BWWM: OFF LIMITS: An Interracial Alpha Billionaire Romance (Urban African American Contemporary Series)

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BWWM: OFF LIMITS: An Interracial Alpha Billionaire Romance (Urban African American Contemporary Series) Page 277

by Scribble XO Books

  “It looks that way. The last confirmed place he was seen was at the gala. But, there’s a rumor going around that he was seen with Maria…maybe leaving with her.”

  “Jesus! The fact that she’s opportunistic and the biggest gold digger I’ve ever met is exactly why I didn’t want to take her as my date. I can’t believe this. I’d be willing to bet that the poor man took her home willingly because she came onto him…Thank God I didn’t take her!”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.”

  “Thanks for telling me, Alex. I’ll call and give the Count my condolences.”

  I stood there in a state of shock after I hung up with Alex. I still couldn’t believe that Ricco was dead. My mind drifted back to my dinner with Kerry and the conversations that we’d had on the phone the past few nights.

  I was more impressed with her each passing day. She has so much more heart and passion than the women I was used to dating. She knew what she wanted and she was willing to put in the work to get it. That was exactly how I’d gotten everything I have…hard work, perseverance and a backbone. She was in a strange country all alone, going through a divorce from a philandering husband…starting her live over…yet she still smiled every time we talked. I think it’s a sign of her true character and even if I put the fact that she was an dark-skinned goddess aside…I would still be attracted to her strictly because of that. Putting aside how gorgeous she is was easier said than done too though. Just thinking about her has made me feel a bit like a pervert standing here on the street. I can feel myself getting hard as I picture how beautiful she is.

  I put my hands in my pocket and as I walked back to my office I tried to think of anything besides Kerry’s amazing face and body. I thought about poor Ricco instead. Dead at the age of 29 for no good reason. I thought about someone being given poison and what a horrible way that is to die. It left me sick to my stomach.

  As I turned the corner to my office…. I ran smack dab into Maria. She was standing out on the sidewalk in front of the steps that led to my office.

  “Luca! I’m so happy I found you. We need to talk.” She had on her standard, curve-hugging dress. This one was a bright orange and it stopped just below the tops of her thighs. Her legs were what she was “famous” for with the men. They were long and shapely and not so much as a bruise or blemish marred their perfection. The first time I saw her, I was mesmerized by them. Now that I know her…all I notice is how ugly and hateful her personality has become. I don’t want to be seen next to her.

  “We don’t have anything to talk about Maria,” I was going to walk away…but I had to see her reaction to the news I’d just heard. “Did you hear that Ricco is dead?” I wanted to see the look on her face when I mentioned his name. She was a cold bitch. She didn’t even flinch although for a brief second she feigned concern.

  “Yes, I heard. Luca, what happened to Ricco proves that life is short…too short. I need to tell you how I feel about you…Can we go somewhere and talk?” She was more pressuring than usual. That was the only difference between “normal” Maria and this one. She seemed desperate to get to me before the ugly rumors did.

  “Like I said, we don’t have anything to talk about. It doesn’t matter how you feel about me, Maria. I’m not interested.”

  I started to walk around her and she said, “Luca! I’m falling in love with you. Please don’t walk away from me! From us!”

  “Falling in love with me? You and I haven’t been on a date in months. When you realized I wasn’t going to marry you and shower you with gifts, you turned your sights onto the Count and his son. I don’t want any part of you Maria.” A few passerbys on the streets turned to stare. I didn’t care.

  “What did you do to poor Ricco, huh? Everyone says you were the last person to see him alive. Thank God I didn’t take you or maybe it would have been me. You should be in jail instead of harassing people out on the street.”

  “Harassing? In jail? Luca what’s come over you? I’m not here to harass you. I’m here to tell you that I love you. And me, in jail? Oh my God it scares the life out of me to think of it…”

  “You can lose the sweet, innocent routine with me, Maria. You’re not going to work me like you did the Count and Ricco. Hopefully the police are doing their job. If you did have anything to do with Ricco’s death, you’ll be in jail soon where you deserve to be.”

  She gasped. “You think I killed Ricco? Oh Luca?” She had her “innocent face” on again. She should be an actress. “You should know me better. I would never harm anyone. Please Luca…admit your feelings for me.”

  “Okay Maria I’ll tell you how I feel,” I took a deep breath. She began to smile smugly like she’d won. “I think you’re a liar and a manipulator and a gold-digger and now, maybe even a murderer.” She was looking at me, horrified.

  I turned and started inside the office once again and this time she grabbed my arm and tugged on it. “Luca, please don’t make me…” she looked desperate. Her black eyes were flashing back and forth and her cheeks were flushed with anger.

  “What Maria? Don’t make you, what? Are you threatening me?” Her behavior was different than it had been in the past. She’d always tried to be as sweet as possible to me in the past…hoping to milk me out of some of my billions. Now, she was erratic. She’d just been angry a few moments ago and now she suddenly had a smile playing at the corners of her lips. I didn’t trust it. “What are you thinking?” I asked her.

  She smiled again and without saying a word she held her head high and pushed her shoulders back. It was a defiant move…but in defiance of what? She shook her long black hair over her shoulders and placed the Prada sunglasses some poor sap probably bought her onto her face and strode off across the street.

  I watched her for a few minutes….just as every other man on the street was doing. Maria is a gorgeous Italian woman, but today I got a glimpse of the ugliness that festered inside of her. She’s an expert at the art of seduction. Her Latin looks and high cheekbones along with a perfect body made it all too simple for her. Nothing so pretty could possibly harm you, right? That’s the way men looked at her. That’s the way I used to look at her. She had a way of making you feel in charge while guiding the conversation with prompts you’re too distracted to notice. I’d been suspicious of her motives for a while. I suspected her of targeting me for marriage however…not murder.

  Maria knew that her face and her cleavage could get her most any man. Most were jumping through hoops within hours of meeting her. No one knew how she would handle rejection because it never happened….or maybe it had. Maybe that’s why poor Ricco was dead.

  * * *

  I had a date with Kerry and I was like a sixteen year old going to the prom. My palms were even sweaty…which is funny because I shake hands on million dollar deals all day long and my palms never sweat. I wiped them on my trousers one last time before ringing her doorbell.

  When she opened the door I had to suck in a breath. The first thing I notice about her each time is her flawless golden skin…but what really gets me I think is that she seems so disarmingly unaware of how gorgeous she is. She didn’t seem to need all the makeup and false eyelashes and things that other women used to make themselves look good…She was all about simplicity, and it was fucking beautiful.

  I think her inner light is another reason I find her so attractive. It’s like she’s glowing from the inside out. It lights her eyes and softens her features. When she smiles or laughs…even on the phone, I can feel it and I can’t help but smile or laugh too. To be in her company is like being warmed by the summer rays of the sun.

  “Wow…you look…Damn.” There are just no words. “Amazing… gorgeous… beautiful….those come close, but they don’t even....” I took her hand and kissed it. I looked back up at her face she had a shy smile and her eyes peered down at me in that sexy way I liked so much.

  That was another thing about her that appealed to me. She had a shyness about her that made me believe she’d been
untainted by the harshness of the real world. She was wearing a soft cream colored dress that ended mid-thigh. The color was bold against her dark skin. Her hair was down around her shoulders and curled softly on the ends. She looked like one of those girls out of a magazine or a pop-video, as comfortable in her designer clothes as she was a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I had it bad for this woman.

  “Thank you, Luca. You look so handsome yourself.”

  “Thank you. Are you ready?”

  She reached inside and picked up her purse and smiled. That smile causes chaos inside of me. “I’m ready.”

  We got outside and although I had the car waiting I asked her, “Would you mind if we take a stroll? I thought we’d go on a gondola ride if you like and it’s not far…”

  “I’d prefer to walk,” she said. I wasn’t surprised. Most, if not all of the women I was used to dating would prefer the limousine. “It’s a beautiful night.”

  It was a beautiful night, but my motives weren’t as pure as hers. I wanted more time with her. It would take a little longer to walk each way than it would to take the car. I told my driver I’d call him when I was ready and I took beautiful Kerry’s hand and we began to walk.

  We walked in silence for a while…both of us comfortable with just being together. The evening was truly beautiful as the last vestiges of a setting sun began to disappear over the horizon. Orange and pink hues were giving way to a dusty purple and stars could be seen scattered here and there. I could see the silhouette of the skyline against the velvety sky and I felt as if this night had been strung together just for Kerry and me.

  “Have you ever been on a gondola ride?”

  “Not yet. I’ve always wanted to.”

  “Good, I have a friend Marco who is working tonight. He’ll give us a great show.” I’d already arranged with Marco for him to take us…and only us. I wanted Kerry and I to have the King and Queen seats on the gondola and I wanted it to be a private ride. “There he is,” I told her as we approached the loading docks. “Marco,” I said with a wave.

  “Hello Luca! It’s so nice to see you! And, you’ve brought a beautiful young lady with you.”

  I smiled and sweet Kerry blushed. “Yes Marco, this is my good friend, Kerry. Kerry, this is Marco. He’s the best gondolier here and has the best voice in Venice.”

  “You embarrass me,” he said in heavily accented English. “It’s a good thing you’re telling the truth,” he said with a laugh. Kerry laughed too. Marco showed us to the gondola and I stepped in first so that I could help Kerry. She stumbled slightly as she stepped in and she was thrown against me. I caught her, and I was so tempted to never let her go. She smelled so good…like springtime.

  “Oops! I’m so clumsy,” she said, embarrassed again.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said. She smiled and looked down, busying herself getting into her seat. I can’t imagine how a woman who looks like her has not been told so many times that she wouldn’t be used to hearing it and full of herself. If she was mine, I’d remind her every hour of the day.

  Marco began rowing us across the water and as he did, he sang. The song was in Italian, a soft, romantic ballad. I put my arm around Kerry’s waist and she leaned into me. I couldn’t help but dip my head and smell her hair…I want this woman worse than I’ve ever wanted a woman in my life.

  I had a lot of inner turmoil however, because I realized that this one was different. I didn’t just want her for one night…I want to keep her…and I don’t want to do anything that will scare her away. She’s not impressed with my money or my social status. I’m going to have to win Kerry over with my charming personality alone.

  “So I never asked you, what made you want to be a teacher?”

  She sat up slightly so she could look at my face. I had to try not to stare at her lips…I’m entranced by them. “I love kids. When David and I first got married, I had the idea that I wanted to start having kids right away. David had other ideas. He wanted to run for office and he didn’t want the added aggravation of having a child to drag along on the campaign trail.”

  “So what made him decide not to run?”

  She made a face. It wasn’t supposed to be a pleasant one…but everything she did was so darned cute. “He was getting some campaign contributions from people with mob connections. When it was exposed by the other party, he claimed that he didn’t know they were connected. I’m not sure I believe it now that he’s been proven a liar…but at the time I stuck up for him.” She’s loyal. I can’t imagine treating someone like her the way he did. If a man had Kerry to come home to…why would he need anything else? “Anyways, I had my degree in English already. I went back to school and finished my teaching credential the first year David and I were married. I love the feeling it gives me when you see something you’re trying to teach them suddenly register on their faces. It’s truly beautiful.”

  The look she had on her face was almost reverent as she talked about the children. I couldn’t resist any longer. I brought my mouth down onto hers and she leaned into me…so warm and responsive. I felt her lips part and I let my tongue slip inside. She allowed hers to meet mine and they melded together as we held each other under the stars. It was a long, slow kiss…but the passion was undeniable. If we hadn’t been in public I’m not sure I would have been able to resist taking it further.

  Marco kept us out on the water for about an hour. Afterwards we had a bite to eat and a couple glasses of wine at a little French restaurant that I like to go to. Dinner was measured and polite but there was one moment… She had slid her hair to the side before laughing at no doubt a ridiculous joke I’d made, before resting her hand on my knee. My cock had twitched then and I had covered her hand in mine, not wanting her to pull away. I stroked her wrist for the rest of the night. I could tell we both wanted it. Iachedfor her.

  I did everything I could think of to stall the date. I didn’t want it to end. As we walked out of the restaurant I gently nudged her against the brick wall outside and I kissed her again until we were both out of breath. The evening air was cool around us but my blood heated when she let a soft moan into my mouth. She pulled at my bottom lip and tangled her fingers into my hair. I pressed close to her, wanting her to know just how much I longed for her. She shifted herself then and after a few deep kisses I felt the tiniest roll of her hips. I almost lost my mind right then.

  “Are you close by?” Her voice was ragged in my ear. I kissed along her shoulder and lifted my eyes to meet hers.

  “Yes, I’m just up the street. Next to the bank. Are you sure, Kerry?”

  She smiled and instead of the sweet, sincere smile I’d grown used to, this one was sexy and seductive and I didn’t have to guess at all what she wanted. She wanted the same thing as me. She stepped away from me and pulled at my jacket. Her eyes were hooded with desire as she smiled wickedly, pulling me up the street. I wanted to pick her up and run….


  Luca had a hold of my hand as we walked into the lobby of his building. I was so nervous; I hoped he couldn’t feel me trembling. He seemed so cool and confident…always. But he was a contradiction. For a man of such power and influence, he was warm and kind. He let me in.

  We stepped onto the elevator and he nudged me against the wall before the doors even closed. His kiss was hot and aggressive and it made me hungry for more. His big hands were moving through my hair and down my back and sides…He smells so damned good…so masculine. He dipped his head to my shoulders and neck again as I clung helplessly to his collar. He was massive and tall and all my senses honed into that small part where his lips met skin.

  The elevator dinged as the doors slid open and we stumbled out still holding onto each other like two drowning souls clinging to a life raft. He pushed up against a door and I felt one hand reach into his pocket as the other tangled up in my long hair. He pulled my head down as his lips devoured me and my skin caught fire.

  The door popped open behind me and he used his strong arms to guide me ba
ck into the apartment. He broke our kiss then to take off his jacket and toss his keys onto a little table in the foyer. I leaned against the wall panting as I glanced at my surroundings. The apartment was huge. It was very male…but clean and cozy. The paneled walls were made out of shiny mahogany and I could see a gourmet kitchen that opened up into a living room. On the other side of that was a big open game room with a pool table and bar. I wondered for a second how much he entertained… and then all coherent thoughts were gone as he pinned my wrists above me against the wall. His crisp white shirt felt hot against me and his presence left me heated as he enveloped me.

  “Sweet sweet Kerry…” His lips touched mine again, almost reverently this time as if he were afraid he’d break me. I pulled against his hands and strained my chest closer to him. God, I wanted this man. Wanted him to erase all the pain I’d been through. To reward me for getting through hell and still keeping my smile. I wanted to give him everything and take whatever delights his eyes had promised me. I pulled up against him then feeling myself groan when he pulled away suddenly.

  “Not so fast sweetie.” His eyes were dark and his hair tousled aside from when this had begun in the elevator. His eyes panned down my face and landed on my heaving cleavage. Slowly… ever so slowly he planted a kiss between my breasts before peering up at me again. The glint of mischief in his eyes sent a shiver through me. “Be a good girl and I’ll give you want you want.”

  I wanted every inch of him. I think this is a good time to tell him. I felt shy and nervous but there wasn’t any turning back now. “Alright. Just so you know I’m on the pill. And I’m clean. So…” My voice trailed off and I looked at his lips again, hoping he’d kiss me.

  Instead he pulled back even further back and slowly released my hands. “Good. I’m all clear too. So, I’ll be sure to give it all to you then.” He winked. Stepping aside, he motioned down the hallway. “Ladies first.”

  I smiled to myself as I stepped past him. I could feel his body close behind with every step I took. I pushed the furthest door open and stepped into his bedroom.


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