So Many Men...

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So Many Men... Page 1

by Dorie Graham

  “Maybe you’re not such a bad influence after all, Tess.”

  Mason laughed, amazed that Tess had talked him into swimming in the ocean…with his clothes on, no less. What was even more amazing was that it felt good.

  “Me? A bad influence?” She kicked closer to him, until the warmth of her body surrounded him and her lips hovered over his. “Never.”

  His gaze fastened on her mouth. He swayed closer to her. Laughter from a group farther up the beach grew loud.

  “Maybe we should head out of here.” Mason pushed away from her, toward the shore.

  A seductive smile curved her lips. “But you were going to kiss me.”

  “Was I?”

  “Yes, you were. I saw it in your eyes.” She tilted her head in a familiar gesture. “What’s wrong? Too stuffy to kiss me in public?”

  “Nope, just want some privacy.” He swam closer to her. “Because when I kiss you again, I intend to enjoy the hell out of it.”

  Dear Reader,

  Maybe it was because I grew up with four sisters, but as I developed Nikki’s story in The Morning After (Harlequin Blaze #196) I was thrilled to discover that Nikki had sisters of her own.

  Tess, my heroine in So Many Men…, came to me the strongest with her colorful personality and way with men. To me, she captured the free spirit so many of us bury beneath our more responsible roles. It was cathartic to let her run free, then rein her in as she grew to find a more fulfilling side to her life.

  I hope you enjoy So Many Men…, where love heals all. Look for Erin’s story, Faking It, the final installment of SEXUAL HEALING, coming in October 2005.

  As always, it’s a pleasure to share my stories with you. Feel free to write me at [email protected] or P.O. Box 769012, Roswell, GA 30076. Also, please visit my Web site at

  Best wishes,

  Dorie Graham

  Books by Dorie Graham







  Dorie Graham

  I dedicate this to my Georgia Romance Writers writing sisters. Each of these women has contributed in some way to my growth and success as an author: Adrianne Byrd, Anna DeStefano, Donna Sterling, Carmen Green, Stephanie Bond, Patti Callahan Henry, Rita Herron, Karen Kendall, Tanya Michaels, Patricia Lewin, Heidi Umbhau, Rachelle Wadsworth and Ann Howard White, as well as all the ladies in the Georgia Romance Authors Network and so many others I don’t have room to list. I am eternally grateful for your friendship and support.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  HOW MANY MEN COULD one woman handle? Tess McClellan inhaled a deep breath as the Miami Dolphins scored a touchdown on the TV and chaos erupted around her. A dirty gym sock flying by her head and the ringing of the doorbell added to the commotion, drawing loud hails for the pizza deliveryman.

  “Sorry, Tess, I was aiming for Ramon.” The owner of the sock grinned sheepishly at her.

  Tess shook her head and extricated herself from the couch, amid the objections of no less than three of her male companions who were using her as a pillow. She glanced around at the group of men, all her ex-lovers. She had loved each one heart and soul, loved them still in fact.

  Why then this growing dissatisfaction?

  “Where you going, sweetheart? The game’s just getting good.” Ramon, her most recent ex, tugged at her hand, urging her back to the couch.

  “I…I need some fresh air.”

  “I’ll come with you.” He set down his beer, but she shook her head.

  “Don’t get up. They’re starting again.” She nodded toward the TV. “I’ll be right back.”

  “You sure?” Ramon asked, but his attention had already riveted back to the action on the screen.

  Tess sighed. Lately, this need for distance from her minions, as her sisters had dubbed her collection of men, gnawed at Tess more and more. She let her gaze drift over the half-dozen men sprawled around her living room. They’d do anything for her. She had but to insinuate a need and they fought over who would fulfill it, whether it be picking up her dry cleaning, cooking her dinner or fixing her broken toilet. And this was only half of them.

  What woman would complain?

  “Hey, Tess, we’re a little short on the pizza. Can you kick in?” Nate set a towering stack of pizza boxes on the coffee table already strewn with beer cans and half-filled bowls of chips. The men tore at the boxes with ravenous delight.

  Tess glanced at the young Hispanic delivery guy standing wide-eyed by the door, then back at her own guys as they vied to see who could stuff an entire slice of pizza into his mouth first. Okay, maybe there was some reason for her dissatisfaction.

  She turned to the newcomer. “Hold on just a second.”

  With a shake of her head she walked to her bedroom, reminding herself of all the good her guys had done for her lately. Just that morning, Ramon had stored a week’s worth of meals in her freezer, Gabe had fixed the broken shelf on the bookcase in her bedroom, and Evan had finished scheduling her staff at the nursery for the upcoming week.

  By the time she’d paid for the pizza she’d never eat, her heart swelled with warmth for all of them. Each one of them had been there for her, and if she needed them, they’d be there again. In a heartbeat.

  The delivery guy nodded his thanks, then beat a hasty retreat. She stood in the door a moment and breathed in the heavy Miami air. The humidity still curled her hair, even this late in September.

  Closing the door, she turned to her entourage. “I’m going out back to get a little air.”

  A couple of them bobbed their heads, but between the pizza and the game, they hardly seemed to notice her. She did a quick scan of them, assessing the various emotions each felt. They all seemed content to one degree or another.

  All was well. That meant she’d done her job. And though no deep emotion currently ran through the group—other than for how the Dolphins were faring—she felt no concern. This was the way it always was—the lull between lovers.

  She headed through the kitchen toward the back door, bent on a few moments of solitude on the shaded deck, even if it meant frizzing her hair in the remaining afternoon heat.

  As she swept by the kitchen table, she grabbed the newspaper. Maybe she could see a movie. Of course, it wouldn’t be as much fun by herself. Where was Erin? Her younger sister had made her presence way too scarce since their oldest sister, Nikki, had moved out.

  “I don’t need Erin,” Tess assured herself as she settled in the padded lounger one of her guys had given her—she forgot which one—last year for her birthday. She opened the paper. “Now, what’s going on in the world?”

  But instead of the headline news, she’d grabbed the community section. She skimmed the list of upcoming events. Maybe she needed a little community involvement—a new charity to distract her. She hadn’t volunteered for anything in quite a while. Maybe that was what was eating at her.

  She scanned the options. United Way…Friends of the Elderly…Dade County Women’s Club—a women’s club? What did they do?—Make a Wish Foundation…

  She bit her lip. A women’s group? That would mean no men. No testosterone, no dirty socks flying about, no paying for pizza she’d never eat…
br />   Maybe that was what was troubling her—what this…emptiness in her life was. With her mother traveling abroad with her latest lover and her sisters tied up in their respective lives, was Tess merely craving female companionship?

  But would she find friends in the Dade County Women’s Club? A feeling of trepidation stole over her. Memories of high school flashed through her mind. She hadn’t intentionally set out to date the head cheerleader’s boyfriend, or the senior class president, or the star quarterback. She hadn’t realized the power of her smile or even of an interested glance.

  She hadn’t known then that she had the McClellan gift of sexual healing.

  The animosity of every female in school quickly had clued Tess in, though, that she was…different. As much as she’d tried, she couldn’t make up for the continued interest of guys. She’d never had a girlfriend and, after a time, she’d given up. She’d had her sisters, after all, and she’d liked having so many male companions. And as she’d grown up, she’d enjoyed them as lovers.

  But now something was wrong. The disquiet she’d experienced lately rippled through her. Did the women’s club hold the answer to what was missing from her life? That group wouldn’t have any men to distract her. Maybe she’d find acceptance among her female peers and she’d be giving to her community, something she’d always found fulfilling in the past.

  She read the announcement again. There was a luncheon on Sunday—tomorrow.

  Should she go?

  “Josh, go long.” A muffled yell filtered through the window, followed by a crash and the tinkling of broken glass.

  She folded the paper and tucked it under her arm as she rose to investigate the latest upheaval in her home.

  A testosterone-free afternoon.

  How could she resist?

  “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT to do this?” Nate peered at her through the open car window, his dark eyes questioning.

  She buckled her seat belt, then gripped the wheel, ignoring the tightening in her gut and the alarming urge to invite him along. She’d gotten way too used to having her own little entourage escort her everywhere. “I’m sure. I’ll be fine. It’s just a luncheon. Should be fun. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “Okay, Josh and I are going to hit a few balls on the courts.” His shoulders eased in a slight shrug. “If you need anything, just call.”

  “I’ll be fine,” she reiterated, a nervous smile tugging at her lips. Was she reassuring him—or herself? “It’s just a meeting of the Dade County Women’s Club. What could happen?”

  He stepped away from the car, frowning. “Not sure why you think you need to rub shoulders with those women, but knock ’em dead.”

  “Thanks, Nate. I should be back in plenty of time for dinner.”

  “We’ll heat up one of Ramon’s specialties.”

  The sun glanced off a bumper in front of her a short while later. A panhandler peered at her from a street corner, looking downtrodden and wearing too many layers of clothing in the heat. Her heart gave a little squeeze. She didn’t have time now, but she’d bring him some food on her way back.

  Lifting her chin, she gripped the wheel and focused on the road. She could do this. She’d walk into this meeting with her head held high. Without a man in sight she shouldn’t have any problems striking up friendships with the club members.

  A short time later, she took a deep breath as she pushed through the doors at the Hennesy Hotel. Soft music filled the lobby. She followed a sign and the murmur of voices to a meeting room. With her stomach flip-flopping and a smile plastered across her face, she strode into the room.

  “Good afternoon, may I help you?” A petite woman sitting at a table inside the door greeted her.

  “Um, yes, I’m here for a luncheon with the Dade County Women’s Club.”

  “Are you a visitor?” A wide smile broke across the woman’s face. “We’re always excited to have new people.”

  “I saw your meeting announcement in the community calendar. I thought I’d come see what you were all about.”

  “Welcome. This is our monthly member luncheon, where we hold our meeting and enjoy visiting with one another.”

  “I think that I might be interested in joining, if that’s okay.” The words surprised Tess, even as they left her own mouth. She’d meant only to check them out.

  “Of course it’s okay. We’d love to have you.” The woman extended her hand to Tess. “I’m Cassie Aikens, program chair.”

  Smiling, Tess pumped her hand. “Tess McClellan. I’ve never actually done anything like this before.”

  “Attended a luncheon?”

  “Joined a women’s group.” She’d done it again—committed herself before she’d had a chance to think it through. Yet something about this woman encouraged Tess in a way she’d never hoped to be.

  “It’s a lot of fun. I’ll introduce you to Terry Kingsley when she gets here. She’s this year’s membership chair.”

  “That would be great.”

  Another woman entered the room and greeted Cassie. Her gaze shifted over Tess, who smiled. The newcomer was an attractive woman, with every blond hair in place. Tess, with her tangle of red waves, couldn’t help but feel a little tug of envy.

  “Hi, April, this is—”

  “Tess McClellan.” Tess extended her hand.

  “Tess has come to visit with us and maybe join our group,” Cassie said, adding to the introduction.

  “April Emerson. How nice to meet you.”

  “April’s our president. This is her fifth year. We all love her so much, we won’t let her step down.”

  April’s shoulders relaxed and the smile she directed at Cassie seemed genuine. She handed Cassie a crisp twenty-dollar bill. “It smells wonderful, Cassie. Did you order the chicken amandine?”

  “With asparagus and those seasoned potatoes you like.” She handed April her change, along with a ticket-like receipt.

  April glanced around at the tables of chattering women. “Looks like almost everyone’s here. We should start soon. I think I’ll go get my food and sit.”

  “We’re missing Terry. I want to introduce her to Tess, so we can get her signed up. We haven’t had a new member in a long while.”

  April’s gaze again swept over Tess. “No, we haven’t.” Turning abruptly, she addressed Cassie. “Why don’t you finish up, then get your own food? I’d like to get started on time for a change.”

  Cassie frowned. “Sure. I guess I’m pretty hungry. If Terry comes, she can find me.”

  April left and Cassie shook her head. “She’s normally more friendly. She’s just going through a rough time right now.”

  “Oh. Here—” Tess pulled her wallet from her bag. “I need to pay. There will be enough food, right?”

  “Don’t worry about that. We always order a few extra meals for guests or speakers.” Cassie took Tess’s money, then handed her a receipt.

  “Speakers? Who do you usually have?”

  “Let’s see, last month a couple of women from the Garden Society did a nice talk on indoor gardens. And today we possibly have someone from Project Mentor. They’re on the schedule, but there’s a chance they might not show.” She shrugged. “It’s a new nonprofit organization, run entirely by volunteers. They take the big brother-big sister thing a little further— Look at me running on. We should grab our food. April will start before we get through our entrées.”

  Closing the money box, Cassie motioned Tess toward several banquet tables laden with fresh bread, salads and serving dishes steeped in tempting aromas that made Tess’s stomach growl.

  The food tasted as heavenly as it smelled, almost as good as one of Ramon’s creations. Tess swallowed a savory mouthful of the chicken and smiled as Cassie nodded in her direction. Her new acquaintance had led her to a table not far from the front, where a podium stood.

  The women at her table had acknowledged her with cursory nods as Cassie had left to find a vacant seat nearby. Tess did her best to blend in as the women chat
ted to one another. She waited patiently for an opening in the conversation where she might add something witty or entertaining.

  “Kevin is teething and he drools nonstop. Everything goes straight into his mouth and he soaks his little T-shirts right through, even though I keep a bib on him.” The brunette to her left leaned toward the woman beside her.

  Not much Tess could add there. Frowning, she focused on the plump redhead to her right. “Then Daddy said he had corns on top of his corns and he would not walk another step. I thought Mama was going to skin him, right there. I have never seen her so angry.”

  “Mmm, this asparagus is to die for,” Tess commented to no one in particular.

  The others continued discussing teething babies and parents with foot problems. How could she jump in on any of these conversations? They were all talking about families—normal families.

  What did Tess know about that?

  In near desperation, she glanced across the table to where two women sat in deep conversation. “And he hates school. Doesn’t care for his teacher at all. It’s a battle to make him go every day. He complains about everything. He won’t do his homework. We have a teacher’s conference scheduled this week and I just dread it.”

  Who was Tess kidding? She had nothing in common with these women. She could no more relate to their issues than they could relate to hers.

  You see, I have this problem. I tend to collect men, first as lovers, whom I heal through sexual encounters, then as friends who stay on long after the loving. My sisters fondly call them my minions, because they do everything for me. I so much as hint at a need and it’s filled. But they can’t fill one of my most pressing needs—the need for female companionship. And though some may say that I do them all a great service in healing them, I feel I can do more to help my community. This is where you ladies come in.


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