So Many Men...

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So Many Men... Page 4

by Dorie Graham

  “I don’t have to do this with the DCWC. I understand that Mason likes the clout the group can give him and the project’s success is practically guaranteed with it, but I have plenty of resources of my own.” Her ex-lovers certainly gave new meaning to the term manpower.

  “You do?”

  Tess nodded. “I can’t explain it, but I really want to be part of this club. I know if I join, then take on this project, I may be making more enemies than friends. But if I can make just one new friend in the process, it’ll be worthwhile. And if not…well, I’ll know I did the right thing by trying.” She shrugged. “Besides, Project Mentor needs our help more than I need new friends.”

  “Oh, that’s really sweet.” Cassie’s eyes narrowed and she chewed her bottom lip as though thinking about Tess’s plan. “You would have a hard time pulling this off on your own.”

  Tess held her breath and waited.

  “We’ve always followed April because she usually makes the best decisions, but in this case…” Cassie’s gaze held Tess’s. Excitement sparkled in her eyes. “Tell you what, let’s go see Terry to get you on board as an official member. Then what would you say to you and I paying April a visit?”

  “I’d say that’s a plan.”

  “I’LL HAVE THE ROAST BEEF on whole wheat, hold the mayo, no pickle and a small house salad, ranch dressing on the side.” Mason handed the waitress his menu that Friday afternoon, then turned to Tess, who sat across from him, flanked by Cassie and a man named Josh—a friend of Tess’s.

  The man hovered over Tess in an annoyingly territorial manner. Try as he might, Mason couldn’t stem the irrational jealousy he felt as Josh draped his arm across the back of her seat. Mason frowned. Good God, he had turned into a hormonal teenager.

  Tess smiled, her eyes shining as she glanced over the menu, seeming to take great pleasure in the simple act of ordering her meal. “I’ll have some of that shaved blackened chicken on pumpernickel rye—” her gaze flicked to Mason “—load on the mayo, lettuce, tomato and pickles…lots of pickles. I’ll have that with onion rings and the Caesar with the shrimp and…a loaded baked potato.”

  While their waitress took Josh’s order, Mason stared in wonder. “You can’t possibly eat all of that.”

  “I’ll put a good dent in it. Josh gave me a good workout this morning. I’m starved.”

  Ha. Just as he’d suspected. Mason eyed Tess’s friend as his jealousy stepped up a notch. Some friend.

  The man was groomed to the max, from his perfectly styled hair to his buffed nails. He was built like a line-backer, with straight, honest features. April would have jumped him in a minute. A picture of Tess’s workout flashed through Mason’s mind and he stifled the image, frustrated that he should even care about this woman’s romantic liaisons.

  Tess McClellan was a sensual woman, and he couldn’t deny a definite attraction. Her sex life was none of his business, though, even if fantasies of her had haunted him since their meeting at the park earlier in the week. After his disaster with April, the last thing Mason needed—or wanted—was to rush into another relationship.

  Not that Tess was remotely his type.

  Her cell phone rang and Mason did his best not to eavesdrop as she murmured consoling words to some guy named Kyle. She’d put her hair up into a kind of twist, but loose curls had escaped to fall around her face and the nape of her neck, giving her a wild, untamed look. Mason fisted his hand against the surprising urge to touch one of those curls, to pull the clip free and run his hands through those glorious red waves.

  He gave himself a mental shake. What was wrong with him? Normally he went for a more…conventional type of woman. Tess McClellan certainly didn’t fit that bill.

  “Mason, what time does it start?” Josh’s question pulled him from his reverie.

  Mason turned to him and blinked. “I’m sorry, what time does what start?”

  A knowing smile broke across the man’s face. “You know, you can’t fight it, bro.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Josh cocked his head in Tess’s direction. “She’s like magic—”

  “Oh, look. Here’s our food. That was quick. Thank goodness. I’m famished.” Tess beamed as their waitress approached, her arms laden with dishes. Another server trailed after her, his arms also full.

  The dark-haired server peered around their waitress as she bent to place the dishes on the table. “Tess?” he asked, his eyebrows arched in enthusiasm. “Hi, sweetheart. I didn’t know you were coming in today. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Mark, it’s so good to see you.” She raised her cheek as he placed a quick kiss there. “Since when do you work at this location? I thought you were in Hallandale.”

  “They had a staffing crisis. I’m filling in for a few days.” He glanced around the table at the notepads and pens. “You having some kind of meeting?”

  “We’re working on a fund-raiser.”

  “Let me know if you need any help.” He turned to Josh as he handed the dishes to their waitress. “How’s it hanging, Josh? Haven’t seen you in quite a while. Heard I just missed you at the apartment the other night when I stopped by to see our girl. You know how it is. I get the Tess jones on—”

  “Mark, this is Cassie Aikens, with the Dade County Women’s Club, and Dr. Mason Davies, with Project Mentor. We’re trying to help Mason’s group build a special youth center,” Tess interrupted him.

  Mark’s eyes lit with understanding. “Right. Travis was telling me about that.”

  “Travis is back?” Tess and Josh asked in unison.

  “He called the other night while you were busy with Jack. Kyle mentioned it to him.”

  Travis? Jack? Kyle? And all those calls. Who were all these men? And what were they to her?

  Before Mason could form a coherent comment she waved her hand as if brushing aside his unspoken questions. “More friends.”

  Mark bade her goodbye, with the promise to catch up with her later. After he’d left she turned back to Mason. “We were talking about the beach cleanup next Saturday. What time does it start?”

  “Are you all coming?” he asked, squelching the image of Tess surrounded by a flock of men.

  Josh leaned forward. “I’ve already got a full schedule that day.” He winked at Tess. “But Tess can round up—”

  “I’m sure they have plenty of volunteers.” Tess smiled stiffly.

  Mason settled back in his seat. “Oh, we can always use more volunteers.”

  Josh opened his mouth, but Tess cut him off. “Cassie and I thought we’d lend a hand…if you need us and we won’t be in the way.”

  “I would be more than happy to help,” Cassie said. “Maybe we can round up a few of the others from the DCWC.”

  “Sure. We’re glad to have you. We’ll be at North Beach at nine-thirty.”

  “Tess?” A bearded stranger approached their table.

  “Hi, Hugh.” Her eyes widened, but she smiled and rose to exchange an enthusiastic, if brief, hug with this new man. “How are you?”

  Cassie turned to Mason. “She certainly has a lot of friends.”

  “That she does.” Mason glanced questioningly across the table at Josh.

  He shrugged. “She’s very special.”

  “When did you get back into town?” Tess asked the latest arrival.

  “Just this morning. I was passing by and saw you through the window. I was going to stop by the nursery, but looks like you won’t be there.”

  “I’ve hired another full-time person. It’s great. I can get away a little more often now. I’d love to hear about your trip some time, but we’re in the middle of a meeting.” She made introductions, then explained briefly about the fund-raiser.

  “Hey, I can hook you up with an orchestra if you’d like,” Hugh offered.

  After Tess assured him she’d let him know, he gave her a quick kiss, then left, much to Mason’s relief. Mason hated to admit it even to himself, but he might have to protest if one more man dropped by
with a friendly hug or kiss for her. He shook his head, irritated with himself. He’d only just met the woman.

  Why should he care?

  He squelched the memory of the heated moments they’d shared in the park and over coffee. It wasn’t as though anything had actually happened between them. He would not fall under whatever seductive spell she seemed to weave over the male population. That was the last thing he needed.

  Though Tess’s cell phone rang a few times, apparently with calls from more of her friends, they managed to make it through the rest of the meeting. From time to time Tess tossed in more names as resources for various aspects of the project. Whatever the need, be it advertising to catering, her connections seemed endless and all of them male.

  “I’ll go ahead and put these names and numbers in my database.” Cassie scribbled a few more notes. “We’ll see who can work us the best deals between our usual people and your…ah…friends, Tess.”

  Tess nodded, her mouth set in a firm line. “So, we have our to-do lists. We’ve assigned tasks and set our priorities. Cassie, you’re going to check on ballrooms and get back to us, so we can pinpoint locations and maybe a date.” She paused, but no one added anything. “Should we set our next meeting time?”

  They agreed to meet the following week. Josh offered to help Cassie carry out a file case she’d brought that held information from previous fund-raising events she’d helped coordinate for the DCWC. She and Josh moved off ahead of Tess and Mason, absorbed in conversation as Tess scooped up her large to-go container.

  Mason glanced at her as they headed toward the door. His arm brushed hers and the heat she seemed to invoke in him rose. He cleared his throat and forced his gaze from the curve of her breasts. “Thanks for coming and rounding up the troops. This thing is sure to be a hit with the DCWC backing it. I don’t see how we can miss with their expertise and your connections.”

  “It’ll be great. You’ll have your youth center.”

  “Tess!” Someone called to her from a table near the door.

  Pink tinged her cheeks as she turned to greet what appeared to be yet another male admirer. Mason hung back as the man granted her the customary kiss and embrace. Something about the interaction spoke of an intimacy he refused to contemplate.

  Exactly what sort of woman was he getting involved with? Not that they were involved, really. If he were looking for another relationship, it would be with a woman of a more…innocent nature.

  “Another friend,” she explained when she returned to his side.

  “Tess, I hope you don’t mind, but I just have to ask…” He held the restaurant door for her and Miami’s heat blew over them.

  She stepped past him into the bright sunlight, turning to him as they cleared the threshold. The breeze brushed over her, conforming the thin fabric of her dress to her curves. “Sure, ask me anything.”

  He focused on her eyes. “How do you know all those men?”

  “You mean, are they really all just friends?”


  “The answer is yes. They really are all just friends…now.”


  Her gaze locked with his. The same breeze stirred her curls. One shining wisp clung to her lip. “At one time—each in his own time—they were all my lovers.”

  “Oh.” A buzzing sounded in his ears. His blood warmed and his body swayed toward her.

  “Each in his own time.”

  “Yes, I got that.” He swallowed. What was he supposed to say? He was having a hard enough time just breathing. The thought of her with all those men was at once both disturbing and oddly exciting.

  The essence of her femininity flowed over him, drawing him a step closer to her. Confidence radiated from her in the tilt of her chin, the arch of her eyebrows, the heated look in her eyes. She set her belongings on the hood of a nearby car.

  Slowly, she moved to stand so close to him that the heat of her body touched him and her full lips beckoned, a breath from his. “And now it’s that time again.”

  He gave in to the urge to lean in and inhale the sweet scent of her. “Time for what?”

  The corner of her mouth tilted in a slight smile. “Time for me to take a new lover, of course.”


  A GULL SWOOPED LOW overhead, a reminder of their proximity to the beach. A salt-tinged breeze stirred the humid air.

  Tess’s heart pounded. If ever a man needed healing, Mason Davies did. He seemed so calm and collected on the outside, but inside…inside he was a mass of repressed emotions. If her aunt Sophie was right and most illness originated in what she called the emotional body, then his condition would likely deteriorate if he continued to deny himself.

  Right now, the man’s emotions bubbled in turmoil. He wanted Tess, but he fought it. If she was going to help him, she had to work fast. As she faced him, her healing alarm clanged a red alert.

  She held her breath as Mason’s brown eyes rounded. Desire flowed off him and she smiled to herself, confidence filling her. She could help this man. What a lovely new companion he’d make.

  He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek. “Are you always this bold?”

  “I don’t like games. I believe in laying all my cards on the table.” She cocked her head. “I want you. You want me. Sounds pretty straightforward.”

  “Nothing’s that straightforward these days.”

  “Sure it is. With me, what you see is what you get.”

  “Do you always get what you want?”

  “Not always, but a lot of the time.”

  “And you want me?”

  She snuggled in closer and dropped her arms around his neck. “Oh, yes.”

  “You think I want you?”

  “I don’t think, I know.”

  “You’re awfully confident.”

  “Let’s just say that I have a knack for sensing these things.”

  He nodded toward the restaurant. “And all of those men in there and the ones calling on your cell phone…they want you, too?”

  “Oh, no. Maybe once, but not so much anymore.”

  “Not so much?”


  He shook his head in obvious disbelief. “Right, that’s why they’re all calling and hanging around.”

  “A lot of that was coincidence.”

  “For that much coincidence you have to have a lot of men hanging around.”

  “I have my fair share…maybe a little more. But they do move on eventually.”

  “They move on, or you move on?”

  “Both. Does it matter?”

  His features darkened. “It does to me.”

  “You want to be the one moving on.”

  “It’s preferable, don’t you think? No one likes being left behind.”

  “Why does someone have to be left behind? Why can’t you both move on?”

  “That’s just not realistic. In the real world people get left behind. End of story.”

  So, Mason did have abandonment issues.

  How ironic that she, of all people, would be so drawn to him. Not that she’d ever abandoned anyone, but she’d seen more than her share of goodbyes. “It doesn’t have to be that way.”

  “Right.” He glanced away. “Whatever you say.”

  “Mason.” She waited until his eyes again met hers. “Come out with me, right now. We’ll spend a quiet afternoon, just the two of us. We’ll talk, get to know each other—see what comes of it.”

  His gaze traveled down to her breasts, then back up to her face. “Maybe we shouldn’t…you know, now that we’re working together.”

  “I think getting to know each other better can only enhance our working relationship.”


  “Most definitely.”

  He inhaled a deep breath. “And what would we do—just the two of us?”

  “Whatever we want to.”

  A short laugh escaped him. “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of.”

  Smiling, she pushed away from him. “We’r
e on, then. It’s a date.”

  “Wait, not so fast.”

  She paused, frowning at the determination in his eyes. But he wanted her. Would he really deny himself—deny them both? “Come on, Mason. It’ll be fun.”

  “I have to check on a couple of patients at the hospital this afternoon.” As if to reinforce his responsibilities, his cell phone chimed. He dug it out of his pocket, checking the number on the display.

  He turned to her, his eyes apologetic. “I have to take this. Hold on.” He moved a short distance away and spoke in quiet tones for a few moments before returning to her. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  “Right.” Disappointment swirled through her. So, this was what rejection felt like. Go figure. “We can get together another time.”

  His smile brightened his entire face. “How about tomorrow night?”

  She nearly bounced with joy. “Saturday? That would be great. You want to meet somewhere? I know this really funky club—”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “I’ll take you to dinner, maybe the theater. I’ll show you that sometimes the old tried and true is the best way to have a good time.”

  Pride glimmered off him. The man had to be in control. He had to do things his way.

  That was all fine for now. Later, once he had gotten comfortable with her, she would shake him up a little—ease him into some fun on the lighter side. Every nerve in her being told her it was of the utmost importance that she help Mason break out of his conventional ways and learn to be spontaneous. But evidently she needed to gain his confidence first.

  “Okay, Mason. We’ll do it your way this time, but you have to promise me that the next time we do it all my way. I call the shots.”

  “I love your confidence. You’re sure there’ll be a next time?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Her blood warmed as she thought of all the good times headed their way. “Tomorrow night is just the beginning, love, make no mistake about that.”

  PIANO MUSIC FLOATED from the open lounge area above the restaurant where Mason sat across from Tess. Wide windows displayed a clear view of the intercoastal, lit by the lights of a nearby pier and the numerous boats traversing the evening waters.


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