Stalking His Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters

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Stalking His Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters Page 26

by Dianna Love

  A missed text message from Scarlett, the investigator.

  With so little time to find Baatar and wanting to help Siofra, Rory had asked Scarlett to find out what she could about Baatar based upon Siofra’s description. Scarlett had scowled, telling him his boss had asked her to search Vermont with no specific intel, just go look.

  For that reason, getting any message from her was unexpected.

  It would be nice if Scarlett found out Baatar was somewhere other than Portland so Rory could get Siofra out of the city. Her text just said to call, so he did.

  “You found me,” Scarlett said, not acknowledging her name.

  “This is Rory. Do you have something on Baatar?”

  “Oh. Didn’t recognize your number. Maybe. There’s a rumor that bounty hunters in Vermont captured someone who fits the description of a big guy with a beard, acting strange, not exactly human and with a load of power.”

  “Sounds like him.”

  Scarlett crushed his enthusiasm at finding Baatar quickly when she added, “He escaped, which is saying something considering he had to fight shifters.”

  “No kidding. He’s that strong?”

  “Could be or just an insane person with power, which makes him hard to combat. Sort of like a human on drugs walking into a hail of bullets and still standing. If this guy is Baatar and he gets cornered, you need to watch out. Sounds like he snaps and his power amps up.”

  Dammit. That did sound like the man Siofra hoped to have answer her bulletin board message.

  Rory glanced at the still-shut bathroom door. He turned his back, keeping his voice down. “Have you had any luck with the tiger my boss is looking for?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “I’m trying to help,” he said encouragingly.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  The cooling system kicked on, making a bit of noise, then quieting down. With so little time to talk before Siofra came out, he ignored everything and pushed on.

  He said, “I might have a lead for you on the tiger.”


  “Yes,” he said. If Scarlett reported this to Rory’s team and boss, that would be out of his control, thus allowing him to keep his word to Siofra. The boss needed a heads-up, but he could never face her and lie about calling this in.

  He walked a tightrope of trying to do right by her and perform his duty. Before he said too much, he asked, “Have you been given any other directions on hunting the tiger beyond that first meeting?”

  “No,” Scarlett said, but qualified, “I do have a lead.”

  “Really? Great.”

  “Not so fast. I won’t tell you a thing if you’re going to call it in to your boss and screw all my hard work.”

  There went any hope he had of Scarlett informing the Guardian. She’d boxed him in as much as Siofra had, but he was either in or out on something like this.

  He said, “Agreed. I think Baatar could be the tiger shifter we’re hunting. If he is, we have to bring him in.”

  “Baatar as in Siofra’s brother?”


  “Huh. I’ve got a tip on a Sumatran tiger who shifts.”

  The Guardian had not mentioned that he searched specifically for a Siberian tiger shifter, probably to keep from limiting the information Scarlett would bring him.

  Scarlett asked, “What makes you think Baatar could be a tiger shifter? When Siofra told me where she was going with you, she never mentioned her brother was a shifter.”

  Rory couldn’t tell Scarlett too much, because Baatar could be a Gallize. He said, “I’m telling you more than I should right now. If he is the one we’re after and you help me, I’ll make sure you get full credit.”

  “What about Siofra? Does she know you think this?”

  “Not yet. I don’t want to say anything to her until I know more.”

  “Where are you two?”

  “Portland, Maine. We’re trying to make contact with Baatar. We got jumped by a Black River pack wolf yesterday.”

  “Are there more?”

  “Maybe, but that one can tell no tales.”

  “Good,” Scarlett said, making it clear how little she cared for that pack. “I’m west of you, just over the border in New Hampshire. The Sumatran tiger shifter was reported captured in Vermont as well, but the bounty hunters were on the move and heading to Maine. It’s thought they’re gathering exotics for a shifter auction. I’m heading over to Portland and should be in your area in two hours. Text me if you get anything new. I can be mobile fast.”

  “Will do if you’ll do the same for me.”

  “I will. I give few people one chance. Don’t screw it up.”

  Siofra’s shower was still running.

  Rory tossed his phone on the bed and opened the bathroom door to join her. A cloud of steam hit him.

  He took a moment to enjoy the seductive look of her naked body with steam billowing around her as she washed her hair. Moving fast, he slipped in behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She tensed for a moment.

  “It’s me, baby. Who else are you expecting?”

  She relaxed and patted his hand. “I was just deep in thought.”


  “Let me give you something more relaxing to think about.” He nuzzled her neck and kissed her shoulder.

  “Maybe later. I’m a little sore and tired.”

  Lie. He stilled, wondering what was going on with her, but he had more to learn about this woman and would give her the time she needed. “That’s absolutely fine. Let’s get done and order some food.”

  “Yum. Can’t wait.”

  Not the whole truth.

  He shook it off, determined not to be the grouchy shifter who snarled about everything.

  But when she moved out of his embrace and hurried out to dry off on her own, he had serious concerns that something was going on.

  Rushing through his shower, he was out, dried off and dressed by the time she finished drying her snowy locks.

  He lifted the in-room dining menu. If anything grabbed her attention, it was ordering food. “What do you want for dinner? Then we’ll watch a movie.” He didn’t want her to think he only wanted to be between her legs.

  Siofra meant more to him than a romp in the sack.

  He shouldn’t have let this happen, but in truth he didn’t know that he could have stopped it once they met.

  She said, “Whatever you decide for food is fine by me.”

  Closing the menu folder, he said, “What’s going on? I’ve never been involved with a woman beyond one night of sleeping together, but I like being with you and I want to do this right. Please don’t make me guess what’s going on in your mind and don’t hit me with ‘fine’ as your only answer.”

  Giving him a frosty glance, she said, “I told you I have a lot of things on my mind. Will Baatar get in touch with me before we have to leave? What will I do if he doesn’t? What will happen if he does? I have to be prepared for every possibility. I’ve never been in a true relationship either, but you aren’t looking for a mate and I can’t stay beyond giving your boss everything he’s requested.”

  Mine. He couldn’t stop that from playing through his mind and feeling it in his soul. He would never push her to do something she didn’t want, but ... she hadn’t said she would not mate.

  He’d have to wait until Baatar was safe and talk to her then. He’d tell her what she meant to him and explain that he had to fix the problem with his jaguar first, but he’d been wrong about not wanting a mate.

  Maybe once he had her brother safe ... shit, her brother had to go to the Guardian if he was the tiger shifter.

  There were so many hurdles that could block him from her.

  Siofra said, “Just give me some time right now, okay? That’s all I’m asking for.”

  He could do that, but it felt like she was pulling away and he didn’t care for the panic he felt at that possibility.

  He sucked at knowing what to say or do right now, b
ut he gave it a shot because she needed to be reassured. “Sure. I know being in this hotel room is confining. Just relax and I bet you have a message waiting when the store opens.”

  She smiled and nodded, but her eyes were bleeding sadness.


  Chapter 29

  How could Rory do this to her?

  Siofra had finished her shower and now sat on the sofa, reading a magazine. The same sofa Rory had given her the orgasm of her life against an hour ago and left her thinking maybe, just maybe, there could be more between them.

  After that, she’d obsessed about what she could say to Baatar to gain his support for her being with Rory. Her brother was a stubborn man, but he’d always been considerate and wanted to see her happy.

  With Rory, she’d felt something that she’d never allowed herself to embrace. Hope. The kind of hope that was far more than running away to be free, but instead, standing and having something forever.

  Then Rory went and ruined everything.

  She’d started the water for her shower and had eased the door open to whisper something sexy at him ... when she heard him talking to someone about Baatar.

  Rory had not told her that his boss was hunting a man thought to be a tiger shifter, but something she’d said had obviously convinced Rory that Baatar could be that person.

  She’d listened until she couldn’t any more.

  He’d been talking to someone on his phone and said, “I think Baatar could be the tiger shifter my boss is hunting. If he is, we have to bring him in.”

  She’d been so shocked, she pulled the door shut and slumped to the floor, heart hurting. She’d trusted Rory with Baatar’s secrets and he’d betrayed her trust by sharing that information not even half an hour later.

  We have to bring him in.

  Rory’s words kept playing through her head. He intended to capture Baatar, the man she considered a brother.

  Not while she had Baatar’s back.

  Rory had been staying away from her since they’d showered, which was easier in this large room with a sitting area, but still hard in a confined space. He’d had sports on the television for a bit, but when a knock sounded at the door, he turned it off.

  He’d said nothing to her about the phone call, so he clearly intended to keep whatever his people were doing secret from her. She could understand their need to shield information, just as she’d had to do for survival, especially once she’d escaped.

  But Rory knew how important it was for her to find her brother and ensure his freedom. She’d trusted Rory more than her brother and shared the one thing Baatar had said not to—that people expected him to shift into a tiger.

  She’d never forgive herself for lowering her guard, but in her defense, she thought she’d finally found someone she could trust with all her secrets.

  She considered confronting Rory, but hesitated when she had no idea how he would react. Would he take her back to his headquarters while his people hunted Baatar?

  Not happening.

  “Would you please put your hat on?” he asked, being so polite it made her teeth ache. She missed the natural Rory, but then again she’d been the one to push him as far away as she could.

  She grabbed her hat and shoved her hair under it.

  The door opened and a man chatted with Rory about where he wanted the meal. Next, the hotel server wheeled the cart through the room and placed covered food on the coffee table next to her.

  Before the man left, she looked over her shoulder and said, “Thank you.”

  “Very welcome.”

  More conversation at the door, then it shut and everything turned deadly quiet again.

  She was no good at being angry.

  She’d never held a grudge or spent time avoiding people. If she had an issue at a camp, she tried to solve it so that everyone could get along. But those people had been captives like her who needed any friend they could find. They sometimes stole from each other, but that was easier to forgive since she’d never had anything she wouldn’t give away.

  Nothing had ever mattered more to her than freedom.

  If Rory and his people captured Baatar, she’d lose her last hope for freedom. She could no longer trust Rory’s group, not when they’d kept things from her.

  Rory lifted a lid on a lobster dish that smelled incredible. He’d enjoyed watching her indulge in new food.

  She could be angry and still eat. Sitting up, she took the plate he offered. “Thank you.”

  He muttered, “I’ve been demoted to service staff.”

  “You don’t like me to be polite?” she asked and stared at her food to avoid looking at the hurt in his face. This was not her fault, dammit.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he said, sitting down in a chair across from her to eat his meal.

  Should she ask what he meant or ignore his comment? She picked at her lobster and finally gave up. “What doesn’t matter?”

  He finished chewing his food, took a drink of water and swallowed, then looked over at her. “You said you weren’t staying. I just hadn’t expected you to pull all the way back this way before we had to part.”

  How was it she felt like a jerk when he had betrayed her? But if she told him the truth, he’d screw up her plans. Instead she said, “We agreed this would be temporary.”

  Her heart hurt just saying that, but she wouldn’t stay with a man she couldn’t trust. Rory had kept his emotions bound up so tightly at first, that she regretted seeing the end of his opening up. He’d been so happy these past two days, and she had a feeling he’d never really been happy before.

  Knowing she’d been the reason weighed on her now.

  Her head hurt from trying to do the right thing.

  Her first promise had been to Baatar. Rory had known that from the start of this trip. She hadn’t changed her position, but he had, and intended to grab Baatar.

  Taking a sip of her water, she put the glass down. “I’m sorry if I’ve misled you. That wasn’t my intention.”

  “No problem. We all have a job to do and I’ll do mine.”

  Hearing him confirm that he intended to do what his boss expected was all she needed to brush away her doubts. “Great. I would expect no less.”

  They finished eating during the brittle silence. Lobster had been her new favorite food until now. It sat like a rock in her stomach.

  She’d gone through both magazines she’d found in the hotel room while Rory observed her, because she needed it to appear that she’d read everything available.

  Once he’d called the hotel staff to remove the dishes and they were alone again, she got up, searching the room.

  Being a cat, that was all it took to pique his curiosity. “What are you looking for?”

  “Nothing,” she mumbled.

  “That’s a lot of effort for nothing.”

  Giving him an exasperated sigh, she said, “I want more magazines. I’ve read everything and I’m trying to not inconvenience you, but I know you don’t want me to leave the room.”

  He stood up and walked over to her.

  She didn’t move, unsure what he was going to do.

  “Dammit,” he murmured and pulled her against him. “All you have to do is ask me for anything and I’ll do my best to give you what you want.”

  Her arms went around him as if that was their most natural position and her gaze got watery. “I know.” She had a thousand more words to say, but if that dam broke loose she’d slip up and tell him how badly he’d hurt her with one phone call.

  Giving her a tight hug, he released her and headed for the door, but turned back. “What do you want?”

  “Anything on this northeastern area. It’s really fascinating about life on the coast and in the cold up here.”

  “I’ll find it and be back in a few minutes. Bolt the door behind me and please don’t leave.”

  She walked over to him. “Where would I go?”

  The expression on his face hid his thoughts from her. “That’s what I worry

  He stepped out and she set the deadbolt then heard him say, “Good girl.”

  She dropped her forehead against the door and sniffled. Everything about this was killing her, but now was not the time to cry.

  Standing up, she hurried to the hotel phone and used the number she’d memorized.

  When a woman on the other end said, “You found me,” Siofra asked, “Is this Scarlett?”

  “Yes. Siofra? Are you okay?”

  No, she was not okay. Her heart had broken and her insides were shredding, but she said, “I’m fine, but I have a problem.”

  “What is it?”

  “I need you to get me out of here.”

  Chapter 30

  Rory held Siofra as she slept and wondered how long he’d be able to do this. He hadn’t been able to break through her distant attitude until they went to bed, then she turned to him with a desperate look in her eyes.

  One touch and everything keeping them apart went up in flames.

  If sex was all she’d give him right now, he’d take it just to be close to her and allow her the time she needed to sort through whatever bothered her.

  But he needed more than that from her.

  He’d been alone a long time. Now, he didn’t want to live alone and without her with him.

  Pulling her closer, he hugged her back to his chest, loving the feel of her in his arms.

  She mumbled something in gerbil language, making him smile. No one had ever pulled a smile from him the way she could with a look, a word or a laugh. She brought light into his dark existence.

  Ferrell had never been this content.

  Rory brushed his hand over her white hair. The one benefit of her pushing him away yesterday was that it had forced him to spend time thinking everything through.

  Yes, she was a Cadell. Had to be with that tattoo and being raised in those camps. Sadly, it confirmed what the Guardian had first believed about her.

  Her brother might be a Gallize shifter or he might only be someone with an uncontrollable power. They’d cross that bridge once Rory got a chance to meet the guy.

  He’d need Siofra’s help convincing Baatar to at least meet his boss, but Rory couldn’t imagine someone in Baatar’s physical misery not welcoming help.


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