His Holiday Family

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His Holiday Family Page 10

by Margaret Daley

  “That’s what I call it when I stopped traveling and put down roots in one place. I chose Hope for that.”

  “Why?” Gideon took the dried plate from Miss Alice.

  “It was smaller fifty years ago, quaint and hospitable. I didn’t want a big city where I didn’t know many people. You might not believe this, but at one time I was a mover and shaker here in Hope. I’ve been through my share of hurricanes. I even organized groups to deal with the aftereffects here in town.”

  Kathleen shut the pantry door. “What did you do?”

  “If people group together, the cleanup can go faster. A lot like what you’ve gotten this neighborhood to do, Ruth.”

  Her mother grinned at Miss Alice. “At your suggestion.”

  “Like what we’re doing right now, cleaning up after dinner. Teamwork.” Miss Alice’s eyes twinkled as they fell on Gideon. “Like you do as a firefighter.”

  “It’s hard fighting a fire without teamwork.” Gideon put away the last dish.

  What happened to Miss Alice while she was upstairs? Kathleen wondered. For the past couple of days, the old woman had been depressed and quiet but for now. Kathleen stared at her, trying to figure out the change.

  Miss Alice caught her attention and winked. “It was Kip who reminded me I still have a lot to give. That I could still be part of the team.”

  Kathleen’s mouth fell open, feeling as though the woman had read her mind.

  “When Gideon brought Cottonballs downstairs a while ago, Kip hurried and took my cat, telling me he would take care of him. He knew I must be tired so I should rest. I suddenly realized that had been the way I had been acting for the past two days. No more. I may be eighty-six years young, but I’m not gone yet. So tomorrow I’ll be at my house helping with whatever I can.”

  “You know what the neighbors are going to do?”

  Miss Alice grinned. “Gideon broke the news to me. I may be set in my ways, but not that set, I can’t appreciate the help.” She folded the dish towel and shuffled toward the door that led into the hallway. “With that in mind, I need to get my sleep so I’ll be ready. Good night. Ruth, the dinner was delicious.”

  When Miss Alice left, Kathleen swung her gaze between Gideon and her mother. “Is that the same lady who we kept over here during the storm and sat in a chair, not speaking or doing a thing for hours?”

  “I’ve heard stories about Miss Alice in her younger days. She’s right. She was a regular dynamo. Then about fifteen years ago she stopped going to church, being involved with others and holed herself up in her house. I was never sure why.” Kathleen’s mother started for the same exit. “I think I’ll follow her. Good night.”

  Kathleen released a slow breath. “It’s only eight but I feel like I’ve been up for the whole day instead of four hours.”

  “A lot has happened in that time.”

  “I’m tired but not sleepy.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Where did Kip go?”

  “To feed Cottonballs and settle him in the laundry room. I guess I probably should also leave. I have some work I want to do at home.”

  “In the dark? We have your generator.”

  “I have lanterns like you do.”

  “Stay.” The word came out before Kathleen could censure it, but she didn’t want to be alone at the moment.

  “I should— Okay, for a little bit.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Kathleen saw a flash dart by the doorway. “Why don’t we go out on the porch so little boys with big ears don’t eavesdrop?”

  Gideon glanced toward the entrance and laid his forefinger over his mouth. “Surely you don’t mean Jared or Kip?” he asked as he crept out of the kitchen through the dining room.

  “Well, they have been known to listen when they shouldn’t. You can never tell if…”

  A roar erupted in the hallway followed by a yelp from Kip. Two seconds later her older son and Gideon came into the room.

  “Look who I found standing by the door. Listening.”

  “Imagine that. My son with the big ears.”

  Kip frowned. “I don’t have big ears. Jared does, but I don’t.”

  “No, I don’t,” Jared squeaked from the dining room.

  Kathleen made her way to where the sound came from and peeked around the door. “Come out. What were you doing behind there?”

  Jared trudged into the kitchen, his eyes downcast. “If Kip can listen, so can I.”

  “Both of you need to get ready for bed. Now.”

  “But, Mom, it’s only eight-twenty, and we don’t even have school tomorrow.” Kip’s mouth twisted into a frown that he shot at his brother. “See what you made Mom do.”

  “I did not.”

  “Jared. Kip. Enough. We have a lot to do tomorrow, and we need to get up early. I don’t want two cranky kids. That’s why you’re going to bed a little early. I understand from Nana you both were up late last night. You’ve got some sleep to make up.”

  “I don’t need a lot of sleep. Besides, I shouldn’t have to go to bed at the same time as Jared. I’m older. Age should have some privileges.”

  “I agree. And I’m older than both of you. So I get the privilege of you two listening to me then doing exactly what I say.”

  “But that’s not what I meant.”

  “Go.” Kathleen fluttered her hand toward the hallway.

  “See you two tomorrow bright and early. I’m going to need two helpers. I can’t do all I would like to do because of my cast.” Gideon struggled to maintain a serious expression, but the second they disappeared into the hall, he chuckled.

  “I heard that,” Kip said right before he stomped up the stairs.

  Gideon laughed even more. “Finally alone at last,” he said to Kathleen.

  “You think this will last? You don’t know my boys. They’ll come up with one excuse after another to come down here just so they can stay up.”

  He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the foyer. “Then let’s escape onto the porch like you suggested.”

  “Great minds think alike.”

  As Kathleen shut the front door, she glimpsed Kip at the top of the stairs staring down at them. When he saw her, he turned around and went into his room.

  The cool night air washed over Kathleen. She sat next to Gideon on the top step and surveyed the neighborhood. Dim lights, from candles and lanterns, shone from some of the houses, the only illumination on the street. The darkness hid the piles of debris and torn up landscape. Across from them, Tom Baker had a tarp over part of his roof covering a hole where some of the shingles had blown away. The place next to him had its carport ripped away from the house, pieces of it lying scattered all over the yards along the street.

  The scent of salt water drifted to her, reminding her of how far the Gulf came ashore and covered the area near the beaches and swamped the whole peninsula known as the Point in Hope. The sea retreated but had left its mark on the town, the stench of dead fish and rotting vegetation.

  Gideon laid his flashlight down beside him. “When I went to the station, I felt so useless. An alarm went off while I was there, and I had to stand by and watch the others leave to fight the fire.”

  “I’m so sorry. I’m the reason you’re in that situation.”

  “Hold it. That isn’t the reason I told you that. You’re not to blame for my injury. I thought we were past that. What do I have to do to make you understand that?”

  Her husband had always made her feel she was the cause of things that had gone wrong in their marriage. As though she had been the one to get them into debt. She’d begun to wonder if she was the reason. Had Derek thought she’d wanted a new car or a swimming pool? She hadn’t, but he’d acted as if she had.

  “Old habits die hard.” Placing her elbows on the tops of her thighs, she leaned forward and clasped her hands.

  “What do you mean?”

  “According to my husband, I was the reason everything went wrong.” She turned toward him and realiz
ed how close he was to her on the step. Their arms brushed against each other. His coffee-laced breath mingled with the night scents. Her heartbeat reacted to his nearness by speeding up. “Don’t get me wrong. I know marriage is a two-way street. We rushed into it. I think I was in love with the idea of marriage. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “What mistake?”

  “Marrying. The year before Derek died I felt like I had to guard everything I said. I even went to the doctor because I was so anxious. I would cry at the drop of a hat. I was always so tired, and it wasn’t from work like it is now. My husband didn’t want me to work after Kip was born. I agreed with him.” To keep the peace.

  Gideon covered her hands with his. “You’ll feel different with time. It hasn’t been that long since he passed away.”

  She nodded. “Fifteen months. But I don’t think time will make a difference.”

  “You’re a great mother, patient with your sons even when they test you. You might want to marry again, have another child. Your mom told me you once said you wanted six kids.”

  “I was fourteen. When did she tell you that?” She was going to have to keep an eye on her mother. Next she would be bringing out her baby pictures to show Gideon. She knew what her mom was up to, and she needed to put a stop to it.

  “When she was quizzing me about when I was going to start a family. I don’t think your mother knows the meaning of the word subtle.”

  “I’m finding that out lately. Don’t mind her. She thinks the answer to my problems is a man. She doesn’t understand a man got me into the mess I’m in.” The second she said that her cheeks flamed, heat radiating down her neck. “I mean…”

  His hold on her cupped hands tightened as he shifted toward her. “Shh. I understand perfectly.”

  In the soft glow she could barely make out his face. But she couldn’t read the expression on it. Which meant he couldn’t read hers. Relief trembled through her because embarrassment still heated her cheeks. The cool breeze flowed over her, but it did little to ease the warmth suffusing her.

  “This past week you and your family have kept me sane. You have given me a purpose at a time when I haven’t been feeling so useful. You have to understand I’m a man of action. That came to a grinding halt with the accident.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she was sorry again, but he covered her lips with his fingers.

  “Not a word about you causing it or I will leave.”

  “Do you always threaten friends?” She tried to school her voice into a serious tone, but laughter leaked through.

  “I’m not answering that on the grounds that it might incriminate me.” He cradled her face in his large palm. “When do you go back to the hospital?”

  “The day after tomorrow. I think we’ll be back on our regular schedule soon unless something further happens. How about you? When do you report to headquarters for desk duty?”

  He groaned. “Don’t remind me. In two days, but I guess it’s better than doing nothing.”

  The feel of his skin against hers momentarily robbed her of speech. She frantically tried to put together a coherent sentence, but every inch of her was aware of the man sitting next to her, so close his breath fanned her chin. “You call what you’ve been doing nothing, and you’ve been doing it with only one arm. I certainly have appreciated all your hard work around here and at the cottage.”

  “I’m glad.” He bent a few more inches toward her, their mouths only a breath away.

  Her pulse accelerated. Her throat went dry. Her stomach tightened.

  His hand ran down her jawline until he took hold of her chin and tilted it up toward him. Her lips parted as she inhaled deeply.

  Chapter Eight

  All evening Gideon had wanted to kiss Kathleen, so when his lips touched hers, it felt right. Better than right. He wound his arm around her and drew her to him. His mouth settled on hers as he deepened the kiss, pouring into it all the feelings he’d experienced whenever he was near her. Earlier, he’d watched her mouth move as she talked, smiled or frowned. He’d wondered what it would feel like when his moved over hers. Now he knew.

  But in the back of his mind he heard Kathleen’s words again. She didn’t want to become involved with any man. She’d been burned by her deceased husband. She had been warning him. And he needed to listen.

  When she slid her arms around his neck, he pulled back, his ragged breath sounding in the sudden quiet of night. “I’d better be going.”

  Pushing to his feet, he hovered over her. She peered up at him, but he didn’t want to see her expression. He wanted to think she enjoyed the kiss, at least some. But he also needed to remember she didn’t want to get involved with a man. He had lost too many special people in his life. There was no way he would go through thatkind of pain again. So he had to back off before he fell in love and ended up hurt.

  “Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He descended the remaining two steps, wanting to stay and pursue the feelings rampaging through him, but needing to go because of those feelings. He pivoted and started down the sidewalk.


  He stopped and turned but he didn’t say anything. No words would describe the conflict raging in him.

  “I— Thank you for your help today.”

  “Anytime.” This time he rotated around and hurried away.

  Kathleen watched Gideon almost flee from her. What just happened?

  She ran her fingers across her lips. I was kissed by a dynamite, caring man. I was…

  She didn’t know what to think. Instead, she sat there letting her feelings dominate her—no, overwhelm her. From her hammering heartbeat to the tingling awareness of everything about Gideon.

  What made him stop and pull away?

  Did I do something wrong?

  Derek’s rejections the last year and a half of their marriage mocked her. Would she ever be free of those memories?

  She stood, pulling in deep breaths over and over to calm her. She hadn’t come to Hope to find a man. She didn’t believe, like her mother, that a man was the solution to her problems. A man had put her into debt, attacked her self-confidence. No, she would be fine by herself. She would put her family back together.

  But still she had wanted that kiss to continue. She’d wanted to bask in the feeling of femininity it had brought out in her for a while longer.

  The next evening after spending the day at Miss Alice’s and then at the cottage picking through the rubble, Kathleen helped her mother put together soup and sandwiches. The back door opened and in came Jared.

  “Did you two invite Gideon to dinner?” her mother asked as she put the soup onto the stove to heat.

  “Yep. He’s going home to wash up and feed Butch. Kip went with him.”

  “He did?” Kathleen needed to say something to Kip about bugging Gideon too much.

  “He wanted to help with Butch.” Jared’s gaze lit upon Miss Alice sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Whatcha doing, Miss Alice?” Jared plopped himself down across from the older woman, put his elbow on the tabletop and settled his chin in his palm.

  “I had to do something. Your mom and grandma didn’t want me to help with dinner so I’m playing solitaire.”

  “Can I watch?”

  “Sure, if that floats your boat.”

  “Floats my boat? I don’t have one.”

  Miss Alice laughed. “If that makes you happy.”

  “Nana plays solitaire sometimes, but it doesn’t look like that.”

  “There are hundreds of different kinds of solitaire.”

  “Why don’t they have different names?”

  “Solitaire really means any card game you can play by yourself.”


  “Why didn’t you go with your brother?”

  “I don’t know.” Jared shrugged. “I guess ’cause I’m tired after working all day.”

  “You did good.”

  Jared beamed. “I did?”

you and Kip really helped Gideon. I heard him say so. I just wish I could have done more.”

  “But you’re an old lady.”

  “Jared!” Kathleen closed her eyes and waited for Miss Alice’s reaction.

  “And proud of it. I’ve seen and done many things.” A chuckle accompanied her declaration.

  “Like what?” Jared moved around to the seat next to Miss Alice to watch her play the card game.

  “I’ve ridden a camel in the desert and an elephant in India. I’ve dived with sharks, and I’ve climbed some of the tallest mountains in the world.”

  His eyes grew round. “Weren’t you scared the sharks would eat you?”

  “Tell you a secret.” Miss Alice leaned close and whispered something in Jared’s ear.

  Kathleen didn’t think her son’s eyes could get any bigger. “The first time! How many times did you swim with them?”

  “Half a dozen times. I’ll show you some of my pictures when I can get back into my house.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Now let me show you how to play this version of solitaire.” Miss Alice shuffled the deck and laid the cards down in a pyramid, telling Jared what she was doing as she did it.

  When Kathleen heard a knock on the front door, she merely continued making the sandwiches. Her mother looked over at her and said, “That must be Gideon. Would you answer the door?”

  Kathleen thought about refusing her mother’s request, but that would start a whole series of questions she didn’t want to answer. Besides, she and Gideon could be casual friends.

  She finished cutting the last turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich in half, then hurried into the foyer. Gideon stood on the porch. A picture of him kissing her the night before flashed into her thoughts—along with an image of him ending it suddenly and leaving right after that. All day she had avoided being near him and now she was face-to-face with him, only two feet from him. Way too close for her peace of mind.

  He had kissed her and found her lacking. The insecurity she experienced reminded her of Derek that last year of their marriage. He had hardly ever touched her.

  “Where’s Kip?” Her voice cool, she stepped to the side to let him into the house.


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