BWWM: OFF LIMITS: An Interracial Alpha Billionaire Romance (Urban African American Contemporary Series)

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BWWM: OFF LIMITS: An Interracial Alpha Billionaire Romance (Urban African American Contemporary Series) Page 270

by Scribble XO Books

  Ja owinięta moje ramiona mocno wokół niego jak całował i shifted moje ciało pod nim więc jego dudnienie wzwód był ustawiali się w moje drzwi. Mogę dojechać w dół i przyciągnął kogut w mojej ręki, reveling w gładkie, twarde w dotyku. Odprawił, a dźwięk, który był krzyżówką warczą i rozpaczliwie, jak i pokierował ją w górę i w dół przed mój wet złożeń. Mialem go nasączać moich soków, zacząłem przesuwać moją ręką w górę i w dół od podstawy do wierzchołka; pieszczot go powoli, ściskając go mocno i zrobienie z niego wytrząsnąć i przerażenie.

  "Fuckuhhh…jesteś zabija mnie!".

  Ja uśmiechnął się i dokręcone mojej ręki wokół niego. On zamarli i wziął jeden z moich sutków z powrotem pomiędzy jego palcami, przycięcie i zwinąć ją, a potem przesuwając nad i czyni to samo z drugiej strony.

  "Naughty girl…" był zadyszany i jego ciemny głos był jeszcze bardziej seksowny niż kiedykolwiek. "Obawiam się przestawię się w dłoń".

  Ja pierwzy z moje oczy zamknięte i jak przeniósł swoje biodra, przeciwko mnie, zajął szef jego hard cock wstecz i do przodu względem mojej napęczniałej clit wysyłając fale stojące lub nacieszyć przez moje ciało.


  "Aye lass"?

  "umieścisz swój język ojczysty inside of me"?

  On chuckled darkly "Dlaczego prosiliście więc matce. Jak mógłbym odmówić? Oprócz…JA zaserwujemy nic więcej." ściągnął wargi przed moją krtań i pozwolić im na szybowanie w dół do mojej piersi i na mój brzuch, aż dotarł do góry mojego Kopca Kraka. Prowadził on jego warg i języka do tyłu i z powrotem w poprzek, kochano mnie wierci.

  Mogę znieść moje biodra do góry z trawy i bez ostrzeżenia zakopał twarz jego we mnie. Wołam głośno, jak on wessany moje clit między jego wargi. Był kochano mnie mógł pisać na trawie jak on używać swego języka do sięgnięcia i wychodził między moimi ustami. Zostałam wymieszanie różnych zakątków a ja jakbym traciła mój umysł już kiedy wypuścił jego palce dołącz swój język ojczysty. Uczucia były tak intensywne, że niemal zbyt dużo. Czułem się jak mogłam nic więcej, a jednak wiedziałem, że nie chcę go zatrzymać. Wrócił mu uwagę z powrotem do mojej clit Przerzucaj go do tyłu i do przodu z językiem swoim, jednocześnie przesuwając jego palce wewnątrz mnie.

  Pieprzyć! Aaron! Właśnie tak!".

  Nie wypijał stop jak moje ciało napięta i znów my pussy kiedy odgrywałem rolę wokół jego palców jak mój orgazm ogarnął. Tym razem pracował ze mną przez niego jako fale zaczęły ogarnie mnie ponownie i ponownie. Jezus, który był dobry! I wreszcie zatrzymał się i spadła z powrotem na trawę. Byłem wciąż biadolenia i squirming a on pauzować aż wreszcie Parlamencie zdołano rozwiać przed powoli przesuwając palcami jego poza mną. Zostałam drżących ze strachu przeciwnikach różnych zakątków jak trafił do mojej twarzy i pocałował mnie w usta. Mam dziwnie zwariowałem na smak mnie na jego wargach.

  Chociaż był on całuje mnie, podszyte sam się ze mną jeszcze raz, tym razem wsuwana na mnie, powoli... ale zupełnie. Ja jęknął pod nim jak nasycał mnie i moją unieś biodra do buck do mu, bo podciągnięty. Potrzebowałam go szybko i intensywnie teraz i nie zabrało mu długo do rysunku. Znosi on moje nogi, po jednym na raz, i włożył je na swoje szerokie pobocza, zwiększając kąt. Piastował na moje biodra i mogę dojechać w górę i pogłaskało moje palce między jego naprężonego klatki piersiowej i tatuaż jak zaczął jechać jego kogut do mnie ponownie i ponownie.

  Dźwięk z niego kulki stukaniu mnie powtórzyła z drzew i ją spytano innego ogromny orgazm tore przez mnie w tym samym czasie jego ciała zaczęły się spiętym i zakrzyknął na tyle głośny, aby zastraszyć wszelkich pająków lub węży, które mogłyby być slithering wokół. On wstrząsnęły jego biodra przeciw mnie kilka razy, a potem zwalił się na trawę obok mnie.

  "Stella, Stella… Skąd wiesz?"

  I roześmiał się. "pustynia", powiedziałam.

  On mnie wyciągnięta w jego klatkę piersiową, które tłoczą mnie w nim i całowała po mojej twarzy. "Uwielbiam pustyni, następnie," powiedział.

  I roześmiał się i połączona w kwiat tatuaż. Ja odszukane wiersze i popatrzył na niego podchwytliwie.

  "Szkocja w Teatrze Narodowym kwiatem".


  "Choć chwastów, to jeden z najbardziej prężnych zakładach w naszych legendach. Pokorna, ale wytrzymałemu buntownik".

  "takich jak ty".

  On tylko odciągnąć mnie w filmie "Bliżej" i po raz kolejny przeniósł swoje usta na bok mojej twarzy.

  "i ty, lass".



  And that concludes our wade in international waters! Thank you for allowing me to sharing our work with you!

  As one of our international fans, we will continue to provide our work in different dialects for your enjoyment. Please share with your friends and family.

  And as always, you are welcome to join me and your favorite authors in our Book Club!

  Your main book can be found below!

  ~Author Emilia Domino



  Gemma's mouth had gone dry, but she managed to reply, “We have a deal.”

  “You start Monday, eight o'clock. Don't be late,” he said, releasing her as the song ended, applauding politely with the crowd.


  “Did you get it?” Rainna’s eyes shone widely.

  “What? Yeah, I got it.”

  “Well, let me seeee!”

  Gemma held out her hand, the necklace pooled into her palm, for Rainna to see. They were in the car, driving home.

  “It's massive! How did you manage to get that off of someone?”

  The black diamond pendant was a full inch tall and dangled from a chain of tiny platinum links. The brilliance of the metal and the cut of the gem told Gemma that the jeweler who had made it was well practiced and she'd estimated the value of the raw materials alone to be heart-stoppingly expensive, never mind whatever price it went for when it was finished. And yet she couldn't bring herself to put it on. Instead, she stuffed it in her purse.

  “Oh. Well, people don't pay attention to what's happening when they're drunk. I made sure the girl kept drinking until she could hardly stand, and then just found an excuse to lean in and I took it.”

  Gemma expounded in great detail for the rest of the ride home, but didn't think she was ready to tell Rainna about what happened as she had tried to make her escape. She knew in her heart that she’d do whatever it took to protect herself and Rainna. They’d both lost so much over the years. And jail would put her even further in the ground.

  In the years since she had started simply taking what she wanted, be it shiny jewelry or expensive art, Gemma had not once been caught. At least until now. And it weighed heavily in her mind. A small voice in the back of her brain told her that she could not possibly keep stealing like this forever. And especially now with her mystery owner. Gemma cringed at the thought.You’ve really done it this time.

  Chapter Two: Beauty in the Beast's Castle

  Gemma rubbed her fingers over the card again. She had hardly put it down. It was cream colored with a satin texture that soothed her somehow as it slipped between her fingers. Printed on it was an address she knew was in Tribeca.Cillian Sera.The name struck a sour note with her, but she couldn't put her finger on why.

  Gemma had spent all of her time since the ball trying to find any scrap of information about the man so as to prepare herself, but there was next to nothing. Even the almighty Google had failed her. Internet searches of the name inevitably all came back to the same article naming him one of the most eligible billionaires in the city, but that told her next to nothing about him as a person.

  If nothing else, however, she did get to see his whole face and spend an inordinate amount of time staring into his eyes. They were a deep, clear blue set into a face with a hard jawline and defined cheekbones. There was a pinkness to his skin
that brought out the blue of his eyes, and a mischievous up-turn at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the photo made Gemma's stomach do a little flip. She was both intimidated and drawn to him. Perhaps going to jail would have been a better option.

  Come Monday, a sleek black car pulled up in front of her apartment to take her away on what was sure to be a very strange... vacation. Rainna had not been pleased to hear about it, of course, but Gemma insisted that she had to go.

  “Gem, why are you doing this again?”

  “Relax, Rain. It will be fine. I've got to get in good with this guy so I can make a big score.”

  Gemma wasn't completely sure why she was lying, but she knew she couldn't tell Rainna the complete truth. What would Rainna say if she knew Gemma had been caught? What would she think of her submitting to what was basically kidnapping for anything less than a means to her own end?

  “You should have seen the man-ring he was wearing! It could have easily paid for the down payment on a car. He's bound to have something even better in his house.” Gemma felt foul about the whole thing, but she couldn't see any other way.

  Why did he let me keep it?Gemma's stomach refused to settle the entire ride up. She stared at the necklace she'd stolen for lack of anything better to do. After everything she went through to get it, she didn't feel like putting it on. And just having it bothered her. Maybe it was some strange kind of power play. He was forcing her to deliver it back to him in order to humiliate her. Or maybe it was something worse? Maybe he was going to fuck her and kill her and then take it back?

  Gemma gulped. Rainna had been right. She was crazy to think that this would turn out okay. Especially since she’d have to put all of her dealings on hold until she’d served her sentence. The last thing she needed were some asshole smugglers getting a whiff of her living with a billionaire. She pushed the unpleasant thoughts from her mind, her jaw clenching in determination.

  As the car glided to a stop in front of a massive high-rise, Gemma craned her neck to get a good look. The building was glass from top to bottom and dazzlingly bright in the sunlight. On the one hand, Gemma couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't belong here. On the other, she knew she had been right when she told Rainna that this man must surely have something worth stealing in his apartment—though “apartment” may have been underselling it. Gemma stuffed the necklace into her pocket and stepped out of the car.

  The doorman was a stone-faced man who hardly looked at Gemma when she said she was here to see Cillian Sera.

  “No one sees Mr. Sera without an invitation,” he said coldly and Gemma scowled, feeling a great dislike for this man.

  “Well tell him Gemma Cross is here, and if--”

  “Ah, Miss Cross,” the doorman said. “You should have said so. This way, please.” The man turned sharply on his heels and lead her across the atrium, past one elevator and toward a second one she hadn't noticed at first. It lacked the scuffs and wear of the first one, giving off the distinct impression that it was only for the use of a select few. Or perhaps just a selectone. The doorman punched a code into the number pad and the doors slid open smoothly. When Gemme hesitated, the man gestured toward the door, giving a little bow that she took to be more sardonic than polite.

  Gemma sniffed, wrinkling her nose, but entered anyway. The man did not follow, for which she was grateful. This allowed her to be as nervous and fidgety as she wanted. Her stomach had gone from simply unsettled to practically rolling, and the motion of the elevator did nothing to help it. Gemma checked her reflection in the polished metal door. She had put her hair up into a messy bun and had donned a simple top and a nice, tight pair of jeans. She was used to never having to question whether or not she was pretty, but looking at herself now she wished she had thought to put on something with a little more class.

  Oh well, too late now. If she was going to be murdered, it would be in whatever clothes she felt like wearing at the time.

  The elevator kept going up for a very long time, and it occurred to Gemma that his apartment must be on the top floor. When the elevator finally slowed and the doors slid open, her breath caught in her throat. It opened directly into an expansive entryway with richly colored mahogany paneling and white marble floors.

  “Hello?” Her voice echoed a bit across the room, but no one answered back. Well, she couldn't have picked a more swanky place to die. Gemma thought she could hear piano music playing and she crossed the room to find the source, hefting her bags onto her shoulder. The double doors at the other end were open and, poking her head in, she thought she heard the distinct sound of sizzling—someone was cooking.

  Gemma stopped dead when she entered into the living room. It was positively massive, with thick plush carpeting and floor-to-ceiling glass windows lining one entire wall. It dawned on her that he didn't just rent an apartment on a single floor here, but rather he had anestate that must span the entire floor. Or maybe even multiple floors. The view of the sprawling skyline from his living room was breath-taking. The sun was just beginning to sink into the horizon, setting the clouds above it on fire and casting the city below in shadow. Gemma nearly forgot she was wandering around in a stranger’s home.

  At one end of the living room was the kitchen, encircled by black marble counter-tops. Standing at the stove with his back to her, was a tall figure in a plain cotton shirt and slacks. He was humming to himself and stirring something in a pan that was giving off a delicious smell. Turning just so, he looked over his shoulder and his lips parted into a sly smile.

  Gemma exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding. He was just as beautiful, if not more, simply dressed. Without the gaudy embellishments to draw away from his features, he was simply a god. His pecs strained against the front of his shirt in the most tempting way, and his massive arms and big hands looked warm and inviting. Broad shoulders led down to a narrow waist and hips and Gemma found herself wondering things she didn't think were really appropriate to wonder about one's captor.

  Giving whatever was in the pan another stir, he set it aside and turned down the heat of the stove.

  “You're just in time for dinner,” he said in a dark voice that was almost a purr. The sound of it made the little hairs on the back of Gemma's neck stand. He put a lid on the pan, but the aroma still suffused the air and made Gemma's stomach grumble.

  Cillian stalked slowly towards her and despite Gemma’s resolve to look strong, she felt herself shy away from his intense gaze. He stopped in front of her and she noticed how sexy his bare feet were. Feet shouldn’t be sexy. But his are.

  A finger lifted her chin to meet his eyes. Her breath stopped as she watched him take in her face, his eyes glistening with awe. Both their chests heaved in unison, the tension growing thick around them.

  “You are not to be afraid of me. Do you understand?”

  “I understand.”

  He rewarded her with a small smile that Gemma felt in her core.

  Cillian hefted her bags easily, scoffing when she tried to protest. “This suitcase alone is nearly as big as you are.” Gemma watched his muscles bunch and bulge as he took her hand and showed her to her room - a decadent bedroom the size of her living room back home with its own private bathroom and balcony as well.

  Gemma could feel his eyes on her as she circled the neatly furnished room. It gave her the unshakable impression of a predator monitoring its prey. “Do you like it, Gemma?”

  Gemma gave him sharp nod, swallowing a gulp of air. After a minute passed, she braced herself and spoke directly to him. “So…”

  “Now we eat. Come.” He regarded her with a cool stare as he reached a large hand towards her. She clasped it and almost gasped at the warmth of him as he lead her back towards the living room. He motioned down all of the hallways except one, instructing her on the collection of books and movies she could find in the library and guest rooms.

  Arriving at the round dining table, he pulled out Gemma's chair, poured her wine, and served every dish himself. Stabbing a sear
ed scallop onto the end of his fork, Cillian regarded her with hooded eyes, “Tell me about yourself.” It wasn't an invitation. Cillian's voice was warm but it was clear by his tone that he was used to people doing whatever he told them to.

  “What is there to tell?” As curious as she was, Gemma did not really feel like divulging any information about herself. Cillian raised an eyebrow at her, but allowed himself a grin.

  “Where are you from?”

  “Here,” Gemma said simply. “Well, nothereobviously. But the lower east. I've lived there most of my life.”

  “What do you do for a living?” Cillian was watching her again, his eyes cool and calculating. “...Besides steal things,” he added, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

  Gemma almost became angry at this, but the way his blue eyes sparkled made it impossible for her to get upset with him. She gave an unladylike scoff and ignored the question.

  “Cillian, what do you want with me?...” Her voice sounded breathy as she set her glass of wine down harder than she'd meant to. Cillian leaned back in his chair, setting his fork down carefully and giving her a hard, unreadable look. He watched her for a few minutes before he spoke.

  “You're a thief. You have to make amends for what you have done,” he said, staring at his own reflection in his wine glass, his eyes clouding over momentarily. And then he looked up at her, gauging her reaction.

  “So what, are you going to do me?” Gemma wasn't sure what she wanted the answer to this question to be, but her body answered as she felt her nipples harden through her shirt.Traitor.

  As if he felt it too, the smallest grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “We'll get to that.”

  Gemma exhaled a shaky breath. So that was it. That was what he wanted. Her whole body began to buzz, as if there were a thousand bees trapped inside her. She must have looked terrified, because Cillian leaned forward, looking her intently in the eyes.


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