Wolf of Choice (The Shifters and Sorceresses Trilogy Book 1)

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Wolf of Choice (The Shifters and Sorceresses Trilogy Book 1) Page 21

by Shay Laurent

  ‘How do we get there?’ asked Alessia.

  ‘When I stop the boat, you just need to get out and run straight in the direction I tell you. Either you’ll find them, or they’ll find you.’

  Alessia nodded and looked at me. ‘What about Elita’s, uh, Shifted form. We don’t really have time to explain it all.’

  Mum thought for a moment. ‘Just Shift to run there but Shift back right before you get to the Pack. You’ll know from the scent, of course, when you are getting close. The Medicine Woman won’t care so much, at least not until later.’

  I nodded. It all made sense, but... My gaze flickered back to Dom. I felt as though a ball of acid was trying to burn a hole through me. My mum took my hand again.

  ‘I’ll keep him safe, Elita. I promise. No one will see us unless I want them to. Truly.’ She looked up. ‘We’re almost there. Are you both ready?’

  My eyes didn’t leave Dom’s limp form as I answered quietly. ‘Ready.’

  Alessia pulled her jacket tighter against the cold. ‘Me too.’

  We came to a marker that only my mum could see, because she stopped the boat next to the bank in a precise place, and pointed due North.

  ‘Run. As fast as you can. Stop for nothing you don’t have to. Go!’

  There was no time for goodbyes, but I took a second to hug my mother tightly; partly in case something happened, and partly because I just needed to. Then we jumped from the boat, Shifted, and ran.

  I didn’t take in the sights or smells of the unfamiliar place, just focused on putting one foot in front of the other as quickly as I could. This time it wasn’t for fun, not for a race, but because of my friend. To save his life.

  Alessia and I kept pace, and I was glad. We needed to arrive together. She knew more about Packs than I did, and we couldn’t waste any time finding who we needed.

  We’d been running for longer than I’d hoped when the scent of Shifters became so thick it was like a smack in the face; like walking into the Academy for the first time.

  Alessia slowed to a stop and I followed suit. Not only had we reached the Pack, but it looked as though they were coming to us. As soon as I spotted them, I Shifted to my human form, hoping desperately that they hadn’t noticed such a subtle change from that distance.

  A black wolf Shifted into a tall, rough-looking man in front of us. Beside him, a grey wolf stood still. The wolf was only slightly less intimidating than the giant man.

  Sensing that this was the Pack’s Alpha from his presence, Alessia and I bowed our hands then looked back at him, trying to catch our breaths. After tilting his head to survey us, he gave us a slight nod.

  ‘What brings you to the Cladden Pack, cubs?’ His voice had a deep, booming sound to it.

  I felt Alessia bristle at being called a cub and cut in to talk before she could. ‘We need help. Our friend has been hit by a curse from a Crone. He isn’t doing well. Can your Medicine Woman come and take a look at him? Please?’

  ‘What were you cubs doing anywhere near a Crone?’

  Alessia butted in this time. ‘We really don’t have time. If we don’t hurry,’ she looked at me, uncertainty clouding her features, ‘he probably won’t make it.’

  I darted my gaze to the Alpha, worried he might take Alessia’s comment as an insult, but needing him to accept what she’d said.

  He was quiet a moment longer, but when he spoke next, it wasn’t to us, it was to the wolf by his side. I took a moment to study his grey companion. On closer inspection, the wolf seemed a little frail.

  It huffed out a breath in the cold air, then Shifted. In its place was a short, old woman. ‘Of course I’ll help, Thaddeus. Show me the way, girls. I’ll run in my wolf form.’ She smiled kindly, then added, ‘I don’t run quite as quick on two legs anymore.’

  Tears welled in my eyes at the easy offer of help. ‘Thank you. We came from back that way.’

  The woman nodded, but before she could Shift again, Thaddeus spoke. Concern was clear on his face. ‘Mother. Wait. I will send someone with you.’

  She tutted at him. ‘Do what you will, son. I won’t wait. They can meet me there.’

  I looked quickly back at the Alpha. He opened his mouth to speak but thought better of it and shook his head.

  ‘I wish you well, cubs. I must return to the Pack.’

  ‘Thank you. You have no idea how much this means,’ I said.

  He nodded, then Shifted back into his wolf form and left immediately.

  The old woman gestured back the way we’d come. ‘Well, let’s go.’

  Without another word, she Shifted and took off in that direction. I met Alessia’s eyes for a moment and then we both Shifted. As we were standing so close to one another, the earthy tones of my Shift mixed with the lighter colours of hers; I felt like I was seeing double and shook my head to clear my vision.

  We sprinted off, trying to catch up with the old woman. She was pretty quick. As we gained on her, she slowed slightly and turned to look at us. Her step faltered for a moment when she caught sight of me, her eyes widening.

  My relief was almost overwhelming when she turned her head back and kept running, without stopping to question me.

  Tiredness pulled at me as we made the last of the journey. I was exhausted from all the emotions that were running my life on top of the physical fights and travelling.

  In what seemed like much less time than it had on the way there, I caught sight of the boat floating in the water. I sped up, determined to reach it quickly so I could check on Dom. When I arrived a few moments before the others I jumped straight into the boat, Shifting as I sat.

  The blackness had reached part way up his neck and I could see it running out over his hands as well. I was so focused on checking his condition, that I hardly noticed the boat move as the Medicine Woman climbed in.

  ‘Sorceress,’ she said in greeting to my mother. Then to me, ‘What an interesting Shifting ability you have girl. I should like to hear more about it some time.’

  I nodded, my eyes on Dom. The woman’s hand reached out and she waved it over his face, then added her other hand which she waved along the rest of him. She touched a black part of his skin and pushed into it. Her face crumpled deeply with concentration.

  After a few more minutes of prodding, poking and muttering to herself, she looked up at me. Her face was grave. ‘I am afraid there is nothing I can do for your friend.’

  ‘Nothing?! What do I do then? How do I help him?’

  She looked at me for a moment, her eyes sharp, then turned to my mum. ‘You must take him to the Ladies of Light, which I am sure you would know. You will need to move quickly. I assume you have a spell you can cast to slow down what is happening to the boy, but it is evident he is running out of time.’

  I looked up at my mum, sure that the questions running through my head would be clear on my face.

  Her brow furrowed. ‘I may be able to do something more until we get there. I don’t know if he will make the journey if we do not move swiftly.’

  I nodded. ‘Which way do we go? Should we try to find a way to carry him on land, or will the boat be better?’

  She thought for a moment, before deciding that the boat would be the best option. Once we’d agreed on that, the Medicine Woman jumped back to the bank with a lightness and grace I hadn’t thought she’d still possess. She turned to me. ‘I bid you farewell and wish you luck with your friend. I do hope you will visit soon, so that I might learn more about your peculiar circumstances.’

  I looked at her with a strained smile. ‘I’ll do my best to come back. Thank you for trying to help my friend.’

  She nodded then turned away.

  Once my mum had the boat moving, I sat back beside Dom, determined to keep him company during the trip. I was sure that my closeness would somehow keep him alive.

  I felt the reassuring touches of my mum and Alessia at different times during our journey. I assumed to try to comfort me.

  It felt like forever before Ales
sia called out that she could see the castle ahead. Hope flared inside me at the realisation we were close to help.

  As we reached the small boat ramp opposite the castle grounds, I tore my eyes from Dom’s form and glanced up. My mouth dropped open. It really was a castle. I craned my neck up to look at the full height of it. The white stones were even and huge, and it had four large turrets around the top. There were many windows with their small wooden covers flung open to let in the light and air. A large wooden drawbridge lowered over a moat that surrounded its base.

  What I couldn’t see was any sign of life. I turned to look at my mum. ‘Where are all the Sorceresses?’

  ‘Oh, don’t worry. They’re in there. In fact, I’d say we’ll have company very shortly if we don’t get moving.’

  I nodded, staring at Dom. Then I turned to Alessia. ‘Do you want to tie us on?’

  She gave me a tight smile, then leapt out of the boat and onto the little dock. While she tied one of her intricate knots, I turned to my mum with concern. ‘Will they be happy to see you?’

  She was quiet for a moment before answering. ‘I’m not sure. I doubt they were very happy when I went on an assignment to liaise with the Shifters thirteen years ago and never came back. I’d say they used a lot of resources trying to find me.’

  I hesitated, scared of what the answer would be. ‘But will they help us? Help Dom?’

  She gave me another kind, reassuring smile that made me feel warm and loved. ‘I’m positive they will help him if they can.’

  The last part of her sentence cut through me like a knife. If was a problem for me. I’d make them if I had to. Somehow.

  ‘Come on, Elita. Give me a hand to get him out,’ Alessia said, interrupting my thoughts.

  I turned back to Dom, trying to ignore the widening pit in my stomach.

  What if they can’t save him?

  I bent down and lifted his arm over my shoulder, then slid mine around his back. I hoisted him up with a grunt. Alessia grabbed him under the arms and I moved to grab his ankles. Together we managed to pull him onto the dock and lay him down gently.

  ‘Our packs?’ I asked.

  ‘Just leave them,’ Alessia suggested.

  ‘No, bring them if you can,’ my mum said. ‘I doubt you will leave via the river from here. More likely you will leave on horseback. We have some horses here accustomed to Shifters, should the need arise.’ Then as an afterthought she added, ‘Well we used to anyway. I doubt that much has changed.’

  I climbed back down, grabbed Alessia’s pack out and chucked it to her, then I picked mine up and pulled it on. I handed Dom’s to my mum. I wondered if she’d refuse for some reason, but she took it without a word and slung it over her shoulder.

  She looked as though she’d lost a lot of weight and seemed small in her baggy dress, especially holding Dom’s large pack. I met her amber gaze briefly with my own and gave her the best smile I could offer. It hardly touched my eyes.

  I climbed back out to join Alessia, then surveyed Dom. I was wondering exactly how we were going to get him all the way over to the castle, when I heard the fast approach of company.

  There were four of them on foot, each in a different coloured cloak: blue, white, orange and brown. They approached us at an unnerving speed, and I took a step back nervously.

  When they were almost upon us, my mum stepped out from behind us, and stood firmly in front. Unsure of their intentions, I reached to my belt and placed my hand on a sword.

  Chapter 24

  The Sorceresses hesitated in shock as recognition sunk in. Excitement lit their features as they continued towards us.

  ‘Margot?’ screamed the one in the orange cloak.

  My mum wavered. ‘Estelle?’

  The Sorceress grinned, her white teeth glinting in the sunlight. When they reached us, Estelle crashed into my mum, giving her a fiercely tight hug. ‘I can’t believe you’re alive. I thought...’

  My mum hugged her back then turned to the others and embraced them too, although the hug she gave to the Sorceress in the brown cloak seemed less warm than the others. Questions started coming from all of them before she pointed to us.

  ‘We will have time to talk later, I am sure. But for now, these children need help.’

  Estelle’s pale face creased into a light frown under her black hair. She turned back to my mum, looking confused. ‘Shifters? Cubs? What business do you have with them? Why have you brought them to us?’

  My mum stepped away and her voice seemed colder. ‘The young man has been hit with a Crone’s curse. They need magical aid, or do you no longer care for others?’

  Estelle recoiled as if she’d been slapped. The others shifted a little, more wary than before. The look on Estelle’s face transformed into one of hurt and apology.

  ‘Of course we will help, or at least take them to seek aid from the Ladies. You know as well as I do that they will choose whether to bestow their gifts or not.’

  My mum nodded. ‘Do you have horses we could use?’

  At that, the Sorceress in the white cloak whispered into the wind. I heard a light whistle and then nothing. I looked around, curious. Nothing happened but my mum was watching the castle, so I turned my gaze to it as well.

  My patience was wearing thin. I knelt down and checked on Dom again and let out a strangled breath when I discovered he had gotten worse; the black had crept up the veins into his face.

  Suddenly, the sound of hooves materialised. I looked back towards the castle and saw horses coming. A herd of pure white Validos were travelling at an incredible speed towards us. I realised, in a moment of wonder, that the white-cloaked Sorceress had called for the horses on the wind.

  They gradually came to a halt before us, dust from the path blowing up in their wake. I covered my eyes with my forearm for a few moments until it settled.

  I peered up at Alessia, who was already looking at me. ‘Help me get him up?’

  She bent down but was interrupted by a silky voice. ‘Allow me to help.’

  I lifted my eyes and was curious when I realised it was the Sorceress in the white cloak. She held out both hands, and seemed to concentrate with great intensity on Dom. After a moment, the air around him thickened and became tangible and he was lifted from the ground. He seemed to gently levitate, first at a hover, and then up to waist height as if he was being carried. My eyes were glued to the solid white air that was moving around his body.

  I focused my hearing on the Sorceress, but I heard nothing. Every bit of magic I’d seen to this point had involved a Sorceress casting out loud. But not this.

  Woah! I wonder if I will be able to do that?

  I instantly felt guilty for thinking about magic when Dom was so close to death. I watched him extra carefully, determined to make up for my lapse, as he moved steadily closer to one of the horses. Estelle and the Sorceress in the blue cloak moved over to either side of the horse, and as Dom floated over the top, they grabbed him and moved him into position. The closer he got to the saddle, the more the air and glow dissipated.

  I turned my wide eyes back to the Sorceress in the white cloak. Before I could say anything, Alessia cut in. ‘Well, that was bloody brilliant.’

  The Sorceress laughed, a delighted ring to the tone. ‘Why, thank you, young cub.’

  When she gave a little curtsy to Alessia, I had to hold back a grin. It was a small relief to know that I could still do that. Then I remembered Dom and my lips turned down as panic settled back in.

  I hadn’t heard her approach, but suddenly my mum was there beside me. Her arm went around my shoulders and she squeezed me tightly. ‘Come, sweetheart. We’ll be there in no time at all.’

  I nodded and moved to a horse. The Sorceress in the blue cloak stood nearby as I got up, ready to help me if I needed it, but I didn’t. ‘Thank you,’ I said and offered a tight smile.

  She looked me in the eye and smiled back; the blue in them moved and I became a little dizzy.

  ‘Hali,’ my mum ca
lled. ‘Enough.’

  Her gentle smile turned mischievous and she winked at me, then turned away to mount her own horse. I looked across at my mum, confused. She just shook her head.

  Estelle took charge. She clicked her heels into her horse softly, and took off, leading the way. I watched in awe as Dom remained on his horse as we rode, not moving so much as an inch from the position he was being held in.

  Within a few minutes we were nearing the drawbridge into the castle, but we didn’t seem to be slowing, if anything we were gaining speed. I held onto my horse, willing it to slow down.

  I looked around wildly at the Sorceresses. None of them seemed at all concerned with the fact that we were about to ride directly into the moat surrounding the castle.

  My gaze swung to my left, to Alessia. Her skin was pale and clammy. She met my eyes and there was dread plain on her face.

  Estelle was just about to go in. I began to yell out to my mum, when she shouted at me. ‘Hold on to your horse!’

  Without further warning, Estelle’s horse went over.

  But she didn’t go down, she stayed flat. Each of the horses followed suit. My heart felt like it had abandoned my chest all together. When my horse took one step over the edge it appeared again, racing like a hummingbird’s in flight.

  My mouth dropped open. Each hoof that touched down, hit a translucent path that sparked with golden light on impact. I quickly glanced at Alessia and saw her slumped in relief on her horse.

  I was so distracted that I hadn’t thought about the giant drawbridge that was blocking our path. Before I had a chance to panic, I passed right through it.

  So, this is what magic is really like!

  Once we were through the spell, the Validos continued more slowly along a stone path. We entered a giant courtyard. In the centre was a large fountain where water burst from the top, but by the time it reached the bottom it was nothing but a light, effervescent mist. Beneath the fountain lay a vibrant flower bed filled with an assortment of different coloured roses and greenery.


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