Mao: The Unknown Story

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by Jung Chang

  Zhang Yaoci, Zhang Yaoci huiyi Mao Zedong (Zhang Yaoci Remembers Mao Zedong), Zhonggong zhongyang dangxiao chubanshe, Beijing, 1996

  Zhang Ying, Fengyu wangshi — Weiteke caifang Jiang Qing shilu (The Past in Winds and Rains — A True Record of Witke’s Interviews with Jiang Qing), Henan renmin chubanshe, Zhengzhou, 1997

  Zhang Yufeng, “Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai wannian ersanshi” (Anecdotes of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai in Their Old Age), in Yanhuang Zisun, no. 1, 1989

  Zhang Yufeng, “Wo gei Mao zhuxi dang mishu” (I Was Secretary to Chairman Mao), 1993, in Qiu Shi, vol. 3

  Zhang Yunsheng, Maojiawan jishi — Lin Biao mishu huiyilu (The True Account of Maojiawan — Memoirs of a Secretary of Lin Biao’s), Chunqiu chubanshe, Beijing, 1988

  Zhang Zhenglong, Xuebai xuehong (Snow White and Blood Red), Dadi chubanshe, Hong Kong, 1991

  Zhang Zhizhong, Zhang Zhizhong huiyilu (Zhang Zhizhong Memoirs), Zhongguo wenshi chubanshe, Beijing, 1993

  Zhang Zishen, Zhanjiang yu tongshuai — Yang Chengwu zai Mao Zedong huixia de sishiba nian (A General and his Commander — Yang Chengwu’s Forty-Eight Years of Service under Mao Zedong), Liaoning renmin chubanshe, Shenyang, 2000

  Zhang Zuoliang, Zhou Enlai de zuihou shi nian — yiwei baojian yisheng de huiyi (Zhou Enlai’s Last Ten Years — Memoirs of a Doctor of His), Shanghai renmin chubanshe, Shanghai, 1997

  Zhao Chaogou et al., Mao Zedong fangwenji (An Interview with Mao Zedong), Changjiang wenyi chubanshe, Wuhan, 1992

  Zhao Guilai, Cong Baotashan dao Zhongnanhai — Gao Fuyou jiyi zhong de yidai weiren (From the Pagoda Mountain to Zhongnanhai — a Great Man in Gao Fuyou’s Memory), Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, Beijing, 1998

  Zhao Rong, “Changzheng tuzhong jiujuntuan zai Qiandianchuan de zhandou licheng” (The 9th Corps’ Journey during the Long March in Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan), in WZX, no. 56

  Zhao Wumian, Wenge danianbiao (Cultural Revolution Chronicle), Mingjing chubanshe, USA, 1996

  Zhao Zhichao, Mao Zedong he ta de fulao xiangqin (Mao Zedong and his Fellow Villagers), Hunan wenyi chubanshe, Changsha, 1992

  Zhe Yongping et al., eds, Nage niandai zhong de women (We in That Era), Yuanfang chubanshe, Hohhot, 1998

  Zheng Dongguo, Wo de rongma shengya — Zheng Dongguo huiyilu (My Military Life — Zheng Dongguo Memoirs), Tuanjie chubanshe, Beijing, 1992

  Zheng Wenhan, Mishu riji li de Peng laozong (Old Chief Peng in a Secretary’s Diary), annotated diary, Junshi kexue chubanshe, Beijing, 1998

  Zheng Yi, Hongse jinianbei (Red Monument), Huashi wenhua gongsi, Taipei, 1993

  Zhong Kan, Kang Sheng pingzhuan (A Critical Biography of Kang Sheng), Hongqi chubanshe, Beijing, 1982

  Zhong Yimou, Hailufeng nongmin yundong (the Peasant Movement in Hailufeng), Guangdong renmin chubanshe, Guangzhou, 1957

  Zhou (Zhou Enlai, also spelt Chou En-lai, as in text), “Dangde lishi jiaoxun” (Historical Lessons of the Party), in ZHW, speech of 10 June 1972

  Zhou, Zhou Enlai xuanji (Selected Works of Zhou Enlai), 2 vols, Renmin chubanshe, Beijing: vol. 1, 1981; vol. 2, 1984

  Zhou, Zhou Enlai shuxin xuanji (Selected Letters of Zhou Enlai), Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, Beijing, 1988

  Zhou, Zhou Enlai nianpu (A Chronological Record of Zhou Enlai), 1898–1949, CCP Archive Study Office, ed., Renmin chubanshe & Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, Beijing, 1991

  Zhou, Zhou Enlai jingji wenxuan (Selected Works of Zhou Enlai on Economics), Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, Beijing, 1993

  Zhou, Zhou Enlai nianpu (A Chronological Record of Zhou Enlai), 1949–1976, 3 vols, CCP Archive Study Office, ed., Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, Beijing, 1997

  Zhou Guoquan et al., Wang Ming pingzhuan (A Critical Biography of Wang Ming), Anhui renmin chubanshe, Hefei, 1990

  Zhou Jihou, Mao Zedong xiangzhang zhimi (The Mystery of the Mao Zedong Badge), Beiyue wenyi chubanshe, Taiyuan, 1993

  Zhou Jingwen, Fengbao shi nian (Ten Years of Storm), Shidai piping chubanshe, Hong Kong, 1959

  Zhou Ming, ed., Lishi zai zheli chensi (History Ponders Here), 3 vols, Huaxia chubanshe, Beijing, 1987

  Zhou Xiaozhou Biography team, Zhou Xiaozhou zhuan (Zhou Xiaozhou Biography), Hunan renmin chubanshe, Changsha, 1985

  Zhou Yi, Xianggang zuopai douzheng shi (A History of Struggle by the Hong Kong Left), Liwen chubanshe, Hong Kong, 2002

  Zhou Zuoren, Zhou Zuoren riji (Diaries of Zhou Zuoren), Dajia chubanshe, Zhengzhou, 1996

  Zhu De, Zhu De nianpu (A Chronological Record of Zhu De), CCP Archive Study Office, ed., Renmin chubanshe, Beijing, 1986

  Zhu Kaiyin, “Wode junshi waijiaoguan shengya” (My Career as a Military Diplomat), in YHCQ, no. 9, 1994

  Zhu Lin, Dashi furen huiyilu (The Memoirs of an Ambassador’s Wife), Shijie zhishi chubanshe, Beijing, 1993

  Zhu Tianhong & Yi Wan, Mao Zemin zhuan (A Biography of Mao Zemin), Hualing chubanshe, Beijing, 1994

  Zhu Yu, ed., Li Xiannian zhuan (A Biography of Li Xiannian), Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, Beijing, 1999

  Zhu Zheng, 1957 nian de xiaji (Summer 1957), Henan renmin chubanshe, Zhengzhou, 1998

  Zhu Zhongli, Nuhuang meng (Dreaming of Being an Empress), Dongfang chubanshe, Beijing, 1988

  Zhu Zhongli, Yanyang zhaowo (Under Bright Sunshine), Beifang funu ertong chubanshe, Changchun, 1989

  Zhu Zhongli, Mao Zedong Wang Jiaxiang zai wode shenghuo zhong (Mao Zedong and Wang Jiaxiang in My Life), Zhonggong zhongyang dangxiao chubanshe, Beijing, 1995

  Zhuang Zedong & Sasaki Atsuko, Zhuang Zedong yu Zuozuomu Dunzi (Zhuang Zedong and Sasaki Atsuko), Zuojia chubanshe, Beijing, 1996




  Arkhiv Prezidenta Rossiiskoy Federatsii (Archive of the President of the Russian Federation), Moscow; file numbers cited refer to, respectively, the “fond,” “opis” and “delo”: e.g., “39/1/39” refers to fond 39, opis 1, delo 39.


  Arkivi Qëndror i Shtetit i Republikës së Shqipërisë (Central State Archive of the Republic of Albania), Tirana; numbers cited refer to fondi 14, the file “PPSh — PKK” (ALP [Albanian Party of Labor] — CCP); thus “f. 14, 1958, d. 1” refers to fondi 14, for year 1958, dosje 1.

  A — UCP(b)

  All-Union Communist Party (bolshevik)


  Arkhiv Vneshney Politiki Rossiiskoy Federatsii (Archive of Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation), Moscow; file numbers cited refer to, respectively, the “fond,” “opis,” “papka” and “delo”: e.g., “0100/29/205/11” refers to fond 0100, opis 29, papka 205, delo 11.


  Bulgarian Communist Party


  Beijing Review


  Peking Review)


  The Cambridge History of China (Cambridge, UK, et al., Cambridge University Press)


  Chinese Historians in the United States


  Chinese Law and Government


  Communist Party of China


  Communist Party of the Soviet Union


  China Quarterly


  Cold War International History Project Bulletin


  Cold War History


  Dokumentyi Vneshney Politiki (Foreign Policy Documents, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


  Executive Committee of the Communist International


  Foreign Broadcast Information Service (CIA)


  Far Eastern Affairs (English-language edition of PDV)


  Foreign Relations of the United States

  (US Department of State)


  Informatsyonnyi Byulleten (Information Bulletin), Institute of the Far East, Moscow


of Asian Studies


  Joint Publications Research Service (US Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA)

  Mao Miscellany

  Miscellany of Mao Tse-tung Thought (1949–1968), 2 vols (JPRS, nos 612691 & 612692); on Web/JPRS


  Modern Asian Studies


  Schram, Stuart, ed.,

  Mao’s Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings 1912–1949


  National Archives, UK (formerly PRO)


  National Archives and Records Administration, USA


  Novaya i Noveyshaya Istoriya (Modern and Contemporary History), Moscow


  National Security Archive, Washington, DC


  New Times (English-language edition of Novoye Vremya)


  Novoye Vremya

  , Moscow


  Ocherki Istorii Rossiiskoy Vneshnyey Razvedki


  Osobyi Rayon Kitaya; see: Vladimirov, P. P.


  Problemyi Dalnego Vostoka (Problems of the Far East), Moscow


  Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact, Zurich


  Peking Review


  Beijing Review)


  Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Sotsialno-politicheskoy Istorii (Russian State Archives of Socio-political History, formerly RTsKhIDNI); file numbers cited refer to, respectively, the “fond,” “opis” and “delo”: e.g., “514/1/1008” refers to fond 514, opis 1, delo 1008


  Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der ehemaligen DDR im Bundesarchiv (Foundation for the Archives of the Parties and Mass Organizations of the Former GDR [East Germany] in the Federal Archives), Berlin


  Survey of the China Mainland Press


  Selected Works


  Titov, A. S.,

  Materialyi k politicheskoy biografii Mao Tszeduna


  Tsentralen Durzhaven Arkhiv (Central State Archive), Sofia


  Central Committee


  Union Research Institute, Hong Kong


  VKP(b), Komintern i Kitay


  Some entries are abbreviated. Translations of titles given only for Russian and Bulgarian entries.

  Aarons, Eric, What’s Left? Memoirs of an Australian Communist, Penguin, Ringwood, Australia, 1933

  Abend, Hallett, My Years in China 1926–1941, J. Lane/Bodley Head, London, 1944

  Aczél, Tamás, “Hungary: Glad Tidings from Nanking,” CQ, no. 3 (1960)

  Adibekov, G. M., et al., eds, Organizatsionnaya Struktura Kominterna 1919–1943 (The Organizational Structure of the Comintern), Rosspen, Moscow, 1997

  Adyrkhaev, Nikolai, “Stalin’s Meetings with Japanese Communists in the Summer of 1951,” FEA, no. 3, 1990

  Aguado, Fr. Angelus, Report (“Epistola”) from Yenan, 7 June 1935, Acta Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, vol. 54, fasc. 1, Florence, 1935

  Akimov, V. I., ed., Iz Istorii Internatsionalnoy Pomoshchi Sovietskogo Soyuza Kitayu i Koreye (From the History of the International Aid of the Soviet Union to China and Korea), Institute of the Far East, Moscow, 1985

  Aleksandrov-Agentov, A. M., Ot Kollontai do Gorbacheva (From Kollontai to Gorbachev), Mezhdunarodnyie Otnosheniya, Moscow, 1994

  Alsop, Joseph, “On China’s Descending Spiral,” CQ, no. 11 (1962)

  Alsop, Stewart, “A Conversation with President Kennedy,” Saturday Evening Post, 1 January 1966

  Ambrose, Stephen E., Nixon, vol. 3, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991

  Anderson, Jon Lee, Che Guevara, Bantam, London, 1997

  Anderson, K. M., & Chubaryan, A. O., eds, Komintern i Vtoraya Mirovaya Voyna (The Comintern and the Second World War), Part 1: to 22 June 1941, Pamyatnik Istoricheskoy Myisli, Moscow, 1994

  Andrew, Christopher, & Mitrokhin, Vasili, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, Allen Lane, London, 1999

  Anson, Robert Sam, Exile: The Unquiet Oblivion of Richard M. Nixon, Touchstone, New York, 1985

  Antonkin, Alexei, Chiens de Faience, Équinoxe, Paris, 1983

  Apter, David E., & Saich, Tony, Revolutionary Discourse in Mao’s Republic, Harvard University Press, Cambridge et al., 1994

  Arbatov, Georgi, The System, Times Books, New York, 1992

  Armstrong, J. D., Revolutionary Diplomacy, University of California Press, Berkeley et al., 1977

  Ashton, Basil, et al., “Famine in China, 1958–1961,” Population and Development Review, vol. 10, no. 4 (1984)

  Atwood, Christopher P., “Sino-Soviet Diplomacy and the Second Partition of Mongolia, 1945–1946,” in Kotkin, Stephen, & Elleman, Bruce A., eds, Mongolia in the Twentieth Century, Sharpe, Armonk et al., c.1999

  Avreyski, Nikola, Georgi Dimitrov i Revolyutsionnoto Dvizheniye v Kitaye (Georgi Dimitrov and the Revolutionary Movement in China), Institute for the History of the BKP at the BKP CC, Sofia, 1987

  Balanta, Martín, “Rupture Between Castro and Peiping,” Segunda Republica (La Paz), 30 Jan 1966, in JPRS, Translations on International Communist Developments, no. 810

  Band, Claire & William, Dragon Fangs: Two Years with Chinese Guerrillas, Allen & Unwin, London, 1947

  Banister, Judith, “Population Policy and Trends,” CQ, no. 100 (1984)

  Bao Ruo-Wang (Jean Pasqualini) & Chelminski, Rudolph, Prisoner of Mao, Deutsch, London, 1975

  Barmin, Valery, “Xinjiang in the History of Soviet-Chinese Relations in 1918–1931,” FEA, no. 4, 1999

  Barnouin, Barbara, & Yu Changgen, Chinese Foreign Policy during the Cultural Revolution, Kegan Paul, London & New York, 1998

  Baturov, Vladimir, “Kosmicheskii Skachok Pekina” (Peking’s Cosmic Leap), NV, nos 2–3, 1999

  Becker, Jasper, Hungry Ghosts: China’s Secret Famine, J. Murray, London, 1996

  Benton, Gregor, New Fourth Army, University of California Press, Berkeley et al., 1999

  Berezhkov, Valentin M., At Stalin’s Side, Birch Lane, New York, 1994

  Beria, Sergo, Moy Otets — Lavrentii Beria (My Father — Lavrentii Beria), Sovremmenik, Moscow, 1994

  Beria, Sergo, Beria: My Father, Duckworth, London, 2001

  Bertram, James M., First Act in China, Viking, New York, 1938

  Blum, John Morton, ed., The Price of Vision: The Diary of Henry A. Wallace, 1942–1946, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1973

  Bonavia, David, Verdict in Peking, Burnett Books, London, 1984

  Borisov, O., The Soviet Union and the Manchurian Revolutionary Base (1945–1949), Progress, Moscow, 1977

  Borisov, Oleg, From the History of Soviet-Chinese Relations in the 1950s, Progress, Moscow, 1982

  Boudarel, Georges, “L’idéocratie importée au Vietnam avec le maoisme,” in Boudarel, Georges, et al., eds, La bureaucratie au Vietnam, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1983

  Braun, Otto, “Mao Tse-tung’s Climb to Power,” FEA no. 1, 1974

  Braun, Otto, A Comintern Agent in China 1932–1939, Hurst, London, 1982

  Brezhnev, A. A., Kitay: Ternistyi Put k Dobrososedstvu (China: The Thorny Road to Good Neighborliness), Mezhdunarodnyie Otnosheniya, Moscow, 1998

  Browder, Earl, “The American Communist Party in the Thirties,” in Simon, Rita James, ed., As We Saw the Thirties, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1967

  Brun-Zechowoj, Walerij, Manfred Stern — General Kleber, Trafo-Verl. Weist, Berlin, 2000

  Bulag, Uradyn E., The Mongols at China’s Edge, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham et al., 2002

  Bundy, William, A Tangled Web: The Making of Foreign Policy in the Nixon Presidency, Hill & Wang, New York, 1998

  Burr, William, ed., The Kissinger Transcripts: The Top-secret Talks with Beijing and Moscow, Free Press, New York, 1999 [Burr 19
99a] [Web/NSA]

  Burr, William, ed., China and the United States … 1960–1998, NSA Electronic Briefing Book No.1, 1999 [Burr 1999b]

  Burr, William, “Sino-American Relations, 1969: The Sino-Soviet Border War,” CWH, vol. 1, no. 3 (2001)

  Burr, William, ed., The Beijing — Washington Back Channel and Henry Kissinger’s Secret Trip to China, September 1970–July 1971, NSA Electronic Briefing Book No. 66, 2002 [Web/NSA]

  Byron, John, and Pack, Robert, The Claws of the Dragon: Kang Sheng, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992

  Cabot, John Moors, First Line of Defense, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, n.d.

  Cadart, Claude, & Cheng Yingxiang, eds, Mémoires de Peng Shuzhi: L’Envol du communisme en Chine, Gallimard, Paris, 1983

  Carrington, Lord, Reflect on Things Past, Collins, London, 1988

  Carton de Wiart, Adrian, Happy Odyssey, Cape, London, 1950

  Chang, Gordon H., Friends and Enemies: The United States, China, and the Soviet Union, 1948–1972, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1990

  Chang, Jung, Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991

  Chang Kuo-t’ao, The Rise of the Chinese Communist Party, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, 1971, 1972, 2 vols Chang, Sidney H., & Myers, Ramon H., eds, The Storm Clouds Clear Over China: The Memoirs of Ch’en Li-fu, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, 1994

  Chen Jian, China’s Road to the Korean War, Columbia University Press, New York, 1994

  Chen Jian, “A Crucial Step toward the Sino-Soviet Schism: The Withdrawal of Soviet Experts from China, July 1960,” CWB, no. 8–9 (1996–7) Chen Jian, Mao’s China and the Cold War, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill & London, 2001


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