Badger (Roosters 5): A Devil's Fury MC Romance

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Badger (Roosters 5): A Devil's Fury MC Romance Page 9

by Harley Wylde

  “I would have told her when I was ready,” I muttered.

  Adalia came down the steps and slowly approached me. “Did you mean it? You love me?”

  “Yeah, sweet girl. I love you. I think I fell for you the moment our gazes locked at that party. I was going to tell you when the time was right.”

  Her lips pursed. “And you don’t think the time was right when we found out we’re having a kid?”

  I shrugged.

  “I swear to God, you can be so infuriating, Colton.”

  I leaned in closer, my lips brushing her ear. “Want me to kiss it all better? As I recall, you like my kisses… on your pussy.”

  She gasped and I chuckled. Throwing her off balance for the next fifty years should be fun. Of course, she hadn’t exactly said she loved me back. I pulled away and looked down at her.

  “So?” I asked.

  “So what?” She looked flustered.

  “Do you love me too? Or are you going to make me look like a jackass for telling a woman I love her when she hates my fucking guts?”

  “Like I could ever hate you.”

  “Guess you’d better prove it.”

  “Or you could save that shit for when I’m not in hearing distance,” Griz said.

  Fuck. I’d forgotten he was there.

  “Sorry, old man,” I said.

  “Do I need to kick your ass to remind you I’m not fucking old?” he asked in a bored tone.

  “You can’t kick his ass,” Adalia said. “He’s the father of your grandbaby. Which means no fighting between you two.”

  Griz gave her a warm smile. “Anything for my girl. Even if it means I have to get along with this asshole.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Like Mom didn’t tell me about all the times you and Colton hung out. You’re friends, and now you’re family. Real family, not just part of a brotherhood.”

  “You’re not married, so he’s not family yet,” Griz pointed out.

  Adalia blinked up at me. “Colton?”

  “Yeah?” Did she expect me to drop down on one knee?

  “I’d kneel, but you might get other ideas.” Her dad sounded like he was choking. “Colton, will you marry me? Be the love of my life, my partner in all things, and the daddy to any children we might be blessed with? Will you buy me chocolate and ice cream when it’s that time of the month, rub my feet when I’m all fat and pregnant, and find fun ways to punish me when I’m a bad girl?”

  Now I was choking.

  “Um, are you proposing to me?” I asked.

  “I thought I made that obvious,” she said.

  “Too much like her fucking mother,” Griz muttered behind me, and I remembered that May had proposed to him when they were younger.

  “Yeah, sweet girl. I’ll let you make an honest man of me,” I said, smirking.

  She leaned in close. “Just for that, you owe me four orgasms.”

  I roared with laughter and pulled her in close. Yeah, the next fifty years were going to be fun. I could already tell there would never be a dull moment with Adalia in my life, and God fucking help me if our kid was anything like her.

  “On that note,” Griz said, “I’m out of here. Call me when you want to set up the wedding.”

  I heard his bike start up, but my attention was focused on the amazing woman in my arms. I didn’t deserve her, and I fucking knew it, but I would be thankful she was part of my life for however long I lived.

  “You know my parole officer has to give the okay for us to get married,” I said.

  “You just leave him to me,” Adalia said.

  “Maybe I should go ahead and apologize to him early. I have no idea what you have planned, but he’s probably going to end up on his ass.”

  “I would never…”

  I kissed her softly, slowly. “I know, baby. I was kidding. Come on. I owe you four orgasms, then we can figure out how to handle my parole officer. You want a wedding; I’m going to give you one. Fuck the state if they don’t like it.”

  “I better be the only one you’re fucking from now on,” she said as she entered the house.

  “No worries there, angel. You’re the only one I want.”

  Adalia took me by the hand and dragged me to the bedroom.

  I couldn’t predict our future, couldn’t even predict would happen later today, but I did know one thing. As long as she was by my side, then nothing else mattered. If they wouldn’t let us get married, then we’d wait. I was completely devoted to her whether I wore a ring or not, and I knew she felt the same.

  Who’d have ever thought an ex-con like me could be reformed?

  Not me. Probably not the state. And anyone who had seen my rap sheet definitely wouldn’t have believed it.

  Saving Adalia had sent me to prison, but loving Adalia was what saved me.

  And I was going to spend the rest of my life giving her all the orgasms she wanted, all the chocolate she could handle, and give her every bit of love I had to give. Because the gorgeous woman currently unzipping my pants was my world, my life, my heart, and there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

  Paige Warren

  Award-winning author Paige Warren spends her days weaving tales about alpha males and the women who love them. There’s nothing hotter than a man in tight Wranglers, dog tags (especially if he’s ONLY wearing dog tags!), or bad boys covered in ink. When Paige isn’t creating romantic tales, she enjoys reading and watching movies -- romances, of course. If you see her out in the wild, you’ll most likely find her at Starbucks, sipping a white mocha with a distant look in her eyes as she figures out the right wording for the next scene in her latest book.




  Changeling Press:

  Harley Wylde

  Short. Erotic. Sweet.

  Harley’s other half would probably say those words describe her, but they also describe her books. When Harley is writing, her motto is the hotter the better. Off-the-charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can’t deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you’ve come to the right place.

  When Harley isn’t writing, she’s thinking up naughty things to do to her husband, drinking copious amounts of Starbucks, and reading. She loves to read and devours a book a day, sometimes more.

  You can find Harley online at Harley Wylde is the “wilder” side of award-winning author Jessica Coulter Smith. You can follow her on Facebook,, and Twitter,

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