Badger (Roosters 5): A Devil's Fury MC Romance

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Badger (Roosters 5): A Devil's Fury MC Romance Page 1

by Harley Wylde

  Badger (Roosters 5)

  Paige Warren & Harley Wylde

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  Copyright ©2018 Paige Warren & Harley Wylde

  BIN: 008518-02752

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404

  Editor: Crystal Esau

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Table of Contents

  Badger (Roosters 5)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Paige Warren

  Harley Wylde

  Badger (Roosters 5)

  Paige Warren & Harley Wylde

  Badger -- I went to prison for ten years after beating a man to death. He deserved it, and then some. I only wish he’d suffered more. Now I’m free, but things aren’t the same as when I left. The little girl I once saved is now a tempting young woman with curves in all the right places. I should stay away, far away, but I’m drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Griz, the pres of my club, adopted her, so she’s definitely a no-fly zone, but damn if I don’t want her with every breath I take. A little sample wouldn’t hurt anyone, right? As long as Griz doesn’t find out, I’ll keep breathing. Sneaking around should be easy enough. I never counted on falling for her, or finding out she was carrying my kid. Now what the hell am I supposed to do? I’m a longtime repeat offender. I can’t walk the straight and narrow. Can I?

  Adalia -- I’ve worshiped Badger ever since the night he saved me. But what started as a young girl’s infatuation has grown into something more. I know he’ll never see me that way, or at least I thought he wouldn’t. When we’re together, it’s like we just can’t keep our hands off each other. It’s probably against his parole for us to be together, but he doesn’t seem to care. The heat between us is undeniable. He didn’t promise me forever, just right now. But neither of us counted on me getting pregnant, something that wasn’t supposed to happen too easily, and I have no freakin’ clue what to do. I’m scared Badger will run for the hills. He never asked for this, but then neither did I. One thing is for certain. If he doesn’t man up and my daddy finds out, there will be hell to pay. No one can hide from the president of the Devil’s Fury MC.

  Chapter One


  I cracked my neck and felt my muscles flex as I breathed in freedom for the first time in ten years. I probably could have gotten out sooner, for good behavior, but let’s face it, I’ve never been good, and there was no point in starting now. Being part of the Devil’s Fury MC came with certain expectations. One of those was handling any problems on the inside if you were ever sent to prison, and since I’d been the only one in my crew who got sentenced and sent to this particular lockup, it was all on my shoulders. Plenty of guys had tried to kick my ass inside, but I hadn’t gotten the name Badger for being nice. I’d fucked up anyone who dared to breathe wrong in my vicinity.

  As I exited the gates of Mooreston Prison, I clutched my cut in my hand. The black tee and jeans I’d been wearing when I’d been picked up ten years ago didn’t fit me quite right anymore, but they were fine for now. The jeans were a little loose, and the shirt a little tight. When I wasn’t kicking ass, I’d spent my time working out. The ladies seemed to love it, or at least the female guards did. For the last ten years, those ladies were the only people of the female persuasion I’d seen. There were plenty of places in Mooreston that had blind spots, and I’d enjoyed every one of them. It never failed to surprise me when even the women in uniform wanted a taste of me.

  A large black truck rolled up and stopped. The window slid down and Demon grinned at me. I’d known someone from the club would pick me up, but I hadn’t expected it to be an officer. Or maybe they’d sent the Sergeant-at-Arms in case I started a fight on my way out. Like I wanted to turn around and go right back inside. I might be something of a hothead, but I wasn’t dumb enough to fuck things up the second I was released. I didn’t delude myself into thinking I’d make it through my lengthy parole without going back, but I’d enjoy freedom while I could.

  I opened the passenger door, threw my cut onto the seat, and climbed in. The icy air hit me in the face and felt fucking fantastic, but I was still tempted to roll down the window. An hour in the yard didn’t compare to feeling the wind in my hair as we sped down the highway. There was a lot I’d missed while being locked up, and fresh air was one of them. A nice cold beer would be appreciated too.

  “Good to see you,” Demon said. “Had no doubt you’d survive that hell in one piece.”

  I shrugged. It wasn’t my first brush with the law, and it likely wouldn’t be the last. If it hadn’t been for overcrowding, my ass would still be behind bars. Well, that and the club lawyer had done a lot of sweet-talking. Having to get up at the butt crack of dawn and live my life on a schedule had been a pain in the ass, but it wasn’t like I was hurting in there. I had food, a place to sleep, air and heat… and out of all the men inside, I’d been the only one getting any pussy, if those female guards could be believed. Could have been worse.

  In exchange for getting my dick wet, I’d made sure no one fucked with the female guards. There were a lot of things you could barter for inside, but I’d been the only one smart enough to trade protection for some pussy. You’d think a prison guard would have a stick up their ass, but the two women I’d gotten to know rather intimately hadn’t been so bad. I hadn’t even made the first move; they’d come after me. Not that having women throw themselves at me was anything new.

  “I know you probably just want to chill, but Griz is throwing a party for you. I told him you wouldn’t want that shit the second you set foot outside those gates, but you know how the Pres is.” Demon smirked. “At least there will be lots of pussy there. I’m sure all the ladies will be eager to ease the loneliness you must have felt the last ten years.”

  I snorted. “Yeah, because I wasn’t getting laid in there or anything.”

  His eyes widened.

  “Female guards, asshole. Apparently, my charm even works on women wearing a uniform.” Not that I’d ever had any doubt about my prowess with the female population. I walked into a room, and panties seemed to just fall off. He
ll, I’d fucked a woman in a booth at a club before. Yeah, it had mostly been dark, but anyone nearby would have known what we were doing. I probably could have told her to strip in front of everyone and bend over, and she’d likely have done it. Pussy had come easy to me ever since I was fifteen, and that hadn’t changed even behind bars.

  I was a god when it came to the fairer sex. I didn’t have to ask for pussy; the women just offered themselves up to me. Even the married ones. Fuck, I’d even taken a widow before, on the day of her husband’s funeral. Fucked her in the bathroom right before the service. Some called me an asshole, and maybe I was, but it wasn’t my fault the ladies all wanted a piece of me. Or at least they all wanted to feel my cock, fucking them deep and hard. Most didn’t even mind which hole I used, just as long as I gave it to them good and hard.

  Demon snickered. “Should have known you’d find a way to get you some, even while serving time.”

  “What can I say? The ladies can’t resist the Badger. Maybe if your dick was as big as mine, you’d have the same problem.”

  Demon flipped me off, then put the truck into gear and pulled away from the prison. I’d like to say I’d never see the place again, but really, the odds weren’t in my favor. I was nearly forty and had spent half my youth in detention centers, and half my adult years behind bars. I was a fuckup, in society’s eyes, but I was loyal to a fault. I’d do anything for my club, even if it meant living life behind bars. I’d been charged with manslaughter during my latest stint and sentenced to twenty years, thanks to my record. I hadn’t been on club business that time, though.

  The trip back to Blackwood Falls took too fucking long, and I was feeling anxious. It had been a long damn time since I’d been in a vehicle, and I’d much rather have spent the hour-long ride on my Harley. Soon enough, I’d take it out on the open road, and just let the tension melt away. The only thing sweeter than a ride on my bike was being between a woman’s thighs.

  As Demon stopped outside the clubhouse, he tensed and turned to face me. I had no idea what was going to come out of his mouth, but something told me it wasn’t anything I wanted to hear.

  “There’s something you need to know,” Demon said.

  “Anyone die while I was gone?”

  “No. It’s about Adalia.”

  My breath froze in my lungs as I pictured her wide blue eyes as they’d stared at me in terror. I’d found her in an alley, her clothes torn, and some asshole raping her. I’d seen her around town, knew she was only thirteen, just a kid. Something inside me had snapped, and I’d beat the fuck out of that asshole. Beat him to death. I didn’t regret what I’d done, only wished I’d gotten there sooner. Adalia had watched as I killed that man, and she hadn’t uttered a word the entire time. Not even when I took her to the hospital to be checked out. I’d known it wouldn’t end well for me, but my first priority had been the girl. Anyone else might have gotten off with a lighter sentence, seeing as how I’d been protecting her. But a guy like me with priors? I hadn’t had a prayer. Ten years to give her the peace of mind that the asshole who had touched her was six feet under? Yeah, it was a trade I’d been willing to make. I’d made it then, and even knowing I’d get time, I’d do it again in a second.

  I might be an asshole biker with a rap sheet, but there were some things that even I wouldn’t tolerate. Rape was one of them. Anyone harming a kid was another, and that dickweed had done both. As far as I was concerned, the world was a better place without him in it.

  “What about her?” I asked.

  She’d be twenty-three now. Probably had a steady job, a nice boyfriend. At least, I hoped that’s how her life had turned out. But the way Demon had said her name… had something happened to her while I was gone? Had some other asshole tried to hurt her, and I hadn’t been around to save her this time? My gut clenched just thinking anything bad had happened to her. She’d been such a sweetheart the few times I’d been around her, always a little on the quiet side.

  “She’s here,” Demon said quietly.

  My heart started pounding, and I flung open the truck door, then reached for my cut and shrugged it on. I slammed the door shut and stomped up the clubhouse steps before going inside. There were balloons and shit everywhere, and the roar of welcome as I stepped inside was near deafening. But as I scanned the crowd, it wasn’t my brothers I was taking in… No, I was looking for her. I didn’t know what she looked like anymore, only remembered her as a teenage girl. She’d been terrified the last time I’d seen her. I didn’t know why she was here, but I had to see her, to know that she was okay. I’d thought about her every fucking day that I was inside, hoping she’d been able to get past what happened to her, had gone on to live a good life. I’d thought about writing her once, just to check on her, but had decided it was best if I kept away. She didn’t need any reminders from me about what had happened to her.

  My brothers hugged me, slapped me on the back, and slowly they all parted. At the back of the room stood a pixie of a woman, long blonde hair curling over her shoulders, and a body made for sinning. It was her eyes that nailed my feet to the floor. Blue. And achingly familiar. My gaze traced her features, trying to find the little girl I’d tried to save. I didn’t see even a hint of the terrified teen I’d carried out of that alley. Her features were delicate, much like the rest of her. She had curves in all the right places, and would likely be more than a handful for some men, but I’d be willing to bet she wouldn’t even reach my shoulder. Tiny. Almost like a little fairy. Slowly, Adalia walked toward me, her hips swaying with every step. Yeah, she’d grown up while I was gone, and I’d be willing to bet men fell to their knees to worship at her feet. She looked like one of those plus-sized models, but in a shorter package.

  She didn’t even hesitate when she reached me, just put her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. My arms closed around her, pulling her curves against me, and I breathed in her honeysuckle scent. Closing my eyes, I just drank in the moment. She was here. She was safe. And she felt a little too damn good pressed against me. The way my jeans tightened made me want to put some distance between us. I tried like hell to keep the image of her as a thirteen-year-old girl in my mind, hoping my body would stop reacting to the woman she’d grown into, but no such luck. The breasts pressing against me were more than a handful and far too fucking tempting, as was the rest of her.

  “I’m glad you’re home,” she said, her voice soft and husky.

  “It’s good to see you, pretty girl. Not a day went by that I didn’t think about you.”

  “I tried to come see you a few times, but they always said you weren’t allowed visitors.”

  I pulled away and smiled down at her. “I had a tendency to get into trouble inside. But now I’m glad you didn’t get any farther than the gates. Prison is no place for an angel like you.”

  Her cheeks flushed and she smiled a little. “Welcome home, Badger.”

  “There’s something you need to know,” Demon said from behind me. “Adalia is one of us now.”

  I took another step back, trying to put more space between us. If she was someone’s old lady, the last thing I wanted to do was start a fight with a brother. My gut clenched at the thought of one of my brothers laying claim to her, but it wasn’t like I had any say in the matter. I’d been doing time while everyone else lived their lives and moved forward. She sure as hell deserved someone better than any of the fuckups in this club, though.

  “Grizzly and May adopted me,” Adalia said. “After what happened, my foster family didn’t want me. Said I was tainted. So Griz and May stepped up.”

  I didn’t want to analyze the relief I felt at knowing she didn’t belong to a brother, at least not as an old lady. I had no doubt the Pres and his old lady had taken good care of her. They’d always wanted kids and had never been able to have any. May had mothered all of us, even those who were too damn old for such nonsense.

  My gaze scanned the crowd, looking for the momma bear who would kick my ass if she knew I’d gotten h
ard while hugging her daughter. “Where’s May?”

  Adalia’s eyes teared up. “Gone. She got cancer three years ago. It was so advanced when we found out that she didn’t last more than three months. But she was an awesome mom, best I could have ever asked for.”

  I found myself hugging her again, wanting to comfort the gorgeous woman who’d been a frightened little girl the last time I’d seen her. I found Griz across the room and hoped he’d see my gratitude for him stepping in the way he had. He gave me a smile and a nod, even though I saw the sadness in his eyes and knew he was missing May. The two had been together since they were just kids, and it hurt to think of the sweet woman being gone. Where Griz was rough and could be as mean as his namesake, May had been all light and laughter.

  “Daddy made me promise to only stay until the cake was cut,” Adalia said. “He doesn’t like me hanging out at the clubhouse once the… other women get here.”

  I bit my lip. “Is that your polite way of saying the club pussy will be arriving after cake?”

  Her cheeks burned a bright red, and she ducked her head. Fuck, but that was adorable. I chuckled and hugged her again before blending into the crowd. If I’d stayed around her much longer, I might not have been able to pry myself away. There was something about this new, older version of Adalia that was far too tempting. I had no doubt Griz would hand my ass to me if I laid a finger on her, and that’s how it should be. That sweet girl needed someone to watch out for her, and while I’d kill any fucker who touched her, she didn’t need the kind of trouble I’d bring with me. Hell, I was on parole for the next ten years. If I took one step out of line, I’d be going right back to prison.

  I tried really damn hard not to watch her, but I seemed to always know exactly where she was in the room. And after the cake had been cut and devoured, I knew the moment she’d left the clubhouse. The club sluts had arrived a short time later, and now the party was in full swing, but I couldn’t seem to find much enthusiasm for the overly made-up women. Their perfume was so heavy it made my head hurt, and their faces had such thick makeup, I wondered what they were hiding. Before I went away, I might have taken them up on their offers. But every time I even thought of pulling one of them closer, the scent of honeysuckle would stop me, and blue eyes that seemed to look right through me. I’d have to get over whatever infatuation I seemed to have for the older version of Adalia, before it got me into more trouble than I could handle. The last thing I wanted to do was piss off Griz, or anyone else around here.


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