Fantasy Romance: Defiance Box Set (Belstrom Chronicles)

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Fantasy Romance: Defiance Box Set (Belstrom Chronicles) Page 18

by T. K. Chapin

  “Ok…” Tessla said overwhelmed with hopelessness. Looking over at Ada as she thought about her son Kessler, she thought to herself I have to make sure my son is safe. “What do you propose Miko?” she asked.

  “Like I keep repeating… I just need you to come with me. The Curo Wizards hired me to get you to them. Tell you what, I’m feeling unusually nice at this moment, so I won’t even cut you up and torture you again like previously. Just come with me,” Miko said with his hand extended. “Ada will be freed and your son will be safe since she can go get him out of the protection thingy and your husband and brother will be okay too. Deal?”

  “But I’m stuck going with you and… who knows what the Curo Wizards want with me.”

  “Yes, but they could just want to chat and then send you on your way. You don’t really know… but is it worth all this pain in your life not to just go meet with them? Think about your son. At least he will be with his dad instead of a stranger in a cave.”

  “Don’t talk about my son!” Tessla snapped at Miko. Glancing at Ada and then up at the opening where she saw Illadari being held captive, she nodded. “I’ll go with you.”

  With a clap of his hands, Miko smiled. “That’s a good princess.” As the clap happened, the chains fell off from Ada’s wrists and feet and her strength appeared to return to her. She moved to attack Miko and he turned.

  “Esk’Ah Elamo,” Miko said, without even so much as turning to acknowledge Ada’s attack stance. Suddenly, Ada vanished into thin air.

  “What did you do to her?” Tessla asked.

  “She’s fine… she’s back home at the tree.” Miko removed the dark cloth from his hands revealing his runic marking. Etching in the air with his finger tip, he drew a green symbol and then pushed it forward, causing it to sizzle before vanishing. “That should keep her in the tree for a bit.”

  “So not only are you ruining my life, you are a traitor to your own people…”

  “I go where the gold is, that’s where my loyalty lies,” Miko said with his chin held high.

  “Greed is a better fitting word than loyalty. How did you say those words and cause her to vanish, but moments later, you used runic magic?”

  “Oh Tessla, if only you would listen to me, you’d have less questions,” Miko laughed. “The wizards are the ones who hired me. They provided me everything I need in order to capture you. Now… Let’s go!” Grabbing Tessla’s hand, he led her out from the cavern and down the shoreline towards the Ashengale port.

  Chapter 18

  The troll dropped Illadari and Nejik into the sandy beach of the shoreline. Getting a mouthful of sand in his mouth, Illadari quickly stood up and started spitting as he tried to get it all off his tongue. The sound of seagulls and waves crashing could be heard as he peered down the shoreline curious to how far north up the shoreline the troll took them. Glancing over at Nejik, he could see him trying to get the sand out of his ears with his pinky.

  “Did you see how far the troll took us up the shore?” Illadari asked looking around.

  “I did not… I kind of blacked out there for a moment as he sprinted.”

  “Same,” Illadari said as he kicked the sand. “We need to get back to the cave and get Tessla and Ada. I’m worried that Miko was there.” He started trekking through the sand and Nejik caught up to his side.

  “So much for your so called plan,” Nejik said.

  “I didn’t know the troll would just jump over our line we were trying to tangle his feet up in. It was an innocent mistake!”

  “True, I do have to hand it to you, the bark hide from the wormwood tree made an amazingly strong rope to trip him with, and I was impressed. You can’t find that kind of rope in Belstrom.”

  “It was a trick that they taught me in the Freya Priesthood. We used to strip the trees outside of town for their hide so we could make ropes. The priesthood is all about keeping costs low since we survive on the donations of the townspeople.”

  “That makes sense.” As they approached the cavern, they saw the troll was gone. “That’s strange…” Nejik said looking at Illadari with a tight lip.

  “Yeah it is,” Illadari said scratching his head as he went into the cavern with Nejik. They followed the rocky tunnel all the way back to the room that they had seen from up top with the troll. Glancing up, Illadari said, “This is the room, that’s for sure.” The room was empty and the chains that were fastened upon Ada were loosened and she was gone. “I’m going to kill Miko…” Illadari said as clenched his fist into a ball.

  “Since you did such a marvelous job last time you fought him?” Nejik laughed as he inspected the chains.

  “Good point… but maybe we both could take him?” Illadari noticed Nejik’s face seemed upset as he inspected the chains. “What is it?” Illadari asked as he approached Nejik. He looked up at Illadari.

  “They were loosened… they were not broken out of,” Nejik said as he stood up and focused up at the cavern’s opening. “Ada was freed… but why?”

  Illadari began to think back to his and Tessla’s encounter with Miko at the Great Tree. “Miko was after Tessla to take her to the Curo Wizards.”

  “Khazar…” Nejik said confidently. Quickly, he began to leave the cave and Illadari grabbed Tessla’s pouch as he followed after him.

  “You think they went to Khazar?” Illadari asked as they came out onto the beach. Nejik nodded as he looked southward towards Ashengale.

  “Absolutely,” he said as he began walking. “I’m sure I can convince those sailors from the Ashengale tavern to lend us a ride up that direction.”

  Illadari hadn’t even thought of the idea of seeking the help of the lowly tavern dwellers Nejik had used before to help locate Ada, and was surprised by the notion, but more so that he agreed. “I guess those thugs might be of some use after all,” Illadari said with a grin as he walked with Nejik.

  “Just because they might be a little rougher than you, doesn’t mean they are bad people Illadari. They are just different,” Nejik said.

  “Just like the kobolds?” Illadari asked smirking.

  “Those are foul and disgusting beasts… those are not people…how dare you compare them” Nejik said with a bit of agitation.

  Illadari felt convicted of his poor comparison of people to the vile creatures. “True… You have a good point Nejik, I’m sorry if I upset you. I just want to find my wife and kid. I’ve lost the two most valuable people in my life now…” Illadari said as they continued down the shoreline to the Ashengale port.

  “I loss three people Illadari… Ada, my sister and my nephew… So I’m in the same boat with you.”

  Illadari realized he had been so focused on himself that he wasn’t taking into consideration how Nejik was being affected by everything that had been happening. Putting his arm around Nejik as they walked, he said, “I’m truly sorry for my ill words.”

  Nejik shrugged off his arm and said, “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, I’m serious. My behavior… it hasn’t been right of me, and for that I apologize.”

  Nejik smiled a little bit and said, “Thank you.”

  As they came up to the port of Ashengale, Nejik led Illadari under the docks to a place hidden out of sight, to hide out while he went back into town to meet up with his sailor acquaintances once again. As Nejik rounded the corner of the docks and went up the sandy incline into the town, Illadari sat against a post and watched the sunset across the Guilted Gulf. The yellows, oranges and reds created an elegant tapestry of colors as the sun went down on the horizon.

  “Where are you Tessla?” Illadari said out loud pulling out his gymer bread and leaf. He hadn’t been separated from Tessla since they ran away together from her castle a decade prior. He held her mandolin close to his chest as he drifted off to sleep waiting for Nejik’s return.


  Awaking to a nudge in the shoulder from a boot, Illadari opened his eyes to see an overweight man and his protruding gut, standing over him. Curly facia
l hair and a dirty appearance made Illadari suspect this was someone Nejik had probably spoken with. Rising to his feet, he extended a hand, “Hello.”

  “Save the hello’s for someone who cares,” the man said helping brush the sand from Illadari’s robes. “You best put something different on if you are going to be on my ship!” Tossing a pair of gray leggings and a ratted shirt to Illadari, the man turned around.

  Illadari quickly made his way behind a rock that sat up against the sandy beach beneath the docks and disrobed. As he started putting on the leggings, he asked “Where’s Nejik?”

  “He’s a bit… busy at the moment,” the man said smiling as he turned around revealing a few missing teeth. “He’s taking care of some business for a friend of mine, don’t you mind him. He won’t be joining us on the ship. He will catch up with you after you make it to Khazar.”

  “I see,” Illadari said as he pulled the ragged shirt over the top of his head.

  “We best be going,” the man said as he waddled up the sandy incline around to the docks. Following after the stranger quickly, Illadari left his robe behind the rock and followed after the man. Stepping onto the ship, Illadari was met by strange looks from the crew that seemed to be the ones who ran the ship.

  “Mack’s off his chump,” one sailor said, leaning into another sailor’s ear.

  “It’s Captain Mack, and maybe I am! Recall for a moment where you came from before you speak ill of the new one,” Mack exclaimed.

  Leading him through the crowd, Mack took Illadari to a gentleman that sat away from the rest of the sailors. The man sat quietly against the back of the ship and stood up when he saw Mack and Illadari approaching.

  “Captain,” the man said firmly as he stood straight as a nail.

  “Good day, Leroy,” Mack said shaking his hand. “This is the ship’s First Mate,” Mack said looking at Leroy and at Illadari. “This is Illadari; he’ll be working with you.” Illadari reached out and felt the firm handshake of Leroy. His hands were coarse and rugged like that of Jackson, the Blacksmith that worked next to the Halls in Ashengale back when he was a child. “You will be by Leroy’s side helping him hoist the anchor and observing anything amiss with the ship while we sail. When you aren’t with him, you’ll be swabbing the deck.”

  Looking over at Leroy, Mack glared for a moment and then spat. “What’s the status on the repairs?”

  “All repairs have been completed on the foremast. They worked into the night to get the repair done for us,” Leroy said.

  “Good. We will set sail once the dawn breaks here shortly,” Mack said. Waddling away from Leroy, Mack began heading back towards the front of the ship and Illadari started to follow. Stopping, Mack turned to Illadari with a furrowed brow. “You best start swabbing and stop following!”

  Illadari turned and walked over to Leroy. “Wow, that guy is kind of a jerk,” Illadari said looking back towards Mack. Pushing a mop into Illadari’s chest to the point it almost hurt, Leroy walked away without saying a word. As he began to swab the deck, Illadari thought about his wife Tessla and son Kessler, hoping they both were safe.

  Chapter 19

  “Princess,” Miko said as he bent his knees and pulled her chin up to his face. Opening her eyes, she saw the blue sky behind him as seagulls flew overhead. “There are those pretty blue eyes I love to see…” Miko said with a devilish grin. “We’re here.” Moving out of the way as he stood up, she peered past him and could see down the docks, into the city and into the town square. Khazar, she thought to herself as she could see faintly the fountains that were in the town’s square.

  Weak from being fed nothing but berries and water for two weeks, she struggled to rise to her feet. Helping her up, Miko grabbed onto an arm and said, “The lack of decent food was required… I didn’t want you gaining enough strength to try something stupid.”

  Finding the strength to raise her head up, Tessla glared at Miko. “Illadari will find me and kill you,” she said softly before her head bobbed back down. Miko began laughing as he bent down to a wooden bucket that sat on the deck of the ship. Scooping a ladle full of water up, he pressed it against Tessla’s cracked and dry lips, letting the wetness from the spoon push against her lips, he then yanked it away before she could get a drink.

  “I bet you would love a drink,” Miko said smiling as he watched Tessla lick her lip where it was moistened with the water. “Stuck on a boat, with millions of gallons of water beneath you, yet you thirsted for weeks… Where was your beloved then?” Miko asked throwing the ladle back into the bucket and kicking it over. Coming close to her face, Miko whispered, “Nowhere, that’s where.” Grabbing her by the arms that were bound together behind her back in rope, he said, “Now… Let’s get you some water and decent food so you can meet the Wizards.” Leading her off the ship, he brought her to the end of the dock and sat her down on the edge so her feet dangled.

  “Stay,” Miko said. “I’m going right over there,” Miko said pointing over to a general shop nearby. “I’m going to grab some gymer bread and a waterskin for you.”

  Leaving her behind, he vanished into the shop for a few moments and then returned with food and water in hand. Sitting down on the dock next to her, he squirted the waterskin’s contents into her mouth. Relief rushed over Tessla as she drank the water quicker than he could supply it. Licking her lips she laid backwards on the dock and she sighed heavily. She hadn’t had but a few drops of fresh water while she traveled on the seas. They had only given her enough to keep her alive the entirety of the two week journey.

  Grabbing her shoulder, Miko brought her upright and said, “Here,” as he shoved a piece of gymer bread into her mouth. She tore off a bite and started chewing. After she was filled and satisfied, she felt her strength begin to return to her body.

  “Please tell me why I’m here,” she said looking Miko in the eyes. “I have a family. My husband and son needs me… I need to know if I’m going to die.”

  “My job was to get you and that’s what I did. What happens to you beyond this point is not information I have.”

  “Why wouldn’t they tell you?” Tessla asked insistently. “You must know something.”

  “Honestly I don’t,” Miko said standing up. Pulling her upright, she looked at him fearfully as she began to cry. Tessla’s body trembled as he began leading her through the city of Khazar towards the Wizard Towers.

  Stopping herself from walking, she looked him in the eyes and said, “Please don’t… don’t do this to me!”

  “I have my orders and I need the gold,” Miko said. “It’s nothing personal.” As he forced her to keep walking, she passed by the fountains in the middle of town square. An array of colored water shot up from the centerpiece in the fountain. The mists from the water sparkled and Tessla’s memory flashed back to when she had first visited Khazar six years ago for The Annual Curo Magic Festival.

  Her and Illadari had saved for over a year so that they could afford the trip. Leaving Kessler behind in Silvermeer with Ponio and Vanessa, they had come mostly for Tessla, for she had wanted to learn new spell songs for her mandolin and speak with other bards. With such few bards in Belstrom, it was the ideal place for Tessla to meet others like herself.

  Jolting back to the reality at hand, Miko pulled her up a set of stone stairs that led into a wizard tower that she did not recall seeing when she had visited Khazar with Illadari. Looking up, she saw a lone window near the top where the roof sat. Stopping at the base of the tower, Miko gave a sturdy knock on the elegantly crafted richwood-grain doors. It reminded Tessla of her parents’ castle doors. The intricate and beautiful designs were like that of a masterpiece that an artist had crafted.

  Miko stood tall and stepped back as he waited for an answer. Glancing over at her, he said, “Try to be respectful. I know very little of these Wizards, but I know they have been known to kill a man for looking at them in an unpleasing manner.”

  Tessla nodded and stood a little straighter as she knew poor posture
was a sign of disrespect to many in the upper classes of society. I guess the tea parties and elegant balls I used to frequent in my life served some purpose after all… One of the doors opened, and a man with a monocle bowed as he ushered the two of them in. Walking through the foyer, Tessla couldn’t help but recall her childhood in the castle. The white pillars, the soft stone floors beneath her feet; it all brought back the familiar feelings of the castle.

  The short hall led into a large and rounded room that was lit by a dozen or so candelabra. Each candle flickered at the small chilly breeze that seemed to be constant in the room as they headed towards the stairs that spiraled and hugged the wall leading to a platform high up in the tower. Glancing up the stairs as they ascended, Tessla could feel her heart begin to race at the anticipation of what may become of her with the Wizards of Curo.


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