From Boardroom to Wedding Bed?

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From Boardroom to Wedding Bed? Page 3

by Jules Bennett

  Tamera massaged her forehead, easing away the start of a tension headache. “I’m not having a meeting on your yacht. This isn’t a social call, Cole. We’re architects. We meet in boardrooms.”

  He chuckled, which only added to her already frazzled nerves.

  “Tamera, that’s how I work at the start of a project. I’ll have a lunch prepared so we can just keep working. Besides, didn’t Victor say to step outside the box? We can’t go against our client’s wishes, now can we?”

  She resisted the urge to hang up on him. Clearly he was hell-bent on proving this was the only way to go.

  “Trust me,” he continued in that condescending tone. “You’ll like the fact there will be nothing to worry about except how fast your Sharpie can keep up with that creative side I know you have.”

  Now Tamera laughed, shaking her head. “I’ll overlook the fact that you just asked me to trust you and simply warn you that if you even attempt to charm me or toy with me the way you did earlier, I’ll walk off that boat and we’ll continue every meeting inside the box of my office. Now, which yacht is yours?”

  He gave her specific directions and by the time she hung up, Tamera felt like she’d let control of this whole situation slip through her grasp. But if Cole did indeed work this way and Victor thought it would aid in the design process, she had to accommodate these men in order to get the blueprints done before…

  Tamera stepped from her car and attempted to quickly resurrect some walls around her heavy heart. She couldn’t take another beating. Not now when so much was on the line.


  Cole hadn’t lied when he’d told Tamera he did his best work on his yacht, though if he’d been asked to work with any other firm, he certainly wouldn’t have invited them on board.

  He needed her to see more of who he was today. Not only that, he wanted to get this seduction plan rolling right off the bat. This was the perfect opportunity to kill three birds with one stone.

  In their recent meetings, he hadn’t missed the way her pulse leapt beneath that smooth, creamy skin on her neck, nor had he missed the way she moistened her lips as if she were nervous, aroused, or both. She wanted him as much as he wanted her and that angered her more than she cared to admit.

  She wanted distance from him, which was understandable considering how he left things so long ago, but that wasn’t the main reason she was moving away. If her voice hadn’t shaken, he may have just believed the flames shooting from her glare were directed in a negative way. But as he’d closed the distance between them, her words trembled.

  Point for him for getting back under her skin in such a short time.

  Reading a woman’s body language was second nature to him and he’d had plenty of experience reading Tamera’s. He knew her on every level a man and a woman could know each other. True, eleven years may have passed, but she hadn’t changed that much. She was torn between wanting to see if their chemistry still existed and wanting to rip his eyes out.

  Cole couldn’t wait to see which power prevailed.

  He was certain of one thing, though. When he wanted her, he’d have her. Seducing her would be no problem.

  Tamera still had heat and desire, even if both were fueled by anger and rage. Her passionate side still existed and he was going to take full advantage.


  Tamera’s voice echoed down through the galley. Cole put on his game face and stepped up onto the gleaming cherry finish of the deck. He briefly stopped in his tracks, forcing himself to act like a professional and let this physical attraction play out.

  She was wearing a white skirt, simple white tennis shoes and a blue-and-white-striped sleeveless top. With her pale hair in loose waves around her shoulders, she looked so innocent. If only she knew where his thoughts had traveled.

  “Come on down,” he motioned for her to join him below. “I had the staff prepare some pastries and fruit. There’s also a variety of juices.”

  He moved over to the kitchen and helped himself to a grape.

  “Nice yacht.”

  Her sarcastic tone had him looking back over his shoulder. “Thanks.”

  “I never expected to see my name on the side of it.”

  Cole shrugged, refusing to rise to her challenge or mocking attitude. “Not your name. I named my boat “TAM” after the first stock I invested in that turned over a nice profit and allowed me to purchase such a luxury.”

  She eyed him as if she didn’t believe a word he said.

  “Oh, you thought I named it after you?” he laughed. “How awkward. But, seriously, I’d have a whole fleet if I named boats after all my exes.”

  He turned back to the fruit, ignoring the hurt in her eyes, not caring what she thought. He wasn’t lying. Though he didn’t tell her he invested in that stock because of her.

  He was over what they had. Too much time had passed for him to still be harboring feelings for someone he’d cared about over a decade ago and he had too much on his plate these days anyway to keep someone like Tamera entertained in a relationship-type setting.

  All he wanted from her was two things: design and sex.

  He readied a plate for her and watched from the corner of his eye while Tamera stood in the entryway taking in her surroundings. His pride swelled. He knew how his cruiser yacht appeared—expensive and elegant.

  “This is nice, Cole.” Her tone had softened.

  The surprise in her voice both irritated and pleased him. Growing up with nothing and working your way to the top did have advantages, but hadn’t he told her he’d never have to scrape by again? Hadn’t he said those very same words to her father? Hadn’t he promised Walter Stevens that Tamera would never want for anything if Cole could marry her? Did she not think he could do it?

  Obviously he had been the only one with faith in himself. Now he was even more irritated that he was second-guessing the past and replaying it over and over in his head.

  “Yes, it is.”

  Reining in these emotions was the best approach right now. He had to keep the past out of their conversations and simply do what he told Zach—work on the design, and make Victor Lawson the happiest client and hotelier in the world. If anything happened with Tamera on an intimate level, well, he would consider this project a smashing success.

  She placed her black briefcase on the table in front of the sofa. “I was running late and didn’t get a chance to grab breakfast. That fruit is calling my name.” She took a strawberry from the plate Cole offered her.

  Cole reached for another grape, popped it in his mouth and stared. Was she really going to go on like there was no history? Like there was no sexual tension? Like they were just colleagues meeting for the first time?

  Fine. That was just fine. He could work with this. The fact that she hadn’t looked him in the eye since she’d stepped on board was just another positive in his favor. Her nerves were getting to her and he’d most definitely use that to his advantage…in business and pleasure.

  “Do you want to sit on the sofa or at the dinette?”

  She looked around the cozy living area. “The sofa will be fine for now since we’re not actually drawing anything out. I think we need to brainstorm and then I can draw up some rough sketches.”

  Cole took a seat near her on the sofa.

  She pulled papers from her briefcase and moved the case to the floor at her feet. He couldn’t help when his eyes tracked her movements and he locked in on her small, tanned ankles against the stark white shoes. Nor did he feel guilty about reacquainting himself with her body all over again.

  She was so delicate he wanted to run his hands up her petite legs to see if she still trembled beneath his touch. He wasn’t delusional, though. Cole knew when he got his hands on her again, she wouldn’t be the only one trembling. But this time, Cole wouldn’t get his heart tangled in such a mess as love…or anything that remotely resembled that useless emotion.

  “I assume you’ve had a chance to glance over everything,” she said,
reaching for another strawberry and biting into it.

  Cole nodded and focused on the Lawson project instead of her full, pink lips making an O shape around the fruit. “Yes. It’ll be an exciting ride, but well worth it, not only to our companies, but to the economy in Miami as well.”

  “I agree.” She swallowed and pulled a paper from the folder. “I went through and categorized Victor’s ideas.”

  Cole laughed, easing back into the corner of the beige leather sofa. “I remember you used to group everything. That was one of the things I lo—”

  He shook his head at the major slip-up, and before he could backpedal, Tamera spoke up.

  “We share a past, Cole. It’s bound to come up at some point.” She pointed to the sheet. “But as I was saying, I broke this down into groups. Necessities are marked in yellow, structure is in green, safety features are in red, décor is in pink. I saw Kayla’s name on the contract. Is she working with you and Zach?”

  Cole nodded. “She usually does all the décor for our projects. Actually, my sister is really anxious to get started on this. She’s finishing up a project in L.A. right now.”

  Tamera tilted her head, causing her soft blond hair to swing over her shoulder. “Does she do independent work as well, though?”

  “Yes, but the project she’s doing now is for an office building Zach and I designed. She should be home in a couple of days.”

  Tamera’s blue eyes sparkled. “I can’t wait to see her again.”

  Not only had the Cole/Tamera tie been broken, so had the Tamera/Kayla bond. All because Walter Stevens had a chip on his shoulder and wanted better for his little girl than “trailer trash.”

  Tamera’s soft, soothing voice slid over him as she talked about various groups she’d outlined. Cole listened, but only halfway. Her voice always did have that hypnotic effect on him.

  Back at the University of Florida, Cole always found himself trying to study with her in her studio apartment and the next thing he knew they were naked and tangled in each others arms on the couch, floor, wherever.

  When they stayed at his dorm, they always had to deal with Zach and his revolving door of women. That made evenings awkward for all parties involved, so they tended to stay at her apartment. It was amazing either of them made the good grades they did.

  “Did you zone out on me?”

  He shook aside the pleasant memories from what seemed like a lifetime ago and saw that she was smiling. “Just thinking ahead to the finished design.”

  She reached for another strawberry. “Tell me what you’ve been thinking as far as the theme for the hotel.”

  This was a no-brainer for him. “Classic. Timeless. Something from an era when life was simpler, women were elegant and men were gentlemen.”

  Her smile widened. “We’re on the same page, then, because that’s exactly the vibe I was getting from Victor’s requirements and ideas.”

  “He knew we’d make a good team.”

  Damn. Admitting that in his head was one downfall he didn’t appreciate. Having it out in the open was even more fatal to his position. He’d never let a woman have control over his emotions since Tamera and he’d be damned if he’d let her have that privilege ever again. Though the breakup was no fault of hers, the whole situation left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Tamera’s baby blues stared as her smile faltered. Cole didn’t say another word, but he could practically see the wheels spinning inside her head and those thoughts bumping into each other in her mind had nothing to do with business.

  “This is going to be harder than I thought.” She came to her feet, tossing the folder onto her vacated seat on the sofa. “I knew the past would come up in conversation, I just didn’t expect it to be this uncomfortable.”

  Her declaration surprised him and he got up, too, standing almost toe-to-toe with her. “Look, if you can’t handle this, you should’ve told Victor before you signed.”

  She shoved her shoulders back. “I can handle this just fine. I said it was uncomfortable. That’s all.”


  “Yes. Really. I mean to see you after all this time and then to act like this is a typical job. Not to mention the fact this is my first project as CEO.”

  “Congratulations, by the way,” Cole offered, in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Didn’t know your father retired.”

  He hated thinking of her father, but he hated even more when all color drained from her face at the mention of the man.

  What the hell?

  “Tamera?” Cole reached out to take her arm. “What’s wrong now?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. I don’t want to disappoint my father and I don’t want to let the firm down. I just have a lot riding on this.”

  No, there was something much more than that. Cole knew this woman well enough to know when she was holding something back, and she definitely was. Now he just had to figure out what was going on with Walter Stevens. She’d been fine until the mention of her father’s absence. Odd that Cole hadn’t heard of his retirement before. Was the man indeed retired or was something wrong?

  She went on to say, “I’d actually like to work on this as much as we can to finish up the drawing as soon as possible.”

  “Not a problem.” Why was she so rushed, he wondered, releasing her arm. “The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can start construction and hopefully get done before the projected date.”

  “That would be amazing.”

  “If you’re so nervous about letting people down, why don’t you just ask your father for advice? I’m sure he’d be more than willing to help you, especially since he just turned over the reins to you. He may even consider coming back for such an important project.”

  Walter would do anything for his baby girl, Cole thought, including threaten her fiancé and not give a damn he was hurting his precious daughter in the process.

  Oh, but the thought of going toe-to-toe with Walter again got Cole’s blood pumping. The image of the two of them being paired on this project was laughable and Cole found himself actually wanting the opportunity to present itself so he could show the old bastard what he was made of.

  Tamera turned her back to Cole, her head drooping between her shoulders. “I really can’t talk about my father, Cole.”

  Seriously? Something was definitely wrong.

  Had something happened? Had he threatened Tam about this project? Surely not. But what had her so upset?


  To hell with their past, present, future. To hell with the designs and his promise not to charm her. He needed to at least appear concerned. How else would he get her where he wanted her? He needed her to trust him, especially now, so he could get to the truth about Walter’s real reason for being a no-show on the biggest project his firm had ever seen.

  Cole placed his hands on her slender shoulders, squeezing gently when she only tensed.

  “Whatever it is, push it aside. We can’t allow personal emotions to interfere with this project.”

  When she turned back around, her eyes were misty, but that defiant chin was tilted. And because he didn’t want her to mistake his touch for anything intimate, Cole removed his hand.

  “It’s just personal,” she said, looking up. “Nothing I can’t handle. I’ve just got more riding on this deal than you will ever know.”

  As if he didn’t have a great deal riding on this project himself? The reputation of his firm was on the line.

  “But I am begging you,” she added. “Please don’t make me stroll down memory lane with you. I just can’t. I don’t have the energy to fight you about it, either. Not now.”

  Cole nodded. “You have my word.”

  A mocking laugh escaped her. “That means nothing to me. Just concentrate on business.”

  More and more intrigued at what plagued her, he let her go, but knew without a doubt that whatever was hurting Tamera this much had to be something major. For her to give in to her emotions and nearly break down in tear
s in front of him told him that this strong woman was teetering on the edge.


  “Sleek, yet bold and elegant.”

  Tamera nodded, adding, “Old World elegance.”


  Working in Cole’s million-dollar yacht, earning high praise and approval from him shouldn’t make her feel warm and tingly like a schoolgirl, but it did just the same.

  Between her father’s illness and the stress of trying to perfect the one design that could be the biggest career move she’d ever taken, she’d gladly embrace all the warm feelings she could muster…even if they came from the only man who’d taken her heart, squashed it and handed it back without even so much as an apology.

  Cole eased back into the leather club chair and crossed his ankle over his knee. “Tell me more of your vision.”

  Tamera pulled out her black Sharpie and a sheet of butter paper and laid it across his long, glossy dinette table. “Since this is Miami, we need to continue with the white stone, column and arched look, but keep it in the massive size.” She drew some quick sketches, then stopped with her marker hovering over the sheet and closed her eyes. The finished product floated through her mind. “We want this to be grand like in Casablanca. Refined. Maybe not so much glitz, but all of the glamour. Polished.”

  “There should be two wide sets of stairs facing opposite directions, coming together as one and then leading up to the arched, open doorway of the resort entrance. Large pillars, maybe covered with greenery or flowers trailing over them at the base of the staircases with oversize, lantern-type lights.”


  Tamera jerked upright, opening her eyes. Cole stood directly beside her, mere inches away. His heavy-lidded gaze roamed over her face, pausing on her mouth.

  “All of it.”

  Tamera licked her lips and cursed herself when the innocent gesture sent the muscle in Cole’s jaw ticking. The last thing they needed was more sexual tension. Hadn’t he given his word not to rehash the past? Granted he wasn’t saying anything, but his actions were purposely throwing her back to a time she couldn’t settle into.


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