The Devil's Fire

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The Devil's Fire Page 24

by Sara Bell

  "It doesn't matter now. Creator only knows what charges Denmar has trumped against you or what false witnesses he'll bring to testify for him. With half the High Council on his side, there's no way we can win."

  "It matters to me. I can triumph over all if I have you by my side.” Gareth set his jaw. “Now I ask you again: do you love me?"

  Alric pulled away, the unfairness of the situation too much to bear. “Damn you, yes.” He turned back again, angry at having been pushed. “I love you. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

  Instead of answering, Gareth said, “I've only ever said the words to one man. Have I told you that?"

  "Yes.” Alric swallowed against a fresh wave of torment. He'd known Gareth could never love any man save Kiel, but to hear it stated so baldly stung more than he ever thought possible.

  Alric turned his back completely, and when next he spoke his words were little more than a whisper against the sounds of the night. “You lost your heart and soul when Kiel was murdered.” He wiped his sweaty face with the palm of his right hand, wishing the ground would open up and devour him whole. It was at that moment he felt, rather than heard, Gareth step in behind him.

  "I didn't lose them, Alric. I prefer to think I only mislaid them for a while.” Gareth came closer, and Alric could feel hot breath on the back of his neck. “'Tis because of you that I was able to find them again. You made me whole when once I thought I'd never be complete.” Alric heard him take a step back. “Look at me, please."

  Alric had no choice but to obey the command. He turned to find Gareth staring at him with a combination of ferocity and warmth.

  "I love you, Alric, and neither Denmar's treachery nor a charge from the High Council is going to change that."

  Alric thought at first Gareth was only saying the words to sway him from his course, but the sincerity in Gareth's eyes was impossible to miss. Struck near to speechless, Alric stammered, “But Kiel—"

  "I loved Kiel, but no more so than I love you.” Gareth took Alric's left hand in his. “From the moment I met you, I'd thought to guard myself from the pain and risk of ever loving again, but you got inside of me in a way no one else could have. I fought this marriage with both fists blazing, but I now know without a doubt The Creator had a hand in our union.” He smoothed his thumb across Alric's palm. “You're the best thing ever to touch my life. The question is, do you love me enough to stay with me and fight?"

  "Not loving you enough has never been the issue.” Alric felt he had to voice his argument, even though a part of him was starting to believe. “Don't you see? ‘Tis my feelings for you that make me so desperate to see you safe."

  "I've a plan, Alric, one I've already set in motion.” When Alric opened his mouth to ask, Gareth cut him off with a shake of the head. “'Twould be best for you if I keep that plan to myself for now, but more than anything I need to know if you're with me on this. Will you stay by my side no matter what happens with the Council?"

  Alric wanted more than anything to say yes, but the thought of what could happen to Gareth held him silent.

  Not to be deterred, Gareth pressed on. “I can best Denmar. No matter what deception he's conceived, I can beat the villain at his own game, but only if you stay with me. If I lose you, all will be lost."

  Once again, Alric found all his arguments swept away. “You have this habit of breaching my defenses, as well you know."

  Gareth gave him a slow, sexy smile. “Does that mean you'll stand with me as my mate and damn the consequences?"

  Whether it was the pleading in Gareth's eyes or the tender hope blossoming in his own chest, Alric wasn't sure, but at that moment he felt the last of his fears ebbing away. If Gareth said all would be well, then it would be. It was as simple as that.

  Threading his fingers through Gareth's, Alric said, “I will."

  Half expecting Gareth to pull him in for a kiss, Alric was surprised when he didn't. Instead, Gareth continued the conversation. “As I was telling you, my mother swore by our family relation to Iskador. Her conviction was strong enough to make a believer of me, and for that reason, I began to gather all the information I could find of Iskador's clan. They were an interesting lot to say the least, and not a little bit savage.” He squeezed Alric's fingers. “Wild as they were, the Warriors of Iskador were passionate lovers, and their marriage rites remain among the most moving I've ever heard tell of."


  Gareth nodded. “The Iskadorians had a special ceremony designed for the bonding of two men.” He held up the dagger for Alric to see. “It involves the exchange of blood and the swapping of vows."

  Alric smiled. “If you'll recall, we're already married."

  "I would scarcely call that a marriage ceremony.” Gareth made a face. “You and I were more like combatants in a death fight than husbands rightly wed.” His expression softened. “'Tis my goal to change that, right here and now. Are you willing?"

  As if there was ever any doubt. “I am."

  Still holding tight to Alric's hand, Gareth led him into the open field so that moonlight spilled down upon them both. “Then let the moon be our witness.” He turned so that they were facing. “I'll say the words, and you repeat them back to me."

  Alric gave a single nod and waited. A moment later, Gareth cleared his throat and then began.

  "With a willing spirit and a steadfast heart, I Gareth, take you, Alric, into my keeping. From now until my last breath I shall cherish you as my equal, and pity be upon the man who tries to tear us asunder. I pledge to you my body and soul, taking the same that is yours. By my blood I make this vow."

  The words were haunting. Alric laced them with all the love he had to offer as he said them back. “With a willing spirit and a steadfast heart, I Alric, take you, Gareth, into my keeping. From now until my last breath I shall cherish you as my equal, and pity be upon the man who tries to tear us asunder. I pledge to you my body and soul, taking the same that is yours. By my blood I make this vow."

  A slight tremor ran through Gareth as he lifted the knife. “May the bite of this blade now mark our vow.” With infinite care, Gareth made a shallow slice to Alric's wrist alongside the pulsing vein.

  Alric felt little pain. As soon as Gareth was finished Alric took the knife and repeated the words before likewise cutting into Gareth's tender flesh. Alric watched Gareth's face closely as he made the incision, but Gareth only gave him a reassuring smile.

  Once done, Alric handed the knife back to Gareth, who then re-sheathed the dagger before pressing his wound tight to Alric's and finishing the ceremony. “Let us now be of one flesh and of one mind. By our blood, so we are bound.” Still holding their wrists together, Gareth brought Alric in close so that their foreheads were touching. “Thank you,” he whispered. “Thank you for becoming mine in every sense of the word."

  "You're thanking me?” Alric couldn't believe what he was hearing. “I never thought you'd be able to love me. I'd hoped, of course, but...” He cupped Gareth's cheek. “The magnitude of the gift you've just given me ... I find I'm overwhelmed."

  "Ah, but you speak as if I'm done."

  "You mean there's more?"

  "Of the actual ceremony, no, but our night together is far from finished.” Gareth unlocked his wrist from Alric's, his left hand coming down to grasp Alric's right. “What happens next is entirely up to you."

  Intrigued, Alric allowed Gareth to lead him back to the tree line. There Gareth pulled him into the shelter of a thick copse of pines. Alric smiled when the crunch of dry needles beneath his booted feet lost their bite and he realized he was standing on something soft. A blanket.

  "When did you do this?"

  "A few moments ago.” Gareth chuckled. “You were so lost in your dark thoughts, I swear a whole army could have traipsed through these woods and you never would have known it. I wanted to make certain all was ready when the ceremony was finished."

  "Were you so sure of me, then?"

  "Sure of myself is more like.” Gareth gave a
husky laugh and pulled Alric into the warm curve of his body. “'Twas my plan to earn your trust or die trying."

  "My hesitancy had nothing to do with trust."

  "Shh, love. I know that now, but what I'm about to ask of you will require trust. On both our parts."

  Alric wasn't certain he liked the sound of that, but when Gareth pulled him down to sit on the soft cloth of the blanket, Alric went willingly enough. He sat cross-legged, holding Gareth's hand and waiting for him to explain.

  When at last Gareth spoke, his voice contained a hoarse mixture of fear and need.

  "From as far back as my memory stretches, I've always held the need to be in complete control at all times. Perhaps that comes from being the bastard son of a high-ranking king, desperate to prove myself above reproach, or perhaps ‘tis simply my way. Whatever the case, I've never allowed a man to claim me, not even Kiel.” Alric jumped slightly as Gareth pressed a cool glass bottle into his hand. “Tonight I mean to change all that."

  "Are you asking me to...” The words stuck in Alric's throat.

  "Yes, I am.” Alric was unable to see beneath the darkness of the pines, but he felt the ghost of Gareth's fingertips as they wafted over the back of his hand. “'Tis the one gift I can give you that I've never given to another man. The gift of my body. Will you make me yours in truth?"

  Alric was struck speechless by the unselfishness of Gareth's offering, but he had to be certain Gareth knew what he was asking for. “Are you positive this is what you want? A long time has passed since I took a man, and I fear I may not be able to stop once I get started."

  "I want this, Alric.” Gareth leaned forward and pressed a feathering kiss on Alric's jaw. “I want to feel the pulse of you deep within me."

  Alric's resolve melted the moment the words left Gareth's lips, but he had experience enough to know not to rush their coupling. Placing the bottle of oil on the edge of the blanket, he rose to his knees, pulling Gareth up with him before reaching for the hem of Gareth's tunic. The whispering slide of linen upon skin sounded as Alric pulled Gareth's shirt free and cast it aside. Gareth trembled beneath his touch as Alric leaned forward, pressing his lips to one of Gareth's hard nipples.

  "Saints, but that feels good."

  "See what you've been missing?” Alric chuckled. “If you liked that, I eagerly await your reaction to this next part. Lie down now, on your back."

  Gareth did as he was told, stretching out on the blanket in a full sprawl that Alric's eyes were just able to take in the in the near-darkness. He thought for a moment about moving them back out into the moonlit clearing, but then he thought better of it. Not only was there the chance that Tristam or one of the soldiers would see them, but there was something erotic about having to feel his way along Gareth's body. It was a heady thing, learning Gareth through the power of touch, and Alric intended to enjoy every moment of it.

  He edged his way to Gareth's feet, removing and casting his boots aside before coming back up to start on the lacings of his hose. Gareth gave a low moan as Alric dug his fingers inside and clutched Gareth's erection in the palm of his hand. Holding him fast, Alric used his free hand to work the hose over his hips and down his legs until at last Gareth lay naked before him.

  Alric let go of Gareth, then, and laughed when Gareth lodged a protest. “I've only to shed my clothes and I'll be back, I swear it.” He made quick work of disrobing and then Alric was back as promised, spooning up to Gareth's side as he began the slow process of seduction.

  He took his time, using fingers, tongue, and lips to explore Gareth as he'd never done before. Gareth moaned and panted against the onslaught, and with each sound Alric grew harder until he thought sure he was going to burst. Even so, Alric took his time, tasting and teasing until he was certain Gareth was ready to proceed.

  After first feeling behind him for the bottle, Alric again rose to his knees—vial in hand—and parted Gareth's hard-hewn thighs before coming to rest at Gareth's center.

  Alric uncorked the bottle and drizzled the cool oil onto his fingers. “Tell me if I hurt you."

  Gareth grunted in way of answer, a sound which Alric took as a yes. His fingers slid over Gareth's sacs as he searched for his target. Alric smiled in triumph as he thumbed across Gareth's entrance. With more care than he'd known he possessed, Alric worked the first finger of his right hand inside.

  Gareth stiffened when Alric gained entry, and Alric stopped long enough to let him adjust even though the feel of Gareth's tight passage around his finger was driving him mad with want. After a long, tense moment, Gareth said, “More."

  More oil and a second finger were added, and this time Alric shifted the direction his fingers had taken, coming in direct contact with that special spot deep inside Gareth's body.

  His hips rocked from the blanket as a low sound of approval rumbled from Gareth's throat. Sensing it was time to begin in earnest, Alric withdrew his fingers and slicked himself with the oil before positioning his manhood against Gareth's opening.

  "'Twill be uncomfortable at first. If at any time you need me to take it slower, you've only to tell me."

  Instead of answering, Gareth wrapped his legs around Alric's waist and drew him closer. Unable to wait a moment longer, Alric pushed forward with his hips and started his way inside.

  Gareth cried out as his virgin muscles gave way. Alric paused, balancing himself on his elbows as Gareth grew used to him. It seemed as of an eternity passed before Gareth said, “I'm ready."

  Alric was only too happy to oblige. The next forward roll of his hips had him all the way in. He tried to stop for another moment, but this time Gareth wouldn't allow it, urging Alric on with his hands and legs. After that, Alric was lost to sensation as he answered the call of both Gareth's body and his own.

  Their cries mixed and rose until Alric thought sure the men back at camp could hear, but he was beyond caring. Release was fast approaching, and he refused to reach climax unless Gareth was with him. Shifting position so that Gareth's cock was wedged against his belly, Alric thrust hard, repeating the motion over and over until the delicious friction compelled Gareth over the edge.

  With a harsh, rasping cry Gareth's seed filled the space between them. Only when Gareth's warmth spread over his belly did Alric seek his own pleasure, filling Gareth to the full one more time before allowing the racking tremors to take him away.

  * * * *

  Gareth opened his eyes, blinking against the shards of early morning sunlight filtering through the trees. Beside him Alric slept, and though Gareth tried to stay still, it was but a moment before Alric woke to stretch against him like a sleepy cat.

  "Good morning."

  "That it is.” Gareth leaned over to kiss him but stopped as a twinge of pain sounded through his lower body.

  Alric frowned. “Did I hurt you last eve?"

  "No.” Gareth grinned down at him. “If last night is but a taste of what our future holds then ‘tis a soreness I relish."

  Alric laughed. “Tell me that again later on, after you've sat saddle all day.” His smile faded. “As for the future, I wish you'd confide in me what it is you're planning."

  "I know I'm asking more of you than I have a right, but I need you to trust me on this. You'll see why when all is said and done."

  To Gareth's relief, Alric gave a slow nod of acceptance. “As you say."

  "Then let us get cleaned and dressed.” Gareth placed a kiss on Alric's temple. “All will be well, Alric. I promise you that. Your trust in me will prove well placed."

  Alric brushed a stray hair from Gareth's forehead. “I know that.” He glanced at the healing welt on his wrist. “I used to believe there was poison in my blood, have I told you that?"

  "No.” Gareth rolled over and sat up. “Why would you think such a thing?"

  Still lying flat on his back, Alric gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I reasoned the fire must have come from somewhere, so I assumed my blood was somehow tainted."

  "I hope last night disabused yo
u of that notion.” Gareth rubbed the matching welt on his own wrist. “We're joined now, Alric. The same blood that is yours now flows through my veins."

  Alric reached out with one hand, his short nails raking over the smooth skin of Gareth's wrist just below the dagger's mark. “I like the sound of that."

  Gareth shivered. “Keep doing that and our journey back to camp will be delayed by at least another hour."

  Alric shook his head. “You're too tender for a second go."

  "That I am, but from where I'm sitting, you're looking particularly fresh and untried this fine morn."

  Alric laughed. “Well, are you just going to sit there or do you mean to come down here and do something about it?"

  Not having to be told twice, Gareth stretched out to join him.

  * * * *

  Though they plodded a steady course on to Banning, unforeseen delays including a brace of sick soldiers and a broken bridge across the Danig River caused a full fortnight's delay. The extra two weeks journey suited Gareth just fine. The longer it took them to reach the capitol city, the more time he had to make certain all the players for his little game were in place. Whether he knew it or not, Denmar was about to meet his match.

  On the first day of the seventh week, the snow-white spires of Banning Castle came into view, towering above the trees ahead of them. Tristam, riding on Gareth's left, reined his stallion to a stop in the middle of the road.

  "Are you certain you know what you're doing?"

  Gareth resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but it wasn't easy considering Tristam had asked him the same question five times that morning already.

  "This isn't some half-brained scheme I hatched just last eve, Tristam.” Gareth gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “I swear to you, my plan is sound."

  "I'd have an easier time believing that if you'd take me into your confidence.” Tristam looked to Gareth's right where sat Alric on his own mount. “And what say you of this plan of his? I'm assuming he's confided all to you."

  Alric shook his head. “Gareth has told me nothing of his intentions but I trust he knows what he's about."


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