Wolf of Choice (The Shifters and Sorceresses Trilogy Book 1)

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Wolf of Choice (The Shifters and Sorceresses Trilogy Book 1) Page 3

by Shay Laurent

  We made small talk as we walked up to the top floor of the Academy, where the library was located. Dom was fascinated by the fact that I’d lived in a human settlement in the mountains south of the Academy. I supposed it was pretty unheard of.

  ‘Why’d you live with the humans and not around here with the Pack like us?’

  I shrugged, disconcerted. ‘I don’t know. Dad would never tell me why, just insisted we couldn’t. I eventually stopped asking. I had to fight tooth and claw to get him to let me come to the Academy this year—hence my arriving almost mid-way through!’

  I was more intrigued by his life. He had a whole bunch of Shifter friends. He’d even made his first Shift to full wolf on his sixteenth birthday, towards the end of last year (as was expected). I was excited and anxious for my birthday; it would be here in no time, just like winter. When we arrived at the library doors, I still had a million questions boiling away in my brain. It’s wasn’t like Dad hadn’t told me anything, but it was so much better to hear about it from someone my age.

  I took one step inside and stopped dead. It was as though I’d walked into an extraordinary dream. Floor-to-ceiling shelves lined every wall, and all were filled with books. There was a sliding ladder that had a kid standing on it, reaching for a thick volume. The scent of the musty pages mixed with smoke from the wood slowly crackling away in the fireplace had me feeling super excited.

  Oh, I can’t wait to explore every inch of this place!

  ‘You must be our newest student,’ boomed a deep voice to my right. I turned to look at the man, whose presence alone told me he was the Pack Alpha. He sort of reminded me of my dad. The man was tall and had giant muscles. His hair was mostly black with a bit of grey mixed in. He looked and sounded like he could either be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Etiquette drilled into my brain, I bowed.

  ‘Yes, sir. My name is Elita White.’

  ‘No “sir” here. Axel will do. You certainly show good Pack etiquette for someone who is new. This is your first Pack, correct? It’s a shame your parents didn’t bring you sooner. You’ll have missed a lot.’

  I bristled but bowed my head again before looking him in the eyes and answering. ‘Probably, but I think I know enough. My father made sure to teach me everything I needed up until this point.’

  He tilted his head to the side just a little and looked as though he was examining me. Finally, he nodded and beckoned me closer. ‘We’ll see. Since Dom has missed most of his last class for the day now,’ he briefly moved his focus to Dom and gave him a hard look, ‘he can take you to the Food Den for dinner. I expect I’ll be seeing you soon.’

  We both bowed our heads, but my gaze lingered a little longer, wondering how I could prove how much I already knew. I didn’t move until Dom gave me a little shove. When we made it out the door, he looked at me like I was crazy.


  ‘That’s the Alpha, you can’t stare at him like that. You’ll end up having to clean a whole floor with a toothbrush!’ Then added quickly, ‘Or something.’

  I thought that was a bit of a strange choice of punishment, but I shrugged.

  Dom rolled his eyes. ‘Even so, I’d watch it next time. You might have gotten away with it today ’cause you’re new, but I doubt you will again.’ He started moving back towards the stairs, a giant grin on his face. ‘Come on. Dinner time!’

  I laughed and followed along, a comfortable silence settling between us. When he stopped I came to a halt beside him. Realising we’d made it back to the entrance, I looked at the Food Den door, then at Dom.

  ‘Do you like the wolf?’ he asked. ‘One of my friends drew it in our first week.’

  ‘Yeah, it’s a real work of art,’ I said dryly.

  He chuckled and led the way through. I followed eagerly; I was starving after too many emotions in such a short amount of time. The room was almost full of kids eating and chatting. The smell of wolf and meat was potent, and it only got worse as we moved deeper into the den. We were almost to the front when it really hit me. Blood. Blood and uncooked meat. Like someone had punctured a cow and drained it into a cup and stuck it under my nose.

  I’m gonna be sick.

  ‘Hey, are you alright?’

  ‘I don’t do raw meat,’ I muttered. ‘It makes me wanna puke.’

  The look of shock that flashed across Dom’s face might have been priceless if I wasn’t just keeping in last night’s meal. Not that the expression lasted long. He smoothed it out and then pulled me forward and ordered something for us while I looked away and tried to hold my breath. Once he was done he led me outside to fresh air. I breathed in deeply through my nose and out through my mouth until I felt my stomach settle a little. Relieved, I turned to Dom and let him know I was ready to find a seat. He led the way over to some logs and we made ourselves comfortable.

  It looked beautiful outside with the sun going down, if you ignored the gloomy looking Academy anyway. The grass was bright green, like the inside of a delicious lime, and spread out for about a mile before it reached the tree line of the forest. The trees there were gigantic and formed a barrier around us, as though this section had been cleared just for the Academy. I breathed in again, this time taking in the scent of freshly cut grass and pine from the forest trees. Once I was more relaxed, I tuned out the sound of all the kids chatting and heard some running water nearby, a stream maybe.

  ‘So,’ Dom said. ‘No meat? Bit funny for a wolf!’

  I turned back to look at him. ‘Yeah, I know. But I haven’t really liked it since I was little. I don’t know why.’

  ‘Huh. You might want to keep that aversion on the down low. A wolf not eating meat will cause quite a stir. But hey! I’m happy to eat yours and mine!’

  I smiled at his enthusiasm; he clearly loved his food. He stabbed his chunk of dripping raw beef with a fork and started ripping it apart. I looked back to the forest as I ate my dinner. A stabbing sound caught my attention and I laughed when I noticed that Dom had just started stuffing in a second steak and still had some large chunks of bread lined up to eat. Thankfully the freshly baked bread had masked the scent of the meat a bit.

  So I could avoid watching him devour the bloody carcass, I looked around at the other kids. They mostly looked normal, though I could lightly smell the Shifter scent in the breeze. I took in the faces of kids my own age, and those who seemed noticeably older. There seemed to be the same variation in looks as the humans I lived near: in skin colour, height, clothing styles. Unmistakable though, was the slight sharpness to their movements, their faster reflexes as they lobbed a ball around or dodged one as it flew near their food.

  Enthralled but exhausted, I decided it was time to call it a day. On my feet once more, I turned to Dom who was stuffing in the last of his bread.

  ‘Mind walking back to the dorm with me? I’m pretty tired after the trip and everything.’

  ‘Sure thing.’

  He grabbed all the plates and rubbish and disposed of them on our way back inside. I walked as quickly as I could to avoid the stench left over in the air, which was stronger now that we were back inside again.

  ‘You really don’t do raw meat, do you? You look like a ghost.’

  I smiled faintly and shook my head.

  When we walked in to the Common Room, I felt the warmth of the fire cocoon me. I looked forward to curling up in front of it with one of my books. It would be a perfect place to read.

  ‘You wanna hang out down here for a bit?’

  ‘Not tonight, thanks. I’m pretty exhausted.’ Then, suddenly worried I’d lose my only friend so far, I added quickly, ‘How about tomorrow?’

  ‘No probs, I’ll take you up to your room.’

  ‘Thanks.’ I smiled. Dom was good company.

  When we made it to my new room, I opened the door and walked inside, ready to say goodnight. But when I looked at him again, he was staring at the portrait of my family with the same puzzled look as before.

  ‘That’s me with my mum a
nd dad,’ I explained. ‘Everything okay?’

  He hesitated a moment then said, ‘It’s nothing, sorry. It’s a cool painting. I’ll meet you at the Food Den for breakfast?’ He waved and hurried back down the hall before I could answer.


  Chapter 3

  The sound of three deafening bells woke me up. I opened my bleary eyes and tried to blink them clear. The puzzled look on Dom’s face last night had kept me up and the little bit of sleep I’d managed was fitful. There was only one thing that would wake me up properly: a nice hot wash.

  Soap and towel in hand, I made my way to the washroom at the end of the hall. The door opened as I went to enter and a tall girl with tanned skin walked out.

  ‘Hey, you’re new right?’ At my nod, she continued. ‘You might want to hurry a little. Those bells were signalling that breakfast is being served in the den.’

  ‘Oh, thanks! I didn’t know.’

  She nodded and smiled. ‘No worries.’

  Once she’d left, I rushed inside. I was a little miserable about the lack of time to heat my water to the temperature I liked it and at having to wash and leave immediately.

  Back in my room, I put my clothes and shoes on and hurriedly pulled my hair into a ponytail. I yanked my bed cover up, snagged my timetable then rushed downstairs. Frustrated with myself, I walked doubly fast from the dorm over to the main Academy building and into the Food Den entrance. I paused to look for Dom and spotted him bouncing from foot to foot near a stone pillar. He rushed over when he saw me.

  ‘Come on Elita, I’m starving!’ Dom urged, leading me right up to the serving area, which was mostly empty since I’d made us so late.

  Despite my queasy stomach, I laughed. Dom looked like drool was about to start dripping from his chops. I was sure it would have been if he were in wolf form.

  I felt relieved to smell no bloody carcasses as we approached the serving area this morning. Though the tubes of lard—otherwise known as sausages—were almost equally as unappealing. Ah, porridge! I asked the server for some with peaches added in. I looked up when I didn’t sense him moving; he seemed confused.

  ‘No sausages?’ His voice was edged with concern.

  I shook my head quickly as my cheeks heated. When he offered my bowl, I reached up and took it with a slightly shaky hand. Keeping my eyes averted, I moved to the doors to wait for Dom. I grinned when I saw his over-stacked plate and the piece of toast already hanging out of his mouth. I was surprised he didn’t always have a stash of food on him, considering how much he seemed to love it. I pointed outside to let him know I wanted to sit on the same logs as yesterday.

  And away from the watchful eyes in the Food Den.

  After we’d both scoffed our food, Dom scanned my timetable and dropped me at my first class as the bell rang.

  ‘Just ask the teacher or one of the other kids how to get to your next lesson. Have fun!’

  I called out thanks, but he was already halfway down the hall. He’d mentioned something at breakfast about not being late to another class. Excitement bloomed as I faced the door to my first-ever class at the Academy: “Sorceress Lore”. Upon seeing a full classroom, a touch of nervousness joined the excitement.

  Okay, you can do this. Just get in there.

  I knocked quietly. Not that it would matter. The superior wolf hearing would mean no one would miss it. The door opened, and Miss Stone stood on the other side. I immediately gave a small sigh of relief.

  ‘Hi Elita,’ she said with a smile. ‘Come on in.’

  I nodded, my heart racing once more. I was about to walk into a class full of Shifters who had already been learning together for the first half of this year! Talk about nerve-wracking. If only Dad had let me come at the beginning. Though, I suppose I should just be grateful he’d agreed to let me come at all.

  She smiled kindly at me, then opened the door wide and faced the class. ‘Everyone, this is Elita. Please do your best to make her feel welcome.’ As everyone said hello to me, the teacher turned back and lowered her voice a little. ‘There are two seats left. One at the front and one at the back; you can choose.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I smiled at her, relieved that, at the least, I knew her already. I quickly checked out all the kids and the two chairs.

  Walk past everyone or quick dash to the front and look like a nerd? Who am I kidding?

  I sat right up the front, just like I would in all my other classes at the Academy. Learning new things was exhilarating and I didn’t want to get distracted by people who liked to have not-so-secret chats when the teachers talked. Miss Stone gave an approving nod and smile before she continued with the lesson.

  ‘Okay, let’s pick up where we left it last lesson. Ah, yes... Crones of Old. Natasha, tell me the names of the three original Crones.’

  Everyone’s heads, including mine, whipped around to look at Natasha—it was easy to find her with everyone else staring. She appeared put out. It seemed as though the teacher had interrupted one of those “chats”.

  ‘Yes, Miss Stone. Their names are Narcissus, Belladonna and Dracaena.’

  ‘Well done, Natasha. And perhaps you could finish the rest of your talk after class?’

  Natasha nodded back with slightly pursed lips. Once the teacher had looked away to address the whole class, she rolled her eyes.

  Definitely not my kind of person.

  ‘The Crones of Old were born of the hate, fear and discord in our world. They have been in existence now for millennia. They, of course, were the reason the ancient Pack split—one becoming three. The Crones used their powers to cause rifts between Pack members. The Pack leaders, who were strong and least affected, made the decision to split the Pack when deaths started to occur. Who can tell me what became of the original Wolf Lords?’

  I saw a few kids put their hands up and turned to look when she called on one to answer. ‘Yes, Harper?’

  ‘They are said to rest beneath our Academy, in the stone tombs. And that if you need guidance, you can pray to them and they may answer you.’

  Snickers broke out from some kids at the back, including Natasha. Poor Harper turned bright pink. Miss Stone gave them a withering look and they stopped.

  ‘That is correct. Thank you, Harper. In response to the destruction the Crone’s caused, The Seer began creating new Sorceresses, originally The Ladies of Light, who in turn made more. These Sorceresses, while never welcome on our lands as law dictates, do liaise with us in order to protect the world from the Crones and their darkness and have vowed to support us should the Crones or their Sorceresses invade us again.’ Another bout of talking broke out at the back of the class and Miss Stone sighed. ‘Since everybody seems so well versed, I won’t bother going over the rest of the origin stories for your essay due at the end of next week, I’ll just give you time to work on it. There are some books up the front for you to look through and borrow, or you may continue with those you already have.’

  As the class bustled to begin the essays, I approached Miss Stone at the front of the room. ‘Hi, Miss Stone. Could I record a copy of the essay question please?’

  ‘Oh, yes. Here,” she said, showing me the essay question scrawled on a piece of paper. ‘It is due at the end of the week, but you can have an extra—’

  I interjected quickly. ‘I don’t need any extra time. Thank you, though.’

  ‘Okay. Let me know if you change your mind.’

  ‘I will. Can I go and get started?’

  She nodded and indicated the left-over books at the front of the room. I quickly read through the assignment and wrote out the question on my own paper. As I made my way over, I decided it wouldn’t be too difficult. Definitely interesting, though.

  I perused the books until I found the title that looked most useful, even if it was a little basic: Sorceress History: Volume I.

  I placed the book flat on my table, rested an elbow next to it then wrapped my right foot around my left ankle and began reading. It seemed no time at all had passed
when the bell sounded. Happy with my half-page of notes, I slid my paper inside the book and closed it, then made my way back to the teacher. I got jostled a few times by kids making their way out the door.

  ‘Hi again, Miss Stone. Do you think you’d be able to tell me how to get to my next class?’

  ‘Of course.’ She took my timetable from my hand and scanned it. ‘It looks like you have Weapons Basics next. Natasha. You have Weapons Basics now, yes?’ The girl nodded and her lips pursed slightly once again. ‘Wonderful. You can show Elita where to go.’


  ‘Thank you, Miss Stone.’

  She nodded. ‘You’d both better hurry along or you’ll be late. Master Ira won’t be impressed.’

  I smiled weakly at Natasha as she gestured grandly for me to walk through the door before her. She didn’t say a word until we’d made it to the end of the hall. I’d have preferred she hadn’t said anything at all.

  ‘Ugh. Stone’s such a cow. Don’t you think?’

  I paused, unsure what to say.

  ‘Well? Isn’t she?’ Natasha demanded.

  She doesn’t really expect me to agree with that, does she?

  She stared, expectation clear on her face.

  I sighed. ‘Um, not really. She seemed kinda nice to me.’

  Feeling the impact of the glare coming from beside me, I kept my head forward.

  Natasha was silent for the rest of the walk but stopped dead outside of what I assumed was our next class. ‘Do you have any idea who I am?’

  ‘Uh, Natasha?’

  She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest. ‘I’m the Alpha’s daughter, so you’d better think twice before you disagree with me again. Got it?’


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