Stalking His Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters

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Stalking His Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters Page 34

by Dianna Love

  Tears spilled from her eyes.

  His jaguar had settled down and Rory could feel his animal purring.

  She might deserve better than a surly jaguar shifter, but Rory wanted a chance to show her he could be a loving mate.

  He wanted everything with her.

  “You still want me even though I screwed up?”

  “Are you kidding?” he whispered. “I’ve screwed up almost everything for half of my life. Baby, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and my jaguar.”

  Her throat moved with a hard swallow. She held back her tears and pointed out, “You don’t want children, but I do.”

  Giving her a wobbly smile, he said, “That’s another thing. I want them, but only with you. I know you can’t have any. We’ll adopt. Nothing will stop us from having a family.”

  Now the tears poured. “I love you, too, Rory, but I am a Cadell. We both know it now.”

  “Does it bother you that I’m a Gallize?” he asked with a load of worry. Could that be a deal breaker for her?

  “No, of course not. I’m the one with the bad blood. Scarlett told me the truth about them. They’re horrible people and I was born one.”

  He wondered how Scarlett knew so much about the Cadells, but that question was for another day. Right now, he needed Siofra to know just how he felt. “Your blood is beautiful. You’re not like the Cadells who have tried to extinguish us for generations. Plus, you’re now our new secret weapon who can coach us on what they do. You’re not less, but so much more. Your energy is powerful enough to bond with mine and I’m not sure the run-of-the-mill Cadell could even do that. I want you forever, Siofra. Will you accept me as your mate?”

  She finally raised her watery gaze to his, gripped the hands he held out to her, and stepped up to him. “Yes. I accept you as my mate.”

  Power spun up between the two of them and shot out from where they stood. Bright light flooded overhead, exploded and sparkled down around them.

  Rory could feel her energy bind to his and flood his body in a way unlike his Gallize power alone, even more powerfully than when he’d joined fully with Ferrell.

  Her face glowed and she gasped. “That was incredible.”

  She’d taken his energy in to bind with hers. She leaned up and kissed him. This was no mere happy kiss, but one of a forever union.

  The kiss continued until the sound of cheering broke through.

  Rory recalled cheering for Cole when he’d witnessed Cole and Tess bonding, but he’d had no idea just how magical it had been for two souls to unite as one.

  Baatar strode up. “Siofra? Are you sure?”

  “Very. I love Rory.”

  Grumbling a moment, Baatar sent Rory a menacing look and warned, “You had better never hurt her.”

  Siofra glowered at him. “Way to ruin a great moment. Go away, brother, or I will make you regret those words. Go stand with your other brothers.”

  Baatar scowled harder and stomped away.

  Turning back to Rory, Siofra said, “Did you mean it about the children?”

  Now Rory groused, “Do you think I’d lie to you, especially about that? I know you think you’re infertile, but we’re bonded now. That might make a difference. I’m ready to prove everyone wrong,” he said in a husky voice. “In fact, we can start working on making a baby as soon as we get alone.”

  Nibbling on her lip, she whispered, “Too late. We might have one on the way.”

  “Really?” Then he squinted at her and noticed what he’d missed earlier.. “Your eyes changed colors.”

  “Yes,” she squeaked. “Sure you aren’t angry?”

  “Hell no! I’m amazed and in the best way. Wait, did our bonding hurt the baby?”

  “No. It’s hard to explain, but I can feel the bubble of a small new life energy inside me.” Her eyes overflowed again. “I never felt that the other times. No guarantees, but I hope this one survives.”

  “I hope so, too. Best fucking Friday ever.” He lifted her and kissed her again, then turned to his brothers, which now included Baatar. “Meet my new mate, Siofra.”

  They applauded and yelled again.

  Baatar stood off to the side, arms crossed, undecided.

  Then Rory added, “Oh, and we’re expecting.”

  “No shit?” Justin shouted. Then he groaned. “I’m gonna catch hell from Eli. I want time off, boss.”

  The Guardian wore a grand smile. “You will have time to catch up, Justin.”

  All that chatter brought Baatar out of his stormy mood. He unfolded his arms and started for them.

  Scarlett came rushing up to Siofra. “Are you sure you want to do this, because I could help you?”

  Rory’s arm tightened around Siofra, who laughed and told Scarlett, “This is exactly what I want, more than anything. He is the father I want for my children.”

  Baatar stepped up and ordered Scarlett, “Leave sister alone. Do not ruin special moment.”

  Siofra rolled her eyes.

  Scarlett wheeled around on him. “Don’t try to tell me what to do, tiger. I’ve been a shifter longer than you, so you don’t scare me.”

  Rory complained, “If you two aren’t going to congratulate us, then please move on.”

  Baatar dismissed Scarlett and hugged Siofra. He told her, “I will make best uncle ever.” He looked over at Rory. “You had better be best father ever.”

  Siofra said, “Stop threatening my mate.”

  Rory laughed. When she gave him an arched eyebrow, he said, “Never thought I’d be so happy to be mated. Baatar just needs some time to acclimate to all of us.”

  The Guardian walked up and everyone backed away from Rory and Siofra as if an invisible arm had pushed them a few steps.

  Baatar gave the Guardian a wide berth.

  Yep, that tiger shifter had a few things to learn about the Gallize and their boss.

  Addressing Siofra first, the Guardian said, “I have observed many unions over the years. Your power is quite special.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. I’m just glad it was strong enough to bond with Rory and happy you all seem to be accepting.”

  Gifting her with a smile that could belong to a doting father, the boss said, “There is no doubt you were powerful enough. I believe you just may be a Gallize female.”

  A hush fell over the crowd.

  Rory swallowed. “Truly, Guardian?”

  “It is possible. That explosion of power between the two of you was as genuine as any I’ve seen. We don’t know who her mother was, but we may find out.” Speaking to them both, he said, “Knowing that you are mated and expecting a child are the greatest gifts I could wish for two people who love each other. Welcome to the Gallize family, Siofra.”

  Chapter 47

  Scarlett headed to the bounty hunters’ Hummer, which she’d take back to the Mercedes sedan she hoped was still there.

  So Rory and his friends were Gallize, enemies of the Cadells. This whole trip had produced lots of significant intel.

  She must have gained a new level of respect. The Guardian, aka the powerful eagle shifter, had shared his title and invited her back to become acquainted with all of the Gallize in the southeast.

  He wanted to introduce her as being an ally of the Gallize.

  That new status would come in handy with the cases she took on.

  But right now, she needed to get to the phone she hadn’t brought with her for fear of it being taken or damaged. When Rory said it was his best Friday ever, she’d panicked a little. She never went more than a day without checking at midnight eastern time for a particular message, and prayed she’d find none tonight.


  She stopped at the arrogantly spoken word, when she should ignore the irritating tiger shifter. Turning around, she crossed her arms and upped her don’t-fuck-with-me look in case her negative body pose didn’t get through his thick head.

  Wild dark hair fell around his head and his face sported a dark beard. If she didn’t
know him to be an asshole, she might think he was sexy.

  She’d met plenty of sexy jerks in her time. “You? Is that how you address everyone?”

  He came to a stop too close. The man had no sense of personal space. “No.”

  “Really? Why did you use it with me?”

  “Because you are you.” After dropping that illogical nonsense on her, he changed the topic. “Sister says you help her.”


  “She said you help us.”

  “Yep.” She could have said she only did her part and that everyone had to step up to win today. She could have even said he had fought well.

  But she didn’t.

  Jerks didn’t need any additional ego stroking. They did the backstroke better than any Olympian.

  “I owe debt. Tell me what to do. I pay debt.”

  He felt beholden to her? Oh, this was rich.

  She considered the things she could make him do like paint her toenails or wash her clothes ... but in truth that would be a poor way to accept his offer.

  Acting like a bitch would only lower her to his level.

  She didn’t like to give a jerk the benefit of the doubt, but this one was Siofra’s brother and Scarlett was now an ally of the Gallize. She knew where to find him.

  Also, nothing better than an open-ended IOU in her pocket.

  He waited silently.

  Running a hand through her hair, she said, “I’ll keep that in mind and let you know if there’s anything you can do for me.”

  His eyes darkened and his mouth curved into a wolfish smile.

  Her body reacted to the hungry ogle.

  Damn tiger and stupid body getting aroused over him.

  Then he sucked in a breath and his nostrils flared. The bastard knew the effect he’d had on her.

  She’d nip this right now. “On second thought, don’t hold your breath waiting to hear from me. If our lives never cross paths again, mine will be better for it.”

  She left him with his mouth open. Confused him, did she?


  By the time he figured that out, she’d be gone. Her achy body could just calm the hell down. Nothing would ever convince her to trust a damned tiger shifter.

  Not again.

  Chapter 48

  Three days later in Virginia

  Siofra held her hand out the open window of Rory’s Expedition as he drove them through gorgeous Virginia country. Air flowed through her fingers. Rory kept the windows down when it was pretty like today, because he understood how she couldn’t get enough fresh air.

  It smelled of freedom and happiness. She took in everything on the drive and mused, “Richmond is beautiful. Do you miss it?”


  Rory would be a work in progress, same as she was. He did his best to open up, but the trip to his hometown had been her idea.

  She could tell he didn’t want to go, but he’d do anything for her as she would for him. What she hoped to do for him this afternoon was bring closure so he could heal parts neither Siofra nor his jaguar could heal for him.

  Chilly air rushed across her neck. Not from the open window and not the normal kind. Siofra glanced around.

  The female ghost she could never speak to, who had appeared in the bounty hunter’s cage, now rode with them, cross-legged in the backseat. Same jeans and Live. Love. Laugh. T-shirt on. Her hair band had not changed, nor had her bare feet

  Siofra had explained to Rory about seeing ghosts and sometimes communicating with them. Instead of looking at her as if she were crazy, as she’d feared, he’d called it a gift and thought it was cool. He said it made her even more special. But she hadn’t mentioned the ones that hung around regularly like this one, and she didn’t want to bring it up now. Rory had plenty to think about right now without alerting him to unexpected company.

  For the first time, two things happened that shocked Siofra. The translucent woman smiled, and she spoke in Siofra’s head.

  I felt your power, Siofra, when you joined with your mate.

  Siofra glanced at Rory to be sure he hadn’t noticed anything, but he was deep in his own mind, wrestling with painful memories.

  Siofra tried communicating with the woman mentally. Why have you never spoken before now?

  I did, but you couldn’t hear me. Your Cadell energy interfered, but your Gallize power has now risen to the surface and is dominant.

  Siofra considered that this woman knew so much about her and asked, Who are you?

  I’m your mother.

  Hot tears hit Siofra’s eyes, and she blinked hard, taking a few breaths to fight them back. She flashed back to this woman rocking an invisible baby in the cage at the auction, then pointing at Siofra. Well, duh. No wonder this ghost had seemed so frustrated. She’d been trying to tell Siofra even then.

  Siofra’s head swirled with questions, but one popped out. That means you have to be Gallize, right? But why did you ever get involved with a Cadell?

  I did not know I carried Gallize blood when I joined with your father. My father pushed me on him to get rid of me and I was so young I did as I was told. Your father gave our first born, my son, to the Cadells while I was pregnant with you. I never let him near my body again.

  You didn’t want me?

  Of course I wanted you, her mother quickly said. I did not want him to give another child to the Cadells. He was excited about a female. At that point, I realized it was for all the wrong reasons.

  Siofra realized something. You didn’t abandon me, did you?

  No. I tried to run with you. He found me and ... beat me badly. I didn’t recover.

  That miserable dog.

  Rory turned to her. “What’s wrong? I can feel that you’re upset.”

  Life with a shifter would make keeping secrets tough. Siofra wanted to share all her secrets with Rory, but she’d spent the last three days getting him to Virginia. She would have plenty of time to share this with him.

  She smiled and drew a calming breath. “I’m not upset, honey, just excited about our future and still anxious about the baby.”

  He gifted her with one of his smiles and pulled her close enough to kiss her without losing sight of the road.

  She patted his arm and he went back to driving and frowning again.

  I must leave, Siofra, her mother said.

  Why? Siofra was careful to keep her breathing even and not alert Rory again.

  Over the years, I would force myself to take some form when I could so I could find you. I have fought against going to the light for too long. I did not want to leave you alone, but you are safe now. More than that, you are powerful and have a good man. I am proud of you.

  Siofra fought the tears that wanted to roll. Rory was too close to their destination. Smiling when her heart broke for the woman who had loved her, Siofra said, Thank you for being my mother, my personal guardian, and for giving me life. I will miss you.

  It was my honor. I will miss you, too, but your baby girl will have my light blue eyes.

  Siofra almost gasped and silently asked, My baby will live for sure?


  What is your first name? Siofra asked as her mother’s image began to become more see-through.

  Devany. I must go. I will always love you, my baby girl.

  It took everything she had to not react. As Siofra watched, her mother faded until a tiny light sparked and vanished. Her heart broke a little.

  Rory looked around. “Did you feel anything?”

  “Like what?” Siofra asked, concerned that he’d freak out. She needed time to process this for herself and could wait until after this trip.

  “Ah, it was nothing. Forget I asked.”

  Happy to do that, she sat back and thought on all the times she’d wondered about her mother. She mulled over the times she’d seen her mother’s ghost and smiled to herself.

  Then she sat up and kept watch. They were close to their destination. Time would come soon for her to share with him about her m
other and that she had a name for their little girl. Devany. Once Siofra had a chance to tell him all about her mother’s spirit and this meeting, and he knew where the name came from, she had no doubt her mate would be thrilled.

  Her heart felt lighter. That’s what closure should do for a person. She felt giddy with the knowledge their child would live, because she believed her mother. The baby had already lived for three days, longer than any of the Cadell attempts.

  She hoped she was right in pushing Rory to find his own closure, because he was turning into the cemetery where his brother had been buried. Rory had not made it to the funeral and still felt guilty for not being there for his kid brother.

  Once they parked, he took her hand and led her around as he searched for the marker.

  When they found it, she noted, “Fresh flowers. Someone else has been here.”

  Rory’s voice was thick with emotion. “My mom probably.”

  She wanted to make this easy for him, but buried feelings of guilt were never easy. “Tell me about Tyler.”

  “He was a good student, strong athlete and out to save the world.”

  “Sounds like someone you’d want for a brother or son.”

  Rory didn’t reply at first, then said, “He was the best of us three boys. I had issues. I didn’t realize until later they were early warnings of what Baatar ended up dealing with, but that doesn’t excuse letting Tyler and my family down.”

  If she could not get Rory to forgive himself, this wound would stay with him forever.

  While she struggled with a new question to move the conversation in the right direction, she felt energy form next to her in a chilly cloud.

  A young man who favored Rory stood there. Could that be his brother?

  He looked barely twenty. His gaze moved to Siofra. He asked, Can you hear me?


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