The Devil's Fire

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The Devil's Fire Page 11

by Sara Bell

  Gareth knew what Finn was asking. He balked as Kiel's face flashed in his mind. The day he'd said goodbye to his husband, Gareth had vowed never to let another man anywhere near his heart. Already his feelings towards Alric were softening. If he did as Finn was suggesting, there'd be no way for Gareth to keep up the walls he'd erected.

  "I can't do this thing you ask of me."

  "Then you're a bigger fool than I took you for.” Finn turned to go but stopped just short of leaving the corridor. Over his shoulder, he said, “Alric told me you care not whom he keeps company with. ‘Tis a good thing."

  Gareth's hands curled into fists. “And why is that, pray tell?"

  Finn shrugged. “You may not be willing to give Alric what he needs, but I'll do whatever it takes to see that he feels his worth.” His smile was slow and laced with meaning. “A more possessive husband might disapprove of my methods.” With those words, Finn left Gareth standing in the hall, a dark haze of fear and jealousy blocking his vision.

  * * * *

  The next week was endless. Gareth hadn't spoken more than a handful of polite phrases to Alric since their first night at Hume. Most vexing to Gareth was, of course, Finneas. The man was like a gnat, always hovering around Alric, using the awkward divide between him and Gareth to full advantage. If Gareth had to listen as Alric laughed at another of Finneas's ridiculous jokes, he swore Rowan would soon have one less cousin.

  However annoying Finneas was, Gareth knew the majority of his problems came from his own changing feelings. Since hearing the full truth about Alric's first marriage, Gareth had gone from thinking of his new husband as a burr in the side to an ever-widening desire to protect Alric and take away the pain he still carried with him.

  By far the hardest part of it all was the shift in Gareth's feelings toward Kiel. For two years, Gareth had been unable to think about Kiel without a stabbing lurch in his stomach and an ache in his chest. Recently, he'd noticed a lessoning of that pain. Gareth still missed Kiel, but he was starting to remember the good times they'd shared instead of dwelling on his loss. Worse still, thoughts of Kiel were being interspersed with images of Alric. Alric's face. His smile. The husky cadence of his laughter. No doubt, Gareth's attitudes were changing. The question became, what was he to do about it?

  The conflict came to a head exactly seven days after their arrival at Hume. Gareth was walking back to his room after checking on Merrick when the soft sound of masculine laughter caught his attention.

  He came around a bend in the hallway just in time to see Finneas leaving Alric's room. Keeping to the shadows, Gareth crept closer, his senses on full alert. He watched as Finneas leaned in and pressed his lips against Alric's forehead.

  "Thank you for the most enjoyable evening I've passed in a long while.” Finneas trailed his finger over the bridge of Alric's nose. “Lachlan has no idea what a treasure he holds in you."

  Even in the wan light of the corridor, Gareth could see Alric's blush. He muttered something—Gareth heard not what—and then closed the door. Gareth watched as Finneas slithered away, going in the opposite direction. He was incensed to hear the insolent whelp whistling.

  The moment Finneas was out of sight, Gareth charged down the hall to Alric's room. He opened the door with one swift kick.

  Alric had stripped for bed and was wearing not a stitch, but not even the sight of his husband's nude beauty could pull Gareth from his course.

  "Are you lovers?"

  Alric grabbed his garments from the chair where he'd draped them and made an attempt to cover himself. “What are you doing in here?"

  "Answer the question.” Gareth crossed his arms. “Are you lovers?"

  "Me and Finn?” When Gareth narrowed his eyes, Alric said, “Why would you think that?"

  "When a man sees another man leaving his husband's bedchamber at this hour, he's inclined to think all sorts of things."

  It was Alric's turn to narrow his eyes. “You were spying on me."

  "I was doing nothing of the sort.” Gareth found himself on the defensive, and he didn't like it. “I'm asking the questions here, and you still haven't answered mine."

  Alric turned, giving Gareth an enticing view of his bare backside as he struggled to pull his hose back on without relinquishing his hold on the shirt. “The answer to your question is yes and no."

  Gareth gritted his teeth. “I'm in no mood for word games."

  "And I'm in no mood for an inquisition.” Alric tied his hose before turning back to face Gareth. “I'll simplify it for you. Yes, Finn and I were lovers of a kind when last I was here, and no, we haven't resumed the relationship since my return."

  "But Finneas would like to.” The prospect left a foul taste in Gareth's mouth.

  Alric pulled his shirt over his head. “He's hinted at as much,” he said, his voice muffled through the fabric. “I believe his devotion is all for show.” He slipped his head through and smoothed the shirt into place. “Finn is trying to make you jealous, Gareth.” He shrugged. “I told him ‘twas of no use, but Finn has this insane notion that seeing us together will render you crazed with envy."

  "Yes, ah...” Hearing Finneas's plan had Gareth stammering for words. “That is insane.” Except it wasn't. Gareth had done exactly as predicted. The minute he'd seen Finneas leaving Alric's room, he'd blazed in, ready to defend his property.

  Alric sat down on the stone window seat. “Finn thinks our marriage has sanctified me a new man, but I know the truth even if he refuses to see it."

  Something in his tone gave Gareth pause. “And what truth is that?"

  "I'll never escape Denmar's taint.” Alric's voice held an absolute certainty that shook Gareth to the core. “Every time I close my eyes, I can feel his loathsome touch and smell the fetid stench of his breath. My skin still crawls where the heat of his body connected with mine.” Alric's fingernails dragged against the unyielding bench. “Do you know what the worst of it is?"

  Gareth couldn't imagine anything worse than what he was hearing, but he shook his head.

  "The worst is knowing how I welcomed his touches in the beginning. I willingly took a monster to my bed. There is no walking away from that."

  In that instant, something broke inside of Gareth. Maybe it was the dejection on Alric's face or the utter lack of hope in his eyes. No matter the cause, Gareth vowed to spend the rest of his life, if necessary, doing whatever it took to wipe away his Alric's pain.

  He couldn't love Alric—not as he'd loved Kiel—but he would damn sure do everything in his power to make Alric happy. The man had been through pure torment, and Gareth owed him nothing less than to put forth his best effort in the marriage. That best effort included full marital privileges. Maybe he couldn't make Alric forget Denmar's touch, but perhaps he could dull the memories.

  Just the thought of taking Alric to bed had Gareth hardening. For the first time since Kiel's death, he felt no guilt. Kiel hadn't possessed a selfish bone in his body. He wouldn't begrudge Gareth the physical pleasure of joining with Alric.

  Before he could even think about that, Gareth had some wooing to do. He'd been too insistent on pushing Alric away to show the man a radical change of heart now. Alric would never believe it. No, Gareth needed a plan.

  "Go riding with me tomorrow."

  Alric blinked. “I beg your pardon?"

  "Riding. You know, on the back of a horse?"

  "You want me to go riding with you tomorrow?"

  "I just said so, didn't I? Merrick is getting little enough exercise from the stable hands, and I'm willing to say your stallion is suffering the same neglect."

  Another blink. “A moment ago, you came crashing in here, ready to take my head from my shoulders about Finn, and now you've an urge to ride?"

  "I asked you a question, and you answered it. Argument ended.” Gareth stepped to the door. “I'll see you at sunrise. Best to get an early start.” Gareth left before Alric could protest, his heart lighter than it had been in years.

  * * * *

  Alric held little stock in miracles, but surely the change in his husband was nothing short of a celestial intervention. Overnight Gareth had gone from barely noticing Alric was alive to spending every waking moment with him. In truth, Alric had hardly taken a step in the last week without Gareth at his side.

  Gareth's constant presence wasn't the only change. His stoic silence had given way to talking with Alric about anything and everything. Creator forbid, Gareth was treating Alric like a friend.

  Still puzzling over the sudden shift, Alric squinted in the early morning sunlight of the stable yard as he watched the object of his most recent thoughts approach.

  "Where are you going?"

  "Just beyond the backside of the castle walls.” Alric tightened his stallion's saddle until he was satisfied it was secure. “If I remember correctly, a stand of pines lies about an hour's ride from here.” He smiled. “Stefan wants me to carve some figures to go with the horses I made for him, and pine is the best wood for the task."

  Gareth signaled to a passing groom and instructed him to ready Merrick. Turning back to Alric, he said, “'Tis not safe to ride out alone. I'll go with you."

  Alric rolled his eyes. “Rowan has patrols running from here to all four of the borders. As long as I stick to Hume land, I'll be more than safe."

  "Getting tired of my company, already?” Though Gareth was teasing, Alric sensed an underlying insecurity that surprised him, especially since it was a needless worry. Alric was finding himself more and more looking forward to his time with Gareth.

  "I'm not tiring of you, just saying that I don't need an escort."

  "In that case, I'll ask Cook to pack us a meal, and we'll make a day of it.” The matter decided in his own mind, Gareth left to do just that.

  Less than an hour later, they were well on their way, having left the confinement of the castle walls for the green of the surrounding countryside. Alric gave his mount a freer rein and relaxed into the glory of the day.

  Though the temperature was still warm, a cooling breeze carried the hint of autumn. Alric noticed a slight coloring in some of the leaves. The trees on the back side of the wall were thick, but the patrols had forged several clear paths that made the trek to the pine thicket easier. The hour's ride passed quickly, with the conversation between them animated and flowing.

  Once they arrived at the tight copse of pine, Alric selected several choice boughs from those on the ground. He secured them to the back of his saddle while Gareth lounged against the trunk of a slender sapling and watched Merrick graze.

  Once done, Alric started to remount, but Gareth put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him. He'd been so bent to his task, Alric hadn't even heard the other man approach.

  Gareth pointed to a clearing on the other side of the grove. “We should settle over there and have our meal before we go.” He rubbed his flat belly and smiled. “The rumblings of my stomach will frighten the horses."

  Alric laughed and followed Gareth to the spot. The thick trees and dense undergrowth surrounding the area gave it a secluded feel that Alric found unsettling. For the first time since Gareth's change in attitude, the two of them were well and truly alone.

  Gareth sank down on the needle-carpeted ground and opened the cloth sack he'd snagged from the back of his saddle. As soon as Alric sat down beside him, Gareth removed a loaf of crusty bread and a hunk of cheese from the bag. The bread he broke in half, handing one piece to Alric and laying the other in his lap. With his dagger, Gareth cut a thin slice of cheese. He extended his hand to Alric, but instead of using his other hand to peel the slice from the blade, he held the morsel to Alric's mouth.

  Alric hesitated, and Gareth snorted his impatience. “Go ahead and take it. I won't cut you."

  Using his teeth, Alric tugged the cheese free from the blade. Gareth watched his every move with a keen gaze that had Alric squirming. Finally turning away with an expression on his face Alric couldn't quite place, Gareth halved the cheese as he'd done with the bread, and the two of them finished their meal in silence.

  It was the first time in a week they'd been through a whole meal without talking. Alric didn't realize he'd voiced his thoughts aloud until Gareth said, “'Tis your own fault.” His frown deepened. “You act as if you fear my touch."

  Alric was quick to deny it. “It isn't that.” He sought the right words. “All the changes in you ... they confuse me. When first we arrived at Hume, you avoided me at every turn."

  "I wasn't avoiding you.” Gareth's mouth fell into a thin line. “I just couldn't get close enough to talk to you without Finneas in the way."

  Alric sighed and lay back on the soft earth with his arms folded behind his head. “I told you why. Finn was trying to make you jealous. He holds no real affection for me."

  "He wants you."

  "I can't believe you're still holding a grudge over a little kiss."

  Maybe it was the drowsiness induced by a full stomach, but Alric paid no heed to the warning in Gareth's voice when he said, “That was no kiss."

  "What would you call it then?"

  Gareth was up and over him in an instant. Alric could do little more than move his hands from behind his head and brace them against Gareth's chest as Gareth descended and stretched his body full length on top of Alric's.

  With his face a mere breath away, Gareth said, “I call Finneas's pawing what it was, the amateurish fondling of a lack-witted boy.” Gareth moved even closer until their noses were nearly touching. “This, my prince, is a kiss.” With that, Gareth closed his eyes and lowered his head.

  Chapter Eight

  Gareth took full advantage of Alric's surprise. He swept his tongue into Alric's slightly open mouth, running it over his teeth and into the soft cavern beyond.

  He tasted of bread and of cheese, with an exotic flavor thrown in. Gareth's senses were quickly overwhelmed, his body awash with need.

  At first Alric seemed too shocked to respond, but it wasn't long before Gareth felt the first timid stirrings of reciprocation. Alric moaned and shifted his hips, rocking against Gareth's already throbbing erection and causing stars to dance behind his eyelids. Gareth moved his hands between them and reached for the hem of Alric's tunic. He'd just worked his fingers underneath when the clearing of a throat drew his attention.

  Alric broke away first, but Gareth's passion-clouded brain proved slower to react. After a full minute, he turned his head and looked up, murder in his eyes when he saw Finn standing over them. Gareth rolled to the side but kept one hand on Alric's stomach in a blatant show of ownership.

  "I don't know how you found us out here, Finneas, but I pray you have a good reason for intruding. Think carefully, because your life could well depend on your answer."

  Finn ignored Gareth's threat and spoke directly to Alric. “A messenger has arrived from Kray.” His eyes grew dark. “'Tis about your father."

  * * * *

  Alric remembered nothing of the ride back to the keep. He jumped from his stallion's back the moment they entered the courtyard and hit the ground at a full run.

  Rowan was sitting at the hall table trying to comfort an openly-weeping Glenna. Alric's heart leapt into his throat as he began to fear the worst. He stopped just short of the table and braced himself for the bad news to come.

  Looking to the messenger who was standing not far from the hearth, Alric forced the words from his throat. “My father, is he..."

  The freckle-faced lad shook his head. “He lives, my prince, but the healer, Balthazar, bade me tell you that King Declan's condition is worsening. Indeed, he asks that you return to Kray posthaste."

  Fear and despair made it impossible for Alric to move. He felt a warm hand cover the small of his back.

  "You'll ride back to Kray with us,” Gareth told the messenger. “If King Rowan would be so kind as to arrange an escort and some provisions, we'll leave within the hour."

  Rowan nodded. “I'll see to it immediately."

  Glenna dabbed at her eyes with the
sleeve of her overdress. “I wish I could go with you. I ... tell Father how much I love him, please."

  Alric's heart broke at the desolation on Glenna's face, but again, Gareth came to the rescue.

  "He knows, sweet lady.” Gareth gave her a winning smile. “When first I spoke to your father, the mutual devotion between Declan and his children was plain for even me—a rank stranger—to see."

  Glenna blinked hard to clear her watery eyes. “You're right, of course. Father knows I love him. He simply has to."

  Alric came to where his sister sat and pulled her to her feet for a tight hug. Forcing a smile, he said, “This is all you'll get in the way of goodbye from me. You know how I hate long farewells."

  She kissed his cheek and smoothed an errant lock of hair away from his forehead. “I prefer to think of this as a temporary separation rather than a farewell.” She looked around him to smile again at Gareth. “The next I see you both, Father will be well, and he'll have a new grandchild to spoil at his knee."

  Alric gave her another squeeze before pulling away, unable to tell his sister he feared she'd never lay eyes on their father again. Instead, he said, “Tell Stefan I'll have some new carvings for him when next we visit."

  "Won't you go to the nursery and tell him yourself?"

  "Not this time.” Knowing Stefan, he'd be full of questions over their sudden departure, ones Alric wasn't certain he could answer.

  Rowan seemed to understand Alric's unspoken reasoning. “You'll see the boy next time.” He stood and pulled Alric into a brotherly embrace. “May The Creator keep you safe and speed you on your way."

  "And may He guard you and my sister, as well.” Alric moved back and looked to Gareth. “We'd best pack for the journey."

  Gareth nodded and said his own goodbyes before following Alric into the hall. Once they were alone, Gareth took Alric's hand. “Are you all right?"


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