Tuesday, 11 September
Russia in a state of revolution and civil war. Korniloff marching on Petrograd. Here’s luck.
Wednesday, 12 September
My niece Lily up at tea time. Got my sugar form to fill in yesterday.
Thursday, 13 September
Did some work on the room bed pieces; shifted the bed supports to a more pleasing position. Sent off my sugar application today. Agnes in the wash-house in the forenoon.
Friday, 14 September
Things settling down in Russia. Kerensky triumphant. Korniloff arrested.
Saturday, 15 September
Took a walk to Sam’s shop at night for a crack.
Sunday, 16 September
We all went to church in the afternoon. Train smash in Yorkshire yesterday. Eight soldiers killed.
Monday, 17 September
Winter time starts today. With bared head I solemnly put back the household clocks one hour, late last night. Man up today sorting room gas. The loaf is now 4½d (2lb). Russia declared a republic.
King George V and his entourage watch men at work in Glasgow.
Tuesday, 18 September
The King doing Glasgow this week and round about. I saw him today. Agnes made plum jam at night.
Wednesday, 19 September
Tommy got a half holiday today to see the King, but he did not see His Royal Highness. We all went to pictures at night, seeing I’m still at large. Two U-boats sunk in North Sea.
Saturday, 22 September
Hetty coming today to stay for a week or so. We all went to Queen’s Park after tea. Agnes got a beautiful blouse from Hetty. Great fire in South Hanover Street tonight. McLaren’s premises completely gutted out.85
Sunday, 23 September
I took a walk to Govan before dinner. Looked at the boats in the docks to see if we had any left. After dinner we all had a walk by Carmunnock Road and into Rutherglen.
Monday, 24 September
This is the autumn holiday, so I had a day off. We all went to Rouken Glen in afternoon. British destroyer sunk in Channel by U-boat. Ten years ago today, Agnes and I had tea in Cranston’s, then went to Hippodrome.86
Tuesday, 25 September
Tommy went to school today in the motor car at dinner time. Agnes, Hetty and Tommy doing the town in the afternoon. We all went to Palace at night. Big air raid on London: 15 killed, 70 injured. Zepps raid Yorkshire coast, but not much damage done.
Wednesday, 26 September
Dirty wet day. Got exemption card sent me today. I am a free man until 10 December 1917: ‘national interests’. Hetty and Agnes went to church at night for the induction of the minister. British ‘push’ again at Ypres. Battle started at 5.30 this morning. Another air raid over London: six killed, 16 injured. Argentina breaks off relations with Germany.
Thursday, 27 September
Agnes, Hetty and Tommy at church tonight, a social on. I went to Greenlodge. British victory at Ypres: 1,600 prisoners. Costa Rica severs diplomatic relations with Germany. Who’s next?
Friday, 28 September
Agnes made plum jam tonight. Russian destroyer mined in the Baltic.
Saturday, 29 September
Hetty has come to the end of her stay, so we all saw her off at Cross Station by 8.12 p.m. train. Air raid on England last night.
Sunday, 30 September
We all went to church today, and heard the new minister. Text was ‘The Call to the Christians’ (which does not include Germans). After dinner we went out a walk by Pollokshields. We saw the Duke of Connaught inspecting motor cars.87 Another air raid on London last night. 11 killed, 32 injured.
Monday, 1 October
Our monthly list of visitors started tonight with Hetty Cook. I saw her away. Walked her down to Bridge Street and put her on a yellow car there. Stuttgart (Germany) bombed by French airmen. Big British victory in Mesopotamia; 4,000 Turks captured. Air raid on London last night; nine killed, 42 injured.
Tuesday, 2 October
Another air raid on London last night; 10 killed, 38 injured. During September, British have captured in France 5,296 cursed Germans, 11 guns and 377 machine guns. Fire in munitions work in north of England. 10 lives lost.
Wednesday, 3 October
No air raid on London last night. Lloyd George says we are going to have ‘reprisals’, and bomb the cursed Huns at home. We will see.
Thursday, 4 October
I went to Greenlodge at night and mended the kitchen easy chair. American troops in Glasgow, but I have seen none yet. Ships sunk this week by U-boats lowest on record. British make another big attack at Ypres.
Saturday, 6 October
A couple of U-boats sunk in the North Sea by British aeroplanes and destroyers.
Sunday, 7 October
Broke a cup today, so I must break other two articles.88 Some U-boats sunk by American destroyers in European waters.
Monday, 8 October
Peru and Uruguay break off diplomatic relations with Germany. We are going to get potato bread now.89
Tuesday, 9 October
Agnes went down to the wash-house at night. Haig strikes again from Ypres at the Germans. French attacking also. 2,000 prisoners. Got in gas bill today. I see price is advanced another 2d per 1,000.
Wednesday, 10 October
No matches, no sugar, no butter, no tea to be got in Govanhill. These are the times to live in.
Thursday, 11 October
Managed to get two dozen boxes of matches in the town tonight. Great rejoicings. During this year 11 U-boats have been destroyed in the Adriatic.
Friday, 12 October
Took Tommy to the hair merchant at night to thin his crop. Germany says: ‘Never, no never, will we give up Alsace-Lorraine.’
Saturday, 13 October
No butter to be got today. British take about 943 prisoners at Ypres. The weather stops operations meantime. Mutiny in Austrian warships.
Sunday, 14 October
Agnes and Tommy went to church. German naval coup in Gulf of Riga. Under cover of the Fleet, Germans landed on some islands there. Russian forts silenced.
Monday, 15 October
Hard frost in the morning. Foggy forenoon. Bright sunny day and pouring wet night. Rung up Mr Cormack and invited him, wife and family for tea on Wednesday night. Agnes made an ‘eggless’ cake at night.90 British make a raid on German trenches and kill 200 of the vermin.
Tuesday, 16 October
Coal selling today for 1/11 per bag. Eggs 3/9 per doz. Played Tommy and Agnes at quoits tonight and regret to say I won. Two U-boats sunk in Mediterranean by French. British minesweeper Begonia missing, presumed to be lost with all hands. British armed mercantile cruiser Champagne torpedoed. 56 lives lost. French steamer Medis sunk by torpedo. 250 passengers missing.
Wednesday, 17 October
We got our sugar ticket today. All the Cormacks up tonight for tea. Spent the evening with music and cards. Bruges bombed by British airmen. Nancy bombed by British airmen. Essen bombed by French airmen.
Thursday, 18 October
Filled in my sugar ticket tonight. German and Russian Baltic fleets in great naval fight. Russian battleship Slava sunk. Russian coast batteries smashed up. U-boat crew mutiny at Ostend. Officers thrown into the sea.
Friday, 19 October
Went to my barber tonight and he cut my hair for a consideration. A year ago on this date Donald Ferguson died.
Saturday, 20 October
Tea 4/- a pound now, and very scarce. Currants scarce too. Big Zepp raid on east coast and London. 34 killed and 56 injured. Zepps get away. German success in North Sea. Fleet of neutral ships, escorted by two British destroyers, attacked by German cruisers. Nine ships sunk, and HMS Mary Rose and HMS Strongbow sunk with a loss of 135 men.
Sunday, 21 October
I went to church in forenoon. It was communion. Came down the road with Andrew’s sister. We all went to church at night. I’ll have to attend kirk better. Sat beside an Elder and he aske
d me was I a stranger. That does it. Great Zeppelin rout. Zepps pass over France. Three destroyed by gunfire and one captured. The French know their business. Waken up, John Bull.
Monday, 22 October
I went to church at night and took a sitting.91 British and French take a bit out of German lines. Fitzsimmons, the great boxer, dead.92
Tuesday, 23 October
Today’s scarelines. New French push/ Splendid start today/ Powerful positions attacked/ Big haul of prisoners. German night attack/ British retire short distance/ All other gains maintained. British naval air raid/ Ghent railway bombed/ Zeebrugge mole hit. Ostend bombarded by British warships.
Thursday, 25 October
Got a notice from factor. Rent up 3d a quarter. If I was not a member of the Kirk I would say: ‘Curse the factor.’
Friday, 26 October
Wind, rain, snow, hail, lightning. Managed home a few sticks tonight. British advance again at Ypres. French capture 11,000 in the Aisne battle.
Saturday, 27 October
I went to Sam’s shop at night and got some necessities of life. Brazil declares war on Germany. Who next?
Sunday, 28 October
On the 28 October 1914 poor Lily died. American troops in front line with French troops. First shot fired.
Monday, 29 October
Willie Mackenzie (home on leave) in seeing us tonight. Italian disaster. Enemy enter Gorizia. Julian front pierced. 100,000 men and 700 guns captured.
Wednesday, 31 October
This is Hallowe’en. We had a dumpling. My niece Lily here for tea. Italy still retreats. German towns bombed by British.
Thursday, 1 November
They are going to put gas up another 4d. What will it come to? 30 Gothas raid London, 10 persons killed, 21 injured.93
Friday, 2 November
Duncan gave us a visit tonight. British capture on the Western Front in October: 9,125 Germans, 15 guns, 431 machine guns and 42 trench mortars.
Saturday, 3 November
Germans retreat on the Aisne front. Fruits of recent French victory.
Sunday, 4 November
I went to church in the forenoon, Agnes went in the afternoon. I went out for a walk before tea time. Agnes went to church at night. Naval fight in the Cattegat. 10 German patrol boats and one cruiser sunk. British lose nil. Germans send out a wonderful electric warship off Belgian coast. We sunk it.
Tuesday, 6 November
Doing the ‘working late’ trick tonight. British and French troops being rushed to Italy’s help.
Wednesday, 7 November
Agnes doing a lot of knitting this weather. Italy still advancing backwards.
Thursday, 8 November
Nellie here at tea time. She and Agnes went to the Pavilion last house.94 Russian chaos: Kerensky deposed. Russia going to propose peace.
Saturday, 10 November
Agnes’ birthday. Very nice day (naturally). More revolutions in Russia. She is going to be a poor ally.
Sunday, 11 November
We had a dumpling today to celebrate Agnes’ birthday. I did full justice to it.95
Monday, 12 November
Andrew’s sister up last night about 10.30 for Agnes. Andrew’s wife thought her time was come, so Agnes went over.96 I went to Sinclair Drive for the nurse. Nothing doing. A false alarm. We retired about 2 a.m. Fire in a Manchester workhouse. 15 old women burned to death.
Wednesday, 14 November
We all went out to Sam’s house at night. The girls from the shop were there, also William Kirk. Tommy got a new overcoat for school. Nellie made it from an old overcoat of mine. British capture about 6,000 Turks in Palestine.
Thursday, 15 November
Spent the evening at home. Looks as if I would not spend many more. Lowest losses by submarines this week on record. Only six ships sunk. British advance towards Jerusalem.
Friday, 16 November
Civil war in Russia. Thousands killed in Petrograd and Moscow. British 21 miles from Jerusalem. British captures from all fronts since war began: prisoners 160,000, guns 800.
Saturday, 17 November
Agnes very ill. British three miles from Joppa.
Monday, 19 November
Tommy at his old school today (the one that was burned). Agnes still very ill. General Maude dead in Mesopotamia of cholera.97 British occupy Jaffa (Joppa) in Palestine.
Tuesday, 20 November
Agnes much the same. Five U-boats sunk on Saturday. Germans getting wiped out in East Africa.
Wednesday, 21 November
Agnes very weak. Great British victory in France near Cambrai. The Great Hindenburg Line rushed by hundreds of ‘tanks’, followed up by our infantry and cavalry. Advance on 10 miles of front to a depth of five miles. 8,000 Germans captured. USA destroyer sunk.
Thursday, 22 November
Agnes all out at night.
Friday, 23 November
Daisy here in the afternoon. A slight improvement in Agnes’ condition. British capture another 1,000 prisoners in France.
Saturday, 24 November
Great scarcity of butter. Went out to Ruglen in the afternoon and got my new overcoat (£3 5s). My next overcoat will likely be of a khaki shade.
Sunday, 25 November
Took a turn up before dinner to see Andrew. He is home the weekend. He wears the crossed flags on his sleeve now, being a signaller.98 U-boat sunk by Yankees. 10,000 prisoners now captured by us in the Cambrai battle.
A German signpost amongst the ruins of Cambrai.
Monday, 26 November
Agnes went over and consulted her doctor about her illness. The verdict was none too cheerful. Andrew and Maxwell up to see me tonight. Maxwell is now a second lieutenant.
Thursday, 29 November
Wild wet day as usual. Got a note today from the military letting me know they would be at home on 13 December. Truce between Germany and Russia.
Saturday, 1 December
I cleaned all the windows in the afternoon. Agnes went out at night and engaged a lady to do a washing. I beat Agnes at Cassino at night.99 Great German counter-attacks at Cambrai.
Monday, 3 December
Tommy opens a bank account at his school. Amount at credit: three pennies. Feeling frivolous, we all go to Greenlodge at night. Agnes feeling much better now. British in sight of Jerusalem.
Tuesday, 4 December
Great snow fall all day long. Tommy got a half holiday. Terrific German losses at Cambrai. East Africa, Germany’s last colony, conquered.
Wednesday, 5 December
Being tired of clay pipes, I got a new one of cherry wood for the house. Lull in the Cambrai battle.
Thursday, 6 December
The lady who washes here today. Tram car smash at Queen’s Park gate. Three killed, 40 injured.100 Submarine losses serious again this week. Big air raid on London and coast. Two enemy machines down and crews captured. British air raids into Germany.
Friday, 7 December
We all went to the zoo tonight.101 British forced back at Cambrai.
Saturday, 8 December
Terrible catastrophe in Halifax, Canada. Munition ship blown up and half the town. 2,000 killed, 8,000 wounded.102
A square mile of the port of Halifax, Canada is levelled after the titanic explosion caused by the collision of the Mont Blanc and the Imo.
Monday, 10 December
Agnes in town in forenoon with Nellie Hamilton (Mrs Pettigrew). Nellie has been left a house at the coast. British and French troops in front line Italian trenches. Revolution in Portugal. Another rising in Russia. Jerusalem taken by British.
Thursday, 13 December
Nice dry day. British losses heavy this week by the pirates. 21 boats down. Cuba declares war on Austria-Hungary.
Saturday, 15 December
Went to the Govanhill Baths in the afternoon. Got our new sugar application forms from our grocer today.
Friday, 21 December
The minister up for a little tonig
ht accompanied by the Elder.
Saturday, 22 December
Tommy's War: A First World War Diary 1913-1918 Page 22