sherry brown, and her nose and cheeks were covered in freckles. She had always been a well-built woman who loved to cook and eat. That’s why Aviva had been taken by surprise to see how much weight she had lost, even more so in light of her pregnancy.

  MacKenzie sat down beside her and Aviva got a closer look. It was only after this close scrutiny that she detected the tiredness buried deep in MacKenzie's eyes.

  “What's going on, Kenzie?”

  “I missed you...being able to chat to you. Knowing you'd get me.”

  “What's going on are you okay? Where have you been? Is everything alright between you and Carlos?”

  “In answer to your questions: I’m fine. I booked into a hotel in Napa Valley for a while, I just needed some time alone to think and regroup. As for Carlos, he’s fine. He's doing all the right things, saying all the right things, like a good little marionette. I met his mother, you know.”

  “No, I didn't know that.”

  “Yeah, she doesn’t like me and the feeling’s mutual. Prune-faced bitch!”

  “What did you do, Kenzi?”

  Jumping to her feet, MacKenzie walked over to the dressing table. She picked up a comb and plonked herself down on the loveseat at the bottom of the bed. Pointing the comb at Aviva, she indicated the floor between her legs and sat waiting.

  “I'm serious, Vee, those braids need to come out.”

  Getting up, Aviva walked over and sat down on the floor while MacKenzie set to work on her hair. She sat in silence until MacKenzie had released two of the twelve braids that kept her hair secure.

  “What's going on with you, MacKenzie, and why didn’t you return any of my calls?” Aviva asked into the silence that now surrounded them.

  “Honestly, nothing much is going on, and sorry about the missed calls,” MacKenzie said with an apologetic smile. “I'm twelve weeks pregnant. I puke from 8:00am till 9:30am, not continuously, you understand. After which I get a reprieve until 11:30am. But I don't eat anything. I got suckered in the beginning, thinking it was safe, and bang!”

  Aviva jumped at the sudden change of volume. “The churns snuck up on me and I was off again. Oh yes, I learned my lesson. No food until at least 1:00pm. Then I eat any and everything I can get my hands on...until 8:00pm then the puking starts again at 9:30pm. A very repetitive cycle of sick, if you will. Although of late, I have noticed a lessening of the evening sickness.”

  Controlling fits of laught
er, Aviva realized two things. She had missed her friend, and MacKenzie was attempting to avoid answering the real question.

  “What else is going on with you?”

  “By your persistence I suppose you want to know about Carlos?”

  Aviva had difficulty deciphering the expression on MacKenzies’s face and felt some guilt at her probing.

  “Look, you don't have to talk about it you don't want to. I'm just being my usual nosy self.”

  “This pregnancy came as a shock for both Carlos and me. We were using protection and I thought I was being careful. His initial reaction hurt me, Aviva, and I don't know if I can forgive him for it. I felt humiliated at some of the things he said to me, and that initial conversation culminated in me getting mad and telling him to piss off!”

  “Where are things with you guys now?”

  “We're talking, attempting to work through the situation. If a helpless life wasn't involved, I'm not sure if I would ever speak to him again.” MacKenzie seemed to be speaking her innermost thoughts aloud and Aviva was worried for her.

  “Well, you don't have to make your mind up straight away. You have time. If you guys decide to be together, you have my support, and if your decision is to go it alone, you have my support. Oh, and by the way, I expect to be named Godmother.” She offered a smile of encouragement.

  “Of course, your name has already been inked in.” MacKenzie smiled down at her friend, eyes still clouded with uncertainty.

  “Okay, I'm all done. Now, go wash your hair and I'll blow dry it for you.”

  “It's going to be alright, Mackenzie. Everything will work out as it's supposed to. Your job is to try not to worry and stay healthy.”

  “I try but it's not parents stopped speaking to me when I told them.”

  “Oh, Kenzie, I'm so sorry.”

  MacKenzie snorted. “Oh, they started again. Now the only question they ask is, ‘when are you getting married?’ When I tell them that I don't know, they find an excuse to get off the phone as though I'm gonna contaminate them if they speak to me for too long.”


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