Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Secrets (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Secrets (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 5

by Marian Tee

  The desire to cage her would never go away. It was like a wound that would never heal, but its pain was made bearable by the knowledge that for as long as he found the strength to let Vivian spread her own wings---

  It meant he loved Vivian the way she deserved to be loved.

  Early next day, Luca’s mother threw a party in Luca and Eula’s honor, and friends and relatives from all over Europe came jetting in to the Tuscan countryside to join in the festivities. Although the guests numbered by the hundreds, Luca’s security was able to keep a tight leash, which allowed the Italian billionaire to be informed within seconds when someone attempted to gatecrash the celebration.

  Ordering his guards to show Maria to the private receiving room at the back of the chateau, Luca waited impatiently for his ex-wife to arrive.

  As usual, she made a grand entrance, entering the room with her head held high, her dark hair flowing freely behind her. Her dress, what was there of it, was so tight it forced her breasts practically up to her neck, and her studded heels looked as if they were designed with hookers in mind.

  Maria looked absolutely cheap, and his lips tightened at the thought that this was a woman he had once loved to the point of madness.

  “Hello, Luca.”

  The Italian billionaire slowly lifted his gaze to his ex-wife’s.

  “I hope you don’t mind I dropped by,” she said throatily.

  “Actually…” He gave her a polite smile. “I do mind.”

  “Because of your wife?” Maria inquired with a little laugh. “I know she’s been stalking me online.”

  “Is that so?” The billionaire’s face remained inscrutable.

  “She liked then un-liked my photo,” Maria derided. “Che patetico!” How pathetic.

  Luca lowered his head at her words.

  Maria smiled in triumph, thinking that she had revealed something displeasing to her ex-husband. “

  But she was wrong.

  The billionaire knew exactly what his ex-wife talking about. When Vivian insisted that he open an Instagram account, he had reluctantly done so and had been bemused and somewhat appalled that over a million people had immediately followed him. Even so, he had only followed one person, and that was his wife, which was also why he readily remembered that one time he had received a notification of his wife liking Maria’s photo.

  At that time, it had struck him as odd, but now the billionaire realized what had happened. He could imagine it now, Vivian silently freaking out, jumping and shrieking at accidentally liking Maria’s photo and then un-liking it in panic, which of course made everything even more obvious.

  Ah, cara.

  Only Vivian could get rid of his black mood so easily, without even being here.

  When the billionaire looked back at her, Maria expected him to thank her for exposing the truth about his second wife, but instead his tone was even more distant as he asked, “What brings you here, Maria?”

  Her lips formed a seductive smile, Maria thinking that her ex-husband was only playing hard to get. “What a loaded question.” But Luca didn’t smile back or react in any way, and flustered, Maria hastily changed tactics, adding, “Eula invited me.”

  “Is that so?”

  “She misses me, she says.”

  Luca’s gaze became veiled. “I’ll call her then.”

  “Thank you.” Maria’s smile was charming. “You’ll see. She’ll tell you herself. She misses me a lot.”

  Maria leaned back against the seat as the door closed behind Luca. Looking around her, she saw that nothing had changed in the Valencias’ ancestral chateau. Everything was still elegant and luxurious, everything picture perfect in the way that her life had never been.

  If only she hadn’t panicked at Luca going bankrupt, Maria thought bitterly. That had been her greatest mistake. If she had just been a little more patient and trusted in Luca’s ability to turn everything into gold---

  She took a deep breath, telling herself that the past didn’t matter now. What was crucial was learning from those mistakes so she could get back to being Mrs. Valencia. And if that wasn’t possible, then there was always Plan B---

  The door opened once more, this time revealing Luca and their daughter as they entered the living room.

  Speak of the devil, Maria thought just before she rose to her feet, a mask of motherly affection slipping into place. “Eula, mia amore,” she gushed as Luca came forward with their daughter in tow.

  Maria hugged the little girl tightly. “Oh, sweet beautiful girl, I missed you so much!” When she pulled away, she asked brightly, “Did you miss me, too?”

  Eula nodded.

  Maria glanced at her ex-husband with an I-told-you-so look, to which the billionaire smiled briefly. He needed more convincing then, Maria decided. Well, that could be easily taken care of.

  Taking hold of her daughter’s hand, Maria had Eula sit beside her on the sofa. “I have a gift for you…” She drew out a tiny book from her purse. “It’s a fairy tale book I bought in Paris. Would you like to read it?”

  Eula nodded again.

  Still standing by the door, Luca quietly observed the scenario for a few more moments before murmuring, “I need to attend to my guests. Will you two be alright if I leave you alone for a while?”

  “Of course,” Maria answered immediately. Turning to her daughter, she said, “You don’t mind spending more time with Mummy, do you, my dear?”

  Eula shook her head.

  Luca smiled at his daughter. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, principesa.”

  Even with the billionaire gone, Maria continued to pretend she was listening attentively to Eula. This was going to be a long day, Maria thought, fighting back a yawn.

  After thirty minutes, Eula closed the book, saying, “The End.”

  “That was great.” Maria patted the girl’s head carelessly. “How do you feel about shopping tomorrow?”

  Eula didn’t answer.

  “You have to spend more time with me,” she said meaningfully. “Because you’re a good little girl, remember?”

  Slowly, Eula said, “Yes, Mummy.”

  Maria smiled in satisfaction. “I’ll make sure to let your papa know how obedient you are.” When Luca returned to them, Maria quickly informed him of her plans to take their daughter out shopping.

  “A good idea,” he agreed. “I’ll be happy to accompany you two as well, if you’ll have me.” It would be a cold day in hell before he left his child alone in his ex-wife’s care.

  Maria clapped her hands in delight. “We would love to have you with us. It would be like we’re all together again!”

  When his ex-wife finally left, Luca crouched down in front of his daughter, asking quietly, “Is there anything you wish to say to me?”

  Eula shook her head.

  He looked at her for a long while, and when she still refused to reveal anything, he said quietly, “You know I love you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Papa.”

  “And you know Vivi loves you, too?”

  There was a moment’s hesitation, and then Eula said, “Yes, Papa.”

  Once all guests had left and he had Eula tucked in bed, Luca reviewed the CCTV footage from the moment Maria arrived. Unfortunately, none of the recordings showed Maria saying or doing anything untoward during the time she had alone with Maria.

  Even so, Luca still didn’t trust her one bit.

  Once a gold-digging bitch, always a gold-digging bitch.

  Maria might be playing it smart now, but he knew he only had to bide his time and she would reveal her true colors soon enough. Once he found out what her real motives were and what leverage she believed she had – that was when Luca intended to make his move.


  Eula was having a nightmare, and it was about that day again.

  In the little girl’s dream, the scene played out exactly the way it had in reality, with her teacher informing Eula about her mother coming to a visit.

  She had rushed out of
the backstage, thinking it was Vivi waiting for her.

  But instead, it had been her other mother, Maria.

  It was rare for Eula to see her birth mother, and every time she saw Maria, she couldn’t help marveling at how her mother looked so beautiful and mysterious…like a witch.

  The thought always made her shiver, and in her dream, Eula shivered in fear, too.

  Falling deeper into the terrifying rabbit hole of her nightmare, Eula’s worst day in her life continued. Maria had started to speak, her Italian uttered in a voice so coldly, beautifully mysterious that it also reminded the little girl of a witch.

  Your papa and his new wife had visited me, Eula. They told me that they wanted to have another baby but they were afraid you would hurt it.

  The words had left Eula confused, and she had asked Maria why would she ever want to hurt the baby?

  Because you’ll be jealous, of course! It’s a new baby, Eula. They’ll love the baby more than they’ll love you, and that’s why they’ve decided to give you to me. I’ll be taking care of you soon, and you need to prove to me that you’re a good girl. If you always do everything I ask, I’ll tell your papa that you won’t hurt the baby and you can return to them.

  Maria had then wagged a finger at Eula warningly. Don’t talk about this to your Papa or his new wife. If you tell them, they’ll realize you’re already jealous. They’ll think you’re a bad girl and they’ll give you away.

  Eula’s nightmare version of Maria started to transform, and the little girl began to hyperventilate.

  The contortions continued, turning Maria into something so hideous that in the end Eula could see nothing of her mother anymore.

  All she saw was the most horrible-looking witch.

  A witch who ate bad girls whose parents didn’t love them.

  Bad girls like her.

  Eula’s tears tracked down her sleeping face.

  The witch in her dream started to laugh, taunting her, playing with her.

  Your papa doesn’t love you.

  Vivi doesn’t love you.

  No one loves you.

  Eula woke up screaming and sobbing, and the first thing she saw was her father.


  Luca hugged his daughter tightly to him. “E solo un sogno, principesa.” It’s only a dream, princess.

  She shook her head, whispering, “It was real.”

  “What did you dream about?”

  The witch’s words blazed in the little girl’s mind.

  Don’t talk about this to your Papa or his new wife. If you tell them, they’ll realize you’re already jealous. They’ll think you’re a bad girl and they’ll give you away.

  And so Eula whispered her first great lie to her father. “Non mi ricordo.” I don’t remember.

  Chapter Five

  This was such a bad idea, Vivian thought.

  It was already three in the morning, and all she wanted was to go home and sleep. Her head was pounding, and her feet were killing her because of the stupid five-inch heels that she had forced herself to wear.

  If not for impulsively telling her husband she was going to have fun, Vivian wouldn’t have agreed to come here at all. The beachside villa Donald’s frat had rented for the night was amazing – boasting of a viewing deck and an infinity pool – but there was no way to appreciate it, with every inch crammed with college students gyrating against each other, and the air reeking strongly of alcohol and nicotine.

  It left her feeling nauseated and claustrophobic but wherever she looked, everyone else appeared to be having fun. They were either drinking or dancing, making out or throwing up---

  Either I’m too old for this, Vivian thought, or I’m just heartbroken.

  Kay and Donald had assured her that this was one of the hottest parties of the year, and so far that was all she had been feeling: hot. The sticky, irritating kind, caused largely by Florida’s warm air and the constant need to defend her space.

  She glanced at her watch and almost groaned, seeing that only five minutes had passed since the last time she checked. Maybe it was time to look for Kay and Donald---

  “What’s up, Vivi?” a slurred voice yelled from behind.


  Vivian pasted a smile on her face before turning to Donald, yelling back, “I’m good!” Even now, it still felt rude and weird having to shout every word, but it wasn’t as if she had a choice. Speakers seemed to have been installed everywhere, and all of them were designed to burst people’s eardrums.

  She took several steps back from Donald, hoping that it would politely end the conversation but instead Kay’s boyfriend followed suit. He half-swaggered, half-danced his way towards her, shaking his arms and hips like he was Ricky Martin’s long-lost brother. Even worse was his clothes, a black wife-beater that was skimpier than most and exposed his nipples.

  Vivi was torn between laughing out loud and grimacing.

  Did the younger man seriously think he was being sexy?

  When he tried to kiss her on the cheek in greeting, Vivian pretended to check her phone at the same time.

  When Donald stepped back, she looked up with an innocent smile to look like she hadn’t noticed what he had tried to do.

  Donald forced a smile back. “You still look too sober!”

  Her smile turned into a helpless grin at his words. “That’s because I am!”

  It was rare for Kay’s standoffish friend to grin so naturally at him, and Donald knew then that this night wouldn’t be over until he had a taste of those lips. Vivian was his biggest challenge yet, and the fact that she was married to an Italian billionaire considered as one of the sexiest men in the world only made Donald more determined to get Vivian in bed.

  If he made Vivian hers, didn’t that mean Luca Valencia was a lesser man than Donald was?

  A new song started then, its hyper-fast tempo pumping everyone up. People started to shout and jump, and he decided to use the same trick Vivian did, pretending to accidentally stumble.

  Vivian’s eyes widened when she saw Donald falling forward. “Hey---”

  He fell into her, and Donald’s perfectly positioned hand allowed his fingers to graze one sweet nipple.

  But the contact was gone all too soon, with Vivian jumping back like she had been burned.

  Vivian’s skin was crawling, but she did her best to keep her smile in place, telling herself that it was an accident. He wasn’t really copping a feel. Right?

  Donald’s chest puffed up at the sight of Vivian’s smile. Oh yeah, this chick totally had the hots for him. She was just playing hard to get, was probably dying to know the feel of a younger man in her bed. For all the world knew, Luca Valencia wasn’t as great as he was reputed to be. Maybe the Italian billionaire only paid women to sing him praises.

  When Donald started dancing towards her, Vivian tried not to be so obvious as she countered his every move with a step back.

  “You should loosen up some more, you know?” Donald licked his lips as he spoke, and Vivian strove not to think about the way his gaze lingered too long on her cleavage. He was just too drunk to realize what he was doing. Right?

  That Donald’s actions already showed marks of sexual harassment didn’t occur to her at all. Beside the fact that Vivian had led a fairly sheltered life, the stubbornly optimistic part of her refused to believe that a man supposedly in love with her friend would even think of hitting on her.

  But then she heard Donald yell “How about a dance?” and Vivian had to struggle to hide her appall.

  She was married, and Donald was Kay’s boyfriend!

  Maybe she was being too much of a prude about it, but she didn’t care. It just didn’t feel right.

  “Well? How about it?” Donald started to reach for her.

  Her phone vibrated at the same time, and Vivian almost expired in relief. “Sorry, my husband’s calling me!” She eagerly showed her iPhone to Donald so he would know she wasn’t lying, and it was really Luca’s name on the screen. “I need to t
ake this!”

  Swinging away, Vivian missed the look of annoyance that crossed Donald’s face. Leaving the viewing deck, she hurried back into the villa and got into the first empty room that could afford her a semblance of quiet.

  This turned out to be the third-floor powder room, and she winced at the way its black-and-white tiled beauty had been marred by the empty beer cans, cigarette butts, and used condoms littering the floor.

  Ugh didn’t even cover it, and Vivian tried not to gag at the mixed smell of sex and sweat. That was a combination she only liked when it involved Luca, but anyone else made her want to pinch her nose and breathe through her mouth.

  Locking the door, she struggled to open the window, and when fresh air was finally able to circulate inside, she quickly swiped on her screen to answer Luca’s call, hoping her husband hadn’t yet thought to hang up. “H-hello?” This is it, this is it, Vivian thought as butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Luca would tell her he missed her, and she would tell him she missed him, too, and---

  “Buona sera, Vivi!”

  It was Eula, and Vivian experienced a pang of disappointment for one moment before she made herself shrug it off and allowed genuine pleasure at hearing the little girl’s voice.

  If Luca didn’t want to talk to her, then…then she didn’t want to talk to him either!

  “Ciao, principesa. I miss you so much!” And as she said the words, she realized just how true it was. “Come va?”

  “Sto bene,” the little girl answered before adding, “Papa showed me your picture.”

  “O-oh?” She wondered what picture that was.

  “You looked like a princess,” Eula exclaimed. “I love your dress.”

  “What dress?” She listened to the little girl’s description – a gauzy blue top, flowing sleeves, and a black skirt – and realized it was the exact dress she had on. Did that mean Luca knew she went out? And that she was still out?

  Eula was still happily talking her ear off, and Vivian struggled to listen to the little girl.

  “And then Nonna threw a party…”

  Did one of those photographs also showed that she was with Kay and Donald, who were his least favorite persons in the world? Did he care? Did he---


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