Born to It

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Born to It Page 8

by Chelsea Camaron

  I blow out a breath feeling the weight of her emotions. What a tragic event for that family and for her.

  “I left and never went back. I just can’t be part of those final moments. Unfortunately, sometimes the hardest things we have to do are also the most humane. But to think that would be a regular part of my day-to-day work life, I couldn’t do it.”

  “So now you clean them up?”

  She reaches down and picks up a ball tossing it for Betty. “This is temporary. I’m saving up to start my own rescue. I have the land, the kennels, the building. I just need some more money in the bank for vet bills and food.”

  “A woman with a plan, I like you already.”

  She beams proudly as we both get to work.

  A random call comes in asking only for me. When I answer, the call is disconnected. I have a feeling it was Titus, but shake off all thoughts of him.

  This is my time away from him and I plan to enjoy all the moments I can. The day passes with the three of us working as a team to get through all the grooming appointments as well as exercising the dogs left for boarding. Even Evil Kitty Miller survived her bath, shaving, and nail trim.

  Leaving work, I stop at a local restaurant for some hushpuppies and pulled pork barbeque before heading home with Cleo.

  For a moment, I wonder what it could be like to keep her as my own. Then I remind myself none of this is real. As easy as it is to get lost in Amanda Horton’s life it isn’t real and I can’t lose focus of my real job here.

  Pulling up, I stop breathing when I see his motorcycle in front of my house. The sexy as sin man leans against my house with this cool demeanor that is sexy as hell with his black t-shirt, jeans, boots, and cut on. His hair is spikey and wild all over his head. The blonde color shines in the sunlight of the evening going down.

  Parking, I open my door and climb out with Cleo behind me. She takes off straight for Blaine. His eyes meet mine with an unspoken promise between us for a night of passion. Cleo reaches him and his eyes sparkle with a freedom I can only dream of one day feeling. He scratches behind her ears as he drops to his knees to give the dog his full attention. She eats it up.

  Suddenly, I feel jealous of a damn dog and I want to smack myself.

  Time stands still as his eyes lock onto mine and he smiles. Cleo practically climbs into his lap, slobbering all over him. He doesn’t push her away, but keeps his hands busy with her while his gaze tells me he wants to eat me alive.

  My panties dampen in desire.

  I have never in my life felt what I feel when he is around. I can’t explain it. I feel ridiculous to have no self-control. Relationships aren’t something I’m available for. As much as it’s going to hurt, and it’s definitely going to be painful, I will walk away from him after I finish my assignment.

  “How did you know where to find me?” I ask feeling like I need to put some walls up between us. Plus, I need to know how he found me.

  “My truck, it has location services and previous drive history. It’s for parents to use with teen drivers, but for me I use it in case it’s ever stolen.”

  I nod realizing Blaine Crews has me off my game. This is dangerous. I know better. I know every trace of me needs to be erased, including GPS destinations in someone else’s vehicle. I know cars have those systems and I should have wiped out the history.

  “Well, this is where I live. Not to be a bitch, but I’ve had a long day. I just wanna eat dinner, chill with Cleo and crash. Maybe we can get together another night.”

  He looks behind me before going to my car. He reaches in and grabs the bag with my dinner carrying it back to me.

  “Let me in, Amanda. I just wanna get to know you. When you finish dinner, if you still want me to leave, then I’ll leave.”

  Seeing the determination on his face, and quite frankly finding myself completely in lust with the Adonis in front of me, I nod before leading the way inside me. At least the weapons are all hidden and the file explaining my assignment is in the ceiling where he won’t look to find it. Cleo goes to her dog bed and lays down like she knows it’s adult time.

  Clever puppy.

  I swear sometimes I feel like she can read my emotions. Maybe that’s why German Shepards are great for therapy.

  Sitting on my futon, Blaine goes to the kitchenette with my food. I don’t get a chance to tell him I’ll get my plate before he’s shuffling around and finding utensils. Returning to me, he brings me my plate of food and hands it to me.

  No one has ever taken care of me before. Sammi tried but Titus consumed so much of her time, she didn’t get to be around when I ate most of the time.

  Making himself at home, he sits beside me. Lifting my feet, he puts them on his lap and removes my shoes. At first I pull my feet away, but he looks to me and shakes his head so I stop fighting it.

  I don’t even get the first bite of food in my mouth before he is massaging my feet. Slowly, he works out every tight knot built up from a day on my feet. My body hums with need. I want his hands on every inch of me, but he stays focused on his task.

  “Eat your dinner, Fox. I’m not leaving ‘til you tell me to. Relax, baby.”

  His words are soothing and I want nothing more than to lay back in this futon and let him keep massaging my feet until I fall asleep or crawl on top of him and fuck him — I’m not sure which one I want to do more.

  I eat my food slowly as he works magic on my feet and up my ankles. The more he massages me the more I want to feel his hands all over me. Having enough torture, I set the plate on the floor and move to straddle him. Forcing him to sit back on the small futon his large frame seems out of place.

  Leaning in, I softly brush my lips to his. He doesn’t move, but I feel his smile build under my lips. With my hands, I run them through his hair relishing the feel of it against my palms. Again, I brush my lips to his as his hands rest on my thighs.

  He doesn’t move.

  He’s letting me take what I want.

  Boldly, I swipe my tongue over the seam of his lips. He opens allowing my invasion. Our tongues dance as I melt over him.

  I can feel him hardening under the thin material of my scrub pants and his jeans. His hands move off my thighs where he settles them against the back of the futon. His hips thrust up rocking against me. He wants me, but he’s giving me the lead.

  Pulling back, I look in his eyes to see him smiling at me.

  “You want it, you take it.”

  I tilt my head to the side in silent question as he speaks.

  “You’ve had a long day. I told you I wouldn’t push. You want it, you take it. I’ve been with plenty of women, Fox. Won’t deny it. But never given a single woman the chance to have me however they want me like this. You and me, we got this connection. It’s wild, honestly given my lifestyle, it’s reckless, but it’s us and I can’t deny you, baby. So Fox, you want this, you take it and you take it right fuckin’ now.”

  Every word he says only empowers me more. I need this. I need to feel something real. Just for a moment. It’s a memory that’s going to be completely mine that no one can take from me. One where I am completely in charge.

  I grip his head and bring my mouth crashing down on his. My tongue invades his mouth assaulting him as his moans in both pain and pleasure as I take from him everything he’s willing to give me. I roll my tongue around his mouth, rocking my hips and grinding myself shamelessly against him. His hands never budge. I don’t know if I want to scream for him to take over and have me or rock his world for giving me complete control.

  I attack his mouth, devouring him in a storm of desire mixed with desperation. I’m lost to the sensations and desperate to forget who I really am.

  Right now there is no past, no future, just us.

  I can’t get close enough to him. Pulling back, I remove my shirt and bra. Finally, he reaches out, scooping my breast in his hand and dropping his head to suck my nipple. I cry out in pleasure before pushing him back
so I can take off his cut and shirt.

  I’m panting in lust as I feel his skin against mine and I kiss him once more.

  The more I allow myself to turn off my brain, to stop being Karsci, to stop being Amanda, and just be the woman who this man is giving himself to, I feel even more than ever before. I want this freedom.

  Never in my life have I been free to think, feel, and do what I want. I went to Titus’ world at such a young age, I don’t remember life before him. Everything from the moment I got there has been about owing him. How would I repay him for all he had done? My options were far from ideal and here I am still paying the price.

  His words play in my mind, “Fox, you want it, you take it.”

  Climbing off him, I slide out of my pants and panties. My mind is blank and my body is tingling with desire. I want to memorize this moment, this feeling of being free.

  Naked, I drop down in front of him. My breast rubs over his jeans as I reach up to unbutton them. I watch him as he grips the back of my couch allowing me to truly do what I want. Desire courses through me. Unzipping him, he helps me by lifting his hips as I pull down his jeans and boxers. Removing his boots, socks, pants, and boxers, I have him naked in front of me with his cock standing tall and proud with the ring at the tip shining.

  I slide my tongue on the under side of his shaft all the way to the tip before flicking the accessory with my tongue. Wrapping my hand around his length, I slowly move up and down. I can’t even touch my thumb to my fingertips with his size. Up and down, I stroke before I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock. It throbs in my hand as I work him slowly.

  Moving I slide my naked body over him. With his piercing I trace my nipples one at a time before continuing my path upward. His pre-cum moistens the tip as I straddle him. Using my hand, I guide him through the folds of my pussy. With his piercing, I pull all the way off him, work it over my clit and slide back down his length. My body is climbing higher and higher as he fills me. Rocking my hips, I work him and me while trying to hold back to make sure I last. I want him to come undone.

  My pussy milks him as I feel the tremble build inside me with each rise and fall of my body on his.

  I stop and think about a time in my life where I ever felt in control. I never have had a single moment of being in charge until now. Blaine is giving me the greatest gift anyone has ever given me.

  I press my lips to his and kiss him with every bit of emotion I have bottled up inside of me.

  He pulls back. “Sexy as fuck, Fox.”

  Our eyes meet and I feel vulnerable. I feel like in this very second he can read every lie I have ever told, every kill I have ever made, and I want to cover myself.

  His hands shoot out and hold my face firmly in place.

  “Ride me. Ride me and forget whatever’s in your head Fox. This is you, this is me, not another fuckin’ person gets to be here. Give me all you got, baby.”

  Tears pool behind my eyes at the intensity of my feelings for this man. I am giving him everything I can. It’s not much for most, but its everything to me. I steady myself on his shoulders as he keeps my face locked to his.

  “Close your eyes, Fox,” he says in a raspy, lust filled voice.

  I do as he instructs wanting to be in the moment and away from my past.

  “Just you and me. Take me, beautiful.”

  I moan as I shut out the world and just feel the man beneath me.

  “Take me there, Fox. Take us there, rub yourself.”

  His hands are still on my face as I move my hand down to run my finger through my pussy lips. Up and down, I rock as my finger teases my clit. The bundle of nerves inside of me climbs higher. I’m so close.

  Blaine releases my face and drops his head to my nipple where he latches on and sucks.


  I soar.

  I fly.

  I get lost in my orgasm as my body shakes over him. I have no control as my hips rock through the aftershocks that keep going, milking his cock before I finally feel his hot load shoot up inside of me.

  I slump against him with both of us sweating and panting.

  Well, this is a most unexpected way to end my day.

  Chapter Eight


  A lion has the patience to wait for the right opportunity to pounce.

  Shit! This one is going to be one hell of a mess to clean up, I think to myself knowing my mother will be making sure all the single brothers clean up instead of it falling on the ol’ ladies and children. Sass, who is Red’s mom, and my mom always make sure a prospect or other men in the club step up and the cleaning doesn’t just fall on the women, especially at these barbeques.

  According to the stories they share, both their dad’s would always call them back to the kitchen to keep them occupied rather than flirting with the men. And they always had to clean up after the annual event which is not an easy task.

  Today’s barbeque isn’t about our local Haywood’s Landing chapter, but for all Hellion charters. There are close to three-hundred bikers here with their families. It’s a sight any strangers would probably freak out seeing.

  For me, this is family. This is the legacy.

  This is home.

  Once a year, sometimes twice, my dad, Talon “Tripp” Crews invites all of our clubs out for a huge barbeque. It’s a tradition my grandfather started and honestly if my dad tried to cancel it, my mom would probably rip his balls off. She says there is a time for change and a time where things should remain the same. The barbeque is a standard in the club and something she won’t shake on changing. When my time comes, if I get to where that president patch, the same one my father and grandfather have worn, I’ll be sure to continue the tradition.

  Today is about appreciation to every patched member and their families. It isn’t an easy life we live, leaving randomly and not checking in. So anytime we can celebrate one another mom believes we should. It’s important not only that our brothers remain bonded, but also their families to know they can rely on the Hellions MC to have their backs.

  Everything today is about family and relaxing. No business will be discussed today, no runs accepted.

  The thirty-acre compound area is now covered with bikes, trikes, and cars. Bikers are everywhere with ol’ ladies and kids smiling happily. The kids are soaking up all the food, games, bounce houses, and pony rides. Consider this like the county fair, but better.

  With all the women and kids around, the barflies and hang-around whores are at a minimum. Some aren’t so bad and I’ve hooked up with my fair share, but they bother the ol’ ladies so today they will lay low. Everything with the Hellions is about respect. The barflies won’t press their luck with the ol’ ladies.

  I’m standing back in the main area leaning against the bar taking a pull of my beer when my sister walks in. The energy lifts even higher because Dia just has that effect on everyone.

  Immediately, every brother looks in her direction because we all have a natural instinct to protect her. I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s because my mother named her after our grandmother so she carries the name of the Hellions original ol’ lady or maybe it’s just the presence she has. Dia is kind to everyone, she doesn’t have it in her to hurt a fly, and has not one enemy in life. Everyone likes my sister. And everyone just wants her to be happy and carefree like we know her to be.

  What gets my attention today more than any other day is the blonde with her in a summer dress. Pushing off the bar, I go to them.

  Dia notices me first and rushes to me. Just like when she was a kid, she jumps up into my arms and wraps herself around me like a monkey.

  “You’re almost twenty-one years old Dia Nicole. At some point you should stop this,” I tease her.

  “Never. I’ll be old and gray still jumping on you even with replacement hips and all.”

  See this is what everyone loves, my sister is who she is and refuses to change. I keep my eyes locked onto Fox who finally m
eets my gaze. She panics, but quickly recovers.

  As I set my sister down on her feet, Fox extends her hand to me, as if we are strangers.


  I give her the play.

  “I’m Amanda, you must be Blaine.”

  I nod taking her hand in mine just so I can pull her to me.

  “Nice to meet you,” she chokes the words out.

  I smirk. “Pleasure’s all mine, darlin’. Friends call me BW.”

  So this is the game she wants to play. Okay.

  While this annoys me, I don’t know what’s going on in her head, so I make the decision to let it go … for now.

  “I work with Amanda at the Salty Dog. Remember a month ago when I called you about that German Shepard Cleo and told you she’d be the perfect dog for you. Well, you missed your chance, she’s shackin’ up with Amanda since you won’t commit,” Dia teases me.

  “Sounds like a lucky dog to me to get to shack up with such a sexy woman.”

  Dia smacks me playfully on the chest. “Do not hit on my friends Blaine Ward Crews. You have stinky feet and ain’t no woman gonna want to put up with that shit.”

  We all laugh because this is my sister. Every girl I ever bring around, or hit on if she’s around, she finds some way to say I have stinky feet. It’s okay, the one boy she attempted to bring home in high school, I told him she had a case of perpetual gas that the doctors couldn’t get under control. Granted that’s not what scared him off, but I had a lot of fun fucking with my baby sister over it. I think when our dad came around the corner with his shirt off, a shot gun in his hand, and told the boy he was ready to go back to prison kept that guy away.


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