His Holiday Family

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His Holiday Family Page 2

by Margaret Daley

  Ashley thrust an IV bag into her hands. “He needs this.”

  Her breath caught in her throat, Kathleen took it and started for the second door on the left. “What are his injuries?”

  Ashley slanted a look at Kathleen and said, “I think several broken or cracked ribs, possible internal bleeding and smoke inhalation,” then entered E.R. unit number four.

  When Kathleen went into room two, she stared at the firefighter lying on the bed. His damp black hair was plastered against his head, and there were dark smudges on his tan face. His steely gray eyes locked on her and seized her full attention.

  “Pete. What about Pete? Did my partner get out okay?” His raspy voice weakened with each word he uttered.

  “Yes, there were no other injuries at the fire.” Guilt swamped her at seeing the man she’d sent into the fire hurting, pain reflected in his gaze. The feeling was familiar. Hadn’t her husband, Derek, blamed her for causing his stress that led to his heart attack? Shaking away the memory, Kathleen hung an IV drip on the pole and hooked up his line.

  “I’ll be fine.” The firefighter struggled to sit up. His eyes clouded, his face twisting into a frown.

  Kathleen rushed forward to restrain the patient’s movements. “You need to lie down.”

  “You’re the lady with the boys. Ruth’s daughter.” He swung one leg to the floor.

  “Yes.” Kathleen touched his left arm to stop him.

  He flinched but proceeded with putting his other leg on the tiles, pushing himself upright. With a moan, he sank to the floor. Kathleen caught him as he went down and lessened his impact with the tiles. Kneeling next to him, she supported his back with her arm.

  His head rested against the bottom of the bed. He fixed his weary gaze on her, pain dominating it. “I guess I’m not all right.”

  “Let’s get you back in bed. The doctor will be here soon.”

  “Yeah, sure.” His eyes fluttered and closed.

  With her attention fastened on his face, Kathleen settled him on the floor and pressed the emergency call button.

  “I thought you left here a couple of hours ago,” Mildred Wyman, the floor supervisor, said as Kathleen exited the elevator and walked toward the nurses’ station.

  “I did, but there was a fire at the Magnolia Street Apartments where my cousin lives.” She filled her in on the details. “When I came back to the hospital, Ashley recruited me to help until another nurse was able to come in. She just arrived so I wanted to see if Gideon O’Brien was settled into his room before I go home for sure this time.”

  “He’s in room 345. He was asleep a little while ago.”

  “I’ll peek in. See if he’s up. If he needs anything.”

  Kathleen strolled toward the last room on the west wing’s third floor. The memory of the look on Gideon O’Brien’s face wouldn’t leave her thoughts. Clearly he’d been in pain but he tried to deny the seriousness of his injuries. If only she had known that Sally had taken the boys to the park, Gideon O’Brien wouldn’t be hurt.

  She rapped on the door. When she didn’t hear anything, she inched it open to see if he was still asleep. The dimly lit room beckoned her. She stepped inside and found him, lying on his bed, his head lolled to the side, his eyes closed.

  With the black smudges cleaned from his face, his features fit together into a pleasing picture. High cheekbones, the beginnings of a dark stubble, strong jaw. His features drew her forward until she stood by his side, watching him sleep. She could remember seeing him a couple of times jogging past her mother’s house when she had visited. When she’d told her mother who the injured firefighter was, her mom had said Gideon O’Brien had moved in down the street several years before.

  “He sure is a handsome lad. Single, too.” Her mother’s words came back to taunt Kathleen. Before she’d had time to say goodbye to her sons so she could return to the hospital, her mother had ushered her out the door without further questions—which was unusual for her mom. Kathleen knew what was going through her mother’s mind. A nice young man would solve all of Kathleen’s problems. She would discourage her mother of that thought when she went back to pick up her sons.

  Her glance ran down Gideon’s length, categorizing his injuries. Two cracked ribs, wrapped but very painful, a broken arm above his left wrist, which would be set tomorrow, and an assortment of bruises. The doctor was still concerned about internal bleeding and wanted to keep a close eye on him overnight.

  When her survey returned to his face, it connected with his gaze. Molten silver, framed by long, thick black eyelashes. Captivating. Powerful. Those thoughts sent warmth to her cheeks that she was sure rivaled the fire he’d fought.

  Kathleen looked away. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

  “You didn’t,” Gideon said in a scratchy voice. “You were at the fire. In the E.R. Ruth’s daughter.”

  She nodded. “I’m so sorry you and Pete went into the building after my children.” She reconnected with him visually. “They were supposed to be there. I had come to pick them up. I didn’t know Sally had taken them to the park and was running late getting them back to her apartment.”

  He shifted, gritting his teeth. “I’m glad they’re safe.”


  “So why are you up here?”

  She wanted to say so much more to him, but a closed expression descended over his pain-filled features. “I wanted to make sure you were all right before I left.”

  “Define all right.” One corner of his mouth lifted for a second then fell back into a neutral line. He tried to reach for the plastic cup of water on his nightstand and winced.

  “Let me get it for you.” Kathleen picked up the cup and held it to his lips so he could take a few sips. The scent of smoke clung to his dark hair. “Is your pain manageable?”

  “I’ve had worse.”

  “You have?” She’d heard from other patients in the past how much broken or cracked ribs could hurt.

  “Afraid so.” Creases in his forehead deepened. Gideon gulped in a breath of air and started coughing. Agony contorted his features, his eyes shiny. “That hurt.”

  “Let me see if you can have more pain meds.” Anything to help make him feel better. Then maybe she wouldn’t feel so guilty.

  He coughed again. His pale face urged her to hurry. She left his room and hastened to the nurses’ station. “Mildred, can Gideon O’Brien have any more of his pain medication?”

  “I’ll check and take care of it. I was just coming to get you. Your mother called and said you need to get home right away. Something about Jared falling off the side of the house.”

  “Is he okay?”

  “She didn’t say. But she sounded shook up.”

  Kathleen rushed to the elevator, punching the down button. Seconds ticked by so slowly she started for the stairs when the doors swished open. This day was quickly going from bad to worse.

  Two minutes later, after retrieving her purse in the E.R., she hastened out to the parking lot while digging for her cell. She slipped behind the steering wheel of her eight-year-old Dodge and punched in her mom’s number.

  “How’s Jared?” In the background Kathleen heard her son crying, and her grip tightened on the phone.

  “I don’t know. He’s holding his arm. He might have broken it.”

  “I’ll be there soon.” She flipped her cell closed and pulled out of the parking space.

  Ten minutes later Kathleen turned onto Oceanview Drive. Her seven-year-old son was too adventurous for his own good. She guessed he was going from climbing trees to houses now. Next he’d want to try flying off the roof. The thought sent panic through her as she drove into the driveway and parked.

  The front door banged open, and Kip came racing out of the two-story stone house. “Mom, Jared climbed up there.” He pointed toward the second floor. “You should have seen him. I can’t believe he did it.”

  “Did you dare him?” Kathleen charged up the steps to the porch. At the door Kip’s silence p
rompted her to glance back at him. “You did.”

  “Aw, Mom. I didn’t think he would really do it.”

  “We’ll talk later.” Kathleen entered her childhood home and headed toward the kitchen where the crying was coming from.

  Kathleen’s mother stood over her son, her face leached of color. “I’m so glad you’re here.” Relief flooded her features. “If you need me, I’ll be—”

  “Mom, I’ll take care of this. Don’t worry.” Her mom never did well when someone was hurt or even sick. She usually fell apart. She certainly hadn’t gotten her desire to be a nurse from her mother.

  Jared sat cross-legged on the tile floor, cradling his left arm to his chest, tears streaking down his face. His look whisked away any anger she had at him attempting something dangerous.

  Kathleen stooped down, putting her hand on his shoulder. “Honey, where does it hurt?”

  He sniffled. “Here.” He lifted his arm and pointed at his wrist. “Nana thinks I broke it.”

  When Kathleen gently probed his injury, Jared yelped and tried to pull away.

  “Let’s take you to the doctor. You’ll need an X-ray.”

  “Am I gonna get a shot?” Jared’s brown eyes grew round and large.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I am! I don’t want to go.” Jared scooted back from her. “I can tough it out.”

  “If it’s broken, it needs to be fixed. It’ll hurt a lot more than a shot if you don’t get it taken care of.”

  “Don’t be a baby,” Kip said behind Kathleen.

  She threw a warning look over her shoulder. “I’m sure you have homework. Go do it. Have Nana help you if you need it.”

  Jared stopped moving away from her. He peered down at his wrist, sniffed and then locked gazes with her. “I’m not a baby.” He pushed to his feet, tears swimming in his eyes. Blinking, he ran his right hand across his face, scrubbing away the evidence of his crying. “I’m ready,” he announced as if he were being led away to some horrible fate.

  While Jared trudged toward the front door, Kathleen spied Kip sitting on the stairs. Before her older son could open his mouth, she followed Jared into the foyer. Jared went outside on the porch, sticking his tongue out at his brother as he left.

  Kathleen swept around, her hand resting on her waist. “Don’t forget you and I need to have a talk. This fighting between you two has got to stop.”

  “We don’t fight.”

  She arched her eyebrow. “Oh, since when?”

  “We’re playing.”

  Gesturing toward the den, she said, “Homework. I want to see it finished by the time I get back to Nana’s to pick you up.”

  Kip leaped to his feet and stomped toward the den, making enough racket to wake up anyone who was within a several house radius.

  As Kathleen covered the distance to the den to tell her mother what she was going to do, her mom said, “Glory be. This is great news.”

  Kathleen stepped through the entrance into the room. “What is?” she asked, swinging her attention to The Weather Channel on TV. She could certainly use some good news.

  Her mom muted the announcer. “Hurricane Naomi has changed course. I think we’re going to miss most of it. Maybe get a touch of the western tip, but not like they had predicted.”

  “We don’t have to board up our house now?” Kip sat down at the gaming table with his book bag.

  “It’s not looking like we do.” Her mom peered at her. “I know it’s not good news for someone else, but maybe it will peter out before it reaches Florida.”

  Kathleen doubted it from the information she had heard. “Mom, I’m taking Jared to the minor emergency clinic. I don’t know when I’ll be back to pick up Kip.”

  “Fine. Kip and I will put away all the supplies I bought for the hurricane, especially all those boxes of tape I got for the windows, which I really don’t need. Don’t know why I bought them.”

  “I’ll take a box, Nana,” Kip announced while digging into his bag for his homework.

  “Sure. Just don’t tape up Jared with it.” Her mother rose and moved toward Kip. “Kathleen, when you get back we’ll order something for dinner. We’re celebrating tonight. No Naomi.”

  Kathleen left her mom’s, not feeling the least bit in the mood to celebrate anything—even the fact the town would avoid Naomi. Her cousin’s apartment burned today. She could have lost Sally and her sons. A firefighter went into a burning building because of her insistence her family was still inside.

  Her life continued to come apart at the seams, starting with the last year of her marriage to Derek. She had wanted coming home to be a new start but hadn’t counted on her sons’ rebellion against moving to Hope. There was no going back to Denver, however. She couldn’t afford to live there, financially or emotionally.

  Chapter Two

  The crashing sounds of the falling timbers and the crackling of the fire haunted Gideon when he tried to sleep at the hospital. He remembered being put into the ambulance and glancing at the Magnolia Street Apartments as the structure caved in on itself, flames shooting upward as the blaze rampaged through it.

  The noises around him amplified in volume. The antiseptic smell of the hospital overwhelmed him. Sweat popped out on his forehead. His breathing became shallow, his throat raw.

  Finally, Gideon inhaled a deeper breath and regretted it the second he did. A sharp pain pierced through his chest. He clenched his jaw and rode the wave until it subsided to a throbbing ache. In spite of how he felt, restlessness churned through him. Scanning the hospital room, he resisted the impulse to walk away. The doctor should be here within a few hours to give him the okay to leave. But as he stared at the clock on the wall across from his bed, the second hand seemed to be moving in slow motion.

  The sound of the door opening lured his attention away from watching time inch forward. Kathleen Hart—last night he’d finally remembered she’d told him her name at the fire—entered his room. Her long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail emphasized her delicate features—large, blue eyes like the Gulf off the shores of Hope, lips with a rosy tint that wasn’t from lipstick, and two dimples in her cheeks as she smiled at him.

  Dressed in blue scrubs, she approached his bed carrying a little plastic cup with his meds. “How are you doing today?”

  “Well enough to go home.” He held out his right palm for his pills.

  “Dr. Adams should be here soon. He does rounds after lunch.” Dark shadows under her eyes attested to not enough rest.

  He recalled her apology and hoped what had happened at the fire hadn’t caused her a sleepless night. “Where did you go yesterday? Nurse Ratched brought me my meds. She wouldn’t tell me what happened to you.”

  “I won’t tell Mildred you called her that.”

  He grinned. “She’s definitely a no-nonsense nurse. I’m glad you came back today.”

  “I work on this floor. I had to.”

  “Ouch. I think my ego was just wounded.”

  “Only think?” A twinkle danced briefly in her tired eyes.

  The shadow in her gaze tugged at him. He wanted to prolong the light tone of the conversation, but he needed her to understand how he felt. His injuries weren’t her fault. “You were upset yesterday. Are you all right today?”

  “The more important question is, are you?”

  “I will be in time.”

  “You shouldn’t be here right now. If only I had waited a little…” Her voice faded into silence, and she glanced away, swallowing hard.

  “I would rather err on the side of caution than have someone trapped in a burning building. What I did yesterday is part of my job. Occasionally we go into a fire looking for a person who isn’t there. It happens. You are not to blame.” He would never forget the firefighters who had rescued him and his younger brother from a fire when he was eight. If they hadn’t come into his burning house, he and Zach wouldn’t be alive today. “No more guilt over yesterday. I’m glad your sons are safe.”

With her gaze still averted, she nodded.

  He wasn’t totally convinced she wasn’t blaming herself anymore, not if the furrowed forehead and the darkening of the blue in her eyes were any indication. “I’ve been hurt before. I won’t let a few cracked ribs and a broken arm get me down.”

  She swiveled her attention back to him, her expression evening out, but the dark circles under her eyes were still there. “Tell that to my son. He broke a bone in his wrist yesterday after I took him to his grandmother’s while I came to the hospital. That’s where I had to go. He told me at the doctor’s office that he wanted to see the hurricane coming in the Gulf. He thought the view would be better from the roof.”

  “I heard it turned toward Florida. We might get some high tides and rain, but hopefully that will be all.” He shifted in the bed and caused another shaft of pain to constrict his breath, but he tried to keep from flinching. He didn’t succeed.

  “Are you all right?” The wrinkled forehead returned with a slight tensing.

  “Just a twinge. Nothing that won’t go away with time. So how did he get to the roof? Ladder?”

  “That would have been safer. But he climbed the side of the house on a dare from his older brother. He didn’t make it. He fell while trying to hoist himself onto the roof.”

  Gideon whistled. “You’ve got a daredevil on your hands. What did your husband say about it?” The second he asked the question he wanted to snatch it back. He didn’t see a wedding ring on her left hand, but there was paler skin where one would have been. He couldn’t remember Ruth saying anything to him about her son-in-law, but then he and Ruth were only passing acquaintances on Oceanview Drive.

  “Derek died last year.”

  “I’m so sorry. I…” He didn’t know what else to say.

  “Is there anything I can do for you before I leave?” A professional facade fell into place as she checked his IV drip.

  He could respect that she wanted to shut down the subject of her husband. Losing a loved one was difficult. Although he had never been married, he’d lost too many people in his life not to feel a kinship with her.


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