Seduced by Two Magicians

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Seduced by Two Magicians Page 2

by Celia Styles

  As the show went on, it was clear that the nature of their chemistry had taken a turn. Even when they were both dressed back up in their smart tuxedos, looking every inch the handsome young magicians that they were, there were still touches here and there, little moments and shared looks that seemed to imply something more. I supposed that they could just have been close work partners; after all, they must spend all day together working on new acts and in close physical proximity. But I allowed myself to revel in the notion that they might be a little more than just friends, if only because the thought was enough to make me want to slide my hand between my legs.

  The show came to an end, and there was an ovation around me; I couldn’t say that I was surprised. It had been an incredible evening, and I couldn’t believe that I was the only one who’d noticed the way they touched each other. As I gulped down my third drink, I knew one thing for absolute certain, and that was that I had to see them again, even just once, before I left. It wasn’t like I was going to get the chance to shamelessly ogle a pair of straight-up hotties like this for a while, and I was sure as hell going to make the best of it. I knew it was time for a little adventure, the kind that works best when you haven’t got any annoying fiancés in tow.

  Standing up, I casually grabbed my handbag and hooked it over my shoulder, brushing down my dress and quickly adjusting my cleavage so it stood out a little more. Hey, it didn’t hurt to look good, right?

  Spotting a small door that had “Backstage” spelled out in white letters, I hurried across there, trying to get lost in the melee of people heading for the door and chattering about how good the show was. It wasn’t that I didn’t agree, but I had a rather different mission in mind, and that involved letting them know how I felt personally.

  Glancing around one more time, I pushed the door and was surprised to find that it actually opened. Clicking it shut behind me, all I could hear were my heels tapping on the marble floor as I made my way down the corridor, hoping that I would stumble across some giveaway sign that would point me to Eric and Oliver’s dressing room. Luckily for me, I found it. As I turned down another corridor, I let out a small “oh!” when my brain registered what I was seeing.

  Eric and Oliver were there, still in tuxedos and stage make-up, making out furiously in the corridor only a few feet away from me. Oliver was gripping Eric’s jacket, and Eric had one hand tucked around Oliver’s waist, the other enmeshed in his hair, as their tongues hungrily perused each other as if they hadn’t eaten for days. It was, quite simply, one of the hottest things that I’d ever seen, and most of that came from the fact that it looked like these two were firmly in love. The way they grabbed at each other, pulling so close it looked as if they might disappear into each other, grasping and tugging and holding as if they couldn’t get enough. The tenderness caught me off-guard, and I turned away, immediately a little embarrassed that I’d intruded on this beautiful moment. As I did so, my heels made a loud squeaking sound on the tile below me, and I heard both the men pull away.

  “Hey, wait up!” Oliver’s voice came from down the hall as I cursed myself for walking into this awkward situation. They would probably think I was some stalker fan and call security to have me removed. So much for another chance to ogle them.

  I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the mild onslaught of awkwardness that was about to rain down on me. Could I claim that I had gotten lost? That I wanted an autograph? That there was a dampness between my legs that some crazy part of me had hoped one of them would be able to take care of? Turning around, I plastered a big, fake grin on my face.

  “Hi, sorry, I-“

  “Weren’t you at the show tonight?” Eric exclaimed, excited, keeping one arm wrapped tightly round Oliver as he did so. I couldn’t believe they’d recognised me.

  “Um, yeah, I was…I thought it was great. In fact, I was wondering when you guys were performing again?”

  I hoped my quick lie would cover my tracks. Surely they couldn’t get annoyed at me for wanting to offer them more custom, right?

  “Oh, we’re here all week. They booked us in for a short residency. I mean, I would have preferred Vegas, but this place certainly has it’s…charms.” Oliver’s eyes glinted at me. Was he flirting? No, he couldn’t be, not with one arm still tucked firmly around his boyfriend. That would be ridiculous. I shook the thought from my head, wobbling slightly on my heels. I’d had more to drink that I’d realized.

  “Well, I must come by and check you guys out again.” I realized what I’d said as soon as the words came out of my mouth. “I mean, check out the show again. That’s what I want. I’d love to come see you again.”

  “Couple of cocktails in, are you?” Eric laughed, stepping towards me, his sharp eyes examining me with interest. Wow, they were even better looking this close up, even slathered in as much stage make-up as they were.

  I laughed guiltily, holding up my hands in admission. “You got me.”

  “I must say, I’m flattered that a lovely young woman like yourself would come by to spend time with a couple of old illusionists like us,” Eric said, close enough now to place his hand on my shoulder. “Tell you what, we’ve got a couple of bottles of champagne back at the hotel room, why don’t you come by and share them with us? We’d love to hear what you made of the show. We know it so well now that it’s difficult to see it objectively, you know?”

  I nodded, my mind reeling. I didn’t want to step on their toes, but I definitely wasn’t averse to spending an evening with a couple of very handsome men. Maybe hooking up with someone wasn’t the best plan for this evening, and I should be focusing on getting myself really, really drunk and spending some time with some world-renowned illusionists. I shrugged inwardly. Well, it would make a good anecdote, if nothing else.

  “That sounds great,” I nodded, and Eric gamely offered me his arm. I took it, allowing him to lead me through the corridors and towards an elevator at the back of the hotel. His arm felt strong and muscular beneath his tuxedo jacket, and it felt so good to be close to a man like this.

  “We’re on the twentieth floor, penthouse suite,” Oliver explained, pressing the appropriate buttons. “I like coming to casino hotels like this, because they’re so luxurious in such an over-the-top way. All the gold and velvet and silk. I love it.”

  I giggled, and Oliver flashed me a smile. I felt totally at ease in the presence of these two men, and I wasn’t sure if that was the alcohol or because they both seemed so sweet.

  “So, where are you staying…I’m sorry, I’ve just realized we didn’t get your name?” Oliver said, apologetic.

  “Rachel. I’m Rachel. And I’m staying somewhere in this hotel, with my fiancé. Well, my ex-fiance.” I replied briskly. No need to beat around the bush.

  Eric’s brow furrowed. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Don’t be. He was cheating on me so many times over. I’m glad to finally have an excuse to be shot of him.” I waved my hand in the air, brushing away his concern. As I said the words, I knew that I meant every one. In this moment, I didn’t care about Vic at all.

  Oliver scrunched up his face, looking disapproving. “He sounds like a dick.”

  “He was.”

  “What was his name?”


  “Vic the dick. Fits him.” Oliver grinned, leaning in to me conspiratorially. I caught a heady whiff of his aftershave, and wanted to press my nose into his neck and inhale every drop of his scent. The lift pinged, and I was snapped out of my x-rated fantasy as Oliver and Eric led me out into the amazing penthouse suite they’d been gifted for the weekend. And Oliver was right- it was tacky in the way only the best casino hotels could be tacky, as if someone had thrown a big pile of money at it and kind of left it at that. There was a marble-topped mahogany bar sitting off to the right, in front of giant, open-plan windows that looked out on to the glowing neon of the city. An electric fireplace crackled into life as the lift opened, lighting up the two velvet couches perched in front of
it. Damn, I wouldn’t mind a place like this to myself.

  “So, about that champagne?” Eric nodded towards an ornate ice-bucket, and Oliver nodded, hurrying towards it.

  “I need a drink. It went well tonight, but you can never be sure until the critical reviews come in.” Oliver glanced at me. I could hear a waver of nerves in his voice.

  “You were both great, “ I reassured them, “It was an amazing performance. The best magic show that I’ve ever been to.”

  “And how many magic shows have you been to?” Eric inquired.

  “That was my first.”

  “There it is,” Oliver nodded, pouring out three glasses of champagne. The bottle looked expensive, more expensive than anything I kept in the barely-stocked liquor cabinet at home. Vic usually drank everything that I bought in, anyway. God, I was glad to be rid of that loser. Oliver handed me a glass, and I took a sip, the bubbles running straight up my nose and fuzzying my head. Mmm, it was good.

  “To the new show, and new experiences,” Eric toasted, raising up his glass to clink it against mine and Oliver’s. The tiny look he threw my way when he mentioned new experiences had me doubly certain that I had made the right choice coming up here. Maybe it was just the champagne going to my head, but there felt like there was some kind of tension building between us now. Maybe just really, really wanted there to be. Oh, hell, whatever it was, I wanted to enjoy an evening in a luxurious suite with a couple of international celebrities. There was no way that evening couldn’t be fun, no matter what else went down, right?

  “So, Rachel, tell me, what do you do for a living?” Eric asked, cocking his head and looking at me.

  “I’m a stylist. I put together looks for magazine shoots and adverts and stuff like that. It’s kind of like being an interior designer, but instead of painting walls I drape clothes on stupidly gorgeous people.” I shrugged. It was my usual response whenever someone asked me what my job was. “And I don’t need to ask what you guys do.”

  They both laughed. They had good laughs, throaty and hearty, so that it felt like a prize to have amused them. “How long have you both been at the magician game, anyway?”

  They exchanged a fond look with each other. Eric was the first to speak. “I started out messing around with it in college, and when I went pro, I was mostly working kid’s birthday parties and stuff like that. Then Oliver came along, with all these amazing ideas for new tricks and illusions, and it just made so much sense for us to start working together. We put together our very first show twelve years ago, when we were in out early twenties, and it just went from there.”

  Oliver smacked him fondly on the arm. “You always give me way too much credit in these stories. You had so much raw skill, I just pointed you in the right direction and you let me hold the props from time to time.”

  They shot each other a look, and it was clear that they hand this kind of discussion all the time. Their chemistry was amazing; undeniable, but easy and laid-back.

  “And how long have you guys been…together?”

  There was a brief silence as my question hung in the air between the three of us. “Like, as a couple?” Eric clarified.

  “Yep. Sorry if that’s overstepping the mark or anything, it’s just that I saw you making out downstairs and I assumed-” I blustered, worried that I’d offended them.

  “No, no not at all. We’ve been together for about…well, pretty much since the night of our first show. We decided to be monogamous at first, but then we figured that an open relationship just made a lot more sense for us. We’re both bisexual, and we like to sample the pleasures of all kinds of flesh,” Oliver explained, refilling my glass. “Just say when.”

  I held up my hand and he stopped pouring. “So you guys aren’t exclusive?”

  “Well, I’ve only got eyes for Eric romantically, but physically we’re down with being with anyone. Sometimes we even share.” Oliver shot me a filthy grin, and it spiralled all the way down to me groin. Was he…flirting with me?

  Eric rolled his eyes, and my attention jumped towards him. The chemistry between us was palpable now, so much so I felt like I could reach out and touch it. God, they were both stunning, so classically, jaw-droppingly handsome. I wanted to run my teeth along the hint of stubble I could see on Eric’s jaw.

  “I think what Oliver is trying to say- in the most roundabout way possible- is that we both noticed you in the crowd tonight.”

  “….Oh?” I squeaked, trying to keep my cool. So this was actually going where I thought it was going?

  “It was hard to miss your ogling at us when we did the BDSM trick,” Eric laughed, trying to gauge my reaction. “I thought you were going to jump on stage and take a bite out of poor Oliver!”

  I laughed, my voice sounding higher and squeakier than it normally did. So my ogling hadn’t gone unnoticed?

  “And it’s been a long time since either of us has made love to a woman. That’s…well, I hope you don’t mind me admitting it, but that’s why we invited you up here this evening.” Eric murmured, placing his hand on my leg. Electricity fired up my thigh and into my clit as I processed what he was saying.

  “Rachel, there’s no pressure whatsoever to do anything you don’t want to,” continued Oliver, “But we just wanted to let you know that you’re a beautiful, sexy, charming woman, and we’d love to have you join us for an evening.”

  His blue eyes pierced into mine as my brain did backflips. Did I want to do this? Was this something that I should just keep in Rachel Fantasyland? Or should I take advantage of the fact that these two divinely beautiful men were offering to spend an evening pleasuring me?

  Well, when I put it like that, there really was no other way to answer that question.

  I placed my hand over Eric’s, leading it further up my thigh.

  “I would love to.”

  And then it was as if every single one of us acknowledged what had been growing between us since we locked eyes in the crowd earlier that evening. Eric leaned forward and pressed his lips against my neck, and I practically swooned against him; the feeling of his soft lips on my neck and the roughness of his stubble against my skin was unlike anything I had ever felt before. I opened my eyes just long enough to see Oliver watching us both, gripping his erection in one hand, and the sight of him- a man so utterly lost in his desire for me- forced a small moan out from between my lips.

  “Now, Rachel, I couldn’t help but notice how much you seemed to enjoy our little BDSM performance earlier this evening. Is that something you’re…interested in expanding on in here?” Eric murmured in my ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down my spine.

  “Oh God, yes,” I gasped back, turning my head so my lips met his in a warm, deep, satisfying kiss, his tongue prying open my lips and investigating every inch of my mouth. His strong hands came to my waist, running across my back and my hips and my arms, and I practically melted into his touch. This was better that anything I’d ever known before. The feeling was…indescribable.

  “Good. I think we should start out with a little bit of punishment and reward, don’t you?” Eric continued, nibbling down my neck to me shoulder.

  “Depends what it is,” I replied, knowing that I would say yes to almost anything he suggested.

  “I’ve always been a fan of show, not tell, wouldn’t you agree, Oliver?” Eric checked in with his partner, who was still watching us with an aroused fascination.

  “Most certainly. But I think she’ll be a big fan of this. I know I certainly am.” Oliver replied.

  “Precisely. Now, I’ll get the board set up, but you’ll need to undress her for me; do you think you can manage that?” Eric enquired, his hands still on my back, his nails tracing a lazy shape down my spine. It sent streams of tingles across my skin, setting every nerve ending alight.

  “No problem, boss,” Oliver answered, playfully sticking his tongue out at Eric. I giggled as Eric stepped away, allowing Oliver to slide into his place. Oliver was a more forceful kisser, tucking his h
ands behind my ears and pulling me towards him as he sank his teeth into my lower lip, eliciting a slight gasp from me as he did so. I couldn’t believe that I’d got not one, but two ridiculously handsome men waiting to pleasure me all night long- this was one hell of a rebound.

  “I suppose we better get you naked, then.” Oliver murmured in my ear.

  “Only if you do too.” I challenged. And like that, we were both pulling at shoes and buttons and zips, lost in a teenage frenzy of desire for each other, pausing occasionally to kiss and bite and taste the now-exposed skin. My back arched against him, pressing my aching pussy into his still-clothed erection. Mmm, I couldn’t wait to have that inside me. Sliding out of my dress, I lay beneath him, completely naked, my nails sunk hard into his muscular back. He looked better than he did on stage, a toned, taut body that rippled with each movement. And he wanted me. He let out a soft moan as he leant down to cup my breast in his hand, lifting his mouth to the nipple and slowly, teasingly, running his teeth and lips around it. I wanted him to grab and grope me, hard and animalistic, but he seemed keen to make me wait for my pleasure.

  “Ah, what a sight you two make,” Eric’s voice came from behind us. We turned to look at him, and he was carrying the same kind of board they had used for the BDSM performance earlier in the night. Were they going to tie me up to that? My pussy clenched at the thought. Eric continued to speak. “But I want to get her all spread out and tied up before we do anything else.”

  Oh my God, they were going to tie me up! Oliver helped me to my feet, and let me over to the board; my pussy was sore with anticipation as Eric backed me up against it, admiring my body, before slowly starting to wrap the wrist straps around my arms.

  “Do you want this, Rachel?” He whispered, cupping my face in one strong hand.

  “Yes,” I replied, my body arching out in a futile attempt to touch him as he tied the rest of the straps on to me so I was spread-eagled, naked, standing in front of these two men.

  “Very good,” Eric flashed a grin at me. Reaching behind the board, he produced a whip- long, lean, leather, the kind that looked as if it would come with a hefty sting. “Do you know what this is?”


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